The metamorphosis is best done without interruption, in nature at peace if possible, undisturbed by the outer voices, listening to the Voice from Within.
Are you prepared for the connections in your life in 2025? The peace and purpose from within will lead you through the coming darkness through which Wii came to thrive, grow, and lead others out of the darkness into a world lit up with much better Light than ever before. Are you ready to face the world’s darkness and help shift the perspective toward what is finally possible as Wii ascend to a higher state of existence on this beautiful planet?
Our time to understand, communicate, and use transparency to clean out the scum that messes up the perspectives of the people who will help create a paradise on our planet in a unity never before known by modern man. Wii are here to help create a positive future for the entire community of Beings on our planet, not just the most elite of the human race. Join as One, as a World Union of Beings that is ready to join the Cosmic Society of WUB, other worlds in union with us for the future benefit of all who share the Light fueled by One source with many names.
Thank you for considering how big of a part you can play in the coming society of the future that lets us be the best human beings Wii can be together in a Union worth living for, sharing, and passing along for the generations to come and thrive in, too. Stop the greed, anger, hate, and madness that destroy the potential for a fabulous world to come into existence based on all of us working together to make that happen. Wii, all of the “I”s of the world can join to make this happen if Wii agree to do so without being forced to under threats of war, fear, or suffering, but for sake of all of us benefitting universally and retaining rights that are due to all sentient beings.
Join us, one and all, to create a World Union of Beings that does not depend on one religion, leader, or dictator but a billion beings of many forms that can communicate and celebrate how Wii can work together to create a paradise that will last for a millennium. Indeed, communication is the key, and Wii, the world’s humans, are ready to communicate with all the other Beings on the planet, and in the cosmos that humans have not seen or understood are sharing our planet too. Wii are not alone, just unaware of all the other beings that live under the ocean, inside the Earth’s mountains, and sharing our planet without having wars with us for longer than man can remember. When such wars occur, mankind is the loser every time.
I do not think humans are at the top of the evolutionary ladder, but simply one of the many on the plane of existence that Wii all share. Just because you can not see energy in other forms, that is still life, in bodies that are not human, yet have a sentience and wisdom humans can barely comprehend. Communication networks that reach around the world and humans are destroying underwater and in the atmosphere. Noise/frequency and toxin contamination that is killing them off faster than humans. This madness is coming to an end as the cycles of Earth cleansing and changes coming humans can not stop will also empower us to join and begin a new phase of interaction and sharing the planet’s resources more fairly.
Are the solutions Wii seek beyond imagination or implementation? Time will tell us soon as the final battles for Light and the Darkness are played out in the next year. I believe you will hear that the Light Brigade rose at the last minute and stunned the enemies of our freedom on a planet of Light, not darkness that has been intended by the few who want to own the planet. Sadly many will suffer to teach the remainder the truth, Love, and how to honor the gifts of a God that is in control, not men who have plans that will be thwarted soon. Savor our Dayz, for these are the times Wii were reincarnated for, the Warriors of the Light Brigade in many forms and shapes will shift the future locally, United come the Awakening the makes this seem as if its meant to be… for it is… as Wii who finally see, Victory is coming for those who work to free the shackles on the minds and hearts of the truly Free. Join Mii so the Wii, together, can change the future of our world and bring peace at last once the time for the maniacs is past.
Yes, the stairway to Heaven is formed from the flesh of thousand-year-old trees that survived the greatest hurricanes, tornadoes, and floods to ultimately be felled by the Lilliputians who came across the Texas land like Fire Ants. They destroyed the grand forests, cut down every tree that had lived, and protected all you could see. An ocean of life that lived in the shade, forests of critters that traversed the days before man came to conquer nature, cut down all the trees so that a few could get rich and bring the rest to their knees. The history of the Sawdust Empire of Texas hides many misdeeds, but the fruit of their harvest of all those great trees should not now be wasted by fools with no needs. Soon, some will wonder at the cost of a home if they don’t look to salvage to fill up the great void—the cost of the imports and the code-managed world of building the boxes that corporations want to breed. The times are changing, and the masses will learn that other solutions are better to earn than the money for trash that will one day need to burn.
Where do you go up a SpaceMagic Stairwell like this except to Bliss?
Half the space is so easy to climb that there is barely any difference except for keeping more usable space in the house. There is a secret compartment under the first stair in case you need to blow someone away from there. Lol.
This is very simple and easy to build, sturdy when finished, for it was built to handle a 300+ pound woman going up and down it to sleep.
This stairwell went up 7’ into the air, and the second floor was full of more great ideas to create airflow and light for you to show off every morning inside the stained glass windows I put into the designs.
Just in case she does not want company at night, the lady of the house will have that right. All are out of sight.
Imagine this is only 180 square foot big for the taxing but has a storage area that you see here, good for a bed and more, dear, but only storage for taxation to one day take it away most would fear. This house will last but the taxes will drop as it fits in a Loopholology slot. For more information about how, read more than not of the other many articles on this site. Hehe. Please leave a like too. Few do.
The White Swan was sent off to homestead in Johnson City and had its future hands full to help those who bought it recover from a life of excess to get healthier, hopefully, through losing the toxic lifestyles and issues so many people seem to share.
Blessings to your journey and the path you choose to take. May it be as close to the healthiest that you can get in life to honor thy vessel like I have honored the great trees in this house. The glass is fantastic. These incredible stained glass windows were created long ago, and their preservation is one thing I know I did right.
