Youthing requires a bit of effort, but moreso, belief in Being phenomenal.

Only those who truly believe they can achieve what few others do will succeed. You must break free from the limitations placed by those who can not see.


AUG 29, 2024

I will be sixty-nine in October. I have to get my 70 body formed this year. Savor the Youthing, for it truly means you can live another lifetime after 60.

Sit and think about the moment you are in, passing through, and where you might have been, then decide where you may go if balanced and in the know. lol

Jesse Hal

I turned 51 this October


I am scheduled to be on the show in September my friends, live. Please check out Jesse’s stie, the Missing Link on Rumble and Youtube if they have not censored us.

Then you are into the times of maturation that are unknowable before Wii fully wire the frontal lobes, accelerating after 49, you understand the difference by now.


If you are not following Denis Noble, It is how Wii choose to express ourselves as spirit in body that determines what form Wii materials to be the Mii, the “I”s you see and the one that is truly Mii inside, a complex of personas for different applications in social intercourse. Perspicuity is the key to what you will see when the opportunity to do so comes along. Truly genius is mastering the potential and keeping the mind open to the future and the unknown. Our genetics are just the options Wii can use and choose from to manifest the body, the vessel that gives us life and cognizance, our avatar that lets our Spirit interact in this holographic world that most believe it reality and do not see that all things are made from frequency.

Truly, the world of matter, energy, and things is a fascinating story that not all choose to believe. It is our belief systems that determine our future, our risks, and the life Wii choose to live based on what we believe the purpose of it is. Who teaches us the purpose of our lives? Can anyone know what our fate will be from the time Wii are born to the time that Wii leave? That is the ultimate question one must answer to believe in destiny.

For most humans, the identity with the body versus the Spirit that occupies and uses this avatar to communicate with is too much to grasp due to religious upbringing or the lack of study in these metaphysical realms. There have been decades of progress in science and instruments to find that there are forces behind what was considered Woo Woo by Einstein. Once Wii understand the existence of the aether and realms outside the physical body or this dimension is possible and provable, much more is likely due to our ability to believe in it more.

Visualization, imagination, and funneling the energy of the air to the Earth through this saltwater battery Wii occupy express and communicate in this holographic plane, which is mostly called reality. Surreality is shown as the veil between the spirit world and reality thins, which is part of the collapsing of the Earth’s magnetic fields. There is so much to unpack as humans can handle it, and the internet allows us to share this globally, instantly, and translate it into languages no one can speak. Miracles are possible for the first time in our lives and are scientifically supportable if some wish to prove that we finally believe in our true human potential, not techno-bots, as some would have us be. I choose instead to remain natural, organic, and freely accessible.

Thanks. I love the life and times I never thought I would live to see and to be so strong when all I knew was weak people this age is fascinating proof that it is what Wii believe that determines what Wii will achieve, but there is work that must be done, often without choice. Fate is real. YOU have a purpose planned before you incarnate. Wub in Body forms a WIB, a thought manifested and maintained with intention, Spiritual, so long as you maintain the vessel and stay connected with your Spirit, not giving up the body to other drivers along the path of life. Kudos to your goal of awakening as many as possible by seeing all the perspectives. Perspicuity is key.

As the mature neurons and ganglia develop after 49 our vision going into our prime at 66 changes as Wii pass through the last chakras in the body to master it and move on to the aether world of creating the future with clearer memory for why Wii are here, what Wii must do, and what is True.

“The Book of Wibblry and Wub” may finally have its time to bloom, a virus intended to reach around the world when the time came. Who knew it could come true? (Did you ever listen to that audiobook?

It’s just an intro, and it goes with “Chasm at the Fringe” as a set for entering the path of our purpose in life.

Some music from the Book of Wibblry and Wub could serve as a background or sampler for many to show their concerns and let others know they are Wubbers too. Ready to do what it will take to fashion a better world than the one at stake as the systems break down to be rebuilt again. You are part of the new age of awakening to what the Spirit brings into the body and allows us to do so once you know how to. Honor thy vessel, and it will give you a fantastic life, but treat it like a trashcan and your life will feel like trash, disposable and worthless once ingested and spent. Create the memories you will want to hold in your future, not life hours you prefer to forget.

Adam’s version of my poem “Song of Salvage” became the only song he ever created before moving back to the other side of the veil. It tells the story of Darby as he tries to find his way in life, the soft porn on the in the Wibblry and Wub chapters, then tells of his search to find the meaning of the words and most profoundly who to Wubble with or not. What’s Love got to do with it? Who does wii touch, and who does not? There are so many issues when one tries to communicate through touch rather than Wibbling or Wibblizing, and in this case, Webbling. There are only four ways to communicate once in the body. It was rather controversial as a kid, half a century ago when such things were in the dark, seldom spoken of. Nowadays, this is all pretty tame in comparison, but sadly, many of the extremes that are going on in society can not lead to positive ends.

Wii are the generations that will determine the future, and the few that make it through the following tests will help form the tomorrow some of us came to help create. I believe Wii will succeed and let the rule of our paradise be peaceful-minded instead of run by those who cherish war, death, and destruction to hold power, wealth, and control the world. I believe there is a path to sharing the world without war, but with far fewer people that want to see peace rather than what the coming wars will produce to reduce the populations to 10-14% of what they are today. There can be new ways, but who determines what they will turn out to be the Light Brigade on hand for such a day. Who are they?

Even with bad form, good results can come, but it all takes work, most notably in the mind, to know how you want to express yourself and use the mirror to make the magic happen. What you believe manifests what you achieve. Sixty-nine on October 8, and this was not possible to imagine as a crippled kid. Life is a miracle, so never imagine that others won’t follow if you help manifest them through your faith and actions.

Never give up being the best you can for the rewards in the future will be amazing. Don’t waste your future by being lazy when young and able to maintain the best body you can.

If you could get time, escape, be free to create… What does it take?

So many wait to seek their dreams fueled by unfulfilled passion and the feeling of having a divine mission in life. Few have the courage to take on their higher purpose due to fear of failure.


JUL 15, 2024

What are you seeking as you reach maturity, less burdened by the things, the peers, or the material world that once seemed as if it could bring happiness rather than distraction and possibly the anchors that hold you back later in life?

This is a tiny house that would be used as a master suite. A shared kitchen, spaces for study, the library, and other meeting areas are part of a community that helps share responsibility for the things Wii all share while here. Still, your private spaces, our Master Suites, are where Wii rest, where Wii sleep. For sale to stay in place, or it could move away, but if it stays the cost to be here would be minor as the person would be part of the community and share. Gardens, mowing, growing what some may dream they wish is a life not made for everyone but for the right ones. This is the perfect dish. Under $40,000 with low cost after a stay for the right person, this is a dream that may never have to end.

