Changing chapters or closing a book that becomes the past: words instead of the reality it once was.

When you must walk away from a dream, a relay race without anyone to hand the baton off, too, then Wii all lose, but no one can win a life-long relay by running it alone.


FEB 21, 2025

I had no idea when I was young, at 17, and wondering what the world would bring my way. I went out for my adventures very early on and saw a world beyond all I imagined more than 52 years ago when I left home, thinking I knew nearly all I needed to know.
By thirty-one, I had a son who changed my views to more than my own. I learned to be futuristic, looking to the time he would grow up and be a man. I created a business for the success it would bring and the legacy I could leave behind. Then he was gone by twenty-five as prophesized.

Later, after he was gone and there was no one to carry on, I took a break to see if I could find that child I thought had died. Deep inside, I heard the call. The whisper grew louder as I stalled. My sabbatical from business carried on without a thought for the years that passed so quickly that they seemed like dreams or thoughts.
What are Wii doing as a world that finally must concede the evil that has run amok must be taken to its knees? There is no path to just halfway there if Wii are to succeed. Those who know will do what no one dared to set us free. To keep us free

I then joined the Army, but once again, I became free, not understanding when I went in what the Army would come to be. I was an Army brat born into fatigue-colored diapers, brought up on Stars and Stripes TV, patriotic, but also too intelligent to believe Oswald shot Kennedy. A conspiracy theorist from thirteen when I returned to the US to hear and see so many believed what they heard but honestly could not see the truth. At least two shooters, obviously, and neither one was Oswald.

Finally, I see a dream come true, but not for Mii, as I say goodbye to one of my friends.
Salvage, Texas, may live on when Tiny Texas Houses is long gone, perhaps in the stories that will be told, the story of the pioneering of a way to build so bold that the industry rejected it to keep their mighty hold. Ghosted, censored, shadow-banned, the ideology went to Never-Never land as far as the media and the government were concerned. Someone said the new team at the White House would surely help create solutions for the Vets and the others who need help, but like my other dreams in life, like dominoes, they fell.

So Kennedy and the toxin-free team, without imports and much more, healthy houses, jobs created, and treasure finally restored. It’s not the Gold in Fort Knox that made this country great. The people worked to build a reputation that had been defaced. There is a lack of programs to teach the needed skills as the service industry collapses, and that’s all most people know. Skills are required, like housing. Each could help to end the suffering of the veterans who have no home to live in, let alone for family.

What will Wii do in America if no one wants to help reform the rules that prevent us from realizing our ancestors’ dreams of owning a home, some land, and growing food in a garden? It has been a road that I wonder what will happen if I still seek the goal I sought when I was a kid and as a kid again. I wanted to write, to publish, and then to travel the world to market my blend of cartoons and

writing of what Wii can do to salvage the best of our lives as Wii grew to old age. Houses, buildings, barns, and bodies, much that can be saved, but the freedom to do it must be ours, not belong to some deranged guys like Fauci, Biden, or the others who only sought to get rich and cared not who they hurt to be so very rich. I go off now to tell the story of the boy who did what he was told long ago, providing that he lived. Indeed the time once prophesized has come to be and now, the last part of my job on Earth begins as I go out from the ashram I created for the others who may come and heal then travel to show others how this can be done.

I must give up on this dream now, the school, the place to give somehow to those in need who could get out. I can not save them by myself but I do not see anyone willing to help in a government ful of waste somehow, they never came to see what Wii could do to help our nation though I proved this concept could be Free. I have written many articles, thesis, and books, and now I will shut down the places I created for those in need. I wish to note that it’s a sad last note to play in my sweet “Song of Salvage,” made to prove this concept could be done. An idea, with the stuff stored up but no one to support or build the path to solutions, they could live through any storm and come out to enjoy the sun and rebuild their lives and homes.

Blessings to your transitions in 2025 as I dismantle dreams to start with new for the coming decade. May you find a home that will shelter you and your loved ones to help you know that the community you call your tribe is there, the love and be the family that most dream of, yet few will ever see. Make your family, friends, and the people you will see become part of a freedom-loving organic community. Savor the dreams and act to make them all you can see until the vision dims, and it must reach its distant end or never be.