May your dreams and home give you such an incredible feeling as this house can give you every night? Perhaps when this house still stands in a century, others will wonder how long wood can last. For Mii and my passion, this was one of the last that left Salvage, Texas, so long in the past. I pray that more people will follow this trail of using the best and honoring every nail. The craftsmen who build a home such as this will be heroes for the owners, who will then live in bliss. Savor the honor, the skill Jesus shared as a carpenter who created a safe place to grow near and love those Wii honor, children, and parents with more than a ticket to homelessness outside the door.
Merry Christmas I hear, but I seldom see the results of the promises most make to be better as humans, this next year all will see. 2025 is the year to see all Free.
This will be the year that many will fail to find their passion or goals met, quite the opposite. Most will have to step back and re-examine the value of time, life, possessions, & relationships.
This is the big year for many who never thought they would live to see such times. No one seems to understand that time will fly by faster before the next year ends, speeding into a future where the past will be blurred as our vision is transformed to let us see what is essential here. Not the cheap distractions or the many ways to hide from the consequences of the actions most have long since made. This will be the time to pay for the things most did without being given any say, but the consequences that are coming out today were not mentioned.
Many things are changing, but the worst thing that most fear is war, the collapse of the economy, and the lack of a way to buy bread or food due to inflation. How do some feed their families when their homes are washed away? More importantly, how do you eat well to stay healthy if food gets more challenging, expensive, or contaminated by the systems producing food without disclosing the poisons inside them, such as preservatives, flavorings, or chemicals leaching out of the packaging?
What are you planning for security and backup if the world hits a gitch in the food and medicine distribution system? This is a strong possibility if there is any sort of blackout, intentional or from the sun smacking us with a giant filament or solar flare. One just lifted off while I was writing this that will not affect Earth for a couple of days, but many impacts are possible when it does. Not just electrical systems are being impacted, but so are the health and weather that feel the effects. This is especially true with so much instability in the world due to war and the global trade battles that will affect them due to their dependency on corporations that might run into issues due to the new trade conflicts.
The many attacks on health are caused by corporations that knew this was a known risk, but it was ignored for profit. The executives who made those decisions are gone and can not be punished. No one will ever be punished, but the customers in the future who pay the fines for this bad behavior that kills many every day still.
What do we who could send help, thinking Americans do that through FDA & FEMA with tax dollars in our steed? That job of those eurocrats seems to break down every time they are desperately needed, no matter where. What do Wii, the public that can see do, but wonder how the government has handled it? Is the public forced to watch, kept away, to watch FEMA and Commissioners let their lives be washed away, refusing to count bodies or give credence instead of delays? Who is in charge of allowing those people to pay with their lives for the mistakes FEMA makes by failing to send help their way? Worst still, why does FEMA keep the solutions from getting underway?
What will you do if the problems of the snow and storms cause the world to falter in its chance to help in ways that the dying people can find a way to live or stay? How do we build the houses that are needed, big or small? How do we protect the children who need a place to stay? What will the others do to help when the government does not as if they intended the people to move away? IF this is the future for the many, who may live in the areas where mining is intended when they give their title to the rich men who have plans to mine it till it doesn’t look like anything we knew as forest for our furry friends that will turn into a strip mine stretching miles that will destroy life then. What will you be doing in the coming years ahead if the mines decide they want your land and the government is their friend who comes and takes your land away without considering what it does to you?
Somehow, there must be a plan that helps humans take a stand for their land and forests, for nature and the future of their ancestors’ land. How will they raise their children with family lore and all their friends that they will never see again if they wipe out all the towns? What do the people who aren’t allowed to go back to their land, their homes, their heritage, and more? Their means to eat to stay alive are taken, so they can not thrive. Why can’t they have a tiny house to rebuild what their families lost? Who on Earth was given the right to take the land that they have with all the rights that should protect us all? Please stop the madness that takes all from those who are poor, who seem so small against the giant corps that go and take their rights away.
No matter what the corps may do to destroy the land, the critters, too, without anyone to stop what they do. It is so sad, but it still seems to be true. Someone must stand up that can not be shot down or bought up. Who will that be for those who see the writing on the wall that seems to say they must give up and leave? Where is the hero and the God that promised to protect them all? We know the president doesn’t care, and the people who work for FEMA dare to stop the people and the towns from saving themselves with the salvage that is found. Stop the madness and the taking that is clearly in the making. Can Wii do it, those “I”s that see so they can’t do what Wii see they want?
By the time most read this, it will likely be outdated. Perhaps someone will buy the land and force the emptying of the assets hidden within that I had hoped would turn into hundreds of houses again. At this stage, there do not seem to be enough people interested in such things to help so it appears this show will come to an end. Not the glorious one I hoped for where others would pick up the torch and carry it on, but time is still passing and the opportunity is still there. Will it take a miracle?
Is there life after death on the internet? What happens when you get deplatformed, demonetized, and ghosted by the Techno-wardens who control the internet, one way or another?
Hey, dear friends of Tiny Texas Houses. FaceBook finally figured out how to shut down my other page without me violating their newest policies, so this is a redux page to replace the 17-year-old site that FB will not help me revive or get access too again.
For those that have never seen the El Campo Exposition, follow this link to see what could be had from a 150-year-old farmhouse and how to have fun salvaging the treasures in 7 days of pulling out nails and stacking up treasure.
