Many people are facing or have in the last few years, a juncture where their life they know is forced to change in ways they never expected, planned for, nor looking good.
Tiny Texas Houses Newsletter
6 hr ago
In our youthful fantasy, wii see ourselves as doing things that might change the world and make it a better place to be. Sadly as wii age and learn that our society will not alter course in the grand discourse of giving up who we could be to become what is expected from our great propriety.
One thing that comes with aging into your late 60s is the hindsight one has for the life one lived and the failures that will never be reversed. In our youth, wii have the optimism that comes with not knowing all things are not possible but instead an unlimited imagination of the things one could do when some kids grow up. Reality is the struggles that follow, from society to the physicality that each person may be challenged with, sobers most of us up to where we learn to fit into a system that will pay us for conformity, punish us for noncompliance with those who have control of the systems we are living in. Governments that can take a person into the military and send them off to war, thus changing their life forever, possibly end it without the chance for fathers to raise families, mothers to bear them, and the system is controlled by powers that are not considering the cost to the people for them to go to war. There are things in life that the average person will have no control over, and most of us will give up hoping to alter the course of our governments early in life… once we start trying to conform to the job, house, and cars that form the measure of the success, the American Dream fulfilled.
No matter what you do create someone will come to demonstrate that they can erase it, make it go away, and erase the mark you make.
What drives you through your youth into the 20s and 30s is not the same as what drives you later, in your 50s or 60s, the success in creating the traditional trappings that display it are typically big houses, ranches, fancy cars, jewelry, or other financial factors that show you are appreciated by society and rewarded, giving the illusion that you may be a better person than those who have not accumulated so much. It is a lie one tells themselves to make them feel better about themselves; truly able to enjoy the luxuries in life is a reward many want, but some are willing to sacrifice honor, truth, and justice to get it. These are the problem people of the world that seem to be winning in a war of good and evil if such exist as opposites instead of being the same. The view you have of the world determines what is good to you and bad to you and what you can do to make a difference in how each affects your life. Do you let it take you down when times get tough, or do you double down, work harder to keep what you have accumulated, and gain more rather than let off the throttle? For many, pedal to the metal is the only way to go, and the hope is that we hit the wall doing 100 mph when our time comes to go, not on a stretcher in pain for a year or two.
What are you doing with your life right now that you would expect to be doing when you are 64? What about 74? Do you dream of getting that old or pray you will not have to suffer as so many that age does with the desire to be young again, not in pain or wishing you could just die and get it over with, let the suffering be gone? Sadly, for many, the struggl
Many people are facing or have in the last few years, a juncture where their life they know is forced to change in ways they never expected, planned for, nor looking good.

6 hr ago

One thing that comes with aging into your late 60s is the hindsight one has for the life one lived and the failures that will never be reversed. In our youth, wii have the optimism that comes with not knowing all things are not possible but instead an unlimited imagination of the things one could do when some kids grow up. Reality is the struggles that follow, from society to the physicality that each person may be challenged with, sobers most of us up to where we learn to fit into a system that will pay us for conformity, punish us for noncompliance with those who have control of the systems we are living in. Governments that can take a person into the military and send them off to war, thus changing their life forever, possibly end it without the chance for fathers to raise families, mothers to bear them, and the system is controlled by powers that are not considering the cost to the people for them to go to war. There are things in life that the average person will have no control over, and most of us will give up hoping to alter the course of our governments early in life… once we start trying to conform to the job, house, and cars that form the measure of the success, the American Dream fulfilled.

What drives you through your youth into the 20s and 30s is not the same as what drives you later, in your 50s or 60s, the success in creating the traditional trappings that display it are typically big houses, ranches, fancy cars, jewelry, or other financial factors that show you are appreciated by society and rewarded, giving the illusion that you may be a better person than those who have not accumulated so much. It is a lie one tells themselves to make them feel better about themselves; truly able to enjoy the luxuries in life is a reward many want, but some are willing to sacrifice honor, truth, and justice to get it. These are the problem people of the world that seem to be winning in a war of good and evil if such exist as opposites instead of being the same. The view you have of the world determines what is good to you and bad to you and what you can do to make a difference in how each affects your life. Do you let it take you down when times get tough, or do you double down, work harder to keep what you have accumulated, and gain more rather than let off the throttle? For many, pedal to the metal is the only way to go, and the hope is that we hit the wall doing 100 mph when our time comes to go, not on a stretcher in pain for a year or two.