I said I would grow up and be a writer one day. The irony is by the time I did, no one could read. Few will make it to the end of this short set of words and pictures that will be too much for some to understand. The world is different from any I could foresee as I look at life much differently as I now hit 70. Seventeen was scary, but this is much more fun, for I found that kid and got to live this life over again.

Thank you for the gift, dear God, no matter what the cost, to finally get to do the job I thought I came for long ago. I pray that others will take over, but know that what will be is what my God intended as I go on my merry way chasing the dreams that I came for when I was born to run this race. At the end of my part on the relay through all time, I hope to see another to hand off this grand baton of things and words, of songs and ways to thrive in times to come with artistic homes and healthy ones to share life with every day.

Brad w. Kittel
Darby Lettick

How far from a dream to reality others can see? Is your vision of a tiny house possible?

My vision is for the villages and communities for tiny domiciles that share common spaces, like laundry rooms, big kitchens, and gathering areas for more people than I want in my house.


FEB 17, 2025

The age of housing in suburbia is several generations deep now. Many are rebelling from the Neighborhood Association Gestapo-like rules for living in gated communities that regulate every visible aspect of a home, yard, and even garage if they can see it from the street. A new movement toward artistic and individualized houses and yards is coming into favor, with gardens instead of green lawns, critters in the trees instead of no trees, and places for kids to play without having the Special Services brought in to monitor or question children playing in their yards or walking in the neighborhood without adult supervision. Sadly, some communities are too dangerous to walk about at night alone or trust your kids can walk without fear of being kidnapped.

The alternative to mandated and draconian controls is to get out of the cities and into rural areas where crime rates are lower, stress is reduced, and more opportunities to have chickens, grow a garden, and feel safe are possible for far less cost than being near the big cities. Yes, you might earn more money in the big city, but the costs to be there, food, gas, rents, and all will eat up much of the benefits that working in the town pays higher than a country-based job. In my opinion, if you have a family with children, the country is better than the city life.

Where do you go to settle down for a while in a tiny house without all of the obligations, debt, and ugly houses all around? Where is that paradise where nature and man meet to share the woods, the sun, and water without destroying them with construction, pavement, and poisons sprayed all about to kill all of the bugs, the food for birds, frogs, lizards, and thus break the food chains and leave nature starving to die.

We do not have to destroy the world to live in it, but we can not have the bugless, lifeless, and deadly environment most people want in their houses outside. Nature needs abundant life in many forms to create a balance, not extremes, where layers of the species are required for life, from water, nutrients, and sunlight. Miracles of life in many forms arise unless toxins are spread out to kill them. Those toxins range from oil, gas, pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, and soaps that act as surfactants that can destroy our digestive systems and those in nature.

Tiny Houses need less room and thus leave space for flowers to bloom. Gardens grow like a forest eaten by birds and bugs no one will notice. The fabric of nature, with greenery and life, soothes and provides us with the best health. Organic living and moving with grace until we are so old that Wii move on to the next race. Life is a cycle of so many things that Wii get to experience, create, and sing about as the songs of our life. What are you making to sing in the winds of time that are passing and soon will be gone? Will others carry your song on, or will it die lonely and never fully sung? Get out your energy, heart, and dreams to fabricate a life filled with great themes. Help to create the solutions Wii need, all the ways to get back to nature again. Organic living with nature and more, creating a future full of peace that will grow from mending the wounds wherever we go.

Wii are the elders, once children ourselves, who find in our second childhood a chance to go round and finish the dreams Wii had when Wii were young. Some keep on skateboarding, like Lloyd in his 70s and more, or stay fit for reasons that few ever know. He is an example; his works live on so the rest of us young ones can carry on the torch. Now that I am grown, I learn from my elders to live for each moment as if I were still young. Please don’t give in to weakness for lack of work to stay strong as you rack up the years.

