A war of words, of people led there by those w/bad intentions, leading to violent wars that kill innocents, for sake of money, power, & control. Human trafficking abounds.

JUL 8, 2023
Time for the bright lights to glow and light a path to other ways to go. The leaders will be changing soon and that is sure to show but they may not be leaving without resisting the facts show they must GO!

Can Wii, the sane and loving humans who seek to do the right things in life, share, help others, and live in family service, loved ones, and your God? If wii are free to do that, to help those who need it, and to create a healthy home and life for our family, then most believe that peace will follow if wii make that our primary goal. Wealth and power are not to be held with a pure heart unless the mind is healthy, the body strong, and the will to stop evil in its tracks to create the paradise on Earth that most think can not be found unless you die. The false assumption, as you can talk to many people who do consider their life on Earth a Heavenly experience, filled with love and happiness day after day.

What is the difference that allows some to live in that perspective that they live in Heaven while others look at every day as a living Hell? Perspective is only part of it, for if you are in pain, suffering emotionally or physically, there is pain that can not be anesthetized or ignored. Life is full of challenges and reasons to strive to succeed, to have goals and to reach them, attain success, and move on to do greater things if those around us help make the best life possible. On the other hand, those around you are constantly knocking you down when you get up to walk or run to test your abilities and limits with positive support to build confidence instead of doubt in your potential. It is the perspective you are taught, given from childhood, that will allow you to be stronger, more confident, and thus more able to succeed when challenged later as an adult.

Children must build up their abilities, knowledge, and confidence through success and failure. The Failure to be the best, and to find success at every turn, is what creates character through trials and tribulations that provide a comparative worldview. Suppose you never are challenged, forced to do what you did not think you could, and succeeded at the task. In that case, you will likely doubt your ability to perform at the highest levels to reach success and goals others will not even attempt, solely due to your belief in your ability to succeed. Is it true, or are you telling yourself lies daily and choosing to believe them instead of the facts? The proof that upsets those who chose to refuse to accept the truth to live by, living lies instead and wondering why they can not be happy, and only changing behavior, habits, and likely those you hang out with will make their life better.
That is the inner drive, will, passion, and desire expressing itself through action, through your ideas about manifesting dreams, visions, and a feeling of purpose in your life. Suppose you do not have meaning or purpose in your life. In that case, you will likely develop a feeling of worthlessness, of not being of value to the group or society you are part of, and others may feel the same. Most of us, the social group wii attach to, will feel that wii do not deserve to be benefiting from being part of our social group without contributing anything to the betterment of the society wii choose to belong to and depend upon to survive. People can survive but not necessarily thrive alone in the world. Most of us need help to create a home, keep food coming to the table to eat, a house over our heads to protect from storms, and find ways to stay healthy to work and live well from our daily efforts to master the world, to become a success.
The definition of what success is ultimately is an individual determination as being rich, consequential, or beautiful does not in itself assure happiness will follow and stay intricately connected in some way to success. In the day of the internet, being an influencer that will guide others to copy, grow, and develop the ideas and potential to make the world a better place to live. Sadly, many who are successful do not find happiness but depression, instead leading them to commit suicide in many ways, actually taking their life intentionally, or in more cases than not, slowly, painfully, ignorant of the fact that they are eating the poisons, killing themselves slowly without even knowing what they are doing wrong. Unlike sheer stupidity, which is defined as doing what you know is wrong, consequential, and could hurt you. They were never taught to eat well, take care of their body, and grow their future body with intention instead of simply eating and drinking what tastes good, feels good, or appears to be addictive due to the ingredients you can not see or understand will hurt you. Are you one of the ignorant by choice, refusing to learn how to act better and treat your body kindly and with the intention to be healthy?
First and foremost, you are responsible for taking care of yourself so that you can then help take care of the world and make it a better place to live. If you feel your focus is simply making your own life better for your desires to be fulfilled, regardless of whether it takes away from others’ potential to be healthy, happy, or live free too. If you take from others and do not care, love, or return the gifts that come into your life, you will lose them and pay a horrible price. Your health, wealth, and happiness are not assured by wealth, power, or fame. The truth is, oftentimes, those are the very things that cause the depression and angst that most people seem to be suffering from, taking medications to alter their moods, dietary issue, or pain due to not having appropriately cared for the body they are experiencing life through.

Stop thinking you are weak, unable to survive without PHARMA to save you, doctors to drug you legally, or self-medicating your sadness or madness away. Stop the addictions to the things that make life Hell instead of Heaven while on Earth. You, not one other person on the planet, can change what is in your head to chart the course to inner peace and happiness. NO One can give that to you. Get up and do what it takes to change your life for the better now. Don’t be a zombie on the side of the road waiting to die a horrible death you cause yourself. Start thinking about creating a new life, a tiny house, a community, a way to be the best that you can be while you can still change the future to be the best one possible. Share the ideas of becoming independent and having a group of tiny houses that share a big house for kitchen and gatherings, and stop wasting money having too much space, more than you can easily afford in a future where money is in question to afford to live in the luxury you are accustomed to for the rest of your life. Life changes… you must, too… or you will be left in a hole that will fill up with unhealthy goo.
Accidents and factors beyond their control have damaged some, and they will spend a lifetime learning the lessons that go with this experience that teaches us on many levels, human and spiritual, if you choose to see the world in this way. What you do with the challenges, the tests of your will, ability, and love will be many in life. Still, do your best to achieve success every time you are challenged. You will most likely succeed often and become an example for others to follow from their beginnings to a fruitful life, one that is fulfilling while also being productive and full of love given as well as received. That is the ideal in life, to grow up with friends, family, and people that love you and that you love in return. Sharing the lives wii live, the benefits wii share and the dreams wii grow to hand off to friends, family, and members of the society you choose to live in is what makes life excellent, worth living with pride, and rewards that make our experience on Earth wonderful, that Heaven instead of the Hell that comes from a life of hate, self-destruction, and neglecting to love and give service to the world you live in… a lesson many never learn.
Is this the time for creating your Heaven on Earth, simplifying and focusing on the things you can do in service with the gifts of talent or skill you have to offer? If enough of us decide that this is the priority in life, to take our wisdom and abilities to make the world a better place before wii go on to our next life? If wii create a paradise, why not consider that reincarnation will give you a chance to reap the rewards from childhood to your next life as an elderly person who did indeed get to live in a Heaven created by God through Mankind, helping manifest miracles and a place Wii all want to come back to and live again instead of focusing on leaving, never to return. God’s greatest reward to us is the gift of life, and the quality of what it will become is up to us, daily, working to create a dream in common that will benefit all who come to this holographic world wii call our reality while incarnate. Truly Wii are all blessed with an opportunity to build the future and be rewarded in many ways that are not material. They are in our minds, hearts, and Spiritual bodies that few understand are the most important aspects of our existence. The final battles ahead are in the minds and hearts of mankind. Will yours be strong and beneficial in the coming times, or the problems manifested by other humans will destroy our chance to create a paradise for all who come in the future seeking it, yet allowing those who seek self-annihilation the space to fulfill their dreams to but without hurting the rest of us with their bad behavior. Some like it in Hell.