What are you doing with your life right now that you would expect to be doing when you are 64? What about 74? Do you dream of getting that old or pray you will not have to suffer as so many that age does with the desire to be young again, not in pain or wishing you could just die and get it over with, let the suffering be gone? Sadly, for many, the struggle will be in our heads, not one that we can point at in the world and place the blame for unhappiness on. Pointing at the world, at others to blame for the life we live is pointless for only we, the I, that sees through the eyes of the body wii inhabit while alive on Earth. Is there a spiritual life after the physical one? I contend there is and thus have no fear of leaving here as a human when the time comes. I do not fear the Hell of Dante or of King James, both fantasy stories like those I have written without the facts to back them up. Instead, I expect to go on with wonder at the life I led and the desire to live another one day, maybe even on Earth again.
For now, I am facing the failures of my life in comparison to what I had hoped to do; so many dreams have gone up in flames, some success indeed unfolds, but it can only be thus measured by how close I came to show it was possible to do it for in a way I tried to deliver. Now I see an epiphany of what the future holds, and the dreams I had, though it makes me sad, will never come to be; what I hoped to do while living that much younger version of mii will never come to be. Sadly as we age, we see and understand what will not be. Dreams we had as children die before we do ourselves, and the merciful God gives us time to deal with what is lost. Find the ones to take the baton in the races we begin so the relay can go on and perhaps one day our team win. Run your part as hard as you can, knowing it will end, and the handoff to the next runner is critical to send, so we do our best to pass the test to prepare for our ends. Who will come to take the wand and cast the spells once gone, creating solutions that perhaps will catch on? It requires typically that Wii who start the game pass on so the attention to the work we did will find others to carry on. It is not us who begin the charge into battles wii may choose that will likely be there for the bands celebrating victory. Our job is to prepare and form the way for those seeking a path no one wanted when there was no need or call.

Wii Indigos came here to show the path for those who care, a way to change the world for those that choose to finally care and give up the things that destroy the peace and prosperity for all, the greed and lies, the wars and cries of the people who are freed. No one wants to see the end of freedoms, but I fear their loss is coming as few fight to keep them here. Please think about a simpler life and how you might show that the path to our shared happiness can not be found with wars. Soon the choice will be put forth, what little choice they give, and it will be up to people round the world to choose to live. Death by war and other things that some have planned for Man must be stopped before it gathers speed and overtakes the world. My time here is quite limited, and I will not suffer long, but the babies that are born today are what I am thinking of, for they have no chance if not for you, society, and those who will take them in and give them the love that few it seems will provide.
So with this post, I will share what most are fully learning too, that the world is changing fast, and many will do the craziest things that prove what the future brings if we do not take control of the outlook by creating ways for the people yet to know Wii can beat this if Wii can unite, not fight and kill our foes. Are there solutions straight ahead to deal with the mounting deaths attributed to the jabs, and what will follow from them all? I suspect the world will change in ways that few can stop or try, but if they could unite, the people could change the course with time and perhaps create a paradise of Peace; at least Wii try before blowing up the world and killing of Man one more time.
Let me be clear for those who did not pick up on the words I posted here. It is time to sell of all the things I saved to share and use to create simple ways to live without the modern methods and to grow their food for cures, to make the tools to use here or in other communities one day, but the truth is there are not enough who want their life that way. So please consider what you dream of creating while you can and come to take some of what I have to make it manifest one day. I will have a sale that none can match for sure, and a hundred thousand feed of wood and windows will go away. Please, share the chance for those who will choose to use the parts I have accumulated for the time when wii might need a hand to create the villages and more, the remote places by the score where people who do still wish for more can have it one day soon. But I fear that most will not find out or will ignore that I offer this in hopes that it will inspire others or at least provide me with the means to give back something more than I took from Earth to live my life, to pay forward and give more.
For more information on how to get a giant batch of materials, a chance to create the dreams you hold, [email protected]. For more information about what is happening in Salvage, Texas, as it dissolves back into memory and thus my task is completed, I am freed.
Will you ever act to build your dream of trying at least? Will it be more successful than the ones I have chosen life to breed? A community where unity and communication thrive, truth is what you share, and thus, prove wii can do more than just survive in the hard times that may be ahead; that is the reason you’re alive. Be the one to lead the way through the fog and the media hazes that keep many from seeing any Light. If more of you decide to do what it will take to help through the darkest times ahead, you can make the difference it will take to create a future that may be beautiful for the kids who do survive the coming tests. While I had a plan, it means nothing when no one will share the cause, so there comes a time when, despite the rhymes, the serious choice to end a dream I had to help near dead, and soon it will be gone. Spending the rest of my life on a senseless cause makes no sense when the people I do it for don’t even see the loss of the brilliant kids, the solutions, and the path to change our course.
Shadow-banned and censored, clearly not a desired path for the masses, are preoccupied and will all ignore the chance to salvage all the best wii still have to begin a brand new dance. Stop the music, change out the chairs and the ones controlling us. Give us back the right to choose, the freedom to stop wars, and lose the leaders who are so determined to control the world and more, be the ones who determine where wii live and what we eat. So sad to see so many give up and let them win as they take control, starve the world and more, infest it with a plan to kill off the masses, save themselves, and live on so very well. I hope they buy materials for the mansions that they build, and I can use the money for the people I would give all the parts and pieces it will take to create community. It seems there are no people out there who would do this for their clans so that the dream will burst and propel the worst of outcomes that will come. I will liquidate the dream I held for so long, and thus Wii will erase the proof that I was here, free to be gone. I’ll have cleaned my mess up, left my mark, and with gratitude, along with the memories of what was done and could live in books or perhaps through words alone. Wii only have a bit of time, a dream, and in my case, some rhymes to leave for others to perceive, for few will ever quite believe that all of this was done and gone by someone who lived far too long thanks to Angels with great wings who have carried me from where I would be, dead and gone a long time ago. Blessings to your adventures and your dreams that come and go.