The Retreat comes back to life after 8 years of dormancy during my sabbatical. Time to finish it!

Finally I have a person to finish this house for by making it adorably livable for a tiny lady in her 70s who will join us in Salvage, Texas for her final decades.

Yes, it has been a while since the operations were put into mothballs, and I went on my sabbatical from business life. Finally, I am inspired to move on and clear up the mess of my past life as a millionaire entrepreneur intent on leaving a great legacy for his son. That goal ended with his life in 2011, and soon after, I shut down the operations of building Tiny Texas Houses and let all the workers go on to their next workplace. I thought I was done being an employer for the next seven years. It has turned into more, and I have no desire to rerun a big business. Hence, the solution is to dissolve what is left: 100,000 sf of warehouses full of 500 tiny houses worth of materials awaiting assembly that may never happen.

This is a large version of a tiny house, a real house that will loophole around being taxed as a house and slip by as a portable building, thus reducing the liability for taxes by 75% during the owner’s lifetime. Furthermore, she can depreciate it by over ten years instead of 28 years and thus pay fewer taxes. Ultimately, the idea behind building homes with salvaged materials is to save costs on the environment by saving energy, not cutting down trees, and creating a home that will last a hundred years or more if cared for right. The new tiny mobile home class of structures that have been the predominant tiny houses on wheels is doomed to decay in ten years, lose nearly all value, and likely make the people who bought the new unhealthy and unwealthy by the time they finally move out of it and trash what is left.

Real wood and handblown glass saves the world the cost of creating new glass at 1,000 calories of heat per square inch to melt sand to form glass. Most of the metal for the hardware is not mined anew but was made a hundred years ago by kids who drug coal from mines while barefooted and stoked the furnaces that melted the metal to form the hardware long ago. This is the advantage of working with salvage: the savings of so much energy and trees, the longevity of new construction, and the beauty of natural building materials salvaged from a time of abundance and high quality. This produced the best of the houses offered during the 16-year-long Tiny Houses on Wheels fad that is crashing as resale values plummet for what is effectively an RV, not a home.

It’s not coffin lofts for me, but a place I can walk with my hat on freely and yet have the space count as storage, not living space, for the tax rolls. Yes, the loophole is in the average ceiling height, the lower wall being under 5’6”, and the stairs to it are thus allowed to break convention as there is no code on a tiny portable house.

Originally, I was putting in full AC electricity in the wall like modern homes, but with solar power, DC electricity is more of the future of home electric systems. Hence, I am no a fan of the wiring for AC that causes Electromagnetic Frequencies that pollute the home environment and cause fires, and it is not needed anymore to have a house operate with AC. Still, it is easier, so I do both in this house. My master suite, which is my home, does not have any AC electric to it, but for that matter, no electricity is wired in as I use DC batteries on the fan by my bed and need no other to be happy when I go home to rest.

Here is an example of the small version of the office area in the house for bills. I can move the doors that will form the wall back. These are just for displaying the layouts. Using doors for walls saves dramatically on dead space wasted inside walls, usually, as all space is valuable in a tiny house.

The upstairs area has two bedrooms and will have a balcony outside that extended window area. The far side is the master suite area, and there will likely be a half bath in the far corner. Closets, storage, a king-size bed possible, and a separate area as an office or second guest bedroom. This is a large upstairs compared to the houses that live on tires that rot and cost a grand to replace when you decide to move one day down the road. Rubber tires have a 5-year life; even if they are never run down the road, the rubber dries out and rots.

This is the bigger office area version with a smaller bathroom area. One of the options for laying out the house to suit the new owner as we make plans for her arrival and becoming one of the permanent residents in Salvage, Texas. This is intended to be a place Wii can live in till wii die… even in dementia or hospice level. Our goal is to show how this can be done to mix elders with the younger people to help raise the kids. Transfer, somehow download the wisdom of the elders into the kids of tomorrow through homeschooling and teaching the children how to question, think, and grow to be the most amazing people possible to lead others in the future when so many will be dumbed down by their smartphones and dependency on them for knowledge.

This will provide for a shower, sink, and commode and be set up so it is handicapped accessible in case the owner needs the handles and assistance later. It will be big enough for a helper if needed but not so big that getting around in it will be an issue if the owner is handicapped a bit by aging and time.

The kitchen will actually extend through the door to the pantry and secondary storage area for the kitchen. The porch will wrap around to the front of the house, adding over 200 square feet of living space screened in till tax man leaves, then glassed in for the hot and cold seasons but not have it count as living space for tax purposes… all legal.

