The Living Estate Sale Extraordinaire comes to Salvage, Texas this year.

Finally, I have admitted that I am not going to hire employees and run a business for the rest of my life. While I am thriving doing the things that I enjoy, it is time to sell my true treasures from the past.


NOV 02, 2024

Being born a poor and crippled child in my youth, I did well for myself after reaching my thirties and giving up on working for anyone for long. After 30 jobs, including my stint in the US Army after high school, I got my VA benefits. I was a child of the Army life, traveling most of it away from the USA in Bolivia and Germany, and only in our country for the times my father went to Vietnam. I missed much of the American Pie era, and by the time Woodstock came, I was working after school and on weekends to have jeans and afford anything. Eventually, I could only be a Yippee, a working hippy, which led to my being titled the Willy Wonka of Tiny Houses. I wonder why?

As I decide what to do for the next few decades, I want to travel again after 20 years of not leaving my homemade ashram to where I was dedicated to doing what it would take to show what Salvage thinking can Create. This will become an embassy for salvage learning and growing intentional communities. Still, the time has come to pay off the lingering debts, empty the buildings, and take them down to transform them into many homes, community houses, libraries, and other parts of tiny intentional communities that I believe will evolve. I feel it is being driven by the separation between those who want babies exposed to technology from birth, cellphones, TV, and public schools that do not seek to create all geniuses by maximizing potential instead of quieting those who excel get bored by being unchallenged and want to learn more.

I finished college and came to Texas, living in a School bus conversion in 1984, believing Big Brother was much further from our front door than the book foretold by that time. I had $640 to my name, a dream to make a million so I could write without worrying about making it pay. Say what I had to say. It took nearly 30 more years of higher priorities, of being a father, working endlessly to make the millions it truly took to get freed, but in the 25th year, I lost my son, my identity, and my drive to succeed financially for the sake of leaving my legacy. It’s been a while, though the time went fast, and my sabbatical from business will likely last, so I must divest myself from things I saved to build my dreams; too many for one man, and so I plan to share and then will see. What will others do with the treasure I found as I hunted on the days when there were not many other salvagers around?

Since then, everything has changed, and I am not happy with the products our society is manifesting at this stage. I think I will continue dropping out to form again, but to do so this time, I will have to clear some shelves, free up cash to cancel debts and leave a trust that can teach others this stuff with what Wii can put together on the way. Wii are the ones who can see that the need is here and clear. Tinier healthy houses that could be transported or stay near, but for all the best reasons, built sustainably, are clear. NO imports or Toxins were constructed into the home to start, but seasoned wood and windows that stood the test of a hundred years and prove that they are still apparent, not a single one fogged up, and the energy saved by not making glass every few years is far more than the E-glass is worth. I swear that in the last eleven years of living in my Tantra Temple, the discipline of my salvage-minded lifestyle has paid off with a youthful body and mind.

There are so many ways to create new housing, and I have proven it can be done with as much as 95% Pure Salvage, and look beautiful, be fun, and last throughout a lifetime through the cold and heat of our hottest sun. Please consider sharing and promoting Outposts Co-ops in your town to teach the others who want to build these fantastic tiny homes and larger ones that will work when done for the gatherings and more, the community that works together and becomes more robust and confident, empowered for the skills and the respect thanks to the elders knowing how people built houses in the past, a genuinely unmatched treasure trove. Can the people see the ways to make our way into a phase where the cost of housing drops because we change the way we create it all? Stop the madness of McMansions and concrete on the ground instead of lawns, let gardens flourish, and reduce the hunger for all.

This is part of the Pure Salvage Living ethos that seeks to show how to grow a community from the treasures right on hand instead of importing unhealthy products from the pollution to the chemicals that they bring for you to inhale. It’s nasty, but the profits are good enough for marketing, shipping across oceans, and paying those who carry and sell parts. Why not cut out all that stuff and salvage mine or build with the parts and pieces all around, like we once did and could still do? Few remember when we built with salvage materials, but the national code created by the lumber barons forced the new construction to use only new wood, thus the death toll. The salvage business died, and they thought it went to Hell, but the cost of the alternatives has opened up the door.

Rather than one guy working 80-100 hours to make millions over a couple of decades, I recommend using the opportunity for salvage to benefit many people working together rather than one and splitting most of the profits up with those who do the work. The employee model needs to be put to death, and a path to producing to get paid, and if you produce more and better, get paid more and better because that is how it is established, not wait for a raise. The more people who build an organization and make a great living, the more significant that industry can grow. There is so little competition for building quality and tinier housing than the giant subdivisions that want giant profits and work with banks that do not want tiny loans. I worked my son’s childhood away to create a legacy he did not live to see and to learn there is a better way to live and manifest this dream. It can not be done alone, but with hundreds given the chance, the good people who will be honest and create art houses for those they love and care about for all the right reasons. They will do well as the demand exceeds any hope of the supply coming along unless local Co-ops form to teach easy new skills to the masses who do not have them due to losing jobs they had for decades, leaving them without hope of finding the same again, especially if over 50.

Anyone can build tiny organic houses that will give them and others excellent shelter and a home to live in until the day they die. Extra houses for the others in your life can be nearby, as many as seven on an acre, and hardly see each other with gardens to share and other spaces like the library for Wifi or other gatherings. A big kitchen and place for relatives and friends to visit but not for the masses to fill in the beautiful space left for the birds, beavers, otters, fish, possums, and other critters of nature living alongside. Chickens for eggs, animals that feed on the grasses and leaves, each giving back to balance out what we need to create a tiny community. A model is what I dreamed of, but where and how to do, except to now sell nearly all to pay off the land and build what Wii can do, the few that choose to steward Salvage, Texas when I am gone and inhabit it when back from traveling to share this lifelong song.

I sing the Song of Salvage, the one I shall pass on to the voices and the hands of those passionate about going on and saving the best to create the nests that our families can live on. Please consider sharing and suggest that others buy the parts and create Co-ops so that others can build nearby and carry on this legacy that I have no one to give life to except the generation my son lived in for a while. He left his version in a song of the Poem I wrote just before he was gone. It was not produced to be a global star, and the creator of the music died in Paris, so it is just a song to share where no one gets rich or cares if others are willing to carry on and create more versions of the Song of Salvage before I am gone. Some will mock my work and think it does not mean much on the scale of all the housing needed. I agree that this is just a niche, but what it offers could be a way for some to live organically and have their houses made from the cells of giant trees in stasis, with them loving and still communicating.

Live in a wooden house instead of concrete or glass, and see if you do not sleep. Live much better, grounding through your feet with glass handblown to let light in and protect you from the storms. Unlike all the other choices that often lead to strife, why not live in a luxury that is truly built with simplicity and the promise it will last for life? Renting leads to nowhere but its true most have to do unless you leave the city life and change your future route, it will be hard to live that dream or ever get a start. Share with others who can do and prep the country life for you to join later and help to form the intentional community that may become the norm for the people who want to stay free of dictates and possible wars.

Once again, the New Year comes, and I face the leap that requires me to give up the luggage from the past and leap the Chasm that comes ahead. This challenge has come: the choice to go back or forward again. Join Mii in sharing the bounty of my past and help me feel free, knowing I stewarded with care the solutions that so many need now that the times have come at last. This is part of what I saw so long ago in dreams, yet now it is my reality, and this is what I have to give. I came to do what must be done and believe Wii will have won when it is done. Keep the faith no matter how hard the leap may be to become the best that you can ever be.

See the light and leap with faith to become the star and lead. Grow the Outpost for those who choose to live out where the animals and birds share the trees and still fresh air. Join Mii in developing the places to leap to once the others see the Chasm must have leaped to reach their Truths. Prepare the path, be the example, and let everyone know that the path you pick to grow solutions is the best that Wii can show without Global Intervention and their corporate feeding codes. Build with DC, use the sun and wind to live near free, by building livable houses without turning on the AC. There is so much to learn that can be done to create a better world. This is what I wish to leave, may you share and live well too. It could have ended long ago, but an Earthworm changed how things would go. Who knew God could look like anything with no rules?

Wii can come so far to do so much and become what Wii can not imagine when young. Do not fear change, but always consider being different is a way to live well, not just normally. I plan to free up the opportunity to establish a trust with the funds generated from the Living Estate Sale; even if it is my favorite thing in life, I am hoping that together with others who love salvage building, Wii will get it into the right hands before I am done.

Savor the dayz kids.

Time to merger into a paradigm shift for housing. Tinier, high quality healthy sustainable houses needed now!

How do we shift the lending industry to consider loaning on more tiny houses? Wii, united, can develop communities where people can own houses and lease land for life. Where?

Life Estates are a way for people to live on land they do not own for life. Future costs would cover taxes and land maintenance for the whole community. That would limit the potential for debt and expenses not to burden the community’s inhabitants when they age out of income earning and retire. Furthermore, houses could be moved away to upgrade to bigger or better homes grown by adding a second house up to certain limits and providing for all most people would need in life, besides the tiny houses that people would live in, sharing the entire acreage with the others to ease the burdens of lawn care, house maintenance, and mechanical, as much of those responsibilities could be shared or paid for by the community, into the community if possible. This village would also have all the desired support facilities, like a small library and office house, a laundry room, a larger common kitchen for events and gatherings, and other amenities like a workout room, trails, swimming, and gardening. I imagine the spaces for growing food, like chickens and other critters, fish, and the chance to create the organic food many inhabitants would be sharing too.