Overcoming the need to stay attached to the laurels of our past instead of creating a new and better life daily that will lead us to inner peace and, with it, an ever-greater spiritual power. Growing and moving higher into the realms of growth free of the weight of gold, fear, or loneliness amidst the crowds of masses that can not communicate.

Doubt is based on our belief systems, yet it has the impact of a hammer on our hands or heads if it is allowed to limit our lives. I watch children with no hands or feet, people with no apparent reason to hope or dream, yet they become some of the most admirable, even successful people despite all odds. Fate often depends on overcoming the challenges you set up for yourself before agreeing to live, to exist, to learn through traversing the most problematic aspects of life, impaled but enabled to now “see past the veils” of society. But… the challenges are what lies within, what makes the “Mii” that I see in the mirror. What that image can yet “Be” depends so much on what you choose to believe that it is possible to make a difference that could take you either way. Why decide to deny before the end of this life when you can finally be sure God will not reward you through what might seem miraculous once you find your way to believe that, too, is possible?

Suppose you have sought the simpler life with gardens and critters to care for as your daily stressor. Chasing the weeds away or finding the foods growing all about to eat and have a more prosperous, healthier day can be a focus in life, rewarding in many ways. Our health in mind and body as Wii, the “I”s that come to see the actual value of the journey and what our part may be in creating a better world for others to see and know is possible one day. It takes examples and the couriers of knowledge, the stewards of past treasures, knowledge, materials, and skills to recreate the intentional villages some will seek to raise their children safely and protect their tribe.

What is the motivator that determines where and how you will live in these changing times? For a few, there is a chance to live inside the borders of Salvage, Texas, an embassy, and learn what can be done by creating examples for others to see. It is not intended to be a village full of people living like a city, but it is an example of the foundations one could use to build upon nature and people to share land and all flourish. It is a difficult balance for mankind, which tends to poison what it does not like, often even doing so in ignorance of the consequences of their acts. Bugs are good food for frogs, mosquitos, Dragonflies, and spiders. Know there is a balance that LED lighting can destroy without understanding the damage to the eyes of all beings caused by the Blue Lights humans think they have become accustomed to, not damaged by. Soon, the balance of life and work will take over, and when it does, this may be a path for you.

Several houses in Salvage, Texas, are for sale. They will transition into a new life after being a BnB. Some will be offered to people who wish to live here for a while, possibly a lifetime. Are you one who might fit in here for part of the years ahead and travel the world knowing all is safe when you are gone instead of wondering how to feed the chickens, cats, dogs, and other furry friends? Are you someone who might have savings and be interested in living in the country more than the city again? Please consider the possibilities if you are sane and can share the lands by having your house stay inside the safe perimeter that makes up Salvage, Texas. It is a chance to buy a home and not have to buy the land below it but share the ground and other parts by being part of the working community that helps make it all a fantasy life for a few.

This is not a subdivision with all things there to service the crippled minds and bodies that choose to move in and isolate themselves from neighbors or others for the rest of their TV-addicted, PHARMA-ridden lives. It is for the young at heart, minds abloom with ideas and plans for the best years of our life, mostly through social distancing from the crazies who are distracted and dying in an unhealthy, slow fashion by ignoring their bodies’ need for grounding, good food, exercise, and challenges daily that make you want to get up and “Get er done” cause its fun. Stop simply looking at our elder years as waiting to die and get out there with the proof that this is what wii waited for all of our lives, the prime time is our 60-70s if you live a healthy life.

Join us in celebrating life in a powerful nation where Wii can still live life free, and we hope to keep it so that it is the best place to live for all to see. Check out a few tiny houses that might get you started on creating the one you want to live in for the rest of your life. Suppose you buy one of the Tiny Texas Houses and live in Salvage, Texas. In that case, many other benefits follow, including the chance to create fantastic art or houses out of salvage and even take that knowledge on to different places by opening Pure Salvage Outposts so that this concept can grow.

Are you one of those who might invest in a tiny house that you could trade for the parts to create your home to live in or in other places where you could get a brand new start? Create your great community by being part of the tribe, making it possible to build and grow wherever you want to go. Imagine many communities where your talent for building will be valued as they see how you can transform what was trash into Art Houses they will come to see as works that function and can then be lived nearby for free.

Why not live in a way that helps teach the masses how to use the treasures by how you live, exemplifying how “Youthing leads to longevity with dignity” is possible? Be the example of what can be done if the elders get creative and have a bunch of fun building great new houses that will take care of everyone. Teach the many how to build and use the treasures within a guild of Salvage Miners, Builders, and more, house movers around the globe. In containers, or on boats, big land cruisers on the Aussie roads, there must be a path for the Salvagers to go when there are no imports, and they don’t want the toxic load of the new building materials that the corps try to unload.

Become a Free Bird if you can by joining us or buying in. Big returns will come your way, and hopefully, you will then find a way to share with others, build your downline, and create a future to help others unwind. Get out of the rat race, the Matrix, some would say, by doing what the others won’t to get away. Let us know if Wii can help with materials, a plan, or more if you support us. Wii can help more as they seek to find a door of opportunity that will bring them far more than the scammers and the scalpers that seem only to grow. Take control and see your light to guide you through the dark of night with dreams that will ignite with the sight of solutions you can be part of, exemplify what’s right so that others can see and can do, and finally win the fight. Success and thriving as the world changes can be done, but you must be willing to do the work, not just be distracted by the fun that the drugs and sad distractions use to derail everyone.

Let us know if you want to own a home in Salvage, Texas, as Wii choose the others who will share the next phase to help it grow. Never to be too big or have but a few dozen live here, the plan is more for some to travel while others care for the critters and the sphere as Wii travel round the world to learn and more so Wii can share the story of what’s possible once the people show they care. Be the action it takes to show and demonstrate that age and focus will finally prove that the best of life is not in the past but the future that Wii all create with our actions while Wii lasts. Join in forming an incredible new world apart from the one the UN unfurls and be part of the natural path to organic living, not transhuman wrath.

For more information, contact [email protected]



1 Restack

Will you become a SuperHero when civilization calls for Truthful Leaders? Just Fantasy?

Massive wealth is changing hands to minds that may decide to plan for what can happen when Wii all Unite. Join the fight to free Mankind and leave these evil times behind.


JUN 27, 2024


You are part of the solution or a cause for what is wrong. Is the perspective that simple? How do you draw a line between truth and a lie? What is Real-I-ty for you?