Can you imagine the open porch on this end by the big door entrance and then a closed-in porch that you enter through a door to have an outdoor living area, extra guest bedroom area, or just a place to store more stuff? All together, this will give about 825 square feet of living areas heated and cooled if desired but only have 326 sf count as living space, thus getting it under the 400 sf to be valued at $400 an sf as high-houses built of the same quality but instead show up as a storage building valuation based on a value determined by what the appraisal district is told it is valued at though because it is a portable building, it is not considered attached to the real estate and thus saves the owner much in taxes each year, in this case, likely saving $3,000 a year in property tax, our Texas Income Tax.

I have all the materials to create 300 more houses like this in storage from when I had the business operating with 20 employees. I will never do that again after savoring the last few years without the stress of payroll, taxes, liability for employees, and the drama of having workers constantly trying to get over on me because I am the boss, the man who supposedly could afford all the employees who stole, cheated on time, and took time off without regard to the demand for timely completion of projects to get the draws to pay them. They really did not care how much Hell I had to go through to make payroll and keep the business going when they screwed off and put us behind schedule, drew, or just failed to build right the first time and therefore had to tear it apart and do it right to make me happy, but at my expense. I shut it down with no heir left to give this legacy, too. Mentoring kids was not working, as they all left as soon as they got the training to go off on their own. The days of apprenticeship and loyalty are past. Now, there is no loyalty or obligation to repay for what is taken, such as mentoring, which amounts to paying someone to learn how to do what I took years to learn these days, only to see the people leave once I have paid to train them and not yet gotten the work back from them to pay for my investment into their skills and future. Bullshit. So I quite.

I have lived in my Tantra Temple, the name of my home, for over eleven years now, and it has truly given me the best rest of my life. It is my peaceful master suite that I go to at night and seldom see during the day. My place to get away, no TV, office, or work on display, just peace and tranquility to dream in as I float on my hanging bed each night. Truly I have experienced it, attest to what it has done for me, and I do believe it will do the same for others who choose to build organic healthy houses that will last for lifetimes instead of the coffins full of poisons to breath in that some call tiny houses on wheels, or worse.

There are four houses left to complete. One will go to Trinity, another to become one of the houses to use for the BnB, or another person may move here. We are shutting down the BnB operations and looking to put people into the houses who want to help create the example of Salvage, Texas, to prove what can be done to recreate the world after others have trashed it. From an industrial waste dump to a paradise with beavers, otters, fish, and fowl, Salvage, Texas, is not to be matched for its potential to prove wii can create a village and a future from the best of our past by salvaging it and reusing it instead of toxic new imports and building materials that are also more expensive and will not last as long as the materials I am using to create houses that will be energy efficient from before you move in saving the cost of all the materials that would need to be created and cause pollution, transport, and marketing costs that do not need to be included in your home.

I hope you will like and follow us as Wii put the finishing touches on this great example of salvage building and then tows it out and positions it on one of the ponds with the front porch extended over the water edge and trees all about with birds, critters, and trees to share the rest of her time on Earth with. Truly, this is the best way to live. Still, few can or will here as Wii will keep the population in Salvage limited to perhaps 40-50 people on the 18 acres remaining that will hopefully become the Embassy for Pure Salvage Living that others can learn from and perhaps replicate in other places once the methodology is clear. This is a path to solutions the world needs, but the question is, do the people care about the world and environment to do what should be done, or will they stay in the disposable toxic housing mode as they have been trained to do?

As I hit 69 years old and face my 70s with the hope of being my best self yet, I hope you will share the path to healthy living, practice it if you still can, and reclaim your youthfulness into your

The 80s instead of aging out early. Wii have so much potential if wii takes action and does what needs to be done with passion and a positive mental attitude. Truly, that helps make the world an incredible place regardless of what is happening elsewhere. Savor the moments and create a future of your dreams by acting now to chase and catch the dreams you still hold in your heart and mind. It is never too late until you are dead.



Youthing requires a bit of effort, but moreso, belief in Being phenomenal.

Only those who truly believe they can achieve what few others do will succeed. You must break free from the limitations placed by those who can not see.


AUG 29, 2024

I will be sixty-nine in October. I have to get my 70 body formed this year. Savor the Youthing, for it truly means you can live another lifetime after 60.

Sit and think about the moment you are in, passing through, and where you might have been, then decide where you may go if balanced and in the know. lol

Jesse Hal

I turned 51 this October


I am scheduled to be on the show in September my friends, live. Please check out Jesse’s stie, the Missing Link on Rumble and Youtube if they have not censored us.

Then you are into the times of maturation that are unknowable before Wii fully wire the frontal lobes, accelerating after 49, you understand the difference by now.


If you are not following Denis Noble, It is how Wii choose to express ourselves as spirit in body that determines what form Wii materials to be the Mii, the “I”s you see and the one that is truly Mii inside, a complex of personas for different applications in social intercourse. Perspicuity is the key to what you will see when the opportunity to do so comes along. Truly genius is mastering the potential and keeping the mind open to the future and the unknown. Our genetics are just the options Wii can use and choose from to manifest the body, the vessel that gives us life and cognizance, our avatar that lets our Spirit interact in this holographic world that most believe it reality and do not see that all things are made from frequency.