Is such a model possible to prove this concept is a path for the future? I submit that the path is creating communities where people could situate and habituate a great life in their tiny houses. This is not an RV park or trailer park, but instead, true wooden and earthen houses built from superb materials that will last for a lifetime and also provide a healthy living environment, unlike recreational vehicles, van life, or other forms of survival that many are resorting to as housing costs force them out of the buildings and onto rubberized living or homelessness. Once in a status of homelessness, getting work, staying healthy, and mentally able to work hard and build a life back is hard, and not all people on the streets are the stereotypical druggy that no one wants to recognize exists. Before people are squeezed out of our society like that, alternatives can be created that will allow them to not fall so far before getting back up and learning new trades or skills that will enable them to thrive with a way to feed their family and house them, to fulfill the responsibility of being a parent, or a part of society by contributing and benefiting while helping create a community. These are the objectives of the Pure Salvage Living Renaissance that I started manifesting over 30 years ago.

After having rehabilitated the worst of drug zones, gang crime neighborhoods in Austin, Texas, that had prostitutes on the street, standing in the doorways of the one-hour room rental motel across the street from my real estate office, I decided to take time off to be a dad. The times and ways to change things are different, but it is possible to turn around bad areas and make them desirable to live in again. That is called gentrification in the places where housing costs rise due to demand, the taxes on the long-term elders rise to where they have to sell out, and in a few decades, few of the original middle-income inhabitants remain. Only the higher-income people can afford to buy big homes, pay taxes, and live in those now desirable areas. I was accused of gentrification by the time I left Austin, a word I had never heard or understood before. I could not afford to live in that area now.

In 1995, I moved away to Gonzales, Texas, to raise my 11-year-old son in a country town, thinking it would be better for his development and view of the world. That was not a good decision in retrospect, as the schools were abysmally bad, and he had to take remedial math classes even though he had been in Honors classes for most of high school. I enjoyed a few years playing and being a father before Adam, like most teens, got into hanging out with his friends more, so I went back to my workaholism and grew Discovery Architectural Antiques into the largest salvage store in the USA.

Then came Tiny Texas Houses, a way to put all of the salvage to use positively, building tiny houses to build a community here at Salvage, Texas, one day. Many years have passed, and I put a million dollars into preparation to make this offer to others who will carry on when I am gone. At 69 years old, this time could come any day or be a few decades away, but I have no heirs to leave the legacy to. So, I want to set it up to benefit many when I am gone. Can you help by finding the people who will share in cashing out the land and then using the millions in inventory on hand to create the rest of this example and help start up a hundred Pure Salvage Outposts as a co-op to help others do the same? If you can help or know someone who wants to buy inventory, have millions on hand to help fund this dream. It will take the right people and the support, but the final product is an example of what could be done, and the people will help teach it by coming in and sharing their wisdom. That is my dream.

The path to finding good areas to live in and raise a child, school them, and perhaps live out your elder years is not accessible due to the property taxes of Texas that do not allow for us to get old and stop earning income, but still get taxed as if we are since there is no income tax in Texas except property taxes. This should be changed to a sales tax or income tax on those with the income, not those who get old and thus are forced to sell their homesteads. I propose taking the ten acres that I have now established ponds with beavers, otters, fish, and miles of shoreline and woods, and a chance to prove that we can build the houses here, set them up with services using solar wind, and the grid to create a community that could go off-grid and survive well for a year or two without needing to ask for government help. It would have worked for those who wanted to use the Tiny Texas Houses facility on-site, which is full of materials and was mothballed nearly a decade ago, to await these foreseen times after Covid.

Some people are gifted with a foresight that can be tapped to make preparations for the future they see coming, though most of the public does not. There is no way to tell others without looking like a negative person, but the facts are easy to read, and the economy will not improve for a while. What are we doing now to anticipate the many forced to downsize and have no affordable housing or alternatives to look to when they are evicted from their large homes? People do not need as much space to live as Americans have been accustomed to since the 1950s when the average middle-income home was under a thousand square feet. People were happy, and families had extra income to vacation, have savings, and live well. That time has passed and more adult children are living at home with relatives than ever in the last 150 years, over 55% of families have reconsolidated to survive. If not for that, the others who have no families often end up homeless, not doing drugs or saddled with addictions, just unable to afford the housing in the city as Blackrock and Blackstone, as well as other elite corporations and people, buy up all the land, housing, and control the food chain too.

Too much power and money in the hands of too few people are leading to a global rebellion that is cyclical historically, taking down kings, queens, and empowers time and again, generally after wars that destroy the country and economy. These are typically governed by crazy people who lose touch with reality and the conditions of the masses. It appears to be coming to a climax globally as the masses demonstrate their frustration and riots ensue. I am hoping to help create paths for solutions to manifest locally where they can help ease housing shortages without selling out to Blackrock or other real estate giants that have credit lines due to bank relationships based on the elite buddy system and not equality or the fair distribution of the wealth of the world. How do we make it possible for the masses to live well without destroying the many systems that benefit the public? I hope there is a way, but I do feel that the salvage, reuse, and creation of intentional communities with salvaged materials and well-planned intentions that are long-term into the future based so as not just to boot out all the people for corporation shareholder profits as is being done to mobile home parks and others nowadays.

Will you consider helping initiate this final transition stage into a trust that can be used to build and demonstrate what is possible? I am seeking the commitment the money to buy out any remaining debt and set up this example called Salvage, Texas, to create the venue to come and learn how to build, set up your Pure Salvage Outpost Co-ops, and possibly intentional communities using this model and support from the warehouse full of the materials to make this happen already in stock. We have the windows, doors, trim, walls, siding, roofing, and hardware on hand to do this, stashed away in over a hundred thousand square feet of warehouses and a place to build. I need to cash out the debt and then Wii, all of the people who will join together to be a part of making this possible.

Once there is water to grow, life of all sorts, green or alive, thrives, like the beavers, otters, fish, and wildlife that have thrived since the land was remedied from nothing to being a premiere example of what can be done.

I will contribute my assets and land to make this work as my last big hurrah before I age into the later years when I may not have the time, drive, or means to do this. I plan to travel to share the books, videos, and lessons that will empower the many to do what I have proven is possible, but with the help of others, what can be proven on a community level, a way to salvage the lives of people who need skills, even building tiny houses, or creating chicken coops, gardening, and the many ways that each of us might be able to add value to the community and thus pay for our part of being there. Please share with those you know who might want to dedicate a portion of their land to creating retirement communities on long-term leases instead of selling off family ranches or farms, thus adding value, possible workers to help on the farm, and a community to support each other when times get hard.

This offer is being tendered to see if the people with the means to help to be part of this in a way that will benefit you, your families, and others who can become part of a larger community of PSO Co-ops that could benefit many communities. Thank you for helping get the word out and bring together people to help finalize the years of preparation and let the massive inventories readied to create some 300+ tiny houses and community centers which will help launch the revitalization of our society. Thank you for your help.

Brad w. Kittel

[email protected]

Schools are teaching kids to build tiny houses, but not w/ salvage. Why not?

The salvage industry makes more millionaires than any other. If we teach the kids how to build with salvaged materials, they could create careers straight out of High School—no college needed.


OCT 30, 2024

When people finally see that the degrees they are paying for are not paying back enough to fund the debt acquired to get the degrees. Skills to make money other than with the degree are ignored, but the cost to the children who get out of college and are unemployed is devastating, and the damage can last for life. There is no way to dispose of the debts from college as the government guarantees the loans, who can take your tax returns, ruin your credit for decades, and keep you from ever getting out of the hole that college creates for most who go to college.

More people need to learn skills while young that will allow them to make a good living, build a tiny house, buy land, and thrive without getting into the bogus college degree scheme hatched when I was young that entices all kids to go to higher education thinking they will net more income over their lifetime. That is not true anymore due to the cost of the schooling and the lack of good jobs for the graduates in many of the degrees that are given by the colleges. There is no longer a great value in most of the degrees like there used to be for fresh graduates; even the high-grade-scoring students are finding it hard to get a job that will feed their debts and let them live better than those who became plumbers, electricians, carpenters, and other skilled jobs that are now paying $75-$150 an hour. Mechanics are in high demand, as are others who are good at doing the physical work necessary for our society to function well.

As we run out of skilled workers for these physically intense jobs is driving up the demand and cost and helping to inspire kids to consider once again developing the skills to build houses, fix cars, and many other fields of work that are in high demand, pay well, and do not require 4 years of college with a hundred grand in debt when done. Why not teach more skills in school, as was once the case when there were wood shops, mechanic shops, and ways to learn skills in school? Sadly, most were shut down due to the insurance costs and the school boards that decided to reduce the importance of producing fully operational adults by 18 years old. The education system no longer provides the education needed for a functional citizen by the time they get done with high school, many not fully literate or skilled in math by the time they graduate high school and have no skills to offer for employment so many feel college is the answer. For most, it will only add to their debt and make things more complicated throughout the time it will take to pay off their college costs, sometimes taking over 20 years with heavy penalties and interest rates that can be adjusted upward without the students being able to object.

Why not suggest that your town open a Pure Salvage Outpost that will provide a venue where kids and adults could go to learn how to build tiny houses, leading to building bigger houses if needed or more of them to create a compound of master suites and a shared house for the kitchen, dining, and getting together area. This allows for faster construction of the bedrooms the kitchen and growing the homestead in increments that allow for mom and dad to have a tiny house, the kids each their bedroom and spaces, as well as the common house where all of you share meals, love, and commune to bond and share your trials and success at the end of each day. Then, off to your tiny master suite where you sleep, get away from others with the person you love, and share the moments of peace a master bedroom should offer. Best of all, it is portable, and you could move on to another part of the property one day when you marry and start your tiny family homestead.

