My world of dreams dies as I donate them to help others build houses and may liquidate the inventory-from past dreams to create the solutions for others now. Dreams die to be reborn.

Many styles and sizes are concepts that will open many minds to what is possible when you want more tiny houses all around. When I rehabbed them, they had been neglected, were boarded up, and considered the bad inner city of Austin. They averaged about 650 sq. ft., and the houses came on the trains as packages sent to Texas as catalog orders for hundreds of dollars. Many were Montgomery Wards or the Sears catalog homes popular in the late 1800-1940 periods long ago. They were not much bigger than the Tiny Houses I watched grow from the parts and pieces of beautiful old houses. Why waste the beauty of the past, the porch posts, stained glass, and the things that last? Look at the energy savings with sinks, tubs, and hardware for examples of what could be saved each day as the old houses are taken down instead of throwing the parts away. Look at these for examples of past luxuries of massive low-cost resources and coal to smelt metal and create hardware, glass, or metal.

Many of my examples won Best Tiny Houses in America awards with their examples of windows, doors, and hardware that can spice up a tiny or big house without firing up a furnace to make handblown glass windows. The older glass is thicker than the new and energy efficient if you do a few things to make it better than the modern glass that fogs up in ten years and that most will use. I can teach from great distances thanks to computers, even Zoom in some cases, to answer questions and help where it is needed without traveling there. I plan to establish Pure Salvage Outposts (PSO) Co-ops whenever I can find and inspire the locals to set up shop and support them while they start.
In honor of my son, who wrote the music for my poem, “The Song of Salvage,” and left it as his last gift to me when he left at 21 to travel and explore the world with his guitar. I never got to create the video for his music until after he was gone, and I hope you will listen to what he created alone with the amateur equipment so that his song is forever sung.

This plan I have can get ten houses worth of parts to build if we then find ways to ship in the phases that will let you get them built. I am set to convert the assets that I have mothballed away after my son’s passing in Paris, France, 13 years ago. What was to be inherited will be one of his legacies, a dream I hated to see go. I have realized the next part has come: to dissolve my dreams as I go into my 70s and realize the dreams that will not come to fruition in my lifetime. There may be many, so it goes. What was once his legacy can help many more if this idea can grow. I need help and can not fund this alone, but if we get the proper people, I can sell off much to fund more for many in his generation.
I want to get these materials out as a proper steward should. I have taken over for other oldsters and committed these materials for good. I need some help, though I hate to ask, but for others, I must do this simple task of offering the solutions I can provide to the others who are called to help, to do what Wii were meant to do. Join together with a Unity that gives power to the community. A Co-op going locally can pay for others to learn and see what can be done with the supplies you will see awaiting salvage miners to become the parts you will need to keep growing the Co-op to help bring the skills and kids to work.

Each town will have different needs and opportunities to grow back its community. These are the things that unify and bond the locals. So I want to see house raising (raising a house faster together) be the best way to go when the house razing (taking them down) that the storms did bring can be saved as best Wii knows so that the parts you need to build there locally will grow.

It takes all three working as one to make this system work. Once you get it going, you will know where all the salvage is as people realize that is the best thing one can give to speed up recovery. Salvage is a profitable way to live, support your youth and your community, and show the value of the human energy Wii can give. Somehow, this is all a part of a big dream I once had as a kid. How could dreams come true, even nightmares that I would have long stopped if I could? Know there is a reason, a solution all laid out in a plan that God has written some call fate, with faith aloud, to pray for mercy and help, I hope this will reach them, answers come.

I have dreamt this would help the people when the time came for the parts to finally be seen as solutions for the population needing ” truly green housing.” That means that no trees are cut, no imports across the sea, materials made in America here to fill our needs. Ways to implement the tools and parts Wii need to finally join together locally. I have been inspired to move faster and hope for more who want to grow this chain of independent PSOs run by the locals who want to grow the skills and passions of the kids and others who see and know this is true.

As I move to liquidate the massive stores of what it takes to rebuild houses or to start homesteads, this is my dream for you, and if you have a great desire to help your community, too. I have an offer to Kickstart co-ops where they are needed most, in communities needing housing fast. This is a path to produce a dozen houses for your family or community at the cost of materials for one. Can you show the need to fill it locally with the people who will join together to build tiny houses? These are permanent tiny homes, not mobile homes, for far less than the “Katrina
Trailers” of the past hurricane that went through Louisiana.

These are house that will last through the winter and rebuild what was once there, a community with a place for Unity to manifest results for all? I propose the Pure Salvage Outposts as places where all can learn, young and old, together, building houses that will hold the families displaced by the storms and floods. All now need housing rapidly; national codes may have to go until they can afford compliance, and they need warm homes.

I am offering a package of ten houses worth of windows, doors, siding, roofing, and trim, the packages of what it takes to get them housed again. Can I get the help to move it to where they need it now and help create the places to teach the others how to build with salvage and give them our best help? I can send the materials for a hundred houses or more, I know, windows in many different forms that will make for houses, barns, and the cover that Wii know is needed for the critters and the building back of homesteads now.