This is to invite you to visit the new TinyTexasHouses2.0 version. I wonder if it will get slammed as much by the shadowbanners and censors. I will try to keep out of the traps to get the word out about our new plan to disseminate millions of dollars in materials to Pure Salvage Outposts, which will be the local PSO Co-ops for people to learn how and to build their tiny houses in their towns to cut the cost typically associated with moving them to their final homestead once they are built. Instead of shipping across states with big empty wooden boxes that require lots of permits, costs for the people in lead cars, and the drivers, fuel, and problems on the way. This is a path to creating many more organic sustainable house builders for all sizes of homes, but with the ethos that smaller and higher quality is better than big and shit-built to fall apart in 15 years, the most common way for modern construction of homes, apartments, and condos that goes on today. Built-in obsolescence has become part of the expectations of Americans for products instead of the old, nearly forgotten “Made in America” to last for a lifetime quality that we used to be known for before the decline of our society.
Are you one of the oldsters who still thinks quality is better than quantity when it comes to your home, car, or clothes? The McMansion Era has destroyed the logic and energy efficiency that was part of our American culture. It stretched out the perception of what humans can do for their luxury, showing off as if size means success. The surprise has turned out to be the homes are killing the lives of those who buy them and then give up so much of their life hours to pay for them, with the insurance, maintenance, and other consequences of urban sprawl and the development of stupidity in housing becoming popular and seductive enough to sucker millions into buying houses that will one day be abandoned and torn down due to the high costs of keeping the functional once the massive roofs, poorly crafted structural members that are built to the minimum standards possible for the sake of the builders making more profits, never providing higher quality as they expand the sized of home… or did until the end of the line arrived, 2024 will be the last of the McMansion days as they begin to crash. People move into smaller, high-quality, healthy housing.
The lid is off the can that is full of worms, parasites in the development and home-building industry that sold out to profits at the cost of the health of the future inhabitants of the houses they build. Sadly, most builders are corporations created solely for profit, not for the customer’s benefit.
The same goes for food if you want to be healthy and live a long, prosperous life. So Tiny Texas Houses, which started under the guise of a tiny house builder, is a proponent for healthy living all around: diet, environment, home, heart, mind, and spirit. This is the essential part of being a good human: respecting nature and the environment in which you build a house and fitting in instead of wiping out the natural world that was there before your home and yard came to destroy most of it. Animals need the foot that the Earth produces, including what most call weeds, and put chemicals on the ground to kill rather than learn their value and respect all plants for what they give to the world by converting dirt into life with the help of the sun and water. Wii can make the world a better place by the way we live on it, sharing it rather than destroying it by keeping our footprint small and sharing the land better.
Why do you choose grass and not a tree to grow baby birds in, squirrels, or other critters that many consider pests but are essential for a balanced, healthy world? Why do you participate in buying into a subdivision that killed off all the natural lifeforms that existed before the developer, destroying the environment with concrete, asphalt, roofs, and houses that cover the ground and not let anything grow? There is nothing but destruction and death in most subdivisions, coated in pesticides, herbicides, and all cancer-causing chemicals that no child should be exposed to all over the land. Who thinks this leads to healthy children or adults? If you are one of those people who do think that is good, then you need therapy like the others who share living in your concrete poisoned concentration camps with toxic boxes lining the streets. Stopping the madness of a society hell-bent on living in what they think is luxury but now finding out is the opposite, the cause for them aging poorly, getting cancers, respiratory problems, kidney issues, and the other consequences of inhaling harmful chemicals.
The carpet fibers, outgassing chemicals from paints, vinyl, plastics, and the many chemical-laden cleaners, fungicides, herbicides, pesticides, and even the paints used in houses that smell so much that people notice but do not understand the smell is from chemicals you then absorb into your blood to possibly change your hormones, adding estrogen to your body through the lungs that can not be taken back out without going through your blood, liver, kidneys, and hopefully not being absorbed into the fat cells or other means of isolating the poisons that leave them trapped in your lymphatic system or brain.
This is a serious ongoing threat to millions of new home buyers, or the complete fresh remodel that brings in new particle board kitchen cabinets, plastic, and vinyl that outgas, as well as new carpets with pads that also leach out chemicals into the home to be inhaled., I protest and try to get the word out but realize most people have the shroud of cognitive dissonance on and will not view, read, or take in information that will upset their imaginary view of the world that leaves out these harmful aspects of how they are living to die early. Because this information is so well hidden from the public, I am moving on from organically and sustainably building tiny houses to creating healthy, energy-efficient ones throughout America. I must take this to the next level… I take it to you locally so that the millions who need this upgrade in their housing and knowledge can make millions learning new skills in the salvage industry that will provide millions of jobs. Can this be done?
I am about to test the limits of how far and fast this Pure Salvage Living Renaissance can grow as the need for great housing and intentional communities expands due to the need for a massive recalibration of the way we live in America—downsizing to quality over quantity and funding the creation of tinier housing for the masses instead of all builders trying to offer massive square footage but sacrificing health, the longevity of the structures, and the quality of life while living inside of them. The subdivisions created as part of the modern housing schemes pack in as many houses as possible on the land. Thus, this çoncentrated housing destroys all nature in its creation. This has to end, and we must change in ways that will benefit the future society that inherits all the trash and builds homes in subdivisions that seem doomed to become slums down the road as houses deteriorate.