I would like to see more schools built with salvage to teach the kids how to develop American-made homes with sustainable materials, not imported new pollution products but the best of the past that can be salvaged and reused for much less than new products, and last longer. Why not teach logical ways to build inexpensively and grow villages, communities, and homesteads without cutting down trees and making new windows and hardware that can last another century? People have gotten accustomed to disposable products, cars, and homes now that they are all designed to break down in 7-15 years, even houses. I want to see us move back into a time and perspective when quality and lifetime warranties are possible because the product was built with a sense of pride, not just profits, driving the businesses that create our means of growing a great country. No one can build a great country out of trashy materials that are toxic and self-destructive in less than a decade.

Will you share the idea of creating PSO Co-ops and let others know that I will help by funding materials to the towns and communities that will make a place to assemble them and teach the locals who want to build houses the ways to do so now? Stop waiting for others to save the day with new stuff when you have this avenue to use for teaching the locals how to thrive while waiting for the government to make excuses for why it can not help, but also how they are going to stop you from using salvage to rebuild with. The building codes are the tools the corporations use to prevent you from using salvage materials to build with, not for logic’s sake, but for the profits they make, forcing you to use their products through code. Stop the madness and pass variances to the local codes so that you can build faster before the winter kills off many from flu, colds, and illnesses that follow when under the stress that so many suffer from storms and floods. Let us help them as soon as possible. I want to empty this warehouse, then take it down to salvage the wood and metal and use it to create more solutions for others. I want to show how this can provide millions with housing, with no imports from China required.

Please get in touch with me if this makes sense to you, and if there are people locally who can help you establish a Pure Salvage Outpost with the materials, I will gladly ship you the first houses. Do not let the codes and limitations of the government slow down your ability to create solutions locally as fast as possible. Time is not on your side if you do not have a house when the winter, a particularly bad one, sets in over the next month. This will get bad fast, and you can move faster if you wish. I will help in any way I can. Please let me know how Wii can work together to solve the problems where you are.

Brad w. Kittel

[email protected]

Pure Salvage Outposts Co-op offer: for towns & communities in need of housing faster, cheaper, nearly free.

My world of dreams dies as I donate them to help others build houses and may liquidate the inventory-from past dreams to create the solutions for others now. Dreams die to be reborn.

A couple of decades ago, I bought some land I did not know had been abandoned by a foundry so they would not have to clean it up. EPA had come to say the problem was natural for the heavy metals and pollution washed off to spread and stay in the San Marcos River just a quarter mile away. I saved the land and blocked the path of pollution that would taint the river till it got to Gonzales to be taken out and drank. I also wanted to stop the leaching of the many acres they left without telling me, who bought much later, anything.

Many styles and sizes are concepts that will open many minds to what is possible when you want more tiny houses all around. When I rehabbed them, they had been neglected, were boarded up, and considered the bad inner city of Austin. They averaged about 650 sq. ft., and the houses came on the trains as packages sent to Texas as catalog orders for hundreds of dollars. Many were Montgomery Wards or the Sears catalog homes popular in the late 1800-1940 periods long ago. They were not much bigger than the Tiny Houses I watched grow from the parts and pieces of beautiful old houses. Why waste the beauty of the past, the porch posts, stained glass, and the things that last? Look at the energy savings with sinks, tubs, and hardware for examples of what could be saved each day as the old houses are taken down instead of throwing the parts away. Look at these for examples of past luxuries of massive low-cost resources and coal to smelt metal and create hardware, glass, or metal.

Many of my examples won Best Tiny Houses in America awards with their examples of windows, doors, and hardware that can spice up a tiny or big house without firing up a furnace to make handblown glass windows. The older glass is thicker than the new and energy efficient if you do a few things to make it better than the modern glass that fogs up in ten years and that most will use. I can teach from great distances thanks to computers, even Zoom in some cases, to answer questions and help where it is needed without traveling there. I plan to establish Pure Salvage Outposts (PSO) Co-ops whenever I can find and inspire the locals to set up shop and support them while they start.

In honor of my son, who wrote the music for my poem, “The Song of Salvage,” and left it as his last gift to me when he left at 21 to travel and explore the world with his guitar. I never got to create the video for his music until after he was gone, and I hope you will listen to what he created alone with the amateur equipment so that his song is forever sung.

This plan I have can get ten houses worth of parts to build if we then find ways to ship in the phases that will let you get them built. I am set to convert the assets that I have mothballed away after my son’s passing in Paris, France, 13 years ago. What was to be inherited will be one of his legacies, a dream I hated to see go. I have realized the next part has come: to dissolve my dreams as I go into my 70s and realize the dreams that will not come to fruition in my lifetime. There may be many, so it goes. What was once his legacy can help many more if this idea can grow. I need help and can not fund this alone, but if we get the proper people, I can sell off much to fund more for many in his generation.

I want to get these materials out as a proper steward should. I have taken over for other oldsters and committed these materials for good. I need some help, though I hate to ask, but for others, I must do this simple task of offering the solutions I can provide to the others who are called to help, to do what Wii were meant to do. Join together with a Unity that gives power to the community. A Co-op going locally can pay for others to learn and see what can be done with the supplies you will see awaiting salvage miners to become the parts you will need to keep growing the Co-op to help bring the skills and kids to work.

Each town will have different needs and opportunities to grow back its community. These are the things that unify and bond the locals. So I want to see house raising (raising a house faster together) be the best way to go when the house razing (taking them down) that the storms did bring can be saved as best Wii knows so that the parts you need to build there locally will grow.

It takes all three working as one to make this system work. Once you get it going, you will know where all the salvage is as people realize that is the best thing one can give to speed up recovery. Salvage is a profitable way to live, support your youth and your community, and show the value of the human energy Wii can give. Somehow, this is all a part of a big dream I once had as a kid. How could dreams come true, even nightmares that I would have long stopped if I could? Know there is a reason, a solution all laid out in a plan that God has written some call fate, with faith aloud, to pray for mercy and help, I hope this will reach them, answers come.

I have dreamt this would help the people when the time came for the parts to finally be seen as solutions for the population needing ” truly green housing.” That means that no trees are cut, no imports across the sea, materials made in America here to fill our needs. Ways to implement the tools and parts Wii need to finally join together locally. I have been inspired to move faster and hope for more who want to grow this chain of independent PSOs run by the locals who want to grow the skills and passions of the kids and others who see and know this is true.

As I move to liquidate the massive stores of what it takes to rebuild houses or to start homesteads, this is my dream for you, and if you have a great desire to help your community, too. I have an offer to Kickstart co-ops where they are needed most, in communities needing housing fast. This is a path to produce a dozen houses for your family or community at the cost of materials for one. Can you show the need to fill it locally with the people who will join together to build tiny houses? These are permanent tiny homes, not mobile homes, for far less than the “Katrina
Trailers” of the past hurricane that went through Louisiana.

These are house that will last through the winter and rebuild what was once there, a community with a place for Unity to manifest results for all? I propose the Pure Salvage Outposts as places where all can learn, young and old, together, building houses that will hold the families displaced by the storms and floods. All now need housing rapidly; national codes may have to go until they can afford compliance, and they need warm homes.

I am offering a package of ten houses worth of windows, doors, siding, roofing, and trim, the packages of what it takes to get them housed again. Can I get the help to move it to where they need it now and help create the places to teach the others how to build with salvage and give them our best help? I can send the materials for a hundred houses or more, I know, windows in many different forms that will make for houses, barns, and the cover that Wii know is needed for the critters and the building back of homesteads now.

How do I get more people to join and develop their independent PSA Co-op better than giving the parts to build the first five houses and, if successful, set it up to grow from there again? I can offer salvage building and teach this great trade. Still, the local men and women will be building houses locally to save the cost of shipping them, which is fully permitted if built far away. Those funds will be used locally to pay for labor instead of transporting “boxes of air” across the county. Can you fill in some gaps as one of the elders locally or one who understands the craft of building houses per functionality instead of perfectly following codes established by manufacturers who do not want you using the old materials? Most can have the elders teach others how to build, but materials like windows and doors are often the most critical thing in building a tiny home to start again. Long ago, the mountain cabin that most know housed the wife and kids all close while they worked the light of the days and slept through the dark of night without the storms, the snow, and ways that you could die without a shelter to try and keep warm when winter comes.

Here is an example of a package I could send, with the cost of one paying for five to be loaded up and then, with the plans and a place to stand them, create houses from these parts once again. I have proven that more can do it and be successful, so they can support some local people in building houses that all know are stout and last for a lifetime, unlike mobile homes that will quickly show. If you want to help this alternative grow there, I request you get in touch, and Wii can join as one to prepare a way to get solutions like this delivered to your town’s door.

Are you an elder helping to reassemble what you can and reestablish the community before they move away and go to places they can not return to once the lands are sold or they are old? Help me get your folks together, and then please do let me know.

Brad W. Kittel

[email protected]

Some of the parts and pieces and packages will offer many other windows and parts, like aluminum windows, that Wii will give to others as free starter parts. Please consider the master suite concept for living comfortably and tiny. Share the big kitchens and gathering places, but a private space to sleep is special.

These were past examples of what a retail package would be but my goal is to sell a package of 6 for the price of one to see houses built and PSOs started that can use the profits or the chance to do what is needed to create a way for this to happen near you.

