How using salvaged lumber can lead to healthier lifestyles, futures, & solutions.

Some will be stunned at the value of salvaged lumber in dollars, but its contribution to healthy living is far greater for you and the world.


MAY 25, 2024

This is a response to a conversation about using salvaged lumber to build with. It leads to other essential things most people are unaware of or consider, but it should be both. Are you keeping up with the changing times, researching about staying youthful, and living the healthiest version of yourself for your lifetime?

I have 2×8 in LLP, but it is structural grade, has no knots bigger than a thumbnail, and has 10-16 growth lines per inch. As for value, in retail, what you have is likely $5 a board foot or more if burled treasure. I can do better but Wii would need to see what you need first.

What will your door-to-opportunity look like? What is under the old paint that makes it seem worthless and undeserving of special attention makes you unique, and once the facade is removed, the beauty of your door to opportunity can be seen by others?
What will your door-to-opportunity look like? What is under the old paint that makes it seem worthless and undeserving of special attention makes you unique, and once the facade is removed, the beauty of your door to opportunity can be seen by others? Savor the day you can salvage the best hidden beneath the paint of your age, traumas, and experience. The dings & dents, the scars from how you got here, make us memorable, incredibly unique, and beautiful once fully seen and understood.

Savor the perspicuity that comes with cleaning off the debris that covers up who you are by being real, truthful, and unafraid of the light upon your skin.

Brad W. Kittel

Tiny Texas Houses Newsletter

Curly Pine or Burly Pine, neither species but an extremely Rare cut of Tree Flesh. See Why so Desired?

Burled pine, I have sold for as much as $42 a square foot, but that is a special buyer. Others would call that crazy, but it is $75 per sf in Florida.
The longer the length past 16 ft, the better the value as a premium, over 20′ is special but also a pain to stock and move.

I mothballed my business and warehouses 8 years ago. Time goes too fast, and I hope still that some honest younger people will show up to take on the bear I have in hibernation, about 1 million board feet of LLP and thousands of doors and windows I had hoped to see turn into houses when the need, ingenuity, and respect for salvage building comes back to our society. It requires great necessity to create unlimited demand for positive changes.

This downsizing of America will come soon, and imports will not be an option. Energy will force people to conserve and also use vintage glass, lumber, doors, windows, and more that they can not find in vinyl that destroys the endocrine systems through ingestion as it outgases to mimic estrogen in our system, a problem, like Atrazine that creates affectations in sexuality displayed by 32 species of now hermaphrodite fish.

I sometimes get distracted by my passion for building with salvage. Kudos for you doing so. I used a large stash of shorter tongue-and-groove 2×6 for walls. It will be fun to build with, too, since I used it for building loft floors and walls to save cubic space in my Tiny Texas Houses.

I do not have the 2×8 easily accessible, and it would be wise to visit to view the possibilities. Let me know when you can come. I have a BnB with houses to stay in, as the two locations have over 100,000 sf of materials under the roof plus what is outside.
Sell some and make some money on the side or barter that way for more instead if you know anyone that is building naturally instead of with shitrock and plastics, formaldehyde, and plasticizers for inhaling as additives that few consider as they age poorly instead of into our primes at 66-78.

No one ever told me when I was young and only through building tiny and natural, living it to test the effects, I can now demonstrate by exemplification the benefits such things as wood floors like you are making, wood as a cellular tissue that is charged to keep you healthy, and the many benefits of limiting the AC electricity in your sleeping spaces.

It truly is a miraculous effect more people should benefit from. Still, trying to teach that to a world that follows TV advertising and believes marketing has a link to science or facts, they are ignorant suckers who will be taken advantage of but not know it, even when the consequences show up in their lives.

Living the words, one speaks or writes to taste their true validity and prove the results, not just selling the hopium and dream sauce on the internet and TV. The test is in what the speaker is selling at the end of a video, for it seems that is the motive for most health secrets I see pop up.

You did not ask for so much, but I used it as inspiration for my daily essay on the state of the worldview. Perspicuity rules my days at this great age of 68.
I will likely post this on my site with some modifications.