Most are living in the Matrix, just watching time go by as if they can not change the story fed to them each night. The TV is the source for “Fake News” that most use as their global eyes and views. Subject to the loss of facts exchanged for a value equal to crap, the advertisers rule the ways the news is cast to form the daze. Can you escape the phases of the matrix to become an independent thinker? To resist the propaganda of the multitudes of people who love the herd mentality? What do you do with the frequent noise that creates a haze, like chemtrails hiding what is in front of your face?

Many humans are not intent on learning daily, are not willing to turn that which is wrong back to the right or are willing to fight with all their might. Fear takes over if not prepared. A fear of death or the loss of things you hold dear can keep you from defending what is right. How can so many turn to cowards in the clinch when honor and truth are most needed in a pinch when Evil fights with Goodness? It’s my Faith that is the cinch.

All you need is a patch of wet grass to stand on for 15 minutes or better to sit or lay on a cotton cloth. It is excellent and lets the sunshine on your skin. The Earth feeds you energy up your spine, and closing your eyes to absorb the sun into your mitochondria to charge your body fuels the Light within, which bounces back from where it is sent. Like a projector light at the theater, you will not see the characters until the Light hits the screen; your melanin, part of your Melatonin system, miracles for energy, moves to you through the sun and Earth. You are but a water-filled filament connecting air to earth. Use the power of a well-grounded circuit instead of having inflammation throughout due to failing ground.

Rubber shoes instead of moccasins are all it takes to separate you from the Earth’s healing energies that drop the inflammation in your joints, like in your knees. This is proven scientifically but more efficiently, in the field for nearly free, with a simple test that everyone who does it will thus instantly agree. Field test this.

Suppose you can find two 2×4 boards as short as a foot, or better 4”x4” with two 1×12 or other boards to put on top and create a step up off from the floor to stand on comfortably, without having to concern yourself with balance. Next, stand in front of the step and feel your weight with your eyes closed before stepping up on the platform that is made of wood to lift you off the concrete floor to once again close your eyes and “feel” your weight in your body, your joints, ankles, knees, hips, and even shoulders if you wait for a minute. The pull on your body can be felt once you escape the effective magnetic pull on your blood and body, which is 70% water. It is a fantastic proof of concept that will alter your behavior if you suffer from arthritis, feel drained, worn out from working, or worse, have a concrete floor in your kitchen or whole house.

Most will see with a simple test how impressive the tug on your blood can be. You can feel it and then understand how unhealthy living on concrete can be. Many will realize this within a few days and change their lifestyle to escape the damage from living on Portland cement surfaces. Before you build or buy a house, understand that if you are into staying healthy, stay off the concrete! Due to how the lime is used, concrete wants to take your water’s negative ion charge from your body if it can and thus does not give but sucks energy from you instead. If you have ever worked on concrete floors all day instead of wooden floors, you know how this drains the body of energy and makes the joints hurt until you can escape onto the Earth to “ground” or get elevated off the concrete floor more than 1 1/2 inch. It is remarkable what a change in perspective can do to alter the course of your lifetime and the quality of life while here.

So much is now known about the world, our bodies, and the Earth’s Schumann Resonance synched with all living beings, as the Sun determines nearly everything in our weather and lives. Now the public can see the links and perhaps understand that the flashes from the sun turn into rainstorms and more when they hit the Earth’s atmosphere, and eventually the globe of mass that grows at is absorbed more hydrogen ions as water, and for those not up to speed, energy turns into mass once slowed down enough to create a new reality, constantly.

Get into the flow and know changes are coming that few can imagine, but for those who do know… our time to thrive is near! But so is the time for the Zombies to appear and must be cleared to live a peaceful life. Sci-fi as surreality is just around the corner in some lands of fantasy, conspiracy, and predictions. What will actually “be” depends on you and Mii. Prepare by shaping and forming your vessel to be grounded, fit, and ready to move swiftly as the times to shine are near. If you feel trapped, get out and make your changes while you have the chance to alter your future course, to become an example of what the outliers, the seers at the Chasm on the Fringe of the herds of Sheople who are running by. Chasm at the Fringe Poem for Inspiration as you make your Leap of Faith.

Stand tall and observe, for there is little one can do but turn around and leap the Chasm at the Fringe with the faith that others can not have unless they do believe. Faith is the component that ignites the Light within and lets the few well-chosen take us into a great land where the future will be wonderful, a paradise again.

Be the example that kids will seek to follow and become the icons for future generations that Wii dream will run the world in ways that do not use wars to destroy so many in this way. Share the concept of a World United for all Beings to share and prosper with the sense of all the Beings here. Not just humans, please now behold, the disclosure will let truths unfold, and finally, man will come to know Wii are not the only ones to show and grow a society in this transforming world. Under oceans, below the lands, many others share the planet, but so few get to know. The time is near when it will be clear, and humanity will finally show that the Watchers who control the puppets are more significant than you know.

No fear, but do prepare to stay free of the vax-n-go as so many check out now with cancer and other things. They shed and grow to eliminate the weakest of humans, as we now know. Savor the dayz and eat a bunch of eggs so the “spikes” can not stick to your body.

Blessings and gratitude for becoming an example of what Wii can be, the “I”s that shine so bright that others soon will know that there is another path to take, the one our acts will show.

There is nothing to censor here, just fantasy for Darby and Rubbles to share, to see, written by Mii, the “I” that is the body, the “I” that is the Spirit that forms Mii. Cartoonery for a fantasy world, surrealistic as the matrix is, is simple. Really.

Kirsten Dirksen, my favorite producer of documentaries, has created a new story about Salvage, Texas.

It’s been many years since the “Willy Wonka of Tiny Houses” video that has had millions of views, but truly it was a pleasure to see her and update what us Oldtimers can do.


JUN 03, 2024

Truly, I have been honored by one of my favorite producers of stories that help us understand our potential as a species and share our responsibility for nature and the world that we love. Join me on a new adventure into the world of possibilities as the changes unfold and people begin to view the world from new perspectives now that staying healthy is becoming a fabulous thing to do.

I was given a bit of the light from her efforts and works illuminating what people have done to grow tiny houses, villages, and homesteads that offer much to learn from in a world that has forgotten how important it is to be one with nature. Grounding and growing food through aquaculture in places worldwide, Kirsten has traveled with her family and explored the most incredible feats of homesteading wonders found on Earth. From underground to treehouses, from communities to near hermits living out their dreams, she has traveled worldwide to show us what we could do.

