Retreating from McMansions in favor of simpler, healthier, sustainable housing and youthful bodies.

Retreating from McMansions in favor of simpler, healthier, sustainable housing and youthful bodies.


JAN 25, 2025

For 11 years, this has been my resting place at night, but I spent my days working, creating, and not needing a big home to sleep in. My office has my computer, a kitchen, a bath with shower, and frankly, I do not need to duplicate all of that at home. I have a den upstairs for guests, though a rarity in my master suite. Sharing the common area, like a kitchen and dining area, saves plenty on the overhead of a home.

You can be fancy or straightforward basic when creating a tiny house that is also a piece of art you can live in for a healthier lifestyle.

Some can be plain, others fancy, and all can last for decades or more, another century if maintained correctly. Why not have a lasting home instead of a mobile home designed to last a few decades? Indeed, simplicity does not mean ordinary; instead, it can mean quality but not excessive quantity. Americans are prone to excess due to the credit lines, and few understand the consequences when the interest rates get hiked once your balance is maxed.

A home for mom and dad, then a daughter, even granddaughters can have a tiny house on the ranch or farm with their privacy and equality, their freedom assured. Why are wii not creating homesteads like in the old days? There was a time when this was common lore.

Imagine if young men could be trained to build tiny houses like these in days instead of months. Using salvaged lumber, they can cut the cost of wood, windows, and doors to build a tiny home. They could make the house last for a lifetime yet not cost a life of work for the owners to live happily without profiting like a jerk, as most today’s builders get rich but are quality shirks. Sharks, like banks and global corporations that feed on profits, pay fines, not time in jail, for doing what would cost an average person their life in prison.

Local business or, better, a co-op need not be the same as the greedy Corporations as personas, unlike real persons, can evade the consequences of their fraud, misdeeds, and worse, the lives of those who trusted them, bought their products and died. The dollars are in the numbers, in hiding the big truths when the victims sue and must agree not to tell anyone what happened to get compensated for the wrongful acts of corporations. Nothing is paid to the other victims who can not afford to sue. It’s not a world I like to see. What about you? Have you seen anyone suffer from a Safe and Effective product lately that seems to be getting ignored while the executives of the big corps are making billions again as if there was no problem the makers knew about back then… during testing before many were hurt?

Soon, the tiny communities will grow full of those who want to be outside the places where the cost of being free is too high. Some will wish to have a country life and work for less, but the results are lovely. Healthy living and time with the family is a path for some people who decided to break free from the debt cycles from having things they did not need. Time with children, those you love. It is time to seek dreams and shove the material world out of our lives so that wii can live free of strife—organic living to be free to eat the foods that keep us healthy naturally. Teaching children how to honor the vessel giving them life is essential, not the smartphones and social platforms that are ruining their minds and always leaving them unmotivated and anxious.

Our chance is here to change the path and fix the wrongs Wii learned are causing cancer, great depression, suicide, and worse, the breakup of the families and loss of all desire to work. What happens to those who have no one or love that’s real because they live in TV land and believe the media swill? Wii must salvage the best of the times to allow humans to choose between dependency on phones or using their brains before they lose the opportunity to build the circuits in their heads.

Step back if you are now looking for a home and place to grow your best in the future alteration of the human race. Honestly, things are brewing that are changing who Wii is by altering the DNA and the changes it will cause. Please consider social distance has its merits for the people who do not want to be jabbed and fed the food that will ruin their immunity and make their lives a living hell. It is better to live naturally and ground to find your way to becoming the best that you can before you get ill so that you can recover faster, without the hospitals or drugs that kill you. Do the work and grow the faith that will not falter when the evil forces try to get you to follow orders that no one should abide by if they want to keep from being spiked with things that could cause cancer or, much worse, take away your loved ones in a hearse.

Share the examples of success in transforming your life to be incredible and healthy so that others will see what is possible naturally instead of through plastic surgery and pharmacies. Be the one to show what can be done by those who chose not to lose their health, wealth, and future to bad behaviors learned to young to know better, but now you do. The world needs more examples of what is possible organically, naturally, instead of the many forms of technology that will slowly weaken our bodies, minds, and spirit due to laziness and a lack of motivation to be incredible.

Welcome to our winter rarity, snow in Salvage, Texas. Reasons for Co-ops to create tiny houses.

This is when it is crucial to have a home, yet millions are homeless, and many are freezing these days. What are Wii, the many who are warm, doing to help others? Nada.


JAN 21, 2025

The Kidd is only 67 square feet downstairs and 50 upstairs, so it has a double bed, a desk for writing, a kitchenette with a shower, a fold-down Mesquite bench and table for eating, and cabinets for storing everything you may need for a master suite.