This can be one of the size plans for a couple of the houses and some smaller packages for faster builds of master suites like the Kidd instead. I can send five packages for the price of one, which will cover the labor and get them on the trailers and trucks that can come by on their way to help grow new homes from the treasures of the old.

Please consider as I liquidate my dreams I had just up till late when God said it was time to evacuate the massive stores that can do so great as to help others rebuild again, to help make their lives safe. From now through spring, I am offering the chance to kick off your co-ops with materials that will be paid for in good deeds along the way. I need money to help sort, load, pack, and ship away. Then Wii can supply the Co-ops if they can show a way to fund the perpetuation of each Salvage Station that serves to teach nearly everyone who wants to be a Salvage Miner, Salvage Builder, or the one to hunt down all the precious places that still could be salvaged and become a part of the new world that you start with the homes that you will build.

If you are interested in starting a PSO Co-op and finding ways to fund the space to build the houses to move as portable buildings or to take apart the big pieces to transport and assemble again… I can help now. I want to see these wheels in motion by Thanksgiving or if there are more who will speed it up to get what they need to the places soon so a store could be established for those who have no money but need these parts to get set up in the mountains where they are before the winter storms. Can Wii the people do this while the government claims that Wii must obey the rules? It is absurd when people need help now, but government help is not coming down to do the work, so the locals do it themselves.

What should they do locally while the feds sit underfunded and befuddled in their offices?

What if the feds do not move fast to fix roads and build homes that will get the families through the night and back to where their ancestors grew up to rebuild with local pride and keep their homestead rights?

Write Mii, call, or email for more information about what could be in store if you want to help your people and can move this stuff that far… I will make it possible, though I may need some help to load and pay for a foundation, a place to grow the businesses of building with the best of our salvage from a past most are proud of and do not want to throw in the dump. Help me help others save their family’s dreams, as many parts of them as possible, and rebuild their dreams so their children want to live there when they grow up. If not, the mines, commercial ventures, and casinos will replace the poor who sell their lands after such calamities and catastrophes. Sadly, the destruction of their pasts, if not their very lives, comes with the sale of the neighborhoods.

Tiny Texas Houses is located on IH 10, where it will be easy to load up a semi with the people to help strap it on and take it off, then create a few incredible tiny abodes to get the Co-op off the ground without paying for the first batch of materials to get it up and running proud. If the community supports the place to build practically for free. Then I will send the materials to get it started building at least five tiny houses… maybe more if we can get the transport help and load before the winter storms. For those who want to buy more packages to assemble once prepared, I will send the parts that will help to start the salvage mining that will follow if this works well.

I can offer financing without interest to help others get started in small businesses as the teams of teachers at the Co-op create through their classes and construction at PSO. Once mentored and elder-guided, co-op students can get their business building houses growing locally and grow. The locals can mentor the local kids or adults who want to make with salvage and then develop the local salvage business if this sounds good to you. This is a way we help pay for materials with loans that don’t bear interest and can still last for ten years with an assurance of them working with you for a lifetime if you need so you can get the housing going locally you need. Who will show the heart to help start-up these inspirational community centers? Salvage is a treasure right before your eyes, and carpenters, like a famous legend some call Jesus, would have been working through the night to salvage all the treasures that were left there in sight as he said to others through his short life: see the gifts, don’t fear in strife.

If you would like to help create a co-op where you could develop houses like these locally with materials that I will send nearly for free to fire up and inspire others to do this, contact me. Please let me help in the many ways I can to help this start-up locally where so much salvage can be had. Prayers with those who need homes and the path to creating more as quickly as possible. How many start-ups will Wii see at this special event that I offered to those who can see it?

Please share with those who care and need help building or repairing their homes.

[email protected]

Follow corporate plan: Building Code! But it’s killing people, forcing unhealthy homes on public.

Yes, the Electromagnetic radiation from the walls to your pineal gland & brain, thus affects your attention span, health, and deep sleep, let alone melatonin production at night.


OCT 23, 2024

None of the houses shown would be allowed to be built in most cities due to the use of salvaged lumber to frame them… and other materials instead of the corporate-prescribed and dictated choices forced on people across America. Would you live in one of these Tiny Texas Houses created to prove what could be done?

So many things are being learned as we have the instrumentation and people willing to examine what makes many sick inside their houses. Studies have shown that the cleaning chemicals, pesticides for bugs, carpet fibers, vinyl that leak out hormone-changing compounds, formaldehyde and acrylic acid from paints, and mold from sheetrock with spores that come for free (add water to see). There are so many problems with new housing that few are ever told of before they buy a home. Somehow, there is a delusion that the government has regulations to protect the public from harmful products, but that is just a meme. The problem is that we mask the problems by confusing the issues and distracting from the corporations that are committing what would be crimes if they were human, for which we would go to jail, but they will only pay fines with future profits. Often, companies pay for non-disclosure and hide what is going wrong rather than losing profits by fixing the defects in their product lines, if possible.

The problem is that nothing stops the vinyl, plastics, glues, and other chemical-laden things you bring into your home from being inhaled and absorbed into the blood directly. It’s better than using needles and syringes to inject carcinogens into you instead. Why is that not considered when building Tiny Houses On Wheels? RVs, big and small, mobile and premanufactured housing dominate many areas of our country, with modern cheap housing having nurtured that development and made significant profits from it for a couple of good decades.

What comes next is the aging of the RV parks full of disposable toxic materials that no longer have good tires to take them away, often full of mold due to the leaks that come in 5 years, when the plastic and vinyl pull away from the thin layer of metal that is a pretty exterior when it is first made. True, it has so little insulation behind it that they are harder to heat and cool, but once leaking, it grows good mold in the lightweight wood that hides within. What will become of the neighborhood when many leave their homes, abandon the payments, and are behind on rent when they move on due to their ill health, costing them their jobs? They are forced to roam. Credit is ruined, life is destroyed, and the stories are growing for the unemployed who did not know the stress upon their body would take a toll in time.

I pray for many, but I know from having said this long ago that mold and hypoxia were all known to be a problem when the federal government provided rules for using RV so that the public could stay healthy, but… nobody read the pamphlet. NO One is supposed to live in RVs or Garden homes full-time due to the rapid health decline that comes with all the reasons that no one seems to disclose. Do you have an air exchanger that varies through the times when you have others visiting, or do you need the air? Most have nothing but a fart fan, and that does not work for you can not suck air from balloons unless you get new in. Where does the fresh air come from? In most homes, there is no place. But in tiny houses, it matters more because you have so little space.

All the materials you use must be considered digestible if you are to breathe the chemicals as they outgas for the first 3-5 years. If you buy an older model, nearly ready to leak and break, like a used house in most subdivisions, they are scheduled to be heavily maintained or break so that you will buy another and sell to suckers as you make your escape. Blessings to the real estate brokers who profit when they take the buyers to the crappy houses they sell for a million bucks. They will need it when they face their maker or clients who figure out what happened, how their health was taken out, not to mention their financial credit scores that hit the ground. In the new society of having credit cards to be online, with smartphones and a chance to be employed and part of life in a generation hooked on smartphones to run their life. What is happening is planned, and sadly, most don’t understand the consequences yet, but I suspect enough of us have already made our bets and planned for Shit to Hit the Fan soon, and indeed before it gets better so that all can start to build a better life again.

Blessing to your dayz, my friends. Beware of the codes that never end, but do not create a healthy end if you want to build a home. Please be aware of the materials you share with the others who share your home. When you build it to be healthy, then there is nothing you’ve done wrong. But if you build with modern goods, all full of chemicals, and forget that the EMFs are causing bad things for the brains of those exposed to too much whose immune systems, once gone, do not get better for a lifetime, the innocent get harmed. Stop the madness by learning more and building healthy from the start.

The truth is, there are seldom people who examine or determine if anyone is doing what they are supposed to do based on laws or regulations at the corporate level. Instead, the focus is on the city, county, state, and federal inspectors that will come into your home and demand that you do as told by codes written by the very entities that are poisoning our homes. Where does the logic come from that puts the fox in charge of the security and health of the flock of chickens in their cages at night? They are the entities that show up who can stop you from creating a healthy house that does not comply with the industry that forces us to abide by them. The public uses the products they create, regardless of the price or how they rate their ability to perform, rarely knowing how toxic they become in the house when you breathe them, ingest them, and see if the chemicals come out.

How does the world accept a corporation obligated to make profits for the shareholders first, regardless of the shenanigans it takes? Who determines if they are liars who market but don’t perform when they own the politicians who write their loopholes into law, and they can then escape the consequences of their flaws? When you realize, thanks to the whistleblowers, that the corporations so despise that they will kill them, take them down before they can report all they found. When corporations can control great nations, that is called by many names, but fascism seems the best to use; it becomes invisible, though accurate, to our amazement, but appears to be a “NO USE WORD” in the press.

During these times, the meaning of words and their universal application in news media, verbatim, give evidence to the propaganda that goes on. Mockingbird is a way to learn how to mimic and say the same things over all of the airways. This was not a coincidence. Indeed, the odds prevent anyone from thinking it could be unless they are dense. They are dumbing down the public and making them sick as Hell so that they can sell them drugs and profit from your declining health. Please stop the madness of consenting, eating junk food, staying stressed so that you can be of service, nearly a slave (no less), or, if the rulers don’t need you, put on the street in the end. What becomes of the millions who are losing jobs they knew but have no other skills to use, and their bodies are too ill to do the labor that is needed, to be victims, or be killed?

Salvage mining creates valuable work for the needed materials Salvage Builders can use to create housing unlike in subdivisions ruled by code and no imagination to behold.
How many ways can vintage materials be used to create new houses where they are needed, but also to preserve history, health, and our economy.

