Too many people never take action to reach their goals or dreams. Targets that they aim at in their dreaming for happiness few actually pursue. Creation takes action, not just “wishy words”!

Most people are not about to tackle building a big modern 2,500 square foot subdivision house by themselves. Contrarily, many are able to build a tiny organic cottage for themselves with no prior experience and simple directions through a seminar or two. It may take a few months of after work and weekends, but you could create your first tiny home yourself. Most say no way, for they have no skill or background, but that does not take into account… you can still learn. Why not? Does everyone under forty have to be Lifeskill handicapped to fit into their peer groups these days? Seems like the kids under 40 do not know how to do anything in construction, let alone build a house for themselves, yet a tiny house is not that hard to create and you do not need a college degree to do it.

If you want to learn how to create a home out of the salvage you might find or buy instead of all the common and often toxic big box store inventory imported from around the world, here is your chance. Stop building with generic-looking and commonplace imports, ugly building materials that outgas formaldehyde, plasticizers, vinyl outgassing endocrine disruptive compounds, and other things you should not breathe that come for free in the modern building materials. If you have a giant house you may have more air to dilute the chemicals in before breathing them, ingesting them to make a body out of, including possible cancers due to the carcinogenic nature of most outgassing chemicals. We are going to offer weekly short seminars for those who wish to take part of a day or two a week to learn how… hands-on… and then have the chance to buy the materials, get help and guidance on their build at their location to save the $15,000 it took to deliver the houses I built at Salvage, Texas.

Are you just wishing your life away and not taking action to transform your future into what you want it to be rather than what comes your way randomly? Do you dream of learning how to build a tiny house, a dog house, a chicken coop, or other things that your hands and mind are able to create? Why are you not pursuing that dream by taking classes or learning and then doing what you dream of rather than sitting idly by wishing for it to appear? I can reasonably assure you that wishing will seldom do the job that action is required for but if you can prove that to be untrue, please call me, show me, and teach me how to alter your future for the better without your participation.

While I can nearly guarantee you also that if you do nothing to better your life each day, chances are it will get worse over time, less fun for most, I can offer you an alternative that could even lead you to a new career if you wanted it. I do not think you can reach your best state of being without making an effort to stay in your best healthy physical condition through exercise, diet, breathing, and learning how to deflect or utilize stress beneficially instead of letting it hold you back and make you ill.

Why not shoot for the stars and become a star in the world of tiny houses by creating them for the many who want them? Start by building a tiny getaway for yourself then if you want to rent it out on BnB for an income on your land you are trying to put together while still working in the city. Learn by doing instead of later paying 5 times the cost to do what you would likely get great satisfaction out of by creating your first tiny master suite, Man Shack, or meditation zone.
We will be offering up classes on Wednesdays and Thursdays to teach those who wish to learn, limited to 6 people per class which will last for 4-5 hours each day. For some they can stay at the BnB in the back and try out houses for size to see which will fit them best and if they decide to buy materials at the special rate that goes with the classes, you could have the help to design, and instruction as needed with the phones to show, film, and share in order to help at a distance as if I was on site beside you when questions arise.

Yes, consultation, direction, hands-on experience learning how to put up the decorative tin, siding, wainscot, and the many aspects of building tiny houses and cottages from salvage instead of toxic box products that are imported from China. You can take a class on Wednesdays and Thursdays, stay in the BnB at a 50% discount and have time to ask questions, pick out some windows and doors or other things for your projects, and to learn how to build it yourself once you get some tools. We will also teach you which tools are most important to get, how to use them, and hopefully, how to create your dream home one day yourself too.

If you could do it and liked creating tiny houses, I have plenty of people around the USA that want them and we would refer them business, supply the materials, and you assemble them close to or where they are intended to end up when finished. I would love to see many small businesses creating Tiny organic cottages and houses, not own a giant corporation that does it. If I can get you and hundreds of others started and building locally, we can defeat many of the transport problems arising as fuel costs skyrocket and global shipping craters too. These are the times to plan for how you will thrive in the coming days.

