Why not have a vast selection and spend just a bit more to have a dream house instead of being bored?

So many people do not know they could use antique windows to build a tiny house. There are no codes on portable buildings used as tiny houses you can live in full-time if you stay away from draconian cities and counties scattered across the land. How do you find such places? Where do you go to hide and do the things you want to without being dictated to and lied to when the public gets caught up in all the problems that must subside?

Congratulations if you can’t escape the trap at the gate that lets you live without rent or income. The other 99% must consider where to live and, with consent, even have to still pay rent at 69 years old or more. If not, they kick you out the door. How does this happen as Wii age at last and realize that the living costs are far beyond what Wii had planned and Social Security is not enough on hand?

There is a rapidly growing trend toward downsizing. Despite that, there is no decent tiny housing as an alternative to apartments owned by Blackstone and the gang of elites that control most of all the housing you can get. Houses must be built that accommodate the many singles and those who want a place they don’t have to share or fear they might be forced to move away.

Can we create villages where some can live and garden and raise the farm critters that feed their families and friends? If so, we must do so soon, or there won’t be near any room in the city for the many who cannot earn the insane costs now for rent in the cities where they’re stuck.

We should come up with other places outside the big cities for the many who are now retired and do not need to work. When the checks come in, grocery stores and a trip to town will get most of what they need around the first of the month. The rest of the time, they could garden and read, get exercise, and play with the kids who the elders are raising while the youngers work outside the place where they can hide with pride, an intentional community they all call home.

Solutions are out there everywhere to fix your problems soon. You could create a new career. Look into the future with new “I”s to grow and see what you can do to form the new “You” once you finally understand what you can still do. You are never too old to learn a trade that will be better than the one that has seen its better days. You can be nearly anything you decide to be if you do the work and focus on your goals, not the next party. Join the millions in the search for how they will fit in when AI takes their job or the stores never open up where they need a million people doing robot work again. Prepare for learning new ways to thrive and get along as the old days are changing, and you will not go very far if you are not changing with them to grow better by the hour.

Join us in the transformation of a fat and lazy nation. They will have no choice soon but to get up and get out to do what they once paid others for as their saving dwindles and the dollar loses value while the Bitcoin values are bound. What have you put away to save for the rainy days that came? If not prepared and getting scared about a job or worse, a house to live in and stay warm as winter is setting in. Beware of the cold and the heating costs as this year will be the worst in many decades since the snow came down with such great haste. Know that moving is a good thing, South the way to do so that you don’t spend your saving on heating oil when it gets cold.

When you get ready to be warm and come to Salvage, Texas, for the winter storms, know that you will do just fine and share our world of daily sunshine. Thanks for thinking of us when the feet of cold snowfall, and do not hesitate to think we will wish for it down here cause that ain’t gonna happen unless it is quickly gone. Wii don’t mind a few inches in the night and for it to last for days, but by the third day, it must melt and always goes away. Thanks for thinking as you look outthe windows at the snow. The view down here is better with the windows open still. The green leaves still hold birds; yes, they will be green all year. The grass may die off for a day or two, but I trust it will grow long before you see the ground in Michigan.