If the protectors of the people do not work for the government, who is doing that job? What are the federal departments doing but complying with the corporate written international codes that are based on a lithium-based world? Is it possible to have a genuinely all-electric world without batteries? Yes, but not according to the path this administration running the world is taking us, but with 0-point energy, which has patents proving it possible but kept secret and out of the reach of the public for the benefit of all. Through the internet, it then comes upon the people to point out where the money goes and who pays the price with their lives on the line. Corporations must be held responsible by imprisoning the many who run them instead of letting them leap out of reach with golden parachutes and land in places they will never be extradited from to be prosecuted for their crimes against humanity.

Soon, the world will see, thanks to the Whistleblowers finally coming out and being protected instead of being shot down. Know the tribunals and a future with a change could come soon and a chance to empty the deranged from the seats of power around the planet, perhaps to put them in a giant cage. Savor the moments and times Wii are in for those who can see, read, and win. Wii are the many, the United and Free, speaking up to join and end the evil killing spree. Fear not by fully knowing that destiny is the truth, thanks to what Wii give. Love and our actions will change the world soon as the Light Brigade rises from out of the womb and into our mastery of those that threaten us with doom. Brighten the days with the light you can show is coming from within us and letting us glow; call it what you might, Chi, Prana, God-thought, or Wub; it is the same universal energy that gives us all life. It is how and what Wii communicate and create that matters now.

God’s energy flows like the sun on our skin, giving us the power that Wii now need to live. Thrive in the luxury of knowing at last that there is a great future ahead, as evidenced by scriptures and based on cycles of our past.

Life is an incredible fantasy of what could be as well as what Wii see before us every day. The secret is our ability to find our perspicuity and see how things all fit as Wii defend our planet from a planned and evil end. Savor the chance to shine.



Do you strive to win? Competitive at heart from the start? Are you a Hero in disguise?

Yes, there are superhumans who are readying for the fight to dismantle the great network of elites who run the world out of sight. Are you a truther, Sworn to Fight for what is Right?


OCT 22, 2024

Yes, the heroes are rising to the call for freedom, which demands answers that will work for one and all. The challenges are surmountable, but the truths must win if Wii are to begin fixing what went wrong when the richest of the world decided to control us and then subject the world’s humans to serve them when they call. How can it be that so few can believe that they can rule the world when the masses attack and demand their freedoms back? There is nothing that they can do but give up and let the world go back to being run by mii and you.

Democracy may never be the path to set us free if the ones who control the voting boxes are so willing to lie and cheat. The proof has been made so evident that the creeps in charge are preparing for the public to call the vote a scam and demand retribution for the damage to our lands. It is not just our country, the good old USA, but others in the fold of those who control the Black Boxes that they say are not subject to being altered by the new technology. However, it has been proven in court that the boxes don’t begin to offer us security or a surety and that the one who wins was not just preselected by those who planned a thin victory that no one could see was fabricated just by them.

Somehow, there are ways to stop the taking of the lands, though cheating with the Black Boxes that have been proven can’t withstand hacking by just college kids proved the bad guys have a plan to steal the votes of all who hope for honesty instead. Please vote early, make it count, and hopefully offset the amount of cheating that is going on to take over the country thought most strong to create a war so long as to wipe out those who fight and might resist the orders of the ones who have the might and the weapons of destruction that they use to their delight. Please help us stop the madness of the criminals who breed the end of mankind as a goal they jointly seem to seek. Somehow, they must keep control; if not, they must surely know that Tribunals will soon come to show they are the evil that must go—death to those who subjugate the world for their elation. Let us lock their close relationships up in a world where they are harmless and perhaps don’t want to live.

They can then commit suicide and do it with a sense of pride, for they will rid the world of the worst humans who will share the blood of the species they tried to kill. Stop their madness in its tracks by all of us just taking back our power and the right to attack the evil in the world. Good will win and they will die, though some will cry to see them dead, others know its’s best instead. What they have done runs so very deep that the governments have been filled with creeps who just comply and make it possible for them to cheat, to lie, to kill to command the will of the nations that they can control through blackmail, bribes, and the thrill of killing off those that will fight to the death, not a joke: this is real.

Wake up. Come alive. Learn to take down those who lie. Become a warrior for the truth. Teach the elders, teach the youth. No one should be tricked or fooled, yet most are taken in by the drool that the elite pass off for wine and food. Dare to question, then rebel, and not be afraid to share and tell of the threat to the world taking it to Hell. Be the heroes that will stand and fight with the power that is winning, the Light from in your heart. Know that you are powerful and able to change your course with will, growing in your power so that they can not kill your spirit or your will to do the right things as Wii fill our obligations to mankind, to save them, not to kill.

The time is now for the populace to join in a World Union that the UN can not stop and change the course of mankind, yes, cause a mighty rout of the leaders who are screwing up the world with the wars and their desire to get rich and rule the world once more without answering to anyone for what they have in store. Understand there is a plan, not a conspiracy but truth, to control the masses in the future, to neuter all the youth, and determine who will live or die when they get control of the Earth. It sounds beyond reality, but if you study, you will see the time has come to get involved and speak out to let others know. Wii, the people have a chance if Wii can stop the steady advance of evil over good men now that the time has come for their final plans to be used to destroy what man desires. Peace and Love are what Wii have to hold out as our goal and stand. Will Wii win? The great war is at hand and they have a plan. Do you?

What will tomorrow bring to a world that is in a sling, about to be tossed into a battle that Wii will win, though it may look dark before the storms release the floods and wars that will soon come over Earth and finally free the masses up to create a new reality, one that does not let the maniacs to run still free and kill off all the others who honestly don’t agree? Wii should rule together, United one and all, instead of letting others destroy the world to run it like they want it with us gone, the masses who make up the throngs of Love and Light on Earth while the others do their best to quash us down and out of sight. Wii will win by our numbers and the faith in God Wii have that will give us the strength and the Light in the darkness that the evil ones bring. Have faith in love, and what Wii can do once Wii unite as friends and take down all the others who want to rule the world instead.

One more chapter in a fantasy about how the world finally sets itself free from the demons and a Satan figure watching close to see if his minions can defeat us, the Light Brigade you see coming into focus as Wii prepare to win and free the humans and the sentient Beings that need us now to be the force that can not be taken down with lies and such deceit. It is the forces of evil that are doing their best to take advantage now but the momentum is now with the Light Brigade as they turn out to defend our planet and our race, no matter if its hard, it is worth the fight to death to save the planet from their plans and secure freedom for the world as Wii bring this to an end. They will do their best to control what soon will be a fight to the death for many who are ruling now, you’ll see. Transhumanism or living naturally, like a flower in the wild, what will the world come to be if you just keep eliminating our humanity?

Please help preserve our divinity and not convert humanity into a form of technology that can easily be controlled look like a Frankenstein, created from the folds of a Crispr and a societywith a sick mind. Please don’t abandon our great love for God that leaves humanity in a hole.

What would you do without a smartphone? Ludicrous idea in 1965.

Dick Tracy would be jealous, Batman beltless in this day, w gadgets like mini lasers that could kill or simply maim. There is no hiding space for Spiderman & facial ID to spot Superman if no human can.


OCT 22, 2024

Who will be the heroes in a world of make-believe? That is what Wii live in now. Most of the technology people take for granted today was considered impossible to the public in 1963. Wii are living in a miraculous age where nearly anything is possible, good or bad. The time is here to make it clear: Wii, the people of the world, want truth, honor, and respect to rule the world, not lies, cheaters, and megalomaniacs, as they seem to be the status today.

Do superpowers need to be fully demonstrated and proven scientifically in humans by the score to prove how amazing we can be naturally to offset the trend for transhumanistic agendas that seem destined to grow?

Will Wii see the clones and children genetically modified that will lead us to a view of life that is astray from normal development, the supposed evolution of mankind throughout history that we are told is true but has so many flaws?

The story of mankind is varied, with many versions of our beginning based on what could manifest when a woman meets a man. Nothing in our history shows that a man and another man can make a child or civilization. Nowhere in our history have two women created a third being that could go on to live and grow, to know the truth, and populate the world. Why are some people so confused now as to think this part of mankind can be altered to fit the opinions of the dazed and confused?

Soon, the stories some consider fiction or conspiracy will show the products of the work that will change what most will see into a world of robots, humans, and a host of other things that some will think are alien or part of humanity, but the visitors who have lived here for near eternity. Just because you do not know all there is does not mean you should not consider all that could be.

Much is now being disclosed to us who share the world with those who know the truths that may come too late to help most youth. Soon, the minds of men will be controlled by those who have the means to subjugate the masses by fabricating Black Flag scenes to trap their minds and make them blind, then let others control what will “Be” the future that Wii must endure after wars that leaders bring. Black Boxes, BlackRock, Blackstone, and blackened hearts that love money, power, and controlling the rest of the species in the world, including humanity. The abuse of power is growing with the advent of tools to manipulate people in many ways, from the food in the body to the chemicals in the mind. People are facing the prospect of losing their humanity, empathy, and fertility due to the plans of the few who know how to do these things to our species and our planet. Corporations have no conscience and are obligated to profit at the public’s expense for their shareholders. They are legally bound as officers to protect the corporation over the public if it costs them profits. This is not speculation. It is the law.