Truly, the world of matter, energy, and things is a fascinating story that not all choose to believe. It is our belief systems that determine our future, our risks, and the life Wii choose to live based on what we believe the purpose of it is. Who teaches us the purpose of our lives? Can anyone know what our fate will be from the time Wii are born to the time that Wii leave? That is the ultimate question one must answer to believe in destiny.

For most humans, the identity with the body versus the Spirit that occupies and uses this avatar to communicate with is too much to grasp due to religious upbringing or the lack of study in these metaphysical realms. There have been decades of progress in science and instruments to find that there are forces behind what was considered Woo Woo by Einstein. Once Wii understand the existence of the aether and realms outside the physical body or this dimension is possible and provable, much more is likely due to our ability to believe in it more.

Visualization, imagination, and funneling the energy of the air to the Earth through this saltwater battery Wii occupy express and communicate in this holographic plane, which is mostly called reality. Surreality is shown as the veil between the spirit world and reality thins, which is part of the collapsing of the Earth’s magnetic fields. There is so much to unpack as humans can handle it, and the internet allows us to share this globally, instantly, and translate it into languages no one can speak. Miracles are possible for the first time in our lives and are scientifically supportable if some wish to prove that we finally believe in our true human potential, not techno-bots, as some would have us be. I choose instead to remain natural, organic, and freely accessible.

Thanks. I love the life and times I never thought I would live to see and to be so strong when all I knew was weak people this age is fascinating proof that it is what Wii believe that determines what Wii will achieve, but there is work that must be done, often without choice. Fate is real. YOU have a purpose planned before you incarnate. Wub in Body forms a WIB, a thought manifested and maintained with intention, Spiritual, so long as you maintain the vessel and stay connected with your Spirit, not giving up the body to other drivers along the path of life. Kudos to your goal of awakening as many as possible by seeing all the perspectives. Perspicuity is key.

As the mature neurons and ganglia develop after 49 our vision going into our prime at 66 changes as Wii pass through the last chakras in the body to master it and move on to the aether world of creating the future with clearer memory for why Wii are here, what Wii must do, and what is True.

“The Book of Wibblry and Wub” may finally have its time to bloom, a virus intended to reach around the world when the time came. Who knew it could come true? (Did you ever listen to that audiobook?

It’s just an intro, and it goes with “Chasm at the Fringe” as a set for entering the path of our purpose in life.

Some music from the Book of Wibblry and Wub could serve as a background or sampler for many to show their concerns and let others know they are Wubbers too. Ready to do what it will take to fashion a better world than the one at stake as the systems break down to be rebuilt again. You are part of the new age of awakening to what the Spirit brings into the body and allows us to do so once you know how to. Honor thy vessel, and it will give you a fantastic life, but treat it like a trashcan and your life will feel like trash, disposable and worthless once ingested and spent. Create the memories you will want to hold in your future, not life hours you prefer to forget.

Adam’s version of my poem “Song of Salvage” became the only song he ever created before moving back to the other side of the veil. It tells the story of Darby as he tries to find his way in life, the soft porn on the in the Wibblry and Wub chapters, then tells of his search to find the meaning of the words and most profoundly who to Wubble with or not. What’s Love got to do with it? Who does wii touch, and who does not? There are so many issues when one tries to communicate through touch rather than Wibbling or Wibblizing, and in this case, Webbling. There are only four ways to communicate once in the body. It was rather controversial as a kid, half a century ago when such things were in the dark, seldom spoken of. Nowadays, this is all pretty tame in comparison, but sadly, many of the extremes that are going on in society can not lead to positive ends.

Wii are the generations that will determine the future, and the few that make it through the following tests will help form the tomorrow some of us came to help create. I believe Wii will succeed and let the rule of our paradise be peaceful-minded instead of run by those who cherish war, death, and destruction to hold power, wealth, and control the world. I believe there is a path to sharing the world without war, but with far fewer people that want to see peace rather than what the coming wars will produce to reduce the populations to 10-14% of what they are today. There can be new ways, but who determines what they will turn out to be the Light Brigade on hand for such a day. Who are they?

Even with bad form, good results can come, but it all takes work, most notably in the mind, to know how you want to express yourself and use the mirror to make the magic happen. What you believe manifests what you achieve. Sixty-nine on October 8, and this was not possible to imagine as a crippled kid. Life is a miracle, so never imagine that others won’t follow if you help manifest them through your faith and actions.

Never give up being the best you can for the rewards in the future will be amazing. Don’t waste your future by being lazy when young and able to maintain the best body you can.