Yes, the time has come to take your wealth of knowledge & time, your savings in many forms, treasures both, to reinvest into the future of our Country, our planet Earth. Help Wanted: Over 50 preferred

JUL 20, 2023
Are you one of the few who knows what to do? I need help, and it may be you to do what must be done locally, not here with me. Can you work out there in the real world, the rural towns and places where I need help to grow a legion of Pure Salvage Outpost Co-op Administrators. Great potential to change the world locally, before your turn here to share your wisdom, skills, special knowledge that others need to know before you go on. Now is the time to shine, and to get involved.

Bet you don’t see many Help-Wanted Ads like this. Not many applicants in our modern world, but Wii only need a dozen or so to change the world locally. Then more will see too. Is that you?
Life does not end at 60 or 70 but can be of high quality long after that. So can your life after and the one when you return. Foresight is better than hindsight, and being in the moment incredible for a moment or two till in the past again. Foresight is what is necessary to not run into problems or obstacles, to identify with perspicuity the goals, and to reach them without breaking any toes. Who knows better than the leader who calls and tells you from the inside, no walls, that you have a mission now and there is no time to stall? Get out and take actions, not just words, and talk about what you can do to help us through these times of change and awe. Don’t be struck down by the challenges now; exemplify how and teach the kids why. Never give up, and do more than try. Succeed through tenacity, hard work, and honestly earned pride.
Don’t waste life by not learning, stuffing your Spirit with all sorts of memories to sort and savor long after you have finished your work on Earth. Savor the days, do what you can to make them phenomenal, and youth until the day you go on to the next round.

Job titlePure Salvage Living Outpost Co-op Leaders
Company nameTiny Texas Houses Job locationUnited States (Remote)
Job InfoSettings
Job description
This is a leadership role with unlimited opportunity dependent upon your desire to grow your version, morphed to your local area rather than one model applied around the world as if it would work in all places. Pure Salvage Outpost Co-ops (PSO) territories are now available for the right leaders to grow.
This is about integrating your knowledge, connections, and ability locally where you can impact your community or vision of a community you want to help intentionally create.
Several criteria will make you a candidate for the funding through all materials, to create 90%+ Sustainably built tiny organic houses without imports, toxins from outgassing new materials, building methods that teach Loopholology, the science of creating without codes or restrictions, excessive taxation, and various legal Loopholology tactics that can save you BnB taxes, income taxes, and create income streams that will last a lifetime without ever having to buy lots of land or rent houses in the city.
This is a call for elders, too, not particularly the under 40-50 crowd, who may be good candidates but not have the other skills one would want to have to run a facility that takes the tools of those who are managing the Pure Salvage Outpost as a Co-op that provides the materials to build tiny organic houses, as well as directions for those wishing to tear down the old and rebuild homestead for the new generation. Old farmhouses have a functional life, partly based on our lifestyle changes over the decades.
No longer can four generations live peacefully under the same roof. In my opinion, it is better to have many master suites, such as bedrooms, a kitchen and living, a meeting house, and lots of work to keep all busy creating food and solutions to thrive in hard times or good. Still, despite media hype, more kids are living with parents and people on the streets homeless since the depression. There are ample solutions, and that is what PSOs will share.

The ability to gather others, elders, teachers, mentors, parents who want to care for more kids, and a village of teachers to share the job of creating good leaders 25 years from now. I am looking to sponsor all the materials to build tiny organic houses for communities of people with a common mind and intention to create housing that will last a healthy lifetime. I want to see leaders who will get paid based on the many avenues of income that will come from building tiny houses at a facility that could be locally sponsored to start. The city, Economic Development Corps, or benefactors could supply space to launch the local PSO, where we can ship materials and plans, do seminars, and have Zoom meetings weekly to instruct on the many ways kids can create a business from taking down houses and barns, creating chicken coops, dog houses, and even their own bedrooms out behind the main family home, perhaps to take with them one day when they move away.

I want to find a dozen high-quality people with heart, knowledge, and a youthful spirit that is positive and hopeful about teaching generation skills and confidence to build a town intentionally with elders and youth united to create success for all involved. Many need the help of a common meeting ground, with instructors to mentor, micro-funding without interest to build, even for the houses to live in once done, all thanks to programs the Co-op and you, as their leader, manage. Ample income from selling houses, materials, packages of windows, doors, and floors, especially once the local salvage miners start producing parts and pieces that can be used and transformed into more houses faster than taking them apart to the board, denail them with NailKickers and rebuild from scratch. These methods are what will make this possibly the most profitable launching port for kids and families that want to work together, locally, to create a better society, a place to Be instead of want to move away from.

The responsibilities of running a Co-op can be shared as teams, thus the income that they can generate to compensate for the administration, the profits that will come to share with those who come here to create and sell what they find to be a new occupation for many, and one that is in high demand… organic sustainable toxin-free and import-free, Locally-Made not shipped to me… that is what many people want to see. I want the people or teams that can make this happen locally. Not all need to be in one person alone. Understand that creating 25 tiny organic houses a year is enough to generate a million dollars to pay for the things you need, especially since only 25-35% will be the cost of materials and tools, utilities, and operations which can create wealth for all to prosper locally, instead of sending it overseas. China will get over it, the Americans who benefit, the elders who must downsize, the towns that need to clean up, and the materials will create a wealth that few know little of. More millionaires are made from salvage, yes of plastic and metals, but more of wood, windows, and doors that could open the opportunity for more with variances in the code and let us be a bit bolder. We can design the things Wii need, all the “I”s that wii need to see in houses and living healthily. You can make a difference and not move away from home where you want to help and make a future for the elders and the kids.
While I have described many of the qualifications in the other sections above, the job of creating the Pure Salvage Outpost is going to take people, perhaps not just one in an area, for the hats and responsibilities are many, to help find the space, the support, the people who are willing to share time and knowledge, teach skills to the kids who do want to learn what Grandpa and Grandma have to teach. These are the few, not the many, and the best would be the ones who can also find financial support locally. I can supply all the parts, the doors, floors, windows, walls, and roofing to get started for a dozen houses. Still, the growth of this idea of the Pure Salvage Outposts, PSOs, is to fuel locals to join in Co-ops that will inherit tools from elders whose widows will also benefit and support them. They will become local hangouts for the younger generations that want to contribute and know how to work and give service, as the elders will demonstrate is the right way to be.
We must create the forces of Light and Opportunity, the places to mentor and fuel that. I have $10,000,000 in materials, enough to get the first 400 houses built and a select couple dozen PSO leaders on the way to creating many millionaires, careers, and solutions to local rural towns dying or drying up for lack of ideas, resources, and reasons to grow without the added costs of utilities and other things that Pure Salvage Living Renaissance ideas and methodologies could help solve. Ingenuity is born from need and inspiration due to hardship. I think the stimulus is on the horizon, and sunrise will blind many. I am looking for those who know where their sunglasses are because they need them when looking in the mirror.
Shine bright, my friends. Join me as a Pure Salvage Outpost benefactor and local hero one day.
Employment Type
Screening question
Must-have qualifications
- Are you willing to undergo a background check in accordance with local laws/regulations?Ideal answer: Yes
- Do you know if your intent is solely for profit potential? If so: answer Yes. If profit 2nd & ability to invest time/money to create & profit, do service, and help people thrive, sustainability 1st. Say NO!Ideal answer: No
Preferred Qualifications
- Do you have a valid driver’s license?Ideal answer: Yes
- Are you comfortable working in a remote setting?Ideal answer: Yes