Yes, a blowout fills up your truck and trailer, one price takes as much as you can carry out of the warehouses by the truckload only. Yes, semi, gooseneck, lowboy, load priced by the size of the vehicle.

“One Week Only…. August 22- August 30th, 2022 Sale is for lumber, windows, doors, flooring, siding, beaded wood, knot free trim, sashes with handblown glass, cypress wood screens, limits on quantities per customer of certain items and many high end premium items exclude from this insane nearly giveaway sale but there will be $8,000,000 worth of inventory sorted through to sell for sale and 80% will be available until target of %600,000 in sales is met. If met prior to the stated sale date, the sale will End then… no more notice needed but a new article just like this, published here. All visitors to sight will have to sign liability waivers for injury or incidents so as to not bear Tiny Texas House, Brad Kittel or anyone else responsible. Site has issues in areas and you will need to bring your own crew to load out at these prices. Deposits position your selection spot in line, first come get the best stuff but others may not even want that category so they not take what you want early. Once the sale has reached its goal, sale stops!“
Brad W. Kittel
Salvagor, designer, creator and now liquidator.
512-636-6756 for more serious inquiries only.
[email protected] for more serious inquiries only.

Imagine filling your trailer with $15,000 in wood, windows, doors, and more for $5,000. You might get more on that truck and trailer. If a bigger gooseneck that can haul 8,000 which could be several thousand square feet of flooring, or windows, doors, trim, cabinets, stairwells, 1×12 Long Leap Pine, beaded wood, and you will have enough on a single load to build a tiny house or two.

This is a very time-constrained offer. Put the money up, secure your slot to come and wander through 80,000 sf of warehouses crammed full of the biggest collection of architectural antiques available for a sale like this in the world. Yes, it is crazy. You will have to sign a waiver so if you hurt yourself loading, you pay for your injuries as you may try to carry out more than you can handle in your glee. Please consider you must bring your own crew to load all your stuff at that price, but it will be worth it.

If you are interested in filling your truck and trailer, even a semi-truck 52 foot long, we have more than 100 semi-loads available for immediate delivery, first come, first served. I will be taking the deposits and letting the buyers in based on the first come first served and $30,000-$50,000 semi loads depending on the size, with first preference over all others. In the past, customers like Bass Pro shops were able to get $100,000 of product into a single semi.

YOU? Stuff your box trailers, your open flatbeds, your box trucks, on price, as much as you can fit safely and drive away with. $5,000 truck with regular 16-18’ trailer, $10,000 truck w big trailer, , $15,000 goosenecks Dbl dually would get 10,000 lbs of wood at 3lbs to the board foot heaviest weight. So this is very time-limited, one week from today, the 22nd of August until the 30th of August.
This will allow most people to cut the cost to build a tiny house down to $5,000 in materials to do a really cool cottage all in wood, not shitrock. It will let some who want to build an entire village be able to get that too, a semi load should be about 4-5 houses. This is that rare opportunity in life, time-restricted for this brief period when I will empty most of the stuff from that 65,000 sf building so as to tear it down next for the half million in structural grade Long Leaf Pine beams, 2×8 floor joists 20’ long and other wood as well as 80,000 sf of tin to come down next.

Thank you following Tiny Texas Houses over the years and as we dismantle it and sell it off, I do hope many of the followers over the years will share and help me get this to the people rather than see it all wasted. I am done, the battles I needed to win, I lost.

Please contact [email protected] to get your name on the list if interested and be sure to move fast as I am done selling at this package price when we hit $600,000 and after that we will see what is left for the future.

Blessings to your day. I will say this, humbly, if there was ever a time when sharing and caring could help, this is it. FB will do their best to shutter this and I imagine the world will hardly notice the disappearance of all I have done if this last plan to sell off things to stop the predatory bank that has lied, cheated, and done all they could to kill my business and my dreams off. They have it appears, succeeded.

Brad w. Kittel [email protected] for more information, scheduling, and other items of interest not included in the sale… museum grade antique builders hardware collection at $150,000 to pick out of or buy the entire package. Rare and hard to find thousands of pieces of high-grade builders hardware from the last two centuries.
Forgive me if I seem abrupt at times with some who want to take still more.
It is hard to put a horse down you have raised since born from your imagination as a kid of 30 years old or more. Having ridden that horse for decades, with a goal on the far side of reality, a place few dared to venture, and across many a chasm no other horse would go, nor the rider who coached him to believe that they could do it. Then one day they get old and fall just enough short that the horse is ripped from between my legs, the saddle falling with my horse into the jagged canyon, never to be brought back up as I pulled myself up to the safely of flat ground from the trees I caught on the edge as I tried to hold him with my thighs and feet. I could not do it and though I have made it to the far side of the longest canyon I may ever reach, having lost my faithful steed that had given me so much strength and hope. As he fell, the parts of him ripped and stressed, I cried, knowing jumping in after my faithful steed would do no good. Finally I realized I must move on and thanked his spirit as it rose from below with all the love I could have for a dream made real then lost in time. Thus is the story and epitaph of the steed I called TTH, Tiny Texas Houses where his stall and memories for now live strong, but in time will fade away as I move on across my new plateau exploring what I still may do but lonely, lost, without my trusty steed, no more chasm ever so great to leap again. Savor the journey, the end may not be what you expected.
Darby Lettick
Chief Wibblizer