Dream great dreams, then act them out. Never fear the risks when you are on a mission for the passions that you love. Resist the lazy path in life that leaves you lonely on the couch. Act while you can still retain the energy of youth chasing the goals you seek instead of fearing to act or speak. The choice is yours each day: live unhappily or choose a different way. What becomes of the fear that kills the joy of visions that you could have still? It becomes regret when you get old and can not change the path ahead. Why wait for the days when you will have no choice for what you do except to die, as wii all must?

The light within each of us has the power to let us shine at what Wii have a passion for, a love for doing it without the effort seeming like work. What dream or fantasy drives you to consider what you would do if you could change your world? Many have a dream but never utter it to others for fear of being laughed at and told it is impossible, thus destroying that candlelight of hope within us for our childhood dreams to come true when Wii get older and retire. If you simplify and downsize early until waiting till you are old, you can save so much money that you can afford the classes and the time it takes to chase a dream you want to make come true. It takes your action and willpower to make that dream come true. Will you wait and avoid committing to what it takes to escape the city trap one day? If so, do it this year as the world transforms into a place you will not recognize if you live to see it through. Many will not make it for reasons they did choose, and though some will, I feel for the ones we have to lose.

Rise to this new year that has nearly spent two months to get fully started, a White House cleaning the US Houses with Doge moving along. I can already see such changes in the world that few could imagine in the stars. This year’s transformation and revolutions in societies will create a new platform for the future to adhere to where transparency and with our voices freed, Wii can finally clear the swamps. The future is a destination, and soon, the bumpy ride will be in our past as Wii create the world I want to see as sustainable and lasts for the seven generations that will benefit from what wii caste. I came to bring solutions when the time was right to show—the paths to do what must be done prepared before the show. Like the books and lectures following this Grand Opening of Sorts, 2025 will allow us to cast a future that can be the best for a millennium to pass. Wii intend to live without wars and the ills that the evilest ones have cast upon the Earth before rebirth.

Henceforth, Mother Earth can blast away trash and darkness through the storms that come to pass. Earthquakes and volcanoes will change the landscape quickly and lead us to a time when we escape our torrid past. Then, Wii will rise to share love and care for all life, which is changing fast, as Wii uses our ingenuity to create a paradise that will last.



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No matter your roots, you can leave, grow, thrive and through work, fulfil your dreams.


First, you need to have a business to earn the extra money. You then use the tax write-offs to keep from giving to the government for massive losses, fraud, & wars using taxpayer’s lives.


FEB 12, 2025

Start a business on the side of your day job to get ahead. You have to grow it in your backyard or garage, as so many who succeeded did, including me. Once, I started at a pet furniture company building cat toys, houses, and kitty condos, even in vets’ offices, to make money while going to college. I took remnant carpets I got for free from a big dealer, minor cuts and leftovers, samples that became scratching posts. I had many jobs along the way to finally starting my own successful business one day, but few are genuinely fit for the stress that it will bring and working 80-hour weeks to succeed. Being an entrepreneur, a company on the side that becomes your life takes away your social life and party time. Most will not trade that out. Football, sports of all sorts, watching, not playing, or recreation is their choice and thus the debts and stress for the toys.

These are choices Wii can choose, and many people lose their savings to the interest they pay to play but fail the test of time: stress, poor diet, and lack of exercise lead to the diseases that take most people down. I am not trying to tell them to quit, but providing a path for those who choose a different route to youthful aging and enjoying this end more than that. I did not like being a kid growing up. I would not want to do it again. Some look back and wish they could, but my best years are here and good.

I worked at the National Linen Service during my last years in college. It was one of my thirty jobs over my first 30 years. I started young, about 13-14, picking cherries, trimming Christmas trees with a machete, and by 15, washing dishes and pans at the restaurants after school till they closed. I eventually worked my way up to cooking sandwiches, but eventually, I quit to move to Alabama for my senior year of high school. By then, my night job cleaning bars and stores on weekends after they closed and school with my weekday job at the restaurant, I was finishing my junior year into the summer when I had to walk away from it all. My mother had threatened to turn me in to the police if she caught me smoking pot. I threatened to move out, and she threatened to call my boss and have me fired. I chose to leave and spend my last year of High School, hoping to get my diploma before going off on my own. Within a day of deciding, I left with a backpack and never returned; having returned to chase off her boyfriend with a shotgun at 15 and seeing her marry a good man, my time there was done.

