Does Beauty require perfection or excellence… and is it a curse?

Here is a point that I wandered off on but should be considered in the world we look at now, with child trafficking and thus the value of a pretty face.
The response to the post on hair, and the comment on cutting it off so I could be pretty again. That brought this perspective some may not consider to mind. I have lived and seen what I speak of here…

In our youth we can be candy for the eyes, for the fantasy of the mind if beautiful, is life easier?

It’s your head and your face. If you want to grow it all to your knees ( and are ,lucky enough to be able), then go for it. Sad but true, people do tend to respond more positively to those considered very attractive, be they male or female. It’s weird, through little of our own doing, at least initially, we either get blessed with good looks or not. We can enhance or detract from what “fate” dealt us but cant take credit for the “gift”. Good points, of course. Would that we took less interest in physical appearance and more on quality of character. ☮

Darby for
Tiny Texas Houses: Is it important to focus on being pretty?

So many lose the quality of character being most important and looks simply a distraction that can delude the possessor more than those possessed by the desire for what they see, like eye candy, arm candy as it is called when old guys have young beautiful girlfriends as an example. Pity is, many think they are special and use their looks for money, greed, control, and gaining trust by taking advantage in so many ways. Good looks are not always a blessing but the curse that one has to deal with as ego will seek to take control as others flatter and say nice things in order to taste or own the candy they want and see, in the shallowest of ways. No one sees the intellect in beautiful people before they see and judge many things based on the cover of the book. Muriel Hemmingway is a great example of having survived where her sister did not.
Deeper but not better…

The best looking little girls face the highest chance of sexual abuse, as with little boys that is talked of so much less, the problem is the adults who can not deal with pretty without getting sexually aroused and follow their perverted fantasy. It is then that one understands the curse of being pretty in the wrong place at the wrong time and with the wrong people. Once understood in that light, darkness can fall on a pretty little girl’s or boy’s face and no one knows why which is so sad as I have known many, and thus in silence, the pretty kids cry.

Life is not what it appears for many, and the great color wrapper, what appears on the outside cover of the book does not tell the story of what is inside. Like advertising does not sell the truth but the desire to possess, people who try to look beautiful as their primary goal in life, to look great and use plastic surgery, makeup, jewelry, and clothes to make up for not being able to stand proud, naked, jewelry and clothes free, no big house or car to make one look important, just naked in a line of millions. Typically, like advertising, wig off, falsies gone, temporary teeth caps off, and makeup washed off, girdle left by the bed, and OMG what a morning can bring. But beauty put together for an hour before the date does not always look the same when piled up and washed off to a cloth, eyelashes on the sink, jewelry on the bedstand.

Get simply and live real. Tiny can be beautiful, simple can be the solution.


Oh boy… what a short meaningful one-night relationship requires is not so much trust in the obvious, but the powers of observation in dim light, with alcohol, and desire instead of a brain to recieve the signal with that fires up the candles of “LOVE” at the bars. Covid will at least curb that part of social decline I would hope… so that hook-ups… as I hear it called, to touch and hold the beauty seen online for a few minutes, then off to other shallow distractions. Sad society.
Can you stand proud and know all you need is within, not a phone, thing, or story with a title? Tiny Houses cause one to look within rather than out for contentment and happiness. To find the healthiest place in life one must have a healthy mind, heart, and body… or the turmoil of one will effect the others.

Get right on the inside, clean house, throw out the historical trash and blaming others to take responsibility, get past the illusions of beauty being the most important thing and focus on character, action, performance and intention. Thus will you find success and happiness, looking outward, not at a mirror and admiring self, but helping others instead. Looks don’t really matter then.

Darby Lettick

Ghostwriter for

Salvage, Texas

for reservation to stay… Tiny Texas Houses on Air BnB for Luling, Texas or call 210-324-0052 for Trinity to book groups, weddings, or private weekends.

If your Tiny House Dream came true, where would you put it?

Suppose you wanted to live off-grid in a sustainably built organic cottage under 400 SF in size, without the wheels of the mobile home/RV genre and intended to last for a lifetime instead of the prescribed 7-10 years for modern construction standards. Where would you put it?

How would you then have other like-minded homeowners, community members who also wanted to have a permaculture yard instead of grass with fertilizer and insecticides all about? It should be unlawful but much that you can not control is being sprayed without conscience for the wildlife that will pay for the continuity of appearances that is required in Homeowner Associations that adhere to the turn-in-your-neighbor advocates and rewards.

The Kidd is only 67 sf on the bottom floor, not a house by most standard but one most adored.