Please explore the world through the eyes of Kirsten as she tells my story her way, as she sees it after more than five decades of transforming the trash and past treasures I have found into art houses, and pieces that I hope will inspire. What will you create to celebrate and film to show the ones who follow us what they can do? Please be strong, and if inspired, make your dream come true. If I can, I promise you, I will do what I can to help you on the journey to create solutions you can use.

Please share and show you care with a like and a comment if you will to support the work that Kirsten does around the world to let others know what the Oldtimers do.

If you have a dream and land, a group of people and a plan, let me know and see if Wii can help you create your fantasy. Truly, there will be a way if you are willing to work this way and form your dreams into a way to form the future you want someday. It has taken mii a few quick years to create the things you see here. You can do much more, and be true; I will help you if your heart is true.

So watch her work and learn so you will know what it will take to make your dreams grow. What you will need that Wii have learned to do and hopefully, wii can share it all with you. Oldtimers are the way to understanding what few know in youth, so it is a great thing to be part of what will live to bring the solutions that wii found by living life here on the ground and not just talking of what could be but showing what wii can do for you to see. Come and join us to learn and get in shape for what may come if the sun declares its time for a cycle to wash the world.

How using salvaged lumber can lead to healthier lifestyles, futures, & solutions.

Some will be stunned at the value of salvaged lumber in dollars, but its contribution to healthy living is far greater for you and the world.


MAY 25, 2024

This is a response to a conversation about using salvaged lumber to build with. It leads to other essential things most people are unaware of or consider, but it should be both. Are you keeping up with the changing times, researching about staying youthful, and living the healthiest version of yourself for your lifetime?

I have 2×8 in LLP, but it is structural grade, has no knots bigger than a thumbnail, and has 10-16 growth lines per inch. As for value, in retail, what you have is likely $5 a board foot or more if burled treasure. I can do better but Wii would need to see what you need first.

What will your door-to-opportunity look like? What is under the old paint that makes it seem worthless and undeserving of special attention makes you unique, and once the facade is removed, the beauty of your door to opportunity can be seen by others?
What will your door-to-opportunity look like? What is under the old paint that makes it seem worthless and undeserving of special attention makes you unique, and once the facade is removed, the beauty of your door to opportunity can be seen by others? Savor the day you can salvage the best hidden beneath the paint of your age, traumas, and experience. The dings & dents, the scars from how you got here, make us memorable, incredibly unique, and beautiful once fully seen and understood.

Savor the perspicuity that comes with cleaning off the debris that covers up who you are by being real, truthful, and unafraid of the light upon your skin.

Brad W. Kittel

Tiny Texas Houses Newsletter

Curly Pine or Burly Pine, neither species but an extremely Rare cut of Tree Flesh. See Why so Desired?

Burled pine, I have sold for as much as $42 a square foot, but that is a special buyer. Others would call that crazy, but it is $75 per sf in Florida.
The longer the length past 16 ft, the better the value as a premium, over 20′ is special but also a pain to stock and move.

I mothballed my business and warehouses 8 years ago. Time goes too fast, and I hope still that some honest younger people will show up to take on the bear I have in hibernation, about 1 million board feet of LLP and thousands of doors and windows I had hoped to see turn into houses when the need, ingenuity, and respect for salvage building comes back to our society. It requires great necessity to create unlimited demand for positive changes.

This downsizing of America will come soon, and imports will not be an option. Energy will force people to conserve and also use vintage glass, lumber, doors, windows, and more that they can not find in vinyl that destroys the endocrine systems through ingestion as it outgases to mimic estrogen in our system, a problem, like Atrazine that creates affectations in sexuality displayed by 32 species of now hermaphrodite fish.

I sometimes get distracted by my passion for building with salvage. Kudos for you doing so. I used a large stash of shorter tongue-and-groove 2×6 for walls. It will be fun to build with, too, since I used it for building loft floors and walls to save cubic space in my Tiny Texas Houses.

I do not have the 2×8 easily accessible, and it would be wise to visit to view the possibilities. Let me know when you can come. I have a BnB with houses to stay in, as the two locations have over 100,000 sf of materials under the roof plus what is outside.
Sell some and make some money on the side or barter that way for more instead if you know anyone that is building naturally instead of with shitrock and plastics, formaldehyde, and plasticizers for inhaling as additives that few consider as they age poorly instead of into our primes at 66-78.

No one ever told me when I was young and only through building tiny and natural, living it to test the effects, I can now demonstrate by exemplification the benefits such things as wood floors like you are making, wood as a cellular tissue that is charged to keep you healthy, and the many benefits of limiting the AC electricity in your sleeping spaces.

It truly is a miraculous effect more people should benefit from. Still, trying to teach that to a world that follows TV advertising and believes marketing has a link to science or facts, they are ignorant suckers who will be taken advantage of but not know it, even when the consequences show up in their lives.

Living the words, one speaks or writes to taste their true validity and prove the results, not just selling the hopium and dream sauce on the internet and TV. The test is in what the speaker is selling at the end of a video, for it seems that is the motive for most health secrets I see pop up.

You did not ask for so much, but I used it as inspiration for my daily essay on the state of the worldview. Perspicuity rules my days at this great age of 68.
I will likely post this on my site with some modifications.

I hope more will take your interest and action to use vintage materials to build our future once the old systems are thoroughly exposed and deservedly broken from the weight of Truth and Consequences finally becoming clear. This is apparent through the cancer and tumors that will manifest this year. The spike protein is on its way to doing the work it was created for. It opened the door to turbo cancer. Need I say more?

Natural living, grounding, and being healthy this year will become a loud call. The control groups, self-proclaimed and punished for it, hold the key to fertility, the path of longevity, and the hope for the next generations to get it right the next time.
First, Wii has to see it break down to realize the consequences are worth the effort to do the work, inside and out, to make the world healthier for our loved ones and offspring so that we can rebuild it into paradise someday. I dream of helping create.
Till Humpty Dumpty hits the ground, no solutions will be found.

Let me know when you can visit.

What happens when genes get flipped on or off due to energies beyond human control?

Radioactive means to radiate or be activated by radiated energy from a source near or afar, but few understand how microwaves, 5G, and the sun emit radiation, yes, radiating us all.


MAY 12, 2024

On the other hand, Wii, the Beings that understand how to use our energy, radiate to others the electromagnetic forces that wii creates through our thoughts and acts. Love or hate are different degrees of quality and emission characteristics that people have defined. It is easy to understand sharing love as a positive energy through touch, a look, words, music, and art in many forms. Likewise, hateful, hurtful, intentionally demeaning, or debilitating tones and language reflect hate or vile intent that can cause harm to another human with or without human contact. Evidence of the positive or negative impacts of attitude on others, from teachers of children to the world’s leaders, their state of mind and heart, and their inner peace will ultimately impact all the other people they will associate with in a lifetime.