Halfway to 60, wii men want to think wii have become real men, not boys pretending, but it is often with the slogan I went through each day. “Dazzle them with brilliance, or baffle them with bullshit until I found my way.” Now, when I see and hear that act. I laugh and walk away like the older guys did back then. I did not know they knew.

Once I reached Alabama, my dad let me sleep in a small travel trailer in the backyard while I went to school and worked two jobs. I was seventeen by then and had a good 10-speed that let me fly through the streets and be fit. For the first time in my childhood, I had wrought a body with muscle through calisthenics. Though the spine was damaged and still bent, I felt good. I thought I had a great year, with only one required class. Still, the school made me take a full schedule which crippled my ability to work anywhere but the General Chicken joint as a cook serving all my classmates after the sports events and social gatherings I was never able to go to due to working nights and weekends at the feed mill. Time goes fast as a kid when you are involved in School Year Book, writing, and getting published so young, but my goal was to be a writer one day when I grew up. Little did I know how long that time would be, but I am glad to get that time to be just that finally.

The last time I saw my grandmother, she was barely in her forties and looked like an old lady with a cigarette. I was seventeen, and she died before I was twenty. My mother rarely visited, though she lived 30 miles away. My brother was the one to care for her every day, stopping by in the morning and at night to clean her bed till her last day.

My best friend was the son of a man who made feed and shipped peanut hulls to other places by the semi-load. His son was my best friend, partly because I got a part-time job there, and we were the only two white boys on the crew loading the dusty peanut hulls into semis. I would have the dust in my eyes and ears, never considering what I was hacking back up from having little more than a handkerchief on my face as 50-pound burlap bags fell off the conveyor belt. I would run them to the end of the semi and stack them as high as possible, over 7’ off the floor, wall to wall. It was a great workout for me as I sought to be fit and strong after a youthful sickliness and having been bullied. I reached 185 pounds and left school with Most Likely to become Superman in the yearbook. Ha. Who would have thought I could feel like that at 70?

I finished high school in the top 5% of my class after 13 school changes to get through; I had reached my father’s goal for me, a high school diploma, so I could finally leave on my own. Four days later, with my stepmother banging and yelling on the locked bedroom door, I decided it was time to leave home with my $4 in my pocket, a small backpack, and when she went to get the pick to unlock the door in her bipolar rage, I ran through the hall into the garage, jumped on my bike, and left. She had been triggered when she learned I had a friend who was black and female. She was my classmate, not even a girlfriend in the kissing sense, but she was also poor and lived next door in a tiny house with her family, who farmed it on the back. It was next door to the subdivision where my dad had bought a house. He had suddenly sold the tiny trailer I had lived in for the downpayment, and I was in the house, which stepmother Leona did not like. It was a three-bedroom, two-bath, but her two kids deserved rooms, as I agreed, so I was gone.

What do kids who need to leave and run for peace and prosperity do? No one can thrive when they stress all day about staying alive, yet many musts, and the suffering has consequences. I could not live with my stepmother hating blacks, my father hating anyone with slanted eyes, Vietnam vet that he was, his memories of cutting down dead friends, skinned alive upside down so as not to pass out while tortured, and other ghastly sights hardened his heart and eyes. I saw much of the damage from wars that came home when I was young. I learned not to normally approach or touch my father while sleeping for fear of being hit or killed before he even realized he had reacted to your touch that way. That morning, he would not respond to my whispers or when I touched his pants. I remember dragging him out from under the Christmas tree where he had passed out from drinking too much, and Santa was about to arrive for my younger brother and sister in the morning, but finding Dad there seemed wrong. I dragged his 230 pounds across the wooden floors ten feet into the bedroom. He was so passed out that he barely grunted, and it took all I had to get him there.