I hope more will take your interest and action to use vintage materials to build our future once the old systems are thoroughly exposed and deservedly broken from the weight of Truth and Consequences finally becoming clear. This is apparent through the cancer and tumors that will manifest this year. The spike protein is on its way to doing the work it was created for. It opened the door to turbo cancer. Need I say more?

Natural living, grounding, and being healthy this year will become a loud call. The control groups, self-proclaimed and punished for it, hold the key to fertility, the path of longevity, and the hope for the next generations to get it right the next time.
First, Wii has to see it break down to realize the consequences are worth the effort to do the work, inside and out, to make the world healthier for our loved ones and offspring so that we can rebuild it into paradise someday. I dream of helping create.
Till Humpty Dumpty hits the ground, no solutions will be found.

Let me know when you can visit.

What happens when genes get flipped on or off due to energies beyond human control?

Radioactive means to radiate or be activated by radiated energy from a source near or afar, but few understand how microwaves, 5G, and the sun emit radiation, yes, radiating us all.


MAY 12, 2024

On the other hand, Wii, the Beings that understand how to use our energy, radiate to others the electromagnetic forces that wii creates through our thoughts and acts. Love or hate are different degrees of quality and emission characteristics that people have defined. It is easy to understand sharing love as a positive energy through touch, a look, words, music, and art in many forms. Likewise, hateful, hurtful, intentionally demeaning, or debilitating tones and language reflect hate or vile intent that can cause harm to another human with or without human contact. Evidence of the positive or negative impacts of attitude on others, from teachers of children to the world’s leaders, their state of mind and heart, and their inner peace will ultimately impact all the other people they will associate with in a lifetime.

In 1977, a nightmare inspired Darby to begin writing again, vivid and vivid like so many times before, and then gone again. Would the dreams ever end? What would they lead to in a lifetime he would spend preparing to do what he said he would? Was it a dream?

Earth is presently being blasted with pure energy and frequencies, radiating at intense speeds of more than two million miles an hour that will impact our atmosphere, penetrate our shields from the radiation of the sun under normal conditions, and allow massive amounts of ions charged with energy, but also in a form that will bond and alter the other ions, molecules full of components that will reform into many additional particles, eventually become mass in forms that few understand manifest.

Yes, energy coming from the sun has a form and quality definable scientifically and mathematically; thus, analysis results in observable facts. Love and hate, acidity or alkalinity of all things, the charges of molecules being positive or negative is what makes all things work… biological or mechanical, technological or not. The world works on energy in the air, the earth, the water, fire, winds, and ultimately, the play of humans is insignificant compared to volcanoes and earthquakes. Want more examples of humanity being an excludable element in calculating what the weather will do or the movements of the lands? Soon, the energy transfer of the sun in 48 hours will dwarf all mankind has done in the last 1,000 years. Coastlines will be reformed, valleys wiped clean of civilization, and entire cities wiped out by tsunamis that return cyclically, centuries apart, even millennia, but always sure to return.

The Song of Salvage is a poem written and turned into a song to imagine a future when sustainable living becomes popular. Wii wondered if such a day would come and prepared for it. Adam had to leave this life early but left a song for you.

Here is the link to Adam Kittel’s version of a Song of Salvage, his only recorded song in his lifetime, a forever gift for Mii. As his father, I hope you listen and share how he put my poem and life’s work to music for me, solo and through amateur, one of the most valuable things I have.

The mud floods of the past are sure to recur, but most have no clue what I write about and think there must be a disconnect between them and Mii. I am the product of what I have learned and lived through experience most never earn. Is wisdom found through pain, loss, and experience in a life lived while staying free? Were you free to learn through trying many things, to see all one could be? What is the secret to a life where happiness is found and shared with others who know they came here to join? Some knew these times were coming when the signs would make it clear; some had chosen to be part of this very special time on Earth. If you believe in reincarnation, the Spirit lives through the hole between the matrix Wii see and the body that Wii hold. Our avatars are vessels for our lifetime here to form the future that can still become a Millennia of joy. A paradise is possible, but miracles are necessary for the changes many will soon see.

