If you don’t own a helmet, buy 1 now for Hail’s Sake! Yes! Protect yourself because your roof will not & there is no hiding spot but many do not understand this danger is real.
APR 27, 2023 (Remains True so please share)
This is not to scare you without cause or make you fear without reason. It is simply a warning to prepare if you care for the ones you love and your brains. These are not marbles or goofballs. These are moving at 100 miles an hour and will go through a typical Tiny House on Wheels, RV, Mobile home, Manufactured home, track home, and frankly, unless you have metal, with solid lumber or 3/4” thick plywood, perhaps baked tile roof, they will hammer it to shreds or go right through and likely injure anyone below them within 8 feet. They are like small rocks until they reach 4 inches, which is lethal to all they collide with: pets, people, livestock, and even horses.
For those few people who may think that an RV or THOW is safe from this size of a projectile moving at 100 mph like the rock dropped on the car that just killed a 20-year-old driver as it went through the windshield, it will kill you. Sadly, that rock was dropped by three stupid kids, and it is horrible, but an example of what one hailstone this size will do to a human, especially a small child.
This warning is because the last two hailstorms have been producing monsters but this next round of storms will become a record-maker and I am concerned due to the massive numbers of people now living in the sadly over-rated THOWs that have been sold for hundreds of thousands of dollars that have no structural integrity to protect anyone inside from anything like the pictures on the left above, or the top picture, as well as the winds that will go with this potential straight line of storms that will reach from Texas to Michigan over flooded tornado ridden territory as it goes.
These are not just Texas phenomena. Please take precautions if you live in a tiny house, especially one that does not have any real thick wood above your head with tile, thick metal, 3/4” plywood under it with substantial quality wood 2.4s, 2×6, or better a second-floor or thick real wood loft to slow the projectiles that will penetrate the first layer if you sleep in one of those coffin lofts. GET below the lofts and hopefully have one good safe closet made with more than a thin layer of outer metal siding, 2×2, and the other inferior materials used to keep the weight light and travel on wheels, as is the case with nearly all RVs, Motor Homes, THOWs, and other such fantasy craft for land touring at the expense of your health and longevity, your youth.
I will leave it at that for now. My many essays on healthy living, youthful longevity, and tiny organic grounded life espouse with exemplification what works to live a long time and love every minute of it. Please take precautions during these intense storms, and trust me, you will have more opportunities to wear and take care in the future. This is the beginning of more significant storms than any you have seen, no matter how old you are.
Brad w. Kittel
I do know what I am talking about, and this is as big of a warning as I can print and ask all of you in the industry to share as these storms will take the lives of some, no matter how much preparation they make, but for the kids and elders, please take care.
For more information [email protected] as to how to better prepare your tiny houses for the storms yet ahead and ask questions in the comments below. I answer all subscribers and publish specific articles to answer your needs.