Mom was passed out on the bed from her doses of prescription sleeping pills. I closed the doors before my younger brother and sister arose to see the few gifts we would get each year. This year was special because Dad was home on leave from the war. We usually got two presents each, but it seemed we could get three this year, and we were excited. I was ten by then. A young man I am, I thought to myself, as children do, and went in to check on my brother and sister to be sure they stayed quiet for a bit before going out. Dad was supposed to be awake first, so we did not get in trouble for peeking. My younger brother lost his one year after getting caught by having one of the Palladin Business cards from the belt with a toy 6-gun and holster, which we snuck into the attic to find. He could not resist at four years old, so he took a card and got caught. I felt horrible getting my present and not confessing I had been in the attic with him. Lifelong regrets are best left behind but not forgotten as lessons. We lived in LaPaz, Bolivia, in that part of my childhood for two of the surrealist years of my life.

It is essential for people to understand that the trials of our youth are there to make us when Wii grow up and become the person Wii were meant to be. The trials and challenges are what our spirit comes for, knowing this is life. Does Wii have free choice, or is destiny, our fate, indeed in the hands of God? This is the ultimate question that some will come to ask when they realize their ability to help guide and create solutions that will help mend the things that Wii have lived a life to see, learn, and finally be able to help fix if our vessels have survived well to do it as if naturally. What are Wii doing: the elders can do more than just see the problems but help manifest the answers. This

is a possible path to creating solutions with the many years you may have left to contribute to more than creating a low spot on the couch in front of a TV.

What are you doing to honor thy vessel, the gift you can offer to do the work of God who created you and gave you life to live and grow a lot of what will be the future for the others when you are gone? This is our time to realize there is more to this than the dice roll. There is a plan, and I am here to say that the future will be better once the trash is cleared. The evil will fall to the good if we all see and should help make solutions clear once the path is cleared of fear—no more attacks from the ones who need to be taken down soon. Finally, Wii, the ones that see, can also say and be free to BE! Yes, be ourselves in the world without the censors, the ways that hurt the truth, and the transparency that finally lets Whistleblowers be Heroes.

Soon, the big stuff hits the fans and tribunals with so many fans to watch and see the worst come down and be sentenced at last, if found, trust in the leaders worldwide. Can it happen, or is it dreams to think that God could come through these things that humans now could do along with the other Beings you will find exist here too? Yes, the disclosure will reveal that Wii are more than humans here. Wii, the World Union of Beings, shares the world with humans who can not see. The time has come to join the cosmic club, a society of entities the few know anything of. Will you soon see that much has been hidden and the world is now seeing? Yes!

If your time on Earth has proven, you are one of the strangely chosen to be examples and to lead so the others who will be born know there is a particular breed that will thrive and grow ingenious in the final times of need when their powers and intelligence show early as they are freed. Children come with spirits that will also solve the need for a leader who can take us to the following levels of our seed. It is crucial now to care for the genes Wii have and not lose our fertility and thus the chance to breed with the DNA filled naturally as Wii build wisdom on the way to our peak at 66-78 when we finally peak one day. If Wii passes on the genes filled with wisdom and peace instead of killing off the minds, Wii build them stronger so that when the world needs them, like these whiz kids today, they can help us in amazing ways that Wii elders can not do. Kudos to the kids, my friends, and the tagged and spectrum crew that will also bring the genius to fix this.

I am here to tell you that suicide is not the solution when life seems to be the absolute Hell on Earth few want to live in. Rather than let them take you down, become amazing through the trials and tribulations. You must have faith but also do the work, stop eating toxins and wasting hours, and do amazing things instead. Honor thy vessel for this end, at 69 and soon in my 70s, is the best and worth the effort to honor it by thanking God each day with gratitude for what comes after the hard lessons in life to get here.

Consider how many ways you can now ignite your wisdom, experience, and fate to help create a world that the kids can simulate and grow a garden that will someday be their paradise.

How do you Invest in a surreal world of rapidly changing money? Faith & value$=great return$.

Most Americans do not have a big pile of savings to invest. Most investors use bank credit lines and rarely use their own money. Invest in owning your future w/ great intentions.


FEB 11, 2025

If you invested $20,000 of your life savings and got an annual return of 25% of your investment, with the chance of much more, would you think you are doing well? It is rare, unless a politician with inside trader advantages, to get that sort of return, but gold did grow that much in value in one year, even more. What is the secret when real estate values are sinking? The income you can generate from your savings is essential, so you don’t just deplete it but live off the earnings. How can you stretch or convert your assets and perform better from them?