In 1977, a nightmare inspired Darby to begin writing again, vivid and vivid like so many times before, and then gone again. Would the dreams ever end? What would they lead to in a lifetime he would spend preparing to do what he said he would? Was it a dream?

Earth is presently being blasted with pure energy and frequencies, radiating at intense speeds of more than two million miles an hour that will impact our atmosphere, penetrate our shields from the radiation of the sun under normal conditions, and allow massive amounts of ions charged with energy, but also in a form that will bond and alter the other ions, molecules full of components that will reform into many additional particles, eventually become mass in forms that few understand manifest.

Yes, energy coming from the sun has a form and quality definable scientifically and mathematically; thus, analysis results in observable facts. Love and hate, acidity or alkalinity of all things, the charges of molecules being positive or negative is what makes all things work… biological or mechanical, technological or not. The world works on energy in the air, the earth, the water, fire, winds, and ultimately, the play of humans is insignificant compared to volcanoes and earthquakes. Want more examples of humanity being an excludable element in calculating what the weather will do or the movements of the lands? Soon, the energy transfer of the sun in 48 hours will dwarf all mankind has done in the last 1,000 years. Coastlines will be reformed, valleys wiped clean of civilization, and entire cities wiped out by tsunamis that return cyclically, centuries apart, even millennia, but always sure to return.

The Song of Salvage is a poem written and turned into a song to imagine a future when sustainable living becomes popular. Wii wondered if such a day would come and prepared for it. Adam had to leave this life early but left a song for you.

Here is the link to Adam Kittel’s version of a Song of Salvage, his only recorded song in his lifetime, a forever gift for Mii. As his father, I hope you listen and share how he put my poem and life’s work to music for me, solo and through amateur, one of the most valuable things I have.

The mud floods of the past are sure to recur, but most have no clue what I write about and think there must be a disconnect between them and Mii. I am the product of what I have learned and lived through experience most never earn. Is wisdom found through pain, loss, and experience in a life lived while staying free? Were you free to learn through trying many things, to see all one could be? What is the secret to a life where happiness is found and shared with others who know they came here to join? Some knew these times were coming when the signs would make it clear; some had chosen to be part of this very special time on Earth. If you believe in reincarnation, the Spirit lives through the hole between the matrix Wii see and the body that Wii hold. Our avatars are vessels for our lifetime here to form the future that can still become a Millennia of joy. A paradise is possible, but miracles are necessary for the changes many will soon see.

Your DNA is a great antenna tuned to hear and see the miracles of energy that create reality. What you are genetically is a matter for the mind to see and alter like a computer game to express the same energy. Will it be a positive, a contributor that has good to give? Or, a villain role that you may choose? In which case friend, will surely lose? I believe that the Truth wins out with a faith that sets Mii free from worrying or fretting about what will come to be. The coming changes bring so much that you can not see with the eyes or even cameras that show auroras, which will soon be the evidence for those who doubt the force of what will “Be.”

Please understand that the solar flares you finally see are merely babies compared to what is still in store for you. The sky will light, both day and night, with storms and more to see that will horrify as many die from the hail and worse to be the evidence of energy radiating from the sun, and the consequences of the education will be anything but fun. Prepared to face the torrents of both floods and fires alike? I pray you are for the worst by far; it is still months out of sight.

Blessings to your dreams and visions that cause you now to act and create safe communities where you can love and plan for attacks on your world of expectations for the future you once had. This will not get better in the years that are ahead as the catastrophic consequences of distraction will be fed, and the exploitation of the masses will happen to the end. Please unite and do not fight, as the path ahead is challenging, and unity is all that will keep us alive. Join and help each other as the storms and problems grow with the faith that some are meant to stay and some are meant to go. This is the cycle and the way that changes come so fast that the people who remember and survive have passed the test. That does not mean that good times as most consider them, are coming soon thanks to some great goons being taken down my friends, for the truth is most will suffer, by no exception, the elite, will also find they have been blind most of the coming events.

Was this a nightmare or a premonition Darby had when he started writing of these days and planning with what he had, a mind and body broken but determined to do what he promised Rubbles on that trip when he returned with Wibblry? How could a Book of Wibblry and Wub assist the world in the future when the simple rhymes would be spread worldwide with cartoons and the cute little Earth Worm that takes the message around and shares it with the people once the need for Unity is found? A World Union of Beings that shares the planet and the means to rebuild as so many who survive will learn, Wii can live in peace again and create a paradise that will cycle down and be wiped out again. Cycles last for ages, but all good things must end so that God can thus create anew and give us a place to spend these lives that are so magical, so challenging to spend incarnate where Wii fascinates us, time and time again.

Here is the link to Adam Kittel’s version of a Song of Salvage, his only recorded song in his lifetime, a forever gift for Mii. As his father, I hope you listen and share how he put my poem and life’s work to music for me, solo, and though amatueur, one of the most valuable things I have.

Thank you for participating in this holodeck where the matrix seems so real that you will think this is just in my head, but it is also now in you. The words, the thoughts, the images, each transfer like a seed to grow, and if I am successful, help us all to see that the future is in our hands and heads if you will Be the best human that possible as Wii makes history. Join as examples of what positive can do to help form a reality once this one is trashed for you. It must be broken to create what will come next, so celebrate. You are here to be the Light and guide the others to do right. I pray you make it to the day when the sun returns once the world is razed.

Here is a great link to a demonstration by three women over 49, a few kids, and myself taking down a giant house in 7 days and how it pays, all to a Johnny Cash tune with the words of my Song of Salvage poem laid over and many sound effects from the job too.

A link to the story of how Wibblry and Wub came to be through creating Tiny Texas Houses, and Salvage, Texas as an embassy for the story of Wibblry and Wub. and the challenge ahead to

Leap the Chasm at the Fringe of society, where imagination and actions free you to miracles. Be phenomenal, lead the way into a wonderful day.

Savor the dayz of opportunity and joy, for the greatest chance to start again is likely coming soon, so your preparation in your heart and head is genuinely due. Are you ready to make choices as so few may want to do that determine what comes next if the Truths I speak of come to you? If not, consider learning more about the sun and determine what is ahead. Be positive and true to the God that loves, not one that hates and feeds on evil as some choose to do. This is just for the satisfaction that our platform seeks. You pay to read.

Suicide is dangerous! US- VA seems to ignore it as some choose we go into War to die again.