One way is to make millions from the salvage at our fingertips, either salvaging the material, building with it, or finding and brokering it to the people who can take it down and use it. Finally, the value of wood is becoming obvious to the masse and especially the quality of older woods from trees a thousand years old when cut 200 years or more ago. NO need to let the giant corps control what we use to build with so they profit while so many treasures and woods from the past constructs get thrown into the landfills which we are running out of as well.

Stop the madness by becoming one of the walking talking, solution building answers that the world needs now. Become a salvage builder and create incredible House Art that will make you a good living and a reputation for helping others through the coming times by sharing your skills, your knowledge, and becoming an example of just how incredible women can be in the building industry, as well as kids getting out of foster care, high school, or in need of an occupation that will keep them in the money for a lifetime if their skills are good. Retail jobs are a thing of the past, much like restaurant jobs, unskilled jobs that robots can take away easily. Prepare yourself by making your knowledge and skill base more valuable.

What can you create on your own, as part of a team with tools, even supplied with the parts to build and sell, pay for parts and get more to do it again? Have you considered being anything but a wage slave for life by possibly starting a side gig building deluxe dog houses, chicken coops, or tiny playhouses, cottages, and even compounds of several houses that form a community? The demand for such talent far exceeds the supply of kids who are able or willing these days. Can you get into the entrepreneurial game by building tiny houses, creations out of salvaged woods that will help the world stretch its resources instead of waste the last of them without understanding what we are losing when the virgin forests are all cut down?

Become a part of the solutions we need worldwide by transforming what others think of as trash and waste into products for our future to be better for, richer for what it earns you, but also what it contributes to the betterment of the world’s Beings, two-legged, four-legged, finned, and winged, all need to be considered in the future of our plan for the planet. Please consider taking some of the courses we will be offering on Wednesday and Thursdays, and possibly on Sundays at Salvage Texas. They will run about $100 each and will include lectures, hands-on work time, and a chance to ask questions with a limited audience so you can learn what you need while here. 5 hours of the day and if you like, a big discount to stay in the Tiny Texas Houses on site so as to get a feel, sleep, dream, and know what you may want for your tiny future houses too.

For more information and getting a limited space slot, only 6 per seminar, contact [email protected]. They will begin on June 5th & 6th and last until the end of summer if we have the attendance to support them. The Sunday class option may be available too if the people are there to sign up as we will not do it unless at least three people sign up and no more than 6 per class so as to be able to get stuff done. If you choose to stay in the houses, the cost is radically reduced such that it is nearly free to come to the class.

We will do seminars on how to create showers with the metal roofing shingles, putting up wainscot on walls, decorative tin preparation and installation, ceiling installation, trim, doors, windows, glazing windows, and much more as the interest of the attendees becomes more clear, we will focus classes on the steps for building your tiny houses without hiring any other contractors, whether you want to build off or on grid, you will get the chance to learn how to do it. If you have more questions, please be sure to let us know. If this works, many may get to come one day, but for now, I hope to see a few who want to build tiny houses and cottages for others as I have to keep turning customers away and have no real healthy builders to send them too.

Most builders are out to build faster, cheaper, and buyer-beware of the product once you own it cause they are not liable or likely to cure your cancer or other health issues that can come from living in a toxic box on wheels as many have and are learning. The cost to the health of kids in tiny toxic houses will show up in a few years, already respiratory issues are rampant but hidden by the covid and other things people in tiny houses will not understand are potentially worse when living in tiny houses on wheels that do not have enough air inside for four people to breath if the windows are closed to heat or cool the space as there are seldom air exchangers to pump in the fresh air. Sad so many suffer and do not know where the migraines, stomach aches, and respiratory issues arise from, let alone the resulting ADHD from poor sleep, and like sleep apnea causing mental clarity issues, hypoxia is a poorly understood problem for that style of living, mostly ignored by doctors when trying to diagnose the causes.
So, become a tiny house pioneer by learning how to build one for yourself first, then if you like it, for others with our blessings and help. Let us know if you are interested and then if it is possible for you to become your own tiny houses builder, hero, and success.
Join me on the adventure that this life should be, full of fun, and passion-filled days as the world goes crazy outside of our own little bubbles of optimism and happiness that we create.