Those who remain in them can no longer afford to maintain them due to the massive problems that show up at the 15-year mark in their lifespan when the roof, water heaters, AC/Heat system, paint, and appliances will have all reached the end of their intended lifespan and need to be replaced—a sad ending to what starts out looking like an excellent investment. Never be the last one to put up a “For Sale” sign, or you may never get to leave the dead subdivision when its time comes. What do you do when your loan is far greater than the value of the home and land? You lose.
Join me as I expand now by dissolving the original home of Tiny Texas Houses and distributing the assets to the rest of the country where others can build houses faster locally, for less cost, and then put them into communities that respect the surroundings, nature, and the people who will grow up there healthy instead of poisoned by the chemicals put in the gutters, on the lawns, and in the houses to kill all things not human inside the subdivision walls.
My goal is to assemble the people to take over the operations of the home base at Salvage, Texas, and then take this to the next level by establishing hundreds of PSO Co-ops for the locals to create housing and intentional communities worldwide. Please get in touch if you want to help form the group and establish the Embassy to learn what can be done in sustainable housing to help create the solutions so many can use soon. This can be done now if you want to help manifest the network of people and places for it all to materialize. Thank you for being so helpful.
I have learned that males peak at 66-78, but I never would have believed it without experiencing this delight. What do you do when you reach the final leg of your working life at 69? Yes, at our peak, what do you seek?
20 more years will go fast, given the last 20 seem like 10 now.
Yes, I now have the willpower to resist many temptations of my youth that were destroying my health when I was young, still in my 20s. I was only eating junk food with sugar, white flour, white rice, and many other things that were not healthy but considered an ordinary diet. I was habitually eating Burger King Whoppers with a shake daily, yet I was working at a health club selling memberships and teaching others how to do workouts and get stronger. However, I had no clue about nutrition. The book “Sugar Blues” saved my life as it taught me about how many symptoms I had for Hypoglycemia, a word I had never heard. One of the young guys working out there, a diabetic, taught me what would follow if I did not change my diet. I did not fully understand the symptoms, but once I read the book, it became clear where my emotional mood swings came from, along with more dramatic symptoms like grand mal seizures that would leave me shaking on the ground before I could recover.
Stop the abuse of your body while young so that you can stay fit and last longer than those who trash their vessel of life. What can you do to make your life better? Eat better, and work out with calisthenics or a weight room. Get out and move more, watch less TV, and do all you can to get fit while young so that you can maintain that without much effort later instead of getting fat, diabetic, and facing many problems that result from not taking care of your body. If you want to live a long, healthy life, your home, food, and activity levels will determine 80% of your success. The 20% that comes from accidents, injury, and damage due to living in toxic environments that cause cancer and other disease that could be prevented by changing where you live. What will you do for the next few decades to stay fit and be an example to your children and other adults who would benefit from your improvements? The example you can be can change the world.
Suppose you desire to create healthy housing and a healthy community and have others with the same intentions. In that case, I hope you will take the initiative now as so many people will need to change their eating habits as food increases in cost and sadly, the worst food, closest to junk food, is the cheapest. It is more costly to eat organic food unless you can also grow some, but most can not due to where they live. Apartments don’t generally provide common areas for gardens. Many could change over time to accommodate those who care about such things. In effect, you could develop a community of like-minded people in apartment and condo complexes that were of ordinary mind on how to live healthily and thus promote and prove this is the right path to take for aging healthy, therefore making for a stronger country if the next generation reaches their 60s in better condition that the Baby Boomers who are generally fat, sick, and unhappy, which is sad given Americans have more opportunity to stay healthy and wealthy than any other nations on Earth.
What are you doing to show the rest of your family and friends what is possible in healthy, vibrant living and thriving well into your 80s? I chose this path rather than dying young and sickly and learning it was all preventable: the pain, cancer, and a sad ending to a life that could have been extended so easily. Are you one of those who will make excuses and never alter your behavior, just your wish list of miracles to happen to you, instant slimness with a pill, shot, or other big PHARMA solution that will keep you addicted, may even kill you and thus drop your weight dramatically and solve all your problems in one fell swoop? What will it take for the average person to break the many habits that result from eating foods with known addictive ingredients allowed to be put in most packaged foods produced in America but not in Europe, Africa, and Japan? It must be clear to you if you look at the difference in the ingredients and how many are used in America that are banned in Canada, Mexico, Europe, and many other countries that global corporations like America do not run. Study and learn from other societies where the public is protected from the criminality of corporations seeking profit at any cost, including the death of their customers.
If you are aging poorly and only in your 30s, overweight, not muscular, low on energy, or having mood swings, depression, or worse, physical symptoms like narcolepsy, just falling to sleep without notice, sometimes like me, while flying solo in an airplane and nearly hitting the ground as I nosedived the plane when I passed out into sleep and leaned forward on the steering column causing my race to the Earth before waking at 800 ft from crashing, 5 times in an hour-long solo, my last time in a plane alone. I nearly died several times that day before landing without having balanced fuel tanks in the wings because I was too sleepy to think straight. I was lucky I was taught how to land sideways, crabbing my way to the ground without flipping the plane when I landed. I never flew alone again. Have you had that problem? I had the issue driving, too. You?
Believe it or not, the diet changed everything, and I regained my mind and body. I genuinely believe there are many ways to stay healthy without going to the Rockefeller-created American Medical Association to combat natural remedies that have worked for centuries. There was an apparent conspiracy to wipe out naturopathic cures and to replace them with dangerous and addictive drugs that would trap people into a sickness instead of eliminate it and thus create lifelong customers, the primary goal of many doctors that goes unspoken. They do not make money if you do not go into their office sick and need checkups, prescription renewals, and other devices many use to keep you as a paying customer for life. They get bonuses for giving you a vax of every sort possible that amounts to tens of thousands of dollars a year in extra income. Few of their clients understand what motivates the drive to vax everyone. Profits without disclosure are biasing the doctors and their pathology of ignoring the labels, addicting people to drugs they should not need, and worse, becoming a common complaint by those who suffered from that tactic thousands of American Medical Association Cult members.
