Do you strive to win? Competitive at heart from the start? Are you a Hero in disguise?

Yes, there are superhumans who are readying for the fight to dismantle the great network of elites who run the world out of sight. Are you a truther, Sworn to Fight for what is Right?


OCT 22, 2024

Yes, the heroes are rising to the call for freedom, which demands answers that will work for one and all. The challenges are surmountable, but the truths must win if Wii are to begin fixing what went wrong when the richest of the world decided to control us and then subject the world’s humans to serve them when they call. How can it be that so few can believe that they can rule the world when the masses attack and demand their freedoms back? There is nothing that they can do but give up and let the world go back to being run by mii and you.

Democracy may never be the path to set us free if the ones who control the voting boxes are so willing to lie and cheat. The proof has been made so evident that the creeps in charge are preparing for the public to call the vote a scam and demand retribution for the damage to our lands. It is not just our country, the good old USA, but others in the fold of those who control the Black Boxes that they say are not subject to being altered by the new technology. However, it has been proven in court that the boxes don’t begin to offer us security or a surety and that the one who wins was not just preselected by those who planned a thin victory that no one could see was fabricated just by them.

Somehow, there are ways to stop the taking of the lands, though cheating with the Black Boxes that have been proven can’t withstand hacking by just college kids proved the bad guys have a plan to steal the votes of all who hope for honesty instead. Please vote early, make it count, and hopefully offset the amount of cheating that is going on to take over the country thought most strong to create a war so long as to wipe out those who fight and might resist the orders of the ones who have the might and the weapons of destruction that they use to their delight. Please help us stop the madness of the criminals who breed the end of mankind as a goal they jointly seem to seek. Somehow, they must keep control; if not, they must surely know that Tribunals will soon come to show they are the evil that must go—death to those who subjugate the world for their elation. Let us lock their close relationships up in a world where they are harmless and perhaps don’t want to live.

They can then commit suicide and do it with a sense of pride, for they will rid the world of the worst humans who will share the blood of the species they tried to kill. Stop their madness in its tracks by all of us just taking back our power and the right to attack the evil in the world. Good will win and they will die, though some will cry to see them dead, others know its’s best instead. What they have done runs so very deep that the governments have been filled with creeps who just comply and make it possible for them to cheat, to lie, to kill to command the will of the nations that they can control through blackmail, bribes, and the thrill of killing off those that will fight to the death, not a joke: this is real.

Wake up. Come alive. Learn to take down those who lie. Become a warrior for the truth. Teach the elders, teach the youth. No one should be tricked or fooled, yet most are taken in by the drool that the elite pass off for wine and food. Dare to question, then rebel, and not be afraid to share and tell of the threat to the world taking it to Hell. Be the heroes that will stand and fight with the power that is winning, the Light from in your heart. Know that you are powerful and able to change your course with will, growing in your power so that they can not kill your spirit or your will to do the right things as Wii fill our obligations to mankind, to save them, not to kill.

The time is now for the populace to join in a World Union that the UN can not stop and change the course of mankind, yes, cause a mighty rout of the leaders who are screwing up the world with the wars and their desire to get rich and rule the world once more without answering to anyone for what they have in store. Understand there is a plan, not a conspiracy but truth, to control the masses in the future, to neuter all the youth, and determine who will live or die when they get control of the Earth. It sounds beyond reality, but if you study, you will see the time has come to get involved and speak out to let others know. Wii, the people have a chance if Wii can stop the steady advance of evil over good men now that the time has come for their final plans to be used to destroy what man desires. Peace and Love are what Wii have to hold out as our goal and stand. Will Wii win? The great war is at hand and they have a plan. Do you?

What will tomorrow bring to a world that is in a sling, about to be tossed into a battle that Wii will win, though it may look dark before the storms release the floods and wars that will soon come over Earth and finally free the masses up to create a new reality, one that does not let the maniacs to run still free and kill off all the others who honestly don’t agree? Wii should rule together, United one and all, instead of letting others destroy the world to run it like they want it with us gone, the masses who make up the throngs of Love and Light on Earth while the others do their best to quash us down and out of sight. Wii will win by our numbers and the faith in God Wii have that will give us the strength and the Light in the darkness that the evil ones bring. Have faith in love, and what Wii can do once Wii unite as friends and take down all the others who want to rule the world instead.

One more chapter in a fantasy about how the world finally sets itself free from the demons and a Satan figure watching close to see if his minions can defeat us, the Light Brigade you see coming into focus as Wii prepare to win and free the humans and the sentient Beings that need us now to be the force that can not be taken down with lies and such deceit. It is the forces of evil that are doing their best to take advantage now but the momentum is now with the Light Brigade as they turn out to defend our planet and our race, no matter if its hard, it is worth the fight to death to save the planet from their plans and secure freedom for the world as Wii bring this to an end. They will do their best to control what soon will be a fight to the death for many who are ruling now, you’ll see. Transhumanism or living naturally, like a flower in the wild, what will the world come to be if you just keep eliminating our humanity?

Please help preserve our divinity and not convert humanity into a form of technology that can easily be controlled look like a Frankenstein, created from the folds of a Crispr and a societywith a sick mind. Please don’t abandon our great love for God that leaves humanity in a hole.

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