You need not have a fence to hold the herds that fear the shock of touching wires they may think will give them quite a shock. The fear of pain and agony will trap most people into the masses, who will never see the far side of the fields where the forests and the mountains can be freely roamed to feed and live in peace. This allows the rest of us to live our lives with love and trust unless there is some fight that disturbs our peace of mind. Wii, the watchers wonder at the many who choose to be jabbed or fat. This is due to the lies and the distractions that allow their fate to take such hold of them that they can not imagine getting healthy again. The loss of hope, the drugs they give to lose their extra fatted weight, and the desire for some to live healthier lives without exercise.

What are they doing that it would take years to recover their great vessel after toxicity sets in? Is there a way to fix the curses being cast upon the nations of the world using the needles and toxins created by the likes of Gates to disseminate the disease and destruction the leaders in the UN feel is needed to reduce the populations of the world. No pill will get the results they want and do such ambitious deeds alone so there is war, famine, and other things to still come along. The Warburg syndrome coming, like others they will launch, will kill of millions they feel are worthless, setting up the world for more of their shenanigans to control your friends and the public as a whole.

You must do the work to stop this, get the blood flowing, and grow the muscles to stay healthy later in life. This is part of the truths demonstrated and proven by those who practice a grounded lifestyle focusing on staying youthful and healthy. This will prove to be valuable soon, when the world needs you to be strong, not another person dead due to jabs and other toxicities. You can become the hero, naturally, by taking care of your vessel and learning how to control your emotions, your body, your mind, and then, much more, the world around you that seems out of control. You will be amazed at how much you can do once you make up your mind and take action that ensues when you have the faith and passion to do the things you came to do by taking on this body and agreeing to live through this time upon our planet where Wii do God’s work as sent to do. Let us create the Tribunals that will clear the world of such abuse.

Join Mii in the celebration of our freeing the great nations of the Earth from those who seek to dominate and keep us weak. Knowing that Wii would win this war, they thought they would score the winning strikes to take us down, but our united strength would soon be found. Tribunals will then follow, the evil gathered up, and once eliminated, the world can crank up and find peaceful solutions for the problems they set up to cause the great divisiveness they thought would tear us up. Instead, united Wii is stronger and more numerous than those who oppose the freedoms of the world, and thus, it brings us great joy. Be the solution and exemplify what Wii can do if Wii only try to protect the innocent and know that our lives will be given for the planet to grow.

May you be led by love wherever you go on your mission in life. As some of you know, it will make for a paradise before Wii go.

Check with world newsmakers like Snowden to understand there is very little privacy in any land. If you appreciate that Telegram conceded what it needed to set its leader free again, then you know there is a plan that few can withstand. Soon, you may realize that the Rumble platform gets compromised when it buys out Locals and others under the guise of not being Wall Street-owned, and thus, the end is known. What will come from us is spiritual, and just like Jesus went through Hell, it is said that He was able to do more than most. If Wii do not let the Light shine on those who dread its might, how are Wii to Light the Night, the darkness found in the hearts and minds of Man?

Just a thought: all platforms are wrought by men with intentions in mind, like Elon Musk, making for Top Secret flights of weapons no one can see flying high in the night. Savor the Dayz. Do you think your words are not reviewed or sent through a maze that lets certain entities decide if your words will be seen or heard? How is that possible in a world with so many emails, messages, and texts all day? Imagine the computer that keeps track of everything and reports to someone what it sees or even what it “KNOWS.”

What will come of guys who can control the weather, wars, or famine? Lasers from the sky that kill or EMF from phones that will cause cancer or do worse through ills the cause in children’s hearts and eyes that stick with them throughout their lives. What becomes of the next generation being tested now with all the new technology before Wii even discover how:

Phones affect the eyes that see,

Phones cause cancer, yet they still get to be,

the replacement for the development of short-term memory,

Let alone the long-term, logical, or complete dependency

on a tiny little leash that keeps us bound and anything but Free.

The new 15-minute city does not sound so bad to me, but not with all the technology,

5G, 6G, or even more that can reach into your cells, your mind, your heart,

all tracked for more Big Brother than you ever knew was possible before.

With AI recognition, so many things to come will be based on all the people agreeing to go along or be terminated, re-educated, or worse, not even born. Trust the system as they feed you graphene-oxide shakes and jabs that will help you cooperate and dedicate your time to whatever necessary tasks desired by the elites. Savor your chance to be free of owning nearly anything and know that if you conform, you will live as well as all the “Norms” who dedicate their lives to getting by. Why? Fear is the mode that most live in, the fear of loss of home or sins that they commit without disdain as long as they can forget the pain with drugs.

Why do so many bear the lies and let their lives be controlled by the worst of men instead of those who want to do the best for those in need? The ones who feed the most are those who claim to want to help the “Chosen Ones” who need it most, but the truth is that they seldom do, instead being paid well for their cause. How do Wii save the children, miracles sent from God to help create the future that Wii know will come along? Through Faith in action, not just in words. The work will be done despite the herds who have taken the poison and will no longer be heard.

Blessings to your adventures and creating a brand new world from the best that Wii can salvage and the love that Wii bring to the transformation and reformation of the nation Wii love so. Others will find it accurate that the elders can work with the youth that survive the coming catastrophes that will separate the trash from the wheat and let the bread be baked from the wars that go on as the world realizes they can never be won. Soon, the masses will prevail, and the world will restart with the veil of ignorance once lifted high, the controllers exposed, and the Tribunals Worldwide. This time is near, and the end is clear for the billion who are injured and will die for sure. Sadly, this will soon pass, and the world will be transformed if the Good Guys do not win the battles that are going on.

Let the Light Brigade be seen and heard worldwide to Be the call that stops the madness now. If it is possible, I am not sure how. Wii need a World Union of Beings who agree that the best path to the future is the one that keeps us free. To do this, Wii must unite and take the bad guys out. Tribunals will let all then see, and indeed, those left will agree that if the crimes against humanity are not prosecuted harshly, then Wii is doomed to see much worse. The time is near for Webblers to share the Whistleblower stories and clarify our purpose. The elites can not demand that Wii all conform to what they hold dear, letting them run everything and not be bound by laws or fear of being punished for their crimes that have now become so clear.

Stop the madness here and now by admitting this is going on. The stars will fall individually as they admit to doing it all. The Devil’s work is never done, but there is a way to halt his fun. Stop the trafficking of human beings! Stop the wars to kill off innocents! Stop the maniacs who make money off war and the ones who think that humans are for profit, but no more! Spread the truths and support whistleblowers who report the evils done to support the worst of humans in cohorts with the demons of this world.

Can Wii do it one and all together by a common calling? What religion could be formed that joins all humans and those who can’t speak the language of the ruling class? Join in One Great Consciousness, some call it Christ-like to be best but the truth is the best and lasting test. What will happen if Wii join as One to fight the Evil now? Wii will win and then control the way the world gets to grow. Freedom first and Love for all that lives, not just the rich who call themselves the rulers of the world, strictly self-proclaimed and not approved by the billions of people they seek to control. Savor your ability to see and be incredible and phenomenal, and do not let anyone take away your divinity. You are special if you have read this, understood the layers of meaning and the power you hold, thinking, Being Awakened to your potential, and thus enabled to turn on the incredible vessel you occupy as spirit and get in the race of life where you can win by making a positive difference in the lives of others near and dear to you.

Become a Wubber, be one who cares about the future of our world and strives to make it better for the children who will inherit what Wii can create while alive. Wii, united, will be able to impact the future with our actions now, not with words alone, but our behavior daily, speaking up for the weak, the helpless, elders, and children who are being victimized, euthanized under the cloak of destruction in the midst of desperation and no mercy from the hoards that attack their homelands.

Honestly, for the first time in history, Wii, the “I”s that can see the world as a whole “Being” that needs to be attended to as if the Earth is truly is our living Mother, our Father is the God force that gives us life to experience in this potential paradise. Call it the force of life, God, what you might, that joined us together to make our lives possible. The Sun feeds us with light that turns into human bodies, the Earth, and much more as it slows down, gets dense, and the aether becomes a reality. Help form that energy into a millennium of peace and prosperity instead of the Prison Planet some elites want Earth to become with them in charge and absolute certainty they will never be dethroned once they complete their plans for the world after 2030.

I am opposed to the plans of those who seek to eliminate our freedoms that are being compromised in order to control the masses as they realize they are being taken advantage of, killed off intentionally, and put into invisible shackles based on food, money, and shelter that only a few plan to be in total control of by 2030. Honestly, if they have their way, you will own nothing and be happy just to be alive. Let’s stop that plan with a better one for a World Union of Beings intent on keeping our freedoms, our right to worship the God of our choice, and to control the lands Wii share and live on, the planet Earth, instead of giving control to a few sociopaths and psychopaths, people drunk on power and wealth without morals or integrity. This is the goal of the World Union of Beings that are taking to heart the need for us, the Wii that can see the truths, shed the lies, and be willing to die to alter the course of mankind from the one Satan has in mind. Yes, there is good and evil at work in a battle for the freedom of the people on the planet in the future. Alex Jones’s Prison Planet is in store if the megalomaniacs in control are not dethroned soon, and the tribunals to make certain that the evil ones are put down will come soon.

Thank you for believing that good will win in the end, for faith in our success will determine who winsNo FEAR, and especially, no jabbing, to be precise. That is not a vaccine that they were putting in there, the tiny little needles that destroy who you are by altering the DNA and poisoning the heart while destroying the immune system and killing everyone. Stop the madness and the liars like Fauci who aimed to trick everyone. Luckily, their plan has failed, and the healthy humans have prevailed so far. Stand up toe the dictators, whoever they are, regardless of what they may say, i’s what they do that counts.