I spent $30,000 and a year skimping to build my tiny house. I fit it in a while, building homes for others, even finer, but for Mii, this is all I needed to be happy. In the last ten years, much has changed in the world, but social distancing has helped me not sustain much damage. I hope you are finding your path through the coming storms and staying warm until the sunrises on a much-transformed world in 2026. This home is 95% Pure Salvage, and I am proud to live in it for so long. It may outlast me still.

Create affordable, healthy, sustainable housing for the millions seeking to downsize and minimize expenses in a rapidly inflating world of costs versus income. This reality is catching many over fifty years old totally off guard. They do not know how to shield their savings from the taxes and risk of banks folding and causing a fusion of their savings into their bank stocks with no way to sell out and no income from a Bank Buy-In, as happened already in Oklahoma without any front page news. Yes, the depositors will lose big time on their money that was not insured, like the big banks that held the money of Oprah, Newsom, and other high-tech billionaires in California. The small banks are not getting such protection, and the funds to insure the banks are gone.

What do you invest in if you have less than $50,000 and need income beyond your SS or retirement funding to survive? First, get the least expensive housing you can, preferably owning a tiny house or sharing a property where you can park your tiny house for a lifetime without the threat of rental increases kicking you out. Buying land is not possible for everyone, and finding land you can plop a little house on is near impossible given logistics, deed restrictions, city codes, county codes, and getting utilities unless you can homestead off-grid, no small accomplishment without big bucks to build a dream with to start.

After 11 years, the trees have grown and been cut back from the house several times—still no AC electricity or need for hookups. My master suite has been my resting place where I find peace and dreams at night like never before. I discovered my youthfulness and path once I got out of the belief systems that made me old. Grounding, breathing right, exercising, and eating well will give you back your youth again instead of a living Hell. Age with grace and respect your vessel for the best results.

What you will find in your search for places to go is that there are likely, not many nearby, let alone across the whole country, and the beginnings of homesteading communities are running into headwinds from the government wanting them to conform to codes that are created for big corporations and require permitting to assure you comply with using all the stuff those global corporations make and sell. They force the use of their products with codes that do not necessarily make a better home. I defy any house made with shitrock to stand up to tests I can easily pass with Salvaged wood and metal houses instead.

What will be the factor that brings the public around to sensible building methods again, using salvaged materials with lots of life that save the environment from further destruction by incorporating the massive supply of salvageable materials into the new construction materials pipeline as it once was before the 1960s? Along with many other ruses of the time to maximize profits for big business, Temple-Inland, Weyerhauser, and Georgia Pacific, the biggest lumber barons of the times, forced building codes on the public that stopped the use of salvaged lumber to build new houses and structures where they could claim government control and impose dictates that forced the public to buy their products. It also ended generations of salvage miners’ careers; salvage building was virtually shut down over the next twenty years. Later, in the 1980s, salvaged materials began to get attention as the quality of the building industry went to Hell.

Be a part of the resurrection of logic, salvaging the best of the past to build again, and creating affordable, toxin-free, and import-free housing to expedite the growth of this proven industry. I have shown that we can make incredible houses out of 95% pure salvaged materials and set a standard that I now want to grow and teach others. In contrast, I still have hours to share and empower others to fulfill their dreams, as I have done through this industry, creating more millionaires than any other. Salvage mining, building, hunting for the properties and getting the contracts, lining up where to build anew once the older homes, barns, and buildings are taken down… it is an industry with lots of room for many to create a career and get a home that will last a lifetime out of the deal. Helping create Pure Salvage Outposts as Co-ops for teaching and growing the builders of healthy houses in the future. Are you ready to sponsor or become a natural wood and salvaged materials jewelry box home that will last you until you die and let you pass it on, even move it to your grandchildren’s homestead when you pass on? That is how you can invest some savings if you want to.