Where do you go to set down roots to grow veggies, raise chickens with a rooster, and also feed the birds, frogs, flowers, and preserve the last of the pollinators? Yes we are losing both the day and night which are often forgotten, moths that die below all the lights that would have spread seed and been Feed for other critters instead of broomed up in parking lots.

Society has cost nature most of its food and the cost is only being calculated in the loss of bugs, not in the consequences of that loss and most of you use unnecessary lighting on your porches, towns, malls, etc that lead to them dying while flying toward the Light.

They do not know it will be their doom… like many who follow religions as if the Light they offer will save them but indeed, it simply starves them and leaves them dead at the bottom of a pulpit to Light that is deadly instead of Life-giving. More lights are distracting and leading people and bugs to doom than ever… but the bugs at least are not in fear. The critters with no food, perhaps they fear their death, searching for food is stressful and deadly if you fail. Soon the same fate is in store for millions upon millions of Chinese suffering from floods, as well as so any other countries, Russia, India, but still to come… America and Mexico as the hurricanes line up for the busiest season ever known in America too.

Grasshoppers turn into locusts and to think our turn is not coming would be foolish too. Watch and see what crops survive the floods are then the focus of the pestilence, thus less food with more desperate people, critters, and thus… stress load on all go up, war the outcome throughout history. While ants plan and store for the winter and problems ahead, the grasshoppers eat, ignoring the need to prepare. Are you a grasshopper, waiting to turn into a locust and take food from all to survive? Are you an ant that will have been prepared with water, some food, life skills, and a community that will hold together in hard times instead of eat each other?

If you do not think of these philosophical and life-critical issues… now is the time to reconsider your priorities and become autodidactic before it is simply too late. No one will want to have what you will bring to a community when you arrive with nothing begging for a safe place and food yet do nothing in advance to prove you are worth helping instead of just being a taker, hater, and making fun of all the ants who see the waves, the volcanos, the weather a changing, the world-changing.

Sometimes you have to create the dreamscape you want to be your own matrix.

So why have I been trying to get people into tinier sustainable houses for the last decade and to have them build without imports, using salvaged materials and local training? Is that so hard to see as the rollover into a new age comes into clear view, irreversible though unrecognized as such by the Robin Hood investors who are about to take a financial bloodbath?

Sometimes we just need a little bit of help.

Who will survive, thrive, and live on once this thinning of the heard is over? First will be those who are ready to move fast, stay strong having readied in advance, and prepared. Are you in that group or waiting with hopes your government will save you from the hoards of stupid desperate people no longer wearing clean masks, flooding, food shortages and oh yea… no toilet paper to be found?

Loving being in a dreamscape that Wii get to create, savor, and share.

Only the Free.

Darby Lettick

I am half-way through a neverending dream… it seems…

Once upon a time an open field with nary a tree, 3′ of red clay on top of the ground, and a dream of ponds, caves, and giant rocks came into view.
So with such a view and needing something incredible to do for my 64th year on this planet so blue, I decided to dig till my vision came true. Isn’t that what you would do?
Along the way a few rocks I display as the product of hours of work, and the water is pure to be so much a cure for the world of great pains and deep aches.

I am Halfway into a dream that never ends, how far is that?
I have seen so many things that I have once thought of as fact.
I have wondered at the miracles that others spoke of in my life.
I have lived some and believe in them thus seldom feel strife.

Some wonder how this land could turn from desolate to fine.
How Rocks as big as this can lie so hidden, just to find?
How waters come to fill the holes, to make this One you see,
The sands now full of life, so green, the nutrients now free.

Fish and frogs, birds and dogs, kids all ages run and swim,
walking barefoot, grounding all ways, mud, clean air to breathe.
Treat your Vessel as God wanted, grow to be your best,
Come and visit Salvage, Texas where the proof is in the test.

Imagination with intention, your focus, and your will
combined with action to move forward ever higher still.
What can you do? I say to you, see what I’ve done this year.
If an old guy does this all alone, can’t others thus see clear?

Believe in You, the miracle that came from your mother’s womb.
Don’t let down all the generations once you’re in your tomb.
Give your life to making great phenomena appear!
Be the One exemplified by what you do while here.

Wii owe it to our Source of Light, our God of many names,
to use this time of transformation to set our Spirits free.
Unite in our Prosperity simplicity can bring.
Ground with our Earth in a rebirth that United Wii can sing.

Grow a garden, grow your food, imagination based on Truth.
Grow your children strong and smart, lifeskills leaning to the arts.
Grow your mind, self-education to become a global nation
of peaceful people freedom bound, with Truth and Honor…
Finally found!

Darby Lettick

Ghostwriter for

Salvage, Texas