Sadly, the homelessness problem in the USA is getting worse, not better, for those who have been forced out onto the streets to live. This is a tragedy of grand proportions, and the government has neglected its responsibility to its veterans. Helpless children and elders alike are left to fend for themselves with a callous public watching. Are Wii the people who can see this and perhaps help change it? Are Americans going to let it continue? Will this new presidential team change the worst things about America, the freedom to be left out of society’s safety net? Will our wealth go to wars, missiles, and bombs instead?

I get great satisfaction from watching the Cardinals always show that the land is suitable for visiting and staying for a while, even when the snow up north is more profound, and there is no food like they always find here.

The Kidd is one example of a tiny master suite that allows someone distressed to stay warm, dry, and live well. Life can change so suddenly that few will know how harsh it can be for those who suffer through a night as cold as this without a heater or assistance from you. How can such a nation go to war with others yet forget to care for its citizens by providing housing and food? Where are the people who would choose to spend the money on a missile and lose a hundred Americans who get abused by the systems that neglect and abuse them in America? Please stop the madness that destroys the lives of all who are employed to create war machines that kill instead of housing that proves our goodwill. No one should suffer here that does except for the politicians who love to say what they will do… then don’t and leave the voters on a rope.

The Ark is a master suite with a bed, kitchenette, and a commode with a seat by the Waldon Pond. Even in the snow, it’s a great place to be, cozy and easy to warm, and you may see.

Hung out to die and left alone, insurance companies stealing billions while those who suffer get no help or care. Instead, they get to die and bear witness to the greed up there in the board room, where they decide to make a profit on those who died. You and I, the ones that see, can call out for a victory that includes the poor, the weak, and the old and cares for the babies that now will be born. Save the veterans who went to war for all the wrong reasons yet will suffer ever more from the wounds to their body and their spirits nearly dead. Suicide should not be the way so many leave, but the lack of help and care by the US leaves them on the street. What do you call the leaders who abandon soldiers who are gone from the battlefield to a tent in a field where they can not get a job? Teach them to build a home, a village, and much more. Give their life new meaning with a chance to thrive in store. Why is this so hard to do, to save the past that is important to you? Stop the wars and thus the pain that comes back to our country and destroys the families, leaving them broke and with no support from the VA that’s Woke.

No, this is not a palace or a castle in the best neighborhood in town, but it is a cozy place to stick around on a night like this. A bath, two beds, a place to eat and stay warm in the worst of these cold days. This is what I would propose others build where they need this most. How do I find the help to host the houses that would help the most?

When will this end the path to death that comes to those who are out of breath from running in fear that destroys their health? I say Wii can do this if Wii join together now and prove that there is something that the new team will do and show. This could be a path for all to thrive and give them hope for housing that will last their entire lives. Why not share the path and go to help where you may, too? Teach the ones who need the skills to support and grow a path to independence and a strong community. All it takes is salvaging the best for one and all that will create healthy housing and a path to shape it all. Please consider what can happen in the places where you live so that Wii can teach others all the hope that this can give. Homes for many with the chance to learn a trade and grow a family business, helping others get into a house through a Pure Salvage Living path and a co-op that will help to mend the gashes in the fabric of our society in affordable housing.

For Mii, the person I came to be once living simply, this is my paradise at night—a home for resting, thinking, blessing, and everything I like to do alone. Resting in a special place is the one I truly love over all the other houses I have lived in.

Join the movement to create Co-ops that will help everyone make the houses, skills, and community that come from finding unity amongst those you will live with. You can help now as the world transforms and creates the newest forms of education for the masses who desire to build the fastest with the parts God gives for free. Salvage is a way to get the parts to create a nearly free home, except for human energy. If the many work together, the task gets so much easier, and the cost goes down to be the solution for the ones in need. Why make homes that need a loan last a lifetime, even though the house will not? Instead, I’ve proven and proposed that more consider what I know to be the most sustainable and cost-effective, with time to show there is a path for more to have a home to live in without the debt for life. Salvage Mining creates many jobs and leads to Salvage Building at the lowest costs. The big corps formed the code to stop the cheaper versions of houses being built.

Let us use the best of Sears, Montgomery Wards, and Alladin, which endeared themselves to Americans by shipping kits for homes they could create and live in for a lifetime, now well known. Hundreds of thousands of tiny houses by the score, 650-750 square feet was much more common then, not now, but plenty for a family to live well, and the cost was smaller than what it costs to get a house in these times of excess for all.

Why not get a smaller home that will cost less to heat or cool and let you get out of debt before you die, a chance to savor life? Why don’t people do this instead of wondering how to stay alive? I wondered then what it would take if Wii chose to house the many who may need it without creating trash to use for the landfills in fifteen years. Most of what I saw created as THOWs for some to use are rotting in a decade when the mobile homes are trashed, mold is in from leaks, and the owners must move out. They are used but can not be rebuilt or salvaged; nothing of value is left to use that will let you live a healthy life with mold and chemical abuse.