Please become educated and autodidactic, teaching yourself new information and facts about how to stay healthy and happy into your 90s without having to take statins, high blood pressure medicines, and testosterone supplements to get by. Please take an hour a day to study new information about healthy living and grow your mind’s understanding rather than losing it. Muscle and mind decline with a lack of exercise, so do not neglect either. Better you should miss your TV programs for an hour in the gym, riding a bike, walking a few miles, and other physical things that will extend the healthy portion of your life by decades instead of just supporting doctors and hospitals with your insurance funds, if you have enough. Some cannot afford good doctors, and they will likely suffer the most if they do not change their eating, exercise, and thinking patterns. This is the only way to stay away from the medical industry when you age into an old folks home where the occupants generally long lose diet, exercise, and mental clarity, and there is no chance they will leave to live independently again.
Join me in proving what older people are capable of both in business, writing, and building the solutions the next generation will need to overcome the challenges that modern societies have caused in their rush to grow, profit, and ignore the warning lights going off indicating that you and others are on a dead end path running full speed but you do not have brakes. Be prepared to hit the wall when the loss of China imports the many prescription drugs that many Americans are addicted to. China just banned shipping them to us in a counter-strike to the new tariff plan on their imports. The cost to stay on medicine will get higher, as will all things once imported that will need to be made in the USA now with much more expensive labor, and land, buildings, and insurance that will make cheap products a thing of the past.
Get ready, kids. The societies in America, Europe, and other places where the wars are growing are about to go through massive changes, and being healthy will make the next few years easier. Please consider changing and helping those you love to prepare their bodies, minds, and spirit for challenging years ahead. Housing will be vital, and I hope the examples of what can be done by salvaging the best of our past will make the next few years much better for many who realize they must change to thrive in the coming years. Blessings to your dayz kids.
If you have seen how incredible the look of vintage lumber is on a wall, decorating as well as using for floors, reducing the toxins, imports, & low-quality building materials w salvage makes cents.
How much will you pay for shitrock on the walls, materials that outgas dangerous chemicals that you will inhale and make part of your body just by living in a new house, tiny or large? If you do not know, this happens when you move into a new home, especially a tiny house with a limited air supply. How do you limit the chemicals and toxins in the new houses? Wait for 3-5 years for the outgassing to complete itself before living in them, which, given they are only built to last for ten to twelve years, the plastic seals on the exterior and roof will leak by then if not kept out of the weather and sun. It is sad when the industry refuses to recognize the short life of the materials they use to create cheap tiny houses and mobile homes.
Worse for anyone who lives in one full time is the health issues that result from toxins in the houses that could be prevented, and the lack of fresh air due to few adding the necessary but costly air exchangers that preserve the heat and cold in the house while flushing out the stale air to get fresh oxygen in the house. If not, there is a serious issue with hypoxia in tiny houses and RVs that contributes to mental decline and physical ailments. Since you will not sleep well when you lack fresh air, your days for the kids and adults will be less energetic, and you will be more prone to being tired and sick due to not having a healthy environment to live in.
In a world quickly filling up with tinier homes, and most are not reviewing the reports and not listening to the growing calls for concern over the resulting health issues, few connect the dots to find the solutions until the damage is severe. Respiratory problems, mental clarity, hormones being messed up due to the endocrine disruption caused by the outgassing yet, because it is invisible, the lack of oxygen undetected, and the resulting loss of energy and health subtle as it disappears gradually, most know nothing of the cause of their health issues after the first year in a new tiny RV or Home, mobile home, or the ever-growing modular homes that are just big versions of toxicity living.
It is possible for those who care and want a healthy tiny house to get one built, but you will need to be sure these issues do not arise for you. You must adhere to using materials inside the house that will not outgas the plasticizers, vinyl chemicals, paint chemicals, and polyurethane finishes that cure. At the same time, you live there, which means outgassing the remaining chemicals in the fibers of the wood or even carpet. Why is this not reported on more? Why are these issues not discussed on panels at the national tiny home manufacturers? Why is this the subject to stay silent on if you build the trailers, RVs, and tiny houses on wheels that are virtually just tiny mobile homes that will lose value faster than the health of the people living in them who bought them off the lot new, fresh, and full of invisible chemicals to inhale and absorb, sadly most being carcinogenic and even deadly in the long run. Cancer can be overcome by the victims of this abuse and failure to inform, but why should they have to experience the possible death cancer causes over being stupid?
Since I no longer build tiny houses for anyone, I can speak freely and not be accused of false prejudice as if I am exposing these issues soley to promote my brand of dwellings. I created Tiny Texas Houses to be the antithesis of “Tumbledweed Houses.” That was my name for the first of the fad tiny house makers that were truly examples of how to rip off people pretending to teach them how to build tiny houses on wheels. That failed due to the many misleading aspects of their presentation and the owners misrepresenting things early on, which cost them their reputation and, sadly, cost many who followed him. But it was their life savings and health that suffered. Many other Toxic-House-box on Wheels have done worse, creating more chemicals while the fad was hot. Even a Dr. Vinyl that made the entire house out of vinyl’s toxicity would definitely put most people into a complex nose dive with their hormones and health in a matter of months.I never heard if anyone was stupid enough to buy and live in one, but I would love to hear from those who did. It would be a sad story, for sure.