Make this an incredible day and share if you care in that wayI realize for some to see and think that this could really be the truth is hard to believe, but if you take the time to look and see the path to then stay free, more of us will be there when the war is finally won. Then Wii can set about rebuilding without the greedy liars and cheats to screw up the world and expect us to pay for them to win their conquest of Mankind.

Please share if you care for the idea of saving the planet from those who feel they own it, and the people on it, to do with as they please, self appointed Gods of the planet, in so far as they see, that is. Stop the madness, if only in a fantasy that might just come to be if more people choose to stay free. Wii can do it, but not alone. United Wii stand, divided We fall.

Where does one go to find the answers to life when viewed from Hell? Heaven looks far away.

Suicide is dangerous and kills many humans who are simply searching for their purpose in life. Why were they sent into a Hell-hole to live a life full of challenges? Darby was dying to learn.

This is Darby Lettick broadcasting. I’ve uncovered a timeless sanctuary of bliss. I now spend time in this space, and much reflection has occurred.



I’ve had the time to understand myself, my choices, and my actions, and I believe I will soon be ready to return with a better understanding of this Wibbly and Wub. Until then, I will continue to send these transmissions to all who choose to listen and to all who choose to believe. Darby out.


OCT 20, 2024


Four decades ago, I came to Texas with a dream to write and publish a few books. What once was a simple task of supposedly typing on a manual typewriter and getting published for all to read was no easy task, with publishers controlling all they put out for the public to read. Frequently, they buy an author’s works but refuse to publish and promote them to censor and control the narrative based on what the public could read or see. TV was the same, just a propaganda game that allowed the public to follow a common creed and live their lives all chasing the Great American Dream. “My Three Sons” and Beaver” helped us see what all could be if you wanted to be like the famous families. “Fonzy” came into the mindset, like others made through Hollywood, and controlled the world through their version of the “Divine.” Charlton Heston and other stars portrayed the Gods and others on the big and small screens. The planned programming had great might.

Now, the world is reachable with a video or a viral blurb. Translations into many nations’ languages and forms allow an author to reach others in an hour without words that must be censored and obstructed; that’s absurd. Once again, the Web has been controlled by the UN and those in the fold of technology are run by the Gold; yes, the money still rules like in the days of old. Who are the rulers of the world that Wii don’t see who have more than the money? They have the power to decree who will get to live soon in a world they hope to free from the problem of Free Speech, Resistance, and other disgusting things that keep the wealthy from the healthy leadership they could provide. Whistleblowers are the heroes coming out in droves who will reveal all they steal from those who don’t know. Soon, tribunals will ensue as all the people, like Mii and you, join together as Wubbers to Unite the World to resist all but the truth.

This was part of a greeting card collection drawn up in the 1970s during the first drafts of the Book of Wibblry and Wub. Along the way came many paths to independence from the systems that sap all of the time and energy, as well as stressing everyone to the point that its unhealthy and leads to people hating their life, not love or the energy of suol, Wub, Chi, Qi, or Prana, many names for what Rubbles brings to Earth with the universal terms, in pre-Sumerian forms of text.

This is just a fantasy that Darby saw in a long-ago dream. A time when the world would be coming to a phase when volcanoes blow and earthquakes rage. The wars of men will dare compare to the meteor showers that hit the Earth. What will it matter if your family dies, and who is leading the country by getting rich instead? They claimed they were doing what needed to be done but profited from all the dead and what was still happening. Please stop the madness, track the profits, and take down all who dared commit these acts of such proportions they are crimes against all Men.

They must be caught and judged for all the crimes they have committed against the people of the world, a fantasy I had when I was but a child and wondered why I should live instead of suicide and checking out, but living on instead to one day write a Book of Wub that could help the world that dreads the consequences of inaction when it comes down to this end that is the battle of Good and Evil that is coming to a head. I know the winners who have come here, the Hue-Mans in the Light Brigade, who will shine and thus exemplify the rising of the Son in each of us; “Christ-Consciousness” is a path that leads to Oneness, as are other paths of peace and coexistence without greed and lies to breed. WUB is the energy with many names that build the world through the Wub-In-Body (WIB) that forms everyone who will take their place as the game goes on, and Wii creates the future so it can go on in Peace.

The struggles and challenges of life are growing for many kids who are ill-equipped to handle the stress and unable to cope with the world they are living in, which doesn’t seem warm-hearted and beyond their control. Long ago in the 1960s, the turmoil of the world was apparent as the war in Vietnam raged on, taking the lives of kids drafted into a hell that many survived physically but brought home horrors, nightmares, and a public that called them Baby-Killers. My father was one of the soldiers who went to war for all the wrong reasons and came back callous to death and drinking to ease the pain of his memories that he tried to justify with the military hardness he had learned and believed possible.

War is Hell for:

The families of those veterans who paid a price that lasted for generations, and as our nations go into more wars, there will be more children traumatized who are far from the fronts of war where the children die instead. Indeed, war must stop or this future of suicide by soldiers who can not forget what they have done or seen. Suicide is dangerous to our nation and our families, for the odds of your child committing suicide at the same age you do are incredible, beyond anything normal. Soldiers, men, and women who joined as kids at 17, like me, did not understand what they were getting into, what they would never escape. Our minds are the closet Wii, the “I” others see, and the one with the voices that speak in the mirror, in the darkness, in dreams. That is the eye you see with, the one inside you that looks into the mirror and remembers what you did that no one else, but God and those on the other side of the veil get to watch.

Eventually, you decide to change and become the One that may seem strange. What happens when the time comes to take that leap of faith and act to launch upon a path that few will follow? Are you ready to follow your passions and change?

You are the one who must find a way through what may appear like Hell to meet the challenges of your life and become so much you can not yet imagine, like Mii, the man I became so many decades after being a suicidal young kid. What you are to become is far beyond what you can imagine yet, but the most challenging part of this to understand while young is that you have a contract and a path that is intended and will give you the answers you will need without committing suicide to get there. You may not be so lucky as to return. Suicide is dangerous, and this does not mean the changes that Darby went through can also happen to you. Most die on the path through what seems like Hell, and returning to believe you have a purpose in life will give you strength. The effort to keep living with a dream and a passion is more manageable than without. What gives you the power to do miracles because you can believe you will… a belief in a higher power working through you. They do! That is called our faith. For some, it is strong, others weak or none at all.

God can lead you through the dark, but you must have faith and keep going. Believe you have a purpose, a reason for going on and following your passion to create a better land. Join Mii in fighting when you are down instead of giving up and dying before your job is done. Trust that living in the belief that you have a purpose, a reason for being the best you can become so that you will be ready when your cause becomes apparent, your passions are lit, and you feel more alive than ever. Passions manifested, the feeling you will have when you see you help shape the future on a mission you were sent for but may not know it yet.

Know you have a part to play in a story that will materialize one day. You will become a part of a World Union of Beings that thrive in the faith and knowing that can only come with a Oneness that some will call Christ or Budha Consciousness or use other names for God that many use. Is our purpose in life more significant than what seems apparent to someone who has no idea what your potential is, only how they can use your life hours to their end goals rather than your own? If you have a voice within, a calling to be incredible, and you are willing to do the work and honestly give your 100% to what you believe in, then perhaps that is what you should be doing in life rather than being miserable, or worse, considering suicide instead. Get that thought out of your head and change your life before you find out you can not return from being dead.

This is just a story, a type of fantasy, that some will get to live and others will get to see. Be the best example so that others can then follow and create the waves of hope and passion it will take once Wii succeed in ridding our dear planet of the Evil Beings and Deeds that are part of the final battle, what divides us: yet Wii win. The time comes soon when WUB comes to bloom, and the internet provides the means to form a union that nobody can divide. What will happen when the masses join as one to stop the madness in the world and the ones who create this crap.

When the world joins as One to rid the planet of the evil beings who want to lead the world that way by suggesting that is a goal, you now must know: this is just a fantasy, not to be taken seriously. To get you to smile and see the humor in it all. Hug and kiss as Wii embrace the love and what can be when Wii join as one on a global scale and finally sets Man free to join as One, communicate, and get the hard work done to live the next cycle in Unity: “Get er Done!”

Over time, I have come to draw a few cartoons that are simply fantasy or something one might see if such could be that there is an Intercosmic WUB Society. Our friends are here to help, cheer us, and advise us on how to steer our people and planet from the doomed plans made by some. Wii will win, I assure you. Though the thought may seem strange, other forces far beyond the ones humans have arranged to rule the world by the truly deranged. Yes, it’s true they have great weapons, but they must still deal with God. The plans are laid, and Wii will win this round, but the price will be paid, and the future will be determined by the Love on the planet and the Faith in our success once the World is United and the Beings in control that want to preserve freedoms and the future Wii can know. Wii will be free of evil for a while, as is fated, this I know thanks to the thought that Wibblry can spread like a virus and thus grow into a might force of Light that no Evil can hide from!

It was drawn up in 1973 after visions of what could come to be if the world could not find Unity. Now, in 2024, I see it now looks like the prophecy that was in store. Wibblry and WUB could be a path to our great victory, a truly stunning fantasy that could come true. Whew. What a cartoon world. Why not become a Wubber by helping spread some Wibblry and WUB around the world and find a path to freedom and a future that is good.

Save Our Salvage to preserve our Society, History, & Pride. Stay free from a world out-of-order.


Will you wait for imports if FEMA gets the time or everything that you can find to make a difference fast, effectively, and blessed with/ good intentions? Co-ops can help create housing now.