How about considering supporting the Outposts as local Co-ops that could teach how to build homes locally with people freed from the past life they did not like? Why not become the best you can be for the people you may one day call reality? I do believe that you perceive much of what you expect to see. If you have faith and set the pace to reach a goal you can know but others do not yet see, you can do what some consider impossible. I have proven this; thus, I know the truth is fantastic when you learn all the laws. You can create your reality, but you must be willing to work to make it so. Are you ready to go out and change your view of the world so that you can live it when you find out who you are? What happens when you exit the cocoon that holds you now? Will you return to nature to rebuild the body and the spirit, yearning for the life you dream to grow?

You must participate by visualizing what will come to your life if you go out and chase the dreams you came to know once you get past all the lessons that will lead you to where you go. NO coincidence, but a synchronicity that will be full of surprises and solutions once you let your instincts go and take the path to the dreams you have lived to come to know and now chase as the world changes. You must finally show the best that you are made of fate. You can yet grow if you live life with intention and form tomorrow as you show that your power is much greater than most others believe you can show. Be the solution, the example, and for others, their new goal to be like you and see what the results are as you get more youthful and have fun.

Once upon a time, I had a dream for land that no one wanted and things that most people threw away until they saw what could be made of them one day. Now, I strive to find a path to write books and show all the paths Wii could take to live better daily. Help create a reality with a home for all to see and keep them warm at night and dry when snow or rain is nigh. See the examples and help it grow now that the need is one many know. Homelessness is Hell, my friends. No words can describe the pain, and if you have a child who suffers too, and there is nothing others will do, then that is Hell on Earth. Please wake up to the need and help establish Co-ops where people can learn to build, grow, and seed the minds of others so that such solutions can be seen locally.



When do you exit your cocoon? Social distancing is required for transformation.

The metamorphosis is best done without interruption, in nature at peace if possible, undisturbed by the outer voices, listening to the Voice from Within.


DEC 22, 2024

Are you prepared for the connections in your life in 2025? The peace and purpose from within will lead you through the coming darkness through which Wii came to thrive, grow, and lead others out of the darkness into a world lit up with much better Light than ever before. Are you ready to face the world’s darkness and help shift the perspective toward what is finally possible as Wii ascend to a higher state of existence on this beautiful planet?

Our time to understand, communicate, and use transparency to clean out the scum that messes up the perspectives of the people who will help create a paradise on our planet in a unity never before known by modern man. Wii are here to help create a future that is positive for the entire community of Beings on our planet, not just the most elite of the human race. Join as One, as a World Union of Beings that is ready to join the Cosmic Society of WUB, other worlds in union with us for the future benefit of all who share the Light fueled by One source with many names.

Thank you for considering how big of a part you can play in the coming society of the future that lets us be the best human beings Wii can be together in a Union worth living for, sharing, and passing along for the generations to come and thrive in, too. Stop the greed, anger, hate, and madness that destroy the potential for a fabulous world to come into existence based on all of us working together to make that happen. Wii, all of the “I”s of the world can join to make this happen if Wii agree to do so without being forced to under threats of war, fear, or suffering, but for sake of all of us benefitting universally and retaining rights that are due to all sentient beings.

Join us, one and all, to create a World Union of Beings that does not depend on one religion, leader, or dictator but a billion beings of many forms that can communicate and celebrate how Wii can work together to create a paradise that will last for a millennium. Indeed, communication is the key, and Wii, the world’s humans, are ready to communicate with all the other Beings on the planet, and in the cosmos that humans have not seen or understood are sharing our planet too. Wii are not alone, just unaware of all the other beings that live under the ocean, inside the Earth’s mountains, and sharing our planet without having wars with us for longer than man can remember. When such wars occur, mankind is the loser every time.

I do not think humans are at the top of the evolutionary ladder but simply one of the many on the plane of existence that Wii all share. Just because you can not see energy in other forms, that is still life, in bodies that are not human, yet have a sentience and wisdom humans can barely comprehend. Communication networks that reach around the world and humans are destroying underwater and in the atmosphere. Noise/frequency and toxin contamination that is killing them off faster than humans. This madness is coming to an end as the cycles of Earth cleansing and changes coming humans can not stop will also empower us to join and begin a new phase of interaction and sharing the planet’s resources more fairly.

Are the solutions Wii seek beyond imagination or implementation? Time will tell us soon as the final battles for Light and the Darkness are played out in the next year. I believe you will hear that the Light Brigade rose at the last minute and stunned the enemies of our freedom on a planet of Light, not darkness, intended by the few who want to own the planet. Sadly, many will suffer to teach the remainder the truth, Love, and how to honor the gifts of a God who is in control, not men who have plans that will be thwarted soon. Savor our Dayz, for these are the times Wii were reincarnated for, the Warriors of the Light Brigade in many forms and shapes will shift the future locally. United come the Awakening that makes this seem as if its meant to be… for it is… as Wii who finally see, Victory is coming for those who work to free the shackles on the minds and hearts of the truly Free. Join Mii so the Wii, together, can change the future of our world and bring peace once the time for the maniacs is past.