I have published many articles on living in tiny healthy houses and what to watch for, but the industry is in denial and refusing to address these issues. Most manufacturers will just shut down and go out of business, having taken their profits and moving on once the public figured out, somebody screwed them over for profits. If you have health issues in the respiratory tract, hormones, and cancer but have not investigated the cause and have lived in tiny houses, or new mobile homes for that matter, you should look into this as the cause and warn others before they too suffer. I know of a mother and daughter who got matching tiny mobile homes, and both got cancer, one of the breast, the other lymphoma. This is serious, and it only took three years of living in them to trigger the cancer. Stop the madness now. Cheap housing is not worth your health later in life.
For those who want to downsize into a healthy lifestyle, please consider using as many healthy materials as aged lumber, not plywood, particle board, and composites full of chemicals. Do not add the paints and chemical-laden products that will outgas over the first three years after they are made, leaving the plastics brittle once the chemicals that make them flex leach out into the air, your lungs, your body, and your brain. Tell others who have made the mistake, are sick, and do not understand why, yet they live in these homes.
Now, you are the one who now knows what many do not. Please share if you care about those you love and friends who may be sucked into the downsizing without understanding the potential downfalls of that lifestyle in a toxic box rather than a healthy tiny house.
Brad w. Kittel
brad@tinytexashouses for more information but do read more on this substack as there are several articles on toxic conditions inside tiny houses.
If you have seen how incredible the look of vintage lumber is on a wall, decorating as well as using for floors, reducing the toxins, imports, & low quality building materials w salvage makes cents.
How much will you pay for shitrock on the walls, materials that outgas dangerous chemicals that you will inhale and make part of your body just by living in a new house, tiny or large? If you do not know, this happens when you move into a new home, especially a tiny house with a limited air supply. How do you limit the chemicals and toxins in the new houses? Wait for 3-5 years for the outgassing to complete itself before living in them, which, given they are only built to last for ten to twelve years, the plastic seals on the exterior and roof will leak by then if not kept out of the weather and sun. It is sad when the industry refuses to recognize the short life of the materials they use to create cheap tiny houses and mobile homes.
Worse for anyone who lives in one full time is the health issues that result from toxins in the houses that could be prevented, and the lack of fresh air due to few adding the necessary but costly air exchangers that preserve the heat and cold in the house while flushing out the stale air to get fresh oxygen in the house. If not, there is a serious issue with hypoxia in tiny houses and RVs that contributes to mental decline and physical ailments. Since you will not sleep well when you lack fresh air, your days for the kids and adults will be less energetic, and you will be more prone to being tired and sick due to not having a healthy environment to live in.
In a world quickly filling up with tinier homes, and most are not reviewing the reports and not listening to the growing calls for concern over the resulting health issues, few connect the dots to find the solutions until the damage is severe. Respiratory problems, mental clarity, hormones being messed up due to the endocrine disruption caused by the outgassing yet, because it is invisible, the lack of oxygen undetected, and the resulting loss of energy and health subtle as it disappears gradually, most know nothing of the cause of their health issues after the first year in a new tiny RV or Home, mobile home, or the ever-growing modular homes that are just big versions of toxicity living.
It is possible for those who care and want a healthy tiny house to get one built, but you will need to be sure these issues do not arise for you. You must adhere to using materials inside the house that will not outgas the plasticizers, vinyl chemicals, paint chemicals, and polyurethane finishes that cure. At the same time, you live there, which means outgassing the remaining chemicals in the fibers of the wood or even carpet. Why is this not reported on more? Why are these issues not discussed on panels at the national tiny home manufacturers? Why is this the subject to stay silent on if you build the trailers, RVs, and tiny houses on wheels that are virtually just tiny mobile homes that will lose value faster than the health of the people living in them who bought them off the lot new, fresh, and full of invisible chemicals to inhale and absorb, sadly most being carcinogenic and even deadly in the long run. Cancer can be overcome by the victims of this abuse and failure to inform, but why should they have to experience the possible death cancer causes over being stupid?
Since I no longer build tiny houses for anyone, I can speak freely and not be accused of false prejudice as if I am exposing these issues soley to promote my brand of dwellings. I created Tiny Texas Houses to be the antithesis of “Tumbledweed Houses.” That was my name for the first of the fad tiny house makers that were truly an examples of how to rip off people pretending to teach them how to build tiny houses on wheels. That failed due to the many misleading aspects of their presentation and the owners misrepresenting things early on, which cost them their reputation and, sadly, cost many who followed him. But it was their life savings and health that suffered. Many other Toxic-House-box on Wheels have done worse, creating more chemicals while the fad was hot. Even a Dr. Vinyl that made the entire house out of vinyl, it’s toxicity would definately put most people into a complex nose dive with their hormones and health in a matter of months. I never heard if anyone was stupid enough to buy and live in one, but I would love to hear from those who did. It would be a sad story, for sure.