Cancer kills our soldiers & PTSD is caused by horrors as men & women learn their lives are lost for nothing good. There is no war worth fighting for the wealth of mighty people.

How does one reconcile the horrors some have seen when sent to war to fight for something that looks so much like greed? Not for giving freedom to the people of the lands but to take from them the homes and lives they have watched get spent for naught. No one tracks the veterans who were sent off to war or gives them homes or purpose once they return wounded and sorely scarred. The homeless who die of cancers, exposure to the cause, depleted uranium, and x-rays keep on cooking everyone who serves their country, thinking they will be taken care of once they’re done. Born into the Stars and Stripes, filled with it throughout childhood, the loss of JFK was later understood and still longed for to this day.

The wars of choice continue, yet the richest see no harm. They make billions selling weapons and then using humans to send them off to kill the people of the world without good reasons for such force. Some powers would send them off to fight and die for the profits from the power grabs of those with bucks to kill all the resistance off. Imagine that it is not hard when what you see looks near, not far.

My son grew up with a cowboy hat but later learned of a world that did not seem to be the same when he left Texas to find his fame.

I grew up as an Army Brat with a Stars and Stripes Heart, moved 17 times before graduating high school, and left home, never expecting much more based on what my dad could afford. As children, we saw it on TV, in newspapers, and yes, all we could read. I grew up on the Army bases or in far-off remote places. Daddy was a soldier there who worked without a uniform. Others ruled Bolivia through him from afar, and we shared the wall of the president’s mansion, my father, ready at the call. His tiny garage had a photo lab in it, circa 1959, in La Paz that was not common, nor some other things we’d find like shrunken heads from cannibals dad killed while out one night. As tourists, we were traveling, taking pictures all the time. One wonders not what Daddy did when he went off for extended times with the other daddies on the street that lived next door to the changing leaders of a country some once called controlled.

I raised my son, Adam, to learn the game, that tall kid on the end who stands for what happens to the Army’s Brats from lands like ours. He drowned in Paris, France, one day, not by choice. He paid the price for America that way, a life taken for the many that they, as the squatters who were war refugees, would say.

What do you think our country does in this day of media when there seems to be a disconnect between the TV and what’s up in the world where the masses are upset with all this stuff? The time is here, as it is quite clear, that the elite may now fall, or, they seem, may choose the scorched Earth path to winning through a final war. The trick is when the people stop doing their dirty work and realize the big surprise is that the leaders are the jerks causing all the problems on the globe, all over Earth.

Where will Wii find the judges, the Beings who can tell the liars and the cheaters so they can be sent to Hell? Where is that place that they can go where no spirit can return? I suggest it is not hot or cold, for the Spirit can not burn but be kept from incarnating on our paradise called Earth.

Tribunals follow revolutions turned against the men who have taken us to war so they could kill us off while getting rich. Some will swear they did not know they were involved or did everything that seemed to be entangled with the grand ELITE. How many or how much they own is not what all must see, but that they are taken out and judged for their grand atrocities. The Truth will come out and not hide when the Whistleblowers finally win and are thus exposed, with nowhere to hide; they may run to the bunkers with pride—causing a war and great conflagrations with the DEWs and other weapons. Robots built to save their asses are likely going to be used as the only way to keep the masses away.

Nothing to see here. Just cartoons and buffoonery. Let the wars keep going is what I am supposed to say.

What mercenaries can survive if all they want is taken away and they are sacrificed like toys, full of knowing this, as they are deployed? The truth is that no money can buy back our true humanity, and nothing found in transhumanism matches what nature can give us. Stop the burning, as does war and global warming, where keeping score is not the critters, trees, or anything we value or need. The destroyers of the world today are profiteers who throw people away and cash in with Bitcoin as they run away. Can Wii track them, the “I”s that see and will follow up with the proof to be the foundation for the Tribunals that finally wipe out all their goals?

The final battles will be in our heads. Beware of who or what you send into the eyes and mind to see, to seed the thoughts of who you will be. Stop the jabs that might derail your ability to inhale then the spikes and virus gifts they share. Know that with the glasses on, optogenetics makes you their pawn. Frequency is all they need if you accept the antenna and join the breed.

Will the Techno-Wars proceed to shape the new reality? Movies like the Terminator and the Space Wars of the past, now the world they are forming if Wii do not stop it at last? Can it be stopped, or are Wii just the first to stay Free? Imagine that, the truth be told, Wii as Spirits are a sight to behold and incarnate for the coming wars. Are you a Warrior of Special Powers who can see and use your hours on this Earth to bring about the end of a regime this route? Join the Light Brigade to be the ones that end this insanity. No one wants to let the few who seem to think they know what to do to make the world better without you. Suppose instead Wii have it in our head, in our hearts, and in our stead to take them down, as intended to, in a holographic world, a game made for Mii and you. Imagine that Wii have the power, you who are aware, using what’s invisible to those who do not dare. Yes, indeed, the Chi or Prana, call it what you want, as WUB, the power is the force now used by everyone who resists the Darkness falling over nearly everyone.

If only more could feel, translate that frequency and message into action filled with their imagination and energy to materialize tomorrow as I try to demonstrate what is possible from what others thought was useless or dead. From death, have I returned so many times that saving the past to create a future is the only path I can uphole and exemplify through the actions that unfold? Blessings to your dayz. Mine is truly a fantasy manifesting naturally at a time I never thought I would be. Savor the times.

There is nothing to fear, nothing to see, just some crazy Cosmic Words of Wibblry. Let it pass my dear cyborg or censor, this can be ignored. There is nothing here to report or see for its ridiculousness of color to watch for free.

Stop believing everything is lost and you can not play due to what it costs. The truth is free! The right to choose is what Wii came for, not to lose! Stand up now and celebrate that Wii has found a way to relate and, best of all, communicate around the World as One. It’s just a cartoon fantasy. Nothing is more threatening than fear, which is not here to see. Please go on distraction-free if you have no faith or can not believe. Thank you for your time. You are relieved.

A World Union of Beings Believing they will win this war is what the Evil of the world fear most right now. Wii are Awakened by their intentions. Nothing can stop us now. A World Union not controlled by Klaus Swabb and the Gates crowd. Is that a fantasy to see? I do suspect few would believe. So why not spread a tale to share? A chance of winning that some will dare to call a lie. If so, then Be, for it seems the lies are most effortless to believe. Which lie wins? Which Narrative? Or will the dialogue win when given time in a public forum? I Believe Wii Win in a Truthful Forum.

Why not grow tiny enclaves instead of giant houses?

Gardens, not grass or poisons in yards, codes that won’t allow the tiny houses to be set up w a great plan to rebuild families.