The link to the music video will show you how a group of inexperienced adults, three of the women over 49 years old and some kids, with Brad W. Kittel leading a seminar, mentored young men, Tim and Heath, who helped lead the group to teach how the treasures of the past could be harvested in a week and have the materials to build 5 tiny houses when it was done. Please enjoy the poem “Song of Salvage,” as it was put together in a version created by “Johnny B and the Apostles of WUB.”

I believe that codes and regulations can be circumvented when emergencies for housing with a winter now in range. We can create new housing quickly, no bottlenecks for salvage now to be harvested and used again to build new homes where there are screws and nails handy. With salvage by the score, creating much more than a tent city or a FEMA camp to call home is possible, but I see no plan in store. Why can’t I ask for more when I have proven what can be done if you wish to, even more, create the path for others to do this where you are?

Create your house and a village with the windows and doors that survived the storms and hurricanes but were damaged by winds. Tore them up so much that you can salvage much, but live in that house no more. This is the path to making new homes from the parts still left and then going on to build much more significant if the insurance man comes to call and does not proclaim God did it in His name, and therefore, they are let off from paying anybody for what happened to them all. Save Our Salvage to rebuild in case they think they can put the chill on what you might do if you could return, if they don’t attempt to force the sales and take the land in turn, to use it for the Lithium mines that the controllers feel they will use better, like the dam they were in charge of that allowed for the worst case flooding of everyone. No big deal; as a corporation, Larry Fink and Blackstone can’t be held liable for the consequences of what the Corps did to create a living Hell.

Beware of what is coming if solutions can’t be found to get around the barricades to rebuilding that is around when the feds and government have plans for the land on which some drowned and the dreams of generations were flooded and washed out. The wealthy land buyers congregate to snap up land at bargain prices with no defense by regulations to stop the “Carpetbagging” in advance. “Reverse Price Gouging” is their way of celebrating what some will call deflation instead of profiteering as they do through wars again.

Some suggest that many would fight their Lithium goals instead, like Blackrock and the others who do not care how many may be dead but how to take advantage of the gift “God Gave to Them.” Since the guards of Karma are not around, and no one knows if they will come back soon, the evil ways of some will become apparent and lead to their plans being undone.

In the meantime, many plans seem to have been made in advance, just in case the weather advances and wipes this region out. Imagine what they could now find: the Lithium, which they planned to mine but could not, would not, with so many people refusing to be blind to the impacts that would lead to fines.

Now the land is nearly vacant, soon to be, so some suggest, due to other reasons, that the families can pass the test of settling in the mountains again as their ancestors did before. Now, the Feds will be there to help, along with TEMA, who is paid for by the same to say there is no chance they can rebuild, so people must stay away. Like Hawaii, some would say, they are hampering the people who would fix it fast and wait to prep and live through winter and believe there is no other way. Let them go home if they want to rebuild and salvage all they can if they move fast before winter ends. Why is the government slowing down the solutions that the locals found, and those who came from far away to help complain that the feds and the government have done more to get in the way than it has to save the day?

Watch the news online to see what is happening and know that much is true. Someone has their rea$ons, and they may be noticeable, perhaps so much as to prosecute and stop the criminal stuff that may be going on to favor authoritarian corporations. They can pay for the way to be sure someone is hampering helping those who need it fast, though it is still a challenge for the many helping to work this out.

If you want the challenge of creating houses for those in need from the treasure to be salvaged from the destruction left by storms, please let us know how we can help you. Plans, materials, off-site directions, and assistance using the miracles of cell phones and communication. We can help from afar if you want it. Somehow, with the help of others to ship it there, we can send windows, doors, trim, floors, and roofing to create housing fast and teach others how to do so, too. Please consider opening up a Save-Our-Salvage Outpost where people can share tools, skills, and the knowledge it takes to create homes for the many in desperate need.

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Youthing requires a bit of effort, but moreso, belief in Being phenomenal.

Only those who truly believe they can achieve what few others do will succeed. You must break free from the limitations placed by those who can not see.


AUG 29, 2024

I will be sixty-nine in October. I have to get my 70 body formed this year. Savor the Youthing, for it truly means you can live another lifetime after 60.

Sit and think about the moment you are in, passing through, and where you might have been, then decide where you may go if balanced and in the know. lol

Jesse Hal

I turned 51 this October


I am scheduled to be on the show in September my friends, live. Please check out Jesse’s stie, the Missing Link on Rumble and Youtube if they have not censored us.

Then you are into the times of maturation that are unknowable before Wii fully wire the frontal lobes, accelerating after 49, you understand the difference by now.


If you are not following Denis Noble, It is how Wii choose to express ourselves as spirit in body that determines what form Wii materials to be the Mii, the “I”s you see and the one that is truly Mii inside, a complex of personas for different applications in social intercourse. Perspicuity is the key to what you will see when the opportunity to do so comes along. Truly genius is mastering the potential and keeping the mind open to the future and the unknown. Our genetics are just the options Wii can use and choose from to manifest the body, the vessel that gives us life and cognizance, our avatar that lets our Spirit interact in this holographic world that most believe it reality and do not see that all things are made from frequency.

Truly, the world of matter, energy, and things is a fascinating story that not all choose to believe. It is our belief systems that determine our future, our risks, and the life Wii choose to live based on what we believe the purpose of it is. Who teaches us the purpose of our lives? Can anyone know what our fate will be from the time Wii are born to the time that Wii leave? That is the ultimate question one must answer to believe in destiny.

For most humans, the identity with the body versus the Spirit that occupies and uses this avatar to communicate with is too much to grasp due to religious upbringing or the lack of study in these metaphysical realms. There have been decades of progress in science and instruments to find that there are forces behind what was considered Woo Woo by Einstein. Once Wii understand the existence of the aether and realms outside the physical body or this dimension is possible and provable, much more is likely due to our ability to believe in it more.

Visualization, imagination, and funneling the energy of the air to the Earth through this saltwater battery Wii occupy express and communicate in this holographic plane, which is mostly called reality. Surreality is shown as the veil between the spirit world and reality thins, which is part of the collapsing of the Earth’s magnetic fields. There is so much to unpack as humans can handle it, and the internet allows us to share this globally, instantly, and translate it into languages no one can speak. Miracles are possible for the first time in our lives and are scientifically supportable if some wish to prove that we finally believe in our true human potential, not techno-bots, as some would have us be. I choose instead to remain natural, organic, and freely accessible.

Thanks. I love the life and times I never thought I would live to see and to be so strong when all I knew was weak people this age is fascinating proof that it is what Wii believe that determines what Wii will achieve, but there is work that must be done, often without choice. Fate is real. YOU have a purpose planned before you incarnate. Wub in Body forms a WIB, a thought manifested and maintained with intention, Spiritual, so long as you maintain the vessel and stay connected with your Spirit, not giving up the body to other drivers along the path of life. Kudos to your goal of awakening as many as possible by seeing all the perspectives. Perspicuity is key.

As the mature neurons and ganglia develop after 49 our vision going into our prime at 66 changes as Wii pass through the last chakras in the body to master it and move on to the aether world of creating the future with clearer memory for why Wii are here, what Wii must do, and what is True.

“The Book of Wibblry and Wub” may finally have its time to bloom, a virus intended to reach around the world when the time came. Who knew it could come true? (Did you ever listen to that audiobook?

It’s just an intro, and it goes with “Chasm at the Fringe” as a set for entering the path of our purpose in life.

Some music from the Book of Wibblry and Wub could serve as a background or sampler for many to show their concerns and let others know they are Wubbers too. Ready to do what it will take to fashion a better world than the one at stake as the systems break down to be rebuilt again. You are part of the new age of awakening to what the Spirit brings into the body and allows us to do so once you know how to. Honor thy vessel, and it will give you a fantastic life, but treat it like a trashcan and your life will feel like trash, disposable and worthless once ingested and spent. Create the memories you will want to hold in your future, not life hours you prefer to forget.

Adam’s version of my poem “Song of Salvage” became the only song he ever created before moving back to the other side of the veil. It tells the story of Darby as he tries to find his way in life, the soft porn on the in the Wibblry and Wub chapters, then tells of his search to find the meaning of the words and most profoundly who to Wubble with or not. What’s Love got to do with it? Who does wii touch, and who does not? There are so many issues when one tries to communicate through touch rather than Wibbling or Wibblizing, and in this case, Webbling. There are only four ways to communicate once in the body. It was rather controversial as a kid, half a century ago when such things were in the dark, seldom spoken of. Nowadays, this is all pretty tame in comparison, but sadly, many of the extremes that are going on in society can not lead to positive ends.

Wii are the generations that will determine the future, and the few that make it through the following tests will help form the tomorrow some of us came to help create. I believe Wii will succeed and let the rule of our paradise be peaceful-minded instead of run by those who cherish war, death, and destruction to hold power, wealth, and control the world. I believe there is a path to sharing the world without war, but with far fewer people that want to see peace rather than what the coming wars will produce to reduce the populations to 10-14% of what they are today. There can be new ways, but who determines what they will turn out to be the Light Brigade on hand for such a day. Who are they?

Even with bad form, good results can come, but it all takes work, most notably in the mind, to know how you want to express yourself and use the mirror to make the magic happen. What you believe manifests what you achieve. Sixty-nine on October 8, and this was not possible to imagine as a crippled kid. Life is a miracle, so never imagine that others won’t follow if you help manifest them through your faith and actions.

Never give up being the best you can for the rewards in the future will be amazing. Don’t waste your future by being lazy when young and able to maintain the best body you can.