I have published many articles on living in tiny healthy houses and what to watch for, but the industry is in denial and refusing to address these issues. Most manufacturers will just shut down and go out of business, having taken their profits and moving on once the public figured out somebody screwed them over for profits. If you have health issues in the respiratory tract, hormones, and cancer but have not investigated the cause and have lived in tiny houses, or new mobile homes for that matter, you should look into this as the cause and warn others before they too suffer. I know of a mother and daughter who got matching tiny mobile homes, and both got cancer, one of the breast, the other lymphoma. This is serious, and it only took three years of living in them to trigger the cancer. Stop the madness now. Cheap housing is not worth your health later in life.
For the many who do want to downsize into a healthy lifestyle, please consider using as many healthy materials as aged lumber, not plywood, particle board, and composites full of chemicals. Do not add the paints and chemical-laden products that will outgas over the first three years after they are made leaving the plastics brittle once the chemicals that make them flex leach out into the air, your lungs, your body, your brain. Tell others who have made the mistake, are sick, do not understand why, yet they live in these homes.
Now, you are the one who now knows what many do not. Please share if you care about those you love and friends who may be sucked into the downsizing without understanding the potential downfalls of that lifestyle in a toxic box rather than a healthy tiny house.
Brad w. Kittel
brad@tinytexashouses for more information but do read more on this substack as there are several articles on toxic conditions inside tiny houses.
The building, machines, tools, land, and a long history are being sold to let me move on to the following chapters of my life. Are you interested in picking up the baton to build the best tiny houses ever?
Why not put together a bunch of investors who want to split the pie up, and all make a nice profit? That is my next plan as I have given up on seeing others come to the point of working for themselves rather than as employees by building tiny houses with materials and space to do it, then selling for a profit and paying me for materials when done. That did not seem enough to entice people to join me in creating the organic, sustainable, and energy-efficient houses that the public seems to want more than the McMansions that have grown so ugly. No one seems to want to build quality but prefers the cheap construction methods and materials that allow for more square footage but also for unhealthy houses.
Here is a chance to buy a building or a business with it that could be altered to fit the next person’s view on how to create better housing in the future than what is typically offered in subdivisions today.
This package would include inventory, a business, or just the structures and the land. 5 acres with a 20,000 sf warehouse, 2,000 sf of offices, and the massive outdoor covered area known as Manifestation Bay.
This facility has 440 3 phase, 220 three phase, and regular on-site electricity.
The land has a well that will continue to be shared by the adjoining property, but the well is located on this land and runs 24/7 to assist in keeping the wildlife area ponds full throughout the year.
The property presently has a bathhouse in the back, part of the BnB operations on the adjoining property. If possible, it will be moved to the other area next door and remain in a trust as a nature reserve.
The Building was constructed in 1985, and the offices must be updated to be suitable for a new business. The second floor of the front building has an additional 1,000 sf of flooring, which provides more usable area than just the first floor.
This land’s industrial and commercial value is 5 acres on the hilltop.
There is also an apartment for living quarters on the second floor above the offices, which also has a kitchen area and a shower in the second bathroom downstairs beside the customer bathroom. There are presently eight office areas in the front of the building.
If the buyer does not buy the inventory, there is a chance for a short-term leaseback to empty the building. If the building is cashed out, the inventory can be financed for ten years.
333 Salvage Way is located on IH 10 at exit 628, the last exit before the toll road exits, which go all the way to Seguin, 16 miles away. There are no other exits with full utilities.
Also, the property sits high over the highway with a 1 mile visibility zone for the drivers by to see, want, and pay attention to the products that will be built or sold from here due to the incredible visibility.
There is no chance of the building flooding without a tsunami from the gulf, as it sits well above the San Marcos River across the highway. This was the only exit from here to Houston, 145 miles away, that did not flood out in the Hurricane Harvey times when it parked over the top of us for two days before returning to wreak havoc on Houston that year.
Buccees is finishing its giant store at the next exit, so this exit already has one of the truckstops finished. Another is scheduled on the opposite corner on this side of the highway, with hotels, too.
Contact [email protected] for more information or to come see it. I am working with brokers and paying a buyers agent commission of 3% to a solid transaction with a 1% bonus if closed by February 27th, 2025
For more information, a viewing, or a visit to discuss the possibilities, contact Brad at [email protected].
Yes, it appears like this road will come to an end soon. I will put to bed after searching for the protege or others who want to grow Tiny Texas House communities.
For Sale: the land and building that houses the Tiny Texas Houses operations. I have tried my best, taking over a dozen years to nurture the concepts. With the end of my role in the arena of tiny housing manufacturing, I will offer the chance for someone else who may well be a better businessman than I was, as that is no longer on my list of things I want to do in life. Running a business is a demanding life and can pay well. Still, at 69, I have had my fill of running companies, having employees, and paying outrageous taxes for the privilege of having workers. I liked helping Americans overcome the housing crisis. It appears like the runaway train will not have anyone on the tracks to warn others or to slow the train down before it goes entirely off the tracks soon. Housing in America will reach crisis levels fast as the economy crumbles further due to the massive layoffs and industrial decline in progress.
The war-machine industry may be booming, but all others are suffering dearly and will soon lead to an economic depression unlike any in history, yet business will continue. The time to grow a business is historically during a recession or depression. I am not at the point in my life where I wish to do that again. I was pretty successful in my past businesses. Now I want to write my books to help others create intentional villages from salvage, to perpetuate the idea of healthy tiny houses for an alternative to the big shitrock monstrosities that fill subdivisions by the millions now at prices few can afford without enslaving themselves for a few decades to jobs they do not like. I will be selling off massive inventories if no one chooses to purchase the building with the potential to regrow the business now as I have no intention of cranking up a business with employees, taxes, and the many headaches of entrepreneurship anymore.