FEB 1, 2024

If my days could all be full of joy, the thoughts of creating great things that employ the families and children, generations all involved in solving the problems of housing that can fall into the local hands of those Wii Love. Wii is all the “I”s that see and do what they can to relieve most problems for a home so they can rest, not homeless roam. So much can be done with the parts of the houses and the barns—homes for many that are fine, full of artful craftsmanship.

Why not create new villages with the intention of letting the mother, dad, and kids live together on some land with tiny houses for each one?

I foresee communities of many tiny master suites. Bedrooms with the cozy spaces where wii rest and share private moments. The standard kitchen, chores to share instead of big kitchens everywhere, with all the things most want in life and not the noise and great distractions from four generations living under one roof as times get harder still. Homelessness means having places for the kids and the loved ones’ graces, sharing gardens, chores, and more, and helping raise the grandkids who need them more. Stop the madness of giant houses when most want a space to rest but not the giant debt and repeating losses of caring for more than wii needed. Share the treasures of the past that were so well made they will last another century or two before the houses are due to be replaced once more.

Poverty is what you see the world to be from where you are, not where most others are. It is not seen by most who do not venture there to know that the houses many live in need to be torn down, it shows. Wii the people can create a pattern all can celebrate where Wii join to take apart the worst of houses to restart the path to freedom of the lower classes by showing how to help the masses if you join to learn and do the things that others can do too, learn and teach as you share the benefits with all. Salvage can make many dreams materialize with nothing, it seems. Imagination without limitations will allow us to see what can be instead of the limits placed on you and mii. I, the one you see, and the parts of my past that you can not see, the experiences that make mii now have the eyes to live free finally.

I want to share and thus inspire those who take action now for the Light that Wii can shine upon the chance not to live blind but to see the path where all can thrive. Stop the battles over skin color or any other things that need not divide us now but give us ways to overcome. Wii can thrive together if Wii join to help each other by teaching how to create homes and villages and roam out into the world in need of sharing by building more homes where they need. If you can join us at the start, and I will fuel with all the parts, then you can help carry on the ethos of the coming dawn. Salvage the best of our past and learn how to better turn our local economies into engines that can grow the veggies and create the homes.

This is just a peek into the dreams I came to share as my life climaxes, and I view the last with care. What can I do that will help you take the message of what I see as a path for most who wonder if a war may soon be seen? Prepare to recreate the society you knew, but in a way, kids will love it when they grow up with you. Do not leave and wander for a job you do not love as much as the great families that are now joining back up. Together, there is power and security for all, but the cities seem to be where many seem to fall. Beware of leaving those you love; if you can rebuild the tiny towns where love is found, it will seem like a different world. Take care of nature and your lands; your bodies are your life, and the animals are all beings who share the Earth while in this strife. Once through, I hope to see then you visit other towns that flourished through the downturns of the cities that seem doomed by the drugs and other things destroying millions by the dose.

Share your love and skills, but take back the treasures where you find the doors and windows to create a new home where someone can raise children safely and teach them right from wrong. Life is what Wii make it, the World Union of Beings not WHO, or the UNITED Nations run by patients from the mental ward. Take the world into your hands and treat it well, my friends, by creating places where the seeds of sanity can stay safe from all the crazy people poisoning such things. The sanctity of life should be respected, not with wars over shipping lanes that killed no one, but the response with bombs sure did. Stop the madness of the wars that feed on those who get richer. Pray for those who suffer now and know that if not stopped somehow, the plan is to spread like fire to countries world wide.

Make a difference locally by building pride and skills to see if this can make a difference that will be a joy for one and all. Help mii start the pilot program in a place at hand where I happen to have readied all it takes to make this plan turn into all I described above: villages all full of love, and solutions for those who want them above the alternatives of war.

Here is the interaction that inspired that little article today.


Rosy Rojas

Ey Brad! Good morning. I went with Bruce to your building for 10 pieces of corrugated metal and 14 pieces of 1×6 wood; it has been a great help; how much do I owe you? I’ll leave the money with Bruce

11:07 AM

You sent

Any idea how long they were approx. 8-10′? Does $200 sound fair?

You sent

If not, whatever you have budgeted will be fine.

You sent

Would your family build tiny houses on that site for the possible project with the city, teaching others how to build and creating a tiny community on half that property to get people started in houses that can be moved to properties prepared for them instead of the slum houses scattered about that side of town now? I am thinking of grouping houses so they have a common main kitchen and then master suites for kids, parents, etc, to have privacy. Common laundry instead of a set for each family or most chained to laundry mats for clean clothes. This is the path out of poverty, learned skills, and the ability to build houses from salvage. People in this country do not understand or teach this to families so they can be in business together and pay for their descendants with a legacy, not a Welfare check.


They were 8′., Yes, that’s okay with me. It has helped us a lot. I will leave the money to Bruce, thank you, Brad,


That is an excellent idea; my father knows how to build and is very skilled, as do my brothers. I think they would be interested in helping, in the same way I can help you with the design of the house, it is crucial to take advantage of the space and create comfort for people even if the space is small.

You sent

I call that SpaceMagic Design. You did not get to tour the inside of the houses on the last visit, did you? Please come back out with the family to see and then know what can be done. The potential is endless. Mayor Steve will be able to help push this giant plan I had but put away a decade and a half ago when I left Gonzales. I could transform the town and finally give the people of color and pride in craftsmanship a chance to shine and, in return, prosper. The kids need skills, then the contracts to build and be paid not by the hour, but by the production of houses, chicken coops, and dog houses, and then to go off and build on site where people need help, return, and make money as a team that can be trusted around the family and children of those who buy packages of materials. Plans, and need the framing done to dry in the roof and outer walls, then perhaps to let families who want to finish the more accessible part they can learn and complete fast after the team leaves. If not, like for elders, the team can premake walls and significant parts, then assemble on site after flat-packing the loads instead of paying big bucks to haul hollow boxes down the highway. That is my plan, and prototypes are here.

1870s New / Old stock “Masonry Mount Shutter Hardware”

For when the best thing you can use is what they likely used too, 150 years ago.

The last was repackaged in 1942, as shown on the package I cut the string on. A different maker makes the cast galvanized sets than the package in the brown wrapping paper. Both are in perfect condition.

In this series, you can see how the lock for the shutter to the other shutter to keep them closed is accomplished, and it would be hard to pick from the outside, impossible for the wind to shake open. Exciting, unique, and functional designs. 1890s.