Learn more as I expand the opportunity for many to have what millions dream of: a home you can live in healthy, happy, and perhaps a community to share it with instead of a gated community of anonymous neighbors in cookie-cutter build-in obsolescence houses. Life is changing as fast as money, food values, and much more, but you can make decisions and use your credit lines, savings, and friends who want to grow homes to get together locally and manifest that vision this year. Be part of the local solutions that improve elders’ future and give those under fifty new skills and opportunities to build, house, and grow a community together. Many could be helped to get on their feet and thrive as part of the community that supports them instead of throwing the good people out on the streets when the economy or storms collapse their world.

Sound impossible? I do not think so. I need some help to get this flowing into many areas, and your paid subscription of just $5 a month may be what it takes to get the next level started, growing Outposts as Co-ops in a town like yours.



We’ve set up the non-profit to teach people how to thrive with Salvage.

A venue to give vets and fostered kids entering society a chance to have a trade, a business of building tiny houses or big, & other great products out of All-American parts, labor, and creativity.


FEB 08, 2025

After being mothballed for a few years, this and others will soon manifest as one more house for guests and students. Please consider being a part of sponsoring some special students to grow a local Pure Salvage Outpost Co-op.

Soon, I will crank up some human energy to finish a few projects and get them into service. We are looking for the kids to give some training to, that means up to your 60s in my language of youthing to stay in top shape until your 90s plus. Yes, it can be done, and I can help others figure out how.

On the substack site, there are many articles about how to break free from conventional thinking for the communities of the future as the concept is redeployed with nature, organic living, and a balance of work and family life that allows us to savor the years of parenting and after when we have a chance to chase the passions of our youth. We do not reach our prime until 66-78 if you take the time to celebrate by being better to yourself. Treat yourself and others to the future we all want to see instead of the one that seems to be appearing without anyone asking me.

This is just a tiny sample of reusing old roofing shingles that will last another hundred years, yes, already more than that old; they were made to last for lifetimes, not just one.

As you see here, a simple house with proper ventilation allows for living without air conditioning even when it’s 107 daily. My Dewalt fan with the rechargeable 20-volt battery is all I need to have it at 75 in my bed at night. Good for me. No AC electricity for my master suite is, where I stay to sleep, rest, and enjoy with a guest, but not for the laundry and all other things. This is my master suite out in the woods, where I sleep and rest blissfully healthy in my retreat. Grounding and loving my stained glass escape, I cherish this more than the big houses I have owned. I have the windows and the doors from the houses once deployed around the USA to build and be a home without the builders’ guild. These were assembled from the parts in a kit shipped on the railroad to the homesteads and the towns. See the area where the railroad went, and know they came from catalogs and were paid for before they were sent. While we may not have sent the parts all cut, we can send the parts to recreate this house and others, as you will find out, numbered in the hundred thousand homes, with many still about. Why not use the best of what was once treasured since it still has terrific value and is great to use to build? Let me know what kind of home you wish to develop and use the old windows and doors to make the house unique. It is true. It lasts a lifetime if you care for the parts you can use.

Here are the initial drafts for the new site that will be growing. We are sharing the plan to house and offer to train many who want to follow this path of sustainable, healthy building with the treasures of the past.

If you have a desire to live part-time in Texas, probably throughout winter since it is 80 degrees today while it snows up north in most of the USA. I prefer sunshine over snow… but a dusting like we got this year is tolerable.

With training, Co-ops can grow to show how to build locally with the many resources that can be brought in or salvaged locally. Why not use as much as you can get for as free as possible to cut the cost of housing in your town or small city?

Contact [email protected] for more information about being a prominent player in setting this next level up so that many more can profit and find housing through salvage mining and building with the best parts America ever made. Pride in craftsmanship will rise again as the pendulum favors quality over quantity.

Please consider a paid subscription and helping to fund this new endeavor focused on transferring knowledge, power, and potential to a new generation of Salvage Builder Artists. Finally, a chance to be an Artisan instead of just a worker-bee making widgets. Quality and creating houses you can be proud of and pass along from generation to generation, even moving them quickly later on, is a mindset for those who might want to look at the world differently. One neighborhood for musicians, another for the elders. Each intentional community finds unity through various forms of communication to make a village work.