Salvage Body, Mind, & hOMe.

Part of the attraction to downsizing a home is the chance to spend more time on taking care of our body instead of our house. Body maintenance is the most important thing you can pay attention to as you focus on the quality of life instead of the quantity of things you can gather during life. (See the video by clicking above)

Sometimes it is hard to see through the fog, through the illusions that keep us underground.
We must keep our vessel in shape, clay, water, and 99% microbes, inside the gelatinous shell we call our body. Is that who you are or the vehicle you drive for a lifetime on Earth.
Who would have thought it would be so fun to get to my 60’s. Join me?
Pausing to consider, to breath, to savour the moments…

Salvage Mind, Body, and Home in ways few can imagine but You! Do it, not just talk about wanting to. Be what you dream of in the morning.