How do I get more people to join and develop their independent PSA Co-op better than giving the parts to build the first five houses and, if successful, set it up to grow from there again? I can offer salvage building and teach this great trade. Still, the local men and women will be building houses locally to save the cost of shipping them, which is fully permitted if built far away. Those funds will be used locally to pay for labor instead of transporting “boxes of air” across the county. Can you fill in some gaps as one of the elders locally or one who understands the craft of building houses per functionality instead of perfectly following codes established by manufacturers who do not want you using the old materials? Most can have the elders teach others how to build, but materials like windows and doors are often the most critical thing in building a tiny home to start again. Long ago, the mountain cabin that most know housed the wife and kids all close while they worked the light of the days and slept through the dark of night without the storms, the snow, and ways that you could die without a shelter to try and keep warm when winter comes.

Here is an example of a package I could send, with the cost of one paying for five to be loaded up and then, with the plans and a place to stand them, create houses from these parts once again. I have proven that more can do it and be successful, so they can support some local people in building houses that all know are stout and last for a lifetime, unlike mobile homes that will quickly show. If you want to help this alternative grow there, I request you get in touch, and Wii can join as one to prepare a way to get solutions like this delivered to your town’s door.

Are you an elder helping to reassemble what you can and reestablish the community before they move away and go to places they can not return to once the lands are sold or they are old? Help me get your folks together, and then please do let me know.
Brad W. Kittel

Some of the parts and pieces and packages will offer many other windows and parts, like aluminum windows, that Wii will give to others as free starter parts. Please consider the master suite concept for living comfortably and tiny. Share the big kitchens and gathering places, but a private space to sleep is special.

These were past examples of what a retail package would be but my goal is to sell a package of 6 for the price of one to see houses built and PSOs started that can use the profits or the chance to do what is needed to create a way for this to happen near you.

Please consider as I liquidate my dreams I had just up till late when God said it was time to evacuate the massive stores that can do so great as to help others rebuild again, to help make their lives safe. From now through spring, I am offering the chance to kick off your co-ops with materials that will be paid for in good deeds along the way. I need money to help sort, load, pack, and ship away. Then Wii can supply the Co-ops if they can show a way to fund the perpetuation of each Salvage Station that serves to teach nearly everyone who wants to be a Salvage Miner, Salvage Builder, or the one to hunt down all the precious places that still could be salvaged and become a part of the new world that you start with the homes that you will build.

If you are interested in starting a PSO Co-op and finding ways to fund the space to build the houses to move as portable buildings or to take apart the big pieces to transport and assemble again… I can help now. I want to see these wheels in motion by Thanksgiving or if there are more who will speed it up to get what they need to the places soon so a store could be established for those who have no money but need these parts to get set up in the mountains where they are before the winter storms. Can Wii the people do this while the government claims that Wii must obey the rules? It is absurd when people need help now, but government help is not coming down to do the work, so the locals do it themselves.

What should they do locally while the feds sit underfunded and befuddled in their offices?
What if the feds do not move fast to fix roads and build homes that will get the families through the night and back to where their ancestors grew up to rebuild with local pride and keep their homestead rights?

Write Mii, call, or email for more information about what could be in store if you want to help your people and can move this stuff that far… I will make it possible, though I may need some help to load and pay for a foundation, a place to grow the businesses of building with the best of our salvage from a past most are proud of and do not want to throw in the dump. Help me help others save their family’s dreams, as many parts of them as possible, and rebuild their dreams so their children want to live there when they grow up. If not, the mines, commercial ventures, and casinos will replace the poor who sell their lands after such calamities and catastrophes. Sadly, the destruction of their pasts, if not their very lives, comes with the sale of the neighborhoods.

Tiny Texas Houses is located on IH 10, where it will be easy to load up a semi with the people to help strap it on and take it off, then create a few incredible tiny abodes to get the Co-op off the ground without paying for the first batch of materials to get it up and running proud. If the community supports the place to build practically for free. Then I will send the materials to get it started building at least five tiny houses… maybe more if we can get the transport help and load before the winter storms. For those who want to buy more packages to assemble once prepared, I will send the parts that will help to start the salvage mining that will follow if this works well.

I can offer financing without interest to help others get started in small businesses as the teams of teachers at the Co-op create through their classes and construction at PSO. Once mentored and elder-guided, co-op students can get their business building houses growing locally and grow. The locals can mentor the local kids or adults who want to make with salvage and then develop the local salvage business if this sounds good to you. This is a way we help pay for materials with loans that don’t bear interest and can still last for ten years with an assurance of them working with you for a lifetime if you need so you can get the housing going locally you need. Who will show the heart to help start-up these inspirational community centers? Salvage is a treasure right before your eyes, and carpenters, like a famous legend some call Jesus, would have been working through the night to salvage all the treasures that were left there in sight as he said to others through his short life: see the gifts, don’t fear in strife.

If you would like to help create a co-op where you could develop houses like these locally with materials that I will send nearly for free to fire up and inspire others to do this, contact me. Please let me help in the many ways I can to help this start-up locally where so much salvage can be had. Prayers with those who need homes and the path to creating more as quickly as possible. How many start-ups will Wii see at this special event that I offered to those who can see it?
Please share with those who care and need help building or repairing their homes.