While I have the glass and plans for several more, they need patrons to give them life again before they leave this world. Imagining is easy once you have done this before.

MAR 30, 2025

What does the past have to offer us that will make our future better? Parts and pieces of treasure that would be lost if no one salvaged the chapels, houses, and buildings of our past. Why waste such incredible assets as these windows, doors, floors, and roofs have come to be? See value instead of throwing all things away when they look old and worn, including people in our lives. Please stop the madness of throwing away the past instead of preserving the best of it.
God gave us an incredible planet, life, and love for sound and pure things. Be an example of what you can do to sustain an astonishing planet that will healthily host many critters and people if you respect the gifts already in hand. Do not complain and fear, be greedy and unhappy with how things are, but instead visualize what you can do to improve the world and get out and take action. Be the force that helps instead of the one that hinders our progress toward peaceful coexistence.
Honor thy God and the world created for our pleasure and the spiritual lessons to be learned while incarnate on Earth. Be a part of the solutions and not the problems that must be dealt with harshly to create a better planet.
I pray for others to join Mii, the “I” with eyes that see the path to healthy living with simple math: 1 = infinity for One, which means God has Won.
Wii are One & through realizing that, Wii will have Won.
Brad W. Kittel
Tiny Texas Houses Creator
SpaceMagic Designer

I create with a vision for the future that few seemed to have when I began showing what could be done with the salvaged building materials from the past.
Along the way, I saw a future that could be created from human energy, not by cutting more trees. I saw a way to save fossil fuels and stop polluting the air with fires to smelt the metal hardware for the doors and windows. The windows were originally created from sand and coal, melted and formed by teenagers working twelve hours a day, 350 days a year. What our ancestors spent their life energy creating is impressive to this day, a couple hundred years since it was made. How can people discard what they can not recreate due to the lack of ancient trees, abundant resources, and unlimited cheap labor? People have lost respect for the products of the lives of others who put pride in craftsmanship as a standard, a lifetime guarantee of the normal standard, once upon a time, a century ago.

Much has changed, and the energy of the Sun and planets is now understood to be part of the electrical and magnetic world Wii exist in without understanding the structure or mechanics of reality. Consciousness has been elusive for science to nail down and claim they know while they claim to have the proof that medicine is a safe path to excellent health for humans in this modern age. Despite the claims of being Safe and Effective, the consequences of injecting massive contaminants into the human body, or any living organism, proves it to be a bad idea. The consequences of not having faith in God are that we are not given the tools to heal the body and maintain the vessel like a temple to the God that provides us with life through it. Spirit in body means the Light comes from within, not from a pulpit or master at the front of any room with the lights shining on them instead of from them.

Charisma is a wonderful thing when used for the betterment of Mankind and the other Sentient Beings that share our world. Sadly, religions have taken the rights of many Beings away by giving humans domain over the life and death of all entities not human. The animals, like dogs, cats, horses, whales, or other Beings can not speak human languages. In that case, the Pope and other leaders of the religions have given Mankind license to kill all things plant or animal without guilt. Humans do not even have to ask forgiveness for obliterating forests, wiping out species of plants, animals, insects, or the biome below the surface of the Earth. Even the worms, the bugs, and the birds are suffering for this millennium of the Church’s determining that all other Beings have no rights unless granted by the Church of Rome or other places that have been deemed holy.

Perhaps there is a way to let the Spiritual Oneness of all that exists, created by the utterance of a “God-like force that can not be defined” but by a single sound: “Aum”. A word that travels through time and is integrated into the human consciousness, the frequencies that emerge with the Light and Energy of God that emits from humans and many other creatures, truly the purring of humans and critters alike. Wii can communicate in languages other than human alone. Besides a few human languages, I can speak cat, chicken, hog, and dog. I love the ability to communicate with telepathy, “Wibbling” as it is called in the Book of Wibblry and Wub.”

There are many ways to see the world, from many perspectives, as well as times in our lives when in crisis. Where are you viewing life from? Timelessly, historically, or futuristically? This is the question of our lives, a passage of experience that create our memory, our existence from our perspective, from inside our head, heart, and Spirit. Nothing else remains of us but what Wii do to create the future that remains, physical for a time, but not all time.
If it is of the physical world, it will be erased in time, but some of us live on in words and deeds for centuries, a quantum story woven into the fabric of society until a new age or renaissance that follows. Cycles are inevitable, not necessarily bad, but a necessary part of reality, always changing, dynamic, unstoppable, and unfreezable. The only way to freeze a moment in time is to be frozen in that moment of time with it, like a picture on photopaper; you exist in one plane of existence. Some of the Native Americans were said to have believed you would capture their soul if you took their picture. Indeed, in an age of video, my image, my avatar, and the characters I played while alive will live on in the memories of anyone who sees them in the future, effectively extending the life of writers, actors, and public figures for centuries beyond their existence. What will your legacy be that is remembered by society?
As I enter the next decade, I look for others to hand off some of my batons and find the stewards who will take charge of the treasures that will be the homes for many more than I could ever have imagined as a child. This is part of what I offer, part of what I give to build the next phase of this life, and part of what I give it all away. How do Wii give ourselves to that for which Wii do live for, the Oneness of our planet in the only way I know? I must now go into the world and share the story so the others who have heard the call, like Mii will join the charge. Wii, as One, can help contain the worst that threatens Earth. The humans who are killing it will likely be gone. The ends that come for many are not due to what I say nor from the words of anyone who wants to see the day when peace will be the path for us, the Ones who get to stay.
Please join mii in the fantasy of how Wii can yet thrive as a World Union of Beings who can communicate and thus arrive at a time when peace is possible. The time has come, not up to us, but God who sets us free by opening the minds of men to all that can yet be.
Thank you for sharing, caring, and if possible, supporting with a paid membership so that I can grow and give this to the stewards who will follow when my turn is over.