I found a half dozen or more sets of these rare beasts of the past. One client asked for them, inspiring me to find and assemble the parts to see how they work. I will assemble them on the back of some great-condition shutters of this genre to show the whole thing and put them on the market for sale.

If you do restoration or know someone who does, this is candy to show and tease them with, especially if they have not wasted good money buying newer copies that won’t last like these will. Help conserve energy by not wasting it, creating trash, and using the best of the past created by our great grandfathers instead. This is my best advice.

Please let me know if you are interested in this and other extraordinary stashes I have for the best from the past.

Contact me at [email protected] for sales and consulting on your particular application or hardware need. Locks, transom hardware, museum grade builder hardware back to early 1800 including much new old stocks. Rare by appntment only collection.

More millionaires made from Salvage than all other industries in America as well as other places.

No need for a college degree. Salvage building/mining/hunting is more profitable you will see. No imports to create housing that is healthy, portable, and quality w/ Longevity!


APR 25, 2021

Why not have the old-fashioned high standard of American Built again instead of built-in obsolescence?

Brad W. Kittel

I believe the solution to the resource needs for many to build houses lies in the growth of the salvage mining and building industries across our great country. The rest of the world has been better at recycling, reusing, and rebuilding from salvage than America. Too many cheap things lead to waste.

This is a chance to help recreate the Pure Salvage Living Outposts, Co-ops where the elders, craftsmen, and teachers can mix their knowledge with the kids and others who want to learn the life skills needed to build tiny homes. The locally based organizations would be micro-funded with resources to build houses from the best materials, such as wood, hardware, and windows created long ago, which are still very good and better than can be found today after 100 years of use. We can then get another couple hundred years of life out of them by respecting the parts as the giant houses and buildings of the past become functionally obsolete. 

This is a chance to grow your local supply of parts, workers, and solutions as a community-based endeavor rather than a commercial-based one by a global corporation that takes the profits away to pay for the executive pay and stockholders. This format makes the workers, the teachers, and the co-ops shared, honored, and home-grown at their core to service the local needs, not to be dictated to solely by the franchisor or other corporate entanglements and obligations. 

The goal is to establish a downline for parts and distribution from salvage miners to salvage builders through a network that can be done now online, but not when I first conceived of these plans long ago. The internet is now ready, the membership platforms are in place, and the means to print and reach the customers, students, and others who want to learn are available. 

Now is the time to relaunch the Pure Salvage Living and Tiny Texas Houses platforms, which are aimed at changing the path to housing the masses in a paradigm shift that includes a way for everyone who wants to play a part locally to get involved. That way, united, many Outposts can share resources, villages to build tiny houses in, and communities with common grounds for living together without crime, hard drugs, dictates, and health busters being forced on its people.

Freedom to homestead and raise kids to be excellent is on the horizon as a calling for mothers still able to have children as fertility rates dive across the world. From elders to parents and now to teens, the need for sane bastions of community is growing, and the calling to be part of them is greater than ever in the last century. I want to help fill the void by empowering the masses to find and use the solutions I have researched and prepared to offer for the last 20 years. Now is the time to pounce on the opportunity that necessity always provides. 

More millionaires are made from the salvage industry than any other. Resources better than plastics, like wood, windows, doors, floors, and machines, are nearly free to those who do the labor of salvaging the best from the past. Why do so many not know or understand how easy it is to do? Few choose to work that hard, or do people have no clue?

Here is a chance to see what can be. Then, decide if you would do this for a career.

I was born nearly dirt poor and found a path to more than I can say grace over thanks to being willing to take the trash of others and turn it into houses, a treasure that the future children can then live happily inside of, once reformed into homes for a lifetime.

It is not how much money you make in life or that it is wrong to accumulate wealth for security, but what can be done with it to make the world a better place, along with gathering the resources that being richer than poorer entails. Earning a million dollars requires total focus and commitment, but it takes earning millions to become a millionaire, which is beyond what most can imagine themselves ever doing. Thus, desire is not there.

The sacrifice of movies, sports, parties, and spending money before becoming a millionaire is truly a price few will choose to pay… but they should not resent those who do. Please know that some who are successful are good people who worked hard and deserve the rewards that include moments in our passing, financial success for a time, and a lifetime if we are lucky with someone to share it with, too.

Ultimately, the life hours it takes to create your riches require dedication to that cause. Just like being a great mother, father, or citizen, the best do the most study, work, and take action, with rewards of many types that can be used to gauge wealth and success.

Ideally, it is the happiness of both you and those around you, people and pets, life on the planet in many forms, you can be the key influence by being grateful and positive. That does the most good for the world. Wealth will follow great deeds, actions, and intentions.

Be the best example you can be for others to see that good health is wealth, great action leads to great deeds, and positive thinking is the only path to a phenomenal life. You decide which path you want to take each day and who you will give your life hours to before you pay your Self.

How much are your life hours worth? Depends on how many you have left. If you are not living like you could die next week, settling the life debts or issues that need to be resolved, then you are not living fully.

Once past those hurdles that keep many from finding peace, you can salvage your life, body, and mind after 49 years old, even your passions and Love for life. Why not? Let your Filament within the gelatinous shell you give a new name to call your new self, and, like a flower in Spring, grow again… thrive with the passions you knew as a young person, not yet beaten down with the responsibilities of adulthood put upon you by others.

Eventually, if you are lucky, something will knock you into a zone where you will get the chance to start over, leave and begin anew. Thus does trauma often bring joy later, forced to find that path to your happiness that comes from helping others and through that achieving your dreams too.

Where are you in that cycle? Salvaging your own life makes you the richest person in the world if you can find happiness and pain-free living once you are in your prime, after 50 years old. Truly, the brain is creating new neural pathways much better than juvenile neurons performed, ganglia as well, and thus, with a bit of wisdom, life can get better and better.

Tiny Texas Houses is an ideology tied to the Pure Salvage Living Renaissance which defines a path of permaculture, land use that shares nature with humans without destroying the planet. It is an example of what could be done through not likely as the public wants the products and lifestyles marketed by mass media instead.

Thus, Salvage, Texas, remains a getaway from the cities of Austin, San Antonio, and Houston, as well as other cities around the world where people come to share. Here, you can feel and take away memories of canyons carved from raw Earth that become paradises for many creatures, winged and scaled, furry and leafed. It is a place that others can come to for ideas on creating their paradise far from here.

Please consider the ideology, the path for getting older without getting weaker-minded, bodied, or losing the passions that make life so incredible. Get healthy, stay there, and love life as you live it to the fullest without fear but Faith to lead you. Come visit to escape the fear of the world and learn what it means to salvage your dreams.

Darby Lettick