Yes, it appears like this road will come to an end soon. I will put to bed after searching for the protege or others who want to grow Tiny Texas House communities.

For Sale: the land and building that houses the Tiny Texas Houses operations. I have tried my best, taking over a dozen years to nurture the concepts. With the end of my role in the arena of tiny housing manufacturing, I will offer the chance for someone else who may well be a better businessman than I was, as that is no longer on my list of things I want to do in life. Running a business is a demanding life and can pay well. Still, at 69, I have had my fill of running companies, having employees, and paying outrageous taxes for the privilege of having workers. I liked helping Americans overcome the housing crisis. It appears like the runaway train will not have anyone on the tracks to warn others or to slow the train down before it goes entirely off the tracks soon. Housing in America will reach crisis levels fast as the economy crumbles further due to the massive layoffs and industrial decline in progress.

The war-machine industry may be booming, but all others are suffering dearly and will soon lead to an economic depression unlike any in history, yet business will continue. The time to grow a business is historically during a recession or depression. I am not at the point in my life where I wish to do that again. I was pretty successful in my past businesses. Now I want to write my books to help others create intentional villages from salvage, to perpetuate the idea of healthy tiny houses for an alternative to the big shitrock monstrosities that fill subdivisions by the millions now at prices few can afford without enslaving themselves for a few decades to jobs they do not like. I will be selling off massive inventories if no one chooses to purchase the building with the potential to regrow the business now as I have no intention of cranking up a business with employees, taxes, and the many headaches of entrepreneurship anymore.

So, the property is up for sale. I hope to see a great person buy the whole thing, not just the land, but the millions in inventory that I will parse out otherwise worldwide. Why not check out the incredible financing I can offer on large orders of materials for projects, especially the development of tiny villages and communities focused on breaking out of the city life. Join the millions who are choosing to raise kids in a better environment while developing the food with gardens, farm animals, and the older style of healthy homestead living. I want the wealth of materials to go to these types of projects and will do all I can to help facilitate that. Let me know if you have anyone who you can connect me with to assist them in manifesting their dreams for a better reality than what many are facing today.
Do you need some materials for some big projects? Now is the time to look into it as I will be financing materials for projects too. Do you have a tiny community intended but have not found the resources to build it yet? Check with me sooner than later to make it happen. [email protected] for more information on the property or materials, the business for your future, or more.

I offered solutions to downsize in a healthy way and create a more reasonable living scenario for millions stuck in the city, aging out with no income increases that will keep up with living costs. Millions will go homeless before the end of 2025, and nothing is being done to offset a known outcome from the high inflation of housing and food costs.

This is not a short-term problem, but if the solutions are ignored in favor of building more housing that is too expensive, too big, and poorly constructed to be of great value in fifteen years. The unhealthy materials used for housing today make people sick without knowing why. Ultimately, when the costs of maintenance, taxes, and insurance are considered, all rising faster than the incomes of elders who occupy the houses, they will be forced to move out, sell out at the worst time, and most likely to giant corporations that will use the homes for rentals as they grow their inventories using unlimited bank loans and charge the interest for the takeover costs to the renters.

This is going to continue, and clearly, I am not going to make a dent in the problem, so I am shutting down the warehouses with the materials to build 500 tiny houses, a few hundred 400+ square foot houses with lofts that would serve many well… but no one is interested in helping to make that happen, especially the government that should be supporting. What will come of the future for those who are forced out into the cold and lose all their possessions, their jobs for lack of a home to live in, and ultimately, the destruction of many families who will never recover from the loss of their home? Unfortunately, my suggestions and solutions that could be implemented to create a few hundred houses and start the trend of building with more salvaged materials and smaller houses that suit the needs of many instead of just servicing the profits of the giant house-building corporations that have no concern for the public needs, just profits.