Your DNA is a great antenna tuned to hear and see the miracles of energy that create reality. What you are genetically is a matter for the mind to see and alter like a computer game to express the same energy. Will it be a positive, a contributor that has good to give? Or, a villain role that you may choose? In which case friend, will surely lose? I believe that the Truth wins out with a faith that sets Mii free from worrying or fretting about what will come to be. The coming changes bring so much that you can not see with the eyes or even cameras that show auroras, which will soon be the evidence for those who doubt the force of what will “Be.”

Please understand that the solar flares you finally see are merely babies compared to what is still in store for you. The sky will light, both day and night, with storms and more to see that will horrify as many die from the hail and worse to be the evidence of energy radiating from the sun, and the consequences of the education will be anything but fun. Prepared to face the torrents of both floods and fires alike? I pray you are for the worst by far; it is still months out of sight.

Blessings to your dreams and visions that cause you now to act and create safe communities where you can love and plan for attacks on your world of expectations for the future you once had. This will not get better in the years that are ahead as the catastrophic consequences of distraction will be fed, and the exploitation of the masses will happen to the end. Please unite and do not fight, as the path ahead is challenging, and unity is all that will keep us alive. Join and help each other as the storms and problems grow with the faith that some are meant to stay and some are meant to go. This is the cycle and the way that changes come so fast that the people who remember and survive have passed the test. That does not mean that good times as most consider them, are coming soon thanks to some great goons being taken down my friends, for the truth is most will suffer, by no exception, the elite, will also find they have been blind most of the coming events.

Was this a nightmare or a premonition Darby had when he started writing of these days and planning with what he had, a mind and body broken but determined to do what he promised Rubbles on that trip when he returned with Wibblry? How could a Book of Wibblry and Wub assist the world in the future when the simple rhymes would be spread worldwide with cartoons and the cute little Earth Worm that takes the message around and shares it with the people once the need for Unity is found? A World Union of Beings that shares the planet and the means to rebuild as so many who survive will learn, Wii can live in peace again and create a paradise that will cycle down and be wiped out again. Cycles last for ages, but all good things must end so that God can thus create anew and give us a place to spend these lives that are so magical, so challenging to spend incarnate where Wii fascinates us, time and time again.

Here is the link to Adam Kittel’s version of a Song of Salvage, his only recorded song in his lifetime, a forever gift for Mii. As his father, I hope you listen and share how he put my poem and life’s work to music for me, solo, and though amatueur, one of the most valuable things I have.

Thank you for participating in this holodeck where the matrix seems so real that you will think this is just in my head, but it is also now in you. The words, the thoughts, the images, each transfer like a seed to grow, and if I am successful, help us all to see that the future is in our hands and heads if you will Be the best human that possible as Wii makes history. Join as examples of what positive can do to help form a reality once this one is trashed for you. It must be broken to create what will come next, so celebrate. You are here to be the Light and guide the others to do right. I pray you make it to the day when the sun returns once the world is razed.

Here is a great link to a demonstration by three women over 49, a few kids, and myself taking down a giant house in 7 days and how it pays, all to a Johnny Cash tune with the words of my Song of Salvage poem laid over and many sound effects from the job too.

A link to the story of how Wibblry and Wub came to be through creating Tiny Texas Houses, and Salvage, Texas as an embassy for the story of Wibblry and Wub. and the challenge ahead to

Leap the Chasm at the Fringe of society, where imagination and actions free you to miracles. Be phenomenal, lead the way into a wonderful day.

Savor the dayz of opportunity and joy, for the greatest chance to start again is likely coming soon, so your preparation in your heart and head is genuinely due. Are you ready to make choices as so few may want to do that determine what comes next if the Truths I speak of come to you? If not, consider learning more about the sun and determine what is ahead. Be positive and true to the God that loves, not one that hates and feeds on evil as some choose to do. This is just for the satisfaction that our platform seeks. You pay to read.