If you could get time, escape, be free to create… What does it take?
So many wait to seek their dreams fueled by unfulfilled passion and the feeling of having a divine mission in life. Few have the courage to take on their higher purpose due to fear of failure.

What are you seeking as you reach maturity, less burdened by the things, the peers, or the material world that once seemed as if it could bring happiness rather than distraction and possibly the anchors that hold you back later in life?

Overcoming the need to stay attached to the laurels of our past instead of creating a new and better life daily that will lead us to inner peace and, with it, an ever-greater spiritual power. Growing and moving higher into the realms of growth free of the weight of gold, fear, or loneliness amidst the crowds of masses that can not communicate.

Suppose you have sought the simpler life with gardens and critters to care for as your daily stressor. Chasing the weeds away or finding the foods growing all about to eat and have a more prosperous, healthier day can be a focus in life, rewarding in many ways. Our health in mind and body as Wii, the “I”s that come to see the actual value of the journey and what our part may be in creating a better world for others to see and know is possible one day. It takes examples and the couriers of knowledge, the stewards of past treasures, knowledge, materials, and skills to recreate the intentional villages some will seek to raise their children safely and protect their tribe.

What is the motivator that determines where and how you will live in these changing times? For a few, there is a chance to live inside the borders of Salvage, Texas, an embassy, and learn what can be done by creating examples for others to see. It is not intended to be a village full of people living like a city, but it is an example of the foundations one could use to build upon nature and people to share land and all flourish. It is a difficult balance for mankind, which tends to poison what it does not like, often even doing so in ignorance of the consequences of their acts. Bugs are good food for frogs, mosquitos, Dragonflies, and spiders. Know there is a balance that LED lighting can destroy without understanding the damage to the eyes of all beings caused by the Blue Lights humans think they have become accustomed to, not damaged by. Soon, the balance of life and work will take over, and when it does, this may be a path for you.

Several houses in Salvage, Texas, are for sale. They will transition into a new life after being a BnB. Some will be offered to people who wish to live here for a while, possibly a lifetime. Are you one who might fit in here for part of the years ahead and travel the world knowing all is safe when you are gone instead of wondering how to feed the chickens, cats, dogs, and other furry friends? Are you someone who might have savings and be interested in living in the country more than the city again? Please consider the possibilities if you are sane and can share the lands by having your house stay inside the safe perimeter that makes up Salvage, Texas. It is a chance to buy a home and not have to buy the land below it but share the ground and other parts by being part of the working community that helps make it all a fantasy life for a few.

This is not a subdivision with all things there to service the crippled minds and bodies that choose to move in and isolate themselves from neighbors or others for the rest of their TV-addicted, PHARMA-ridden lives. It is for the young at heart, minds abloom with ideas and plans for the best years of our life, mostly through social distancing from the crazies who are distracted and dying in an unhealthy, slow fashion by ignoring their bodies’ need for grounding, good food, exercise, and challenges daily that make you want to get up and “Get er done” cause its fun. Stop simply looking at our elder years as waiting to die and get out there with the proof that this is what wii waited for all of our lives, the prime time is our 60-70s if you live a healthy life.
Join us in celebrating life in a powerful nation where Wii can still live life free, and we hope to keep it so that it is the best place to live for all to see. Check out a few tiny houses that might get you started on creating the one you want to live in for the rest of your life. Suppose you buy one of the Tiny Texas Houses and live in Salvage, Texas. In that case, many other benefits follow, including the chance to create fantastic art or houses out of salvage and even take that knowledge on to different places by opening Pure Salvage Outposts so that this concept can grow.

Are you one of those who might invest in a tiny house that you could trade for the parts to create your home to live in or in other places where you could get a brand new start? Create your great community by being part of the tribe, making it possible to build and grow wherever you want to go. Imagine many communities where your talent for building will be valued as they see how you can transform what was trash into Art Houses they will come to see as works that function and can then be lived nearby for free.

Why not live in a way that helps teach the masses how to use the treasures by how you live, exemplifying how “Youthing leads to longevity with dignity” is possible? Be the example of what can be done if the elders get creative and have a bunch of fun building great new houses that will take care of everyone. Teach the many how to build and use the treasures within a guild of Salvage Miners, Builders, and more, house movers around the globe. In containers, or on boats, big land cruisers on the Aussie roads, there must be a path for the Salvagers to go when there are no imports, and they don’t want the toxic load of the new building materials that the corps try to unload.
Become a Free Bird if you can by joining us or buying in. Big returns will come your way, and hopefully, you will then find a way to share with others, build your downline, and create a future to help others unwind. Get out of the rat race, the Matrix, some would say, by doing what the others won’t to get away. Let us know if Wii can help with materials, a plan, or more if you support us. Wii can help more as they seek to find a door of opportunity that will bring them far more than the scammers and the scalpers that seem only to grow. Take control and see your light to guide you through the dark of night with dreams that will ignite with the sight of solutions you can be part of, exemplify what’s right so that others can see and can do, and finally win the fight. Success and thriving as the world changes can be done, but you must be willing to do the work, not just be distracted by the fun that the drugs and sad distractions use to derail everyone.

Let us know if you want to own a home in Salvage, Texas, as Wii choose the others who will share the next phase to help it grow. Never to be too big or have but a few dozen live here, the plan is more for some to travel while others care for the critters and the sphere as Wii travel round the world to learn and more so Wii can share the story of what’s possible once the people show they care. Be the action it takes to show and demonstrate that age and focus will finally prove that the best of life is not in the past but the future that Wii all create with our actions while Wii lasts. Join in forming an incredible new world apart from the one the UN unfurls and be part of the natural path to organic living, not transhuman wrath.

For more information, contact [email protected]