So, the property is up for sale. I hope to see a great person buy the whole thing, not just the land, but the millions in inventory that I will parse out otherwise worldwide. Why not check out the incredible financing I can offer on large orders of materials for projects, especially the development of tiny villages and communities focused on breaking out of the city life. Join the millions who are choosing to raise kids in a better environment while developing the food with gardens, farm animals, and the older style of healthy homestead living. I want the wealth of materials to go to these types of projects and will do all I can to help facilitate that. Let me know if you have anyone who you can connect me with to assist them in manifesting their dreams for a better reality than what many are facing today.
Do you need some materials for some big projects? Now is the time to look into it as I will be financing materials for projects too. Do you have a tiny community intended but have not found the resources to build it yet? Check with me sooner than later to make it happen. [email protected] for more information on the property or materials, the business for your future, or more.
I offered solutions to downsize in a healthy way and create a more reasonable living scenario for millions stuck in the city, aging out with no income increases that will keep up with living costs. Millions will go homeless before the end of 2025, and nothing is being done to offset a known outcome from the high inflation of housing and food costs.
This is not a short-term problem, but if the solutions are ignored in favor of building more housing that is too expensive, too big, and poorly constructed to be of great value in fifteen years. The unhealthy materials used for housing today make people sick without knowing why. Ultimately, when the costs of maintenance, taxes, and insurance are considered, all rising faster than the incomes of elders who occupy the houses, they will be forced to move out, sell out at the worst time, and most likely to giant corporations that will use the homes for rentals as they grow their inventories using unlimited bank loans and charge the interest for the takeover costs to the renters.
This is going to continue, and clearly, I am not going to make a dent in the problem, so I am shutting down the warehouses with the materials to build 500 tiny houses, a few hundred 400+ square foot houses with lofts that would serve many well… but no one is interested in helping to make that happen, especially the government that should be supporting. What will come of the future for those who are forced out into the cold and lose all their possessions, their jobs for lack of a home to live in, and ultimately, the destruction of many families who will never recover from the loss of their home? Unfortunately, my suggestions and solutions that could be implemented to create a few hundred houses and start the trend of building with more salvaged materials and smaller houses that suit the needs of many instead of just servicing the profits of the giant house-building corporations that have no concern for the public needs, just profits.
This is for the opening from the bath into the living areas so that air can flow to cool if needed or to let the sun shine in… lol
So many people do not know they could use antique windows to build a tiny house. There are no codes on portable buildings used as tiny houses you can live in full-time if you stay away from draconian cities and counties scattered across the land. How do you find such places? Where do you go to hide and do the things you want to without being dictated to and lied to when the public gets caught up in all the problems that must subside?
Would you use such windows in your house?
Congratulations if you can’t escape the trap at the gate that lets you live without rent or income. The other 99% must consider where to live and, with consent, even have to still pay rent at 69 years old or more. If not, they kick you out the door. How does this happen as Wii age at last and realize that the living costs are far beyond what Wii had planned and Social Security is not enough on hand?
There is a rapidly growing trend toward downsizing. Despite that, there is no decent tiny housing as an alternative to apartments owned by Blackstone and the gang of elites that control most of all the housing you can get. Houses must be built that accommodate the many singles and those who want a place they don’t have to share or fear they might be forced to move away.
Can we create villages where some can live and garden and raise the farm critters that feed their families and friends? If so, we must do so soon, or there won’t be near any room in the city for the many who cannot earn the insane costs now for rent in the cities where they’re stuck.
We should come up with other places outside the big cities for the many who are now retired and do not need to work. When the checks come in, grocery stores and a trip to town will get most of what they need around the first of the month. The rest of the time, they could garden and read, get exercise, and play with the kids who the elders are raising while the youngers work outside the place where they can hide with pride, an intentional community they all call home.
Solutions are out there everywhere to fix your problems soon. You could create a new career. Look into the future with new “I”s to grow and see what you can do to form the new “You” once you finally understand what you can still do. You are never too old to learn a trade that will be better than the one that has seen its better days. You can be nearly anything you decide to be if you do the work and focus on your goals, not the next party. Join the millions in the search for how they will fit in when AI takes their job or the stores never open up where they need a million people doing robot work again. Prepare for learning new ways to thrive and get along as the old days are changing, and you will not go very far if you are not changing with them to grow better by the hour.
Join us in the transformation of a fat and lazy nation. They will have no choice soon but to get up and get out to do what they once paid others for as their saving dwindles and the dollar loses value while the Bitcoin values are bound. What have you put away to save for the rainy days that came? If not prepared and getting scared about a job or worse, a house to live in and stay warm as winter is setting in. Beware of the cold and the heating costs as this year will be the worst in many decades since the snow came down with such great haste. Know that moving is a good thing, South the way to do so that you don’t spend your saving on heating oil when it gets cold.
When you get ready to be warm and come to Salvage, Texas, for the winter storms, know that you will do just fine and share our world of daily sunshine. Thanks for thinking of us when the feet of cold snowfall, and do not hesitate to think we will wish for it down here cause that ain’t gonna happen unless it is quickly gone. Wii don’t mind a few inches in the night and for it to last for days, but by the third day, it must melt and always goes away. Thanks for thinking as you look outthe windows at the snow. The view down here is better with the windows open still. The green leaves still hold birds; yes, they will be green all year. The grass may die off for a day or two, but I trust it will grow long before you see the ground in Michigan.