Phones, internet, then power goes down… a scenario played out on computers by WEF and UN may turn out to be our future, just like after the covid computer simulations. Coincidence?

FEB 22, 2024

Are you paying attention yet? What shared 3rd party services can be taken down that will impact most of the phone carriers in the USA? How easy is hacking the internet and taking down such services nationally? I think you are about to learn how bad it can get if the system goes down partially, let alone entirely.
What preparations have you taken to cover the loss of your cell phone and internet? Does your business depend on the internet to function? Many of the retailers and companies will not be able to operate without phones and internet. If so, the outages affect 911, police, and fire department communications systems, too. What will you do if the criminals figure out the phones are down and they are free to steal, rob, and create havoc without a communications system to call the police to help? Moreso, soon, the impact on hospitals, emergency systems, and many operating systems for banks, businesses, and even many homes that are dependent on networks that are linked up to the internet all the time. Sadly, if the internet goes down, the cell phones stop working, and suddenly, a massively destructive event for the public will lead to chaos and delayed response times, possibly leading to mass casualties due to the system’s failure to coordinate responses. With that in mind, is the present massive loss of service on phones, networks, and businesses going to lead to worse things, or is this simply a fair warning of what may yet come?

If you are not prepared for this sort of interruption in services that might interfere with your business or life, perhaps you should consider preparing rather than just thinking nothing could ever go wrong. It can, will, and would likely leave many in a panic, for they are totally dependent on their phones, networks, internet, and potentially much more. What will you do if you lose your phone, computer, and job?
Time to think about it. Downsizing and forming intentional communities that can survive with the assets on hand, the unity of the people that allows them to work together rather than go crazy out of panic for food, water, or fuel. Do you have any reserves ready in case the power goes down, too? How much water do you have on hand if the networks take down the electrical grid, water goes down too, not to mention heat, and the stores all being unable to sell due to their cash registers being shut down? Once upon a time, just a few years ago, no one would have considered these issues in their planning for the following year. Now, the government recommends having some reserve food, water, and fuel, so there must be some merit to their suggestions. Do you think they tell you to prepare just to scare the public? No, there is a growing risk, and today, you got to see a taste of what could follow on a much bigger scale. Will it?

How many people will await the events, the final proof that they should have prepared, and then panic instead as they become one of the thousands in lines to get food, water, or survive when the “Shit Hits the Fan” day comes. Once, just a few years back, this would have been the words of conspiracy nuts, catastrophists, and the fringe of society. Now, it is becoming a way of thinking, prepping for at least a few weeks of services being lost and people having to fend for themselves without meds, food, or fuel from normal places. Are you ready yet?

It’s not a joke anymore to laugh at those who believe there is a chance of world war, of catastrophic system breakdowns due to hacking, cyberwars already in progress, and threats from dishonest scammers who are mastering hacking computers at all levels, home, business, government, and apparently to do great harm to many. Are you a target for hacking, identity theft, people stealing your bank savings, or even taking title to your home with loan hacks now being used in combination with identity theft? it is up to the victim to figure out how to recover as the system is broken now. Hackers generally do not get caught as many are not even based in the USA but instead in Nigeria, Russia, China, and places they will never be tracked down to, caught in, or punished. In some cases they are actually working for the governments, corporations, and entities like the Russian mafia that have no mercy or chance of being shut down. Start practicing better computer and phone security, but understand that viruses and hacks are growing in number and sophistication, and their success rate is exceeding the rate of stopping them.

So take a step back today and see how you would get by if the internet went down. Do you have cash at home so that when the banks shut down due to no internet, you have some money on hand? Have some spare food on hand stashed in 5-gallon bucket to break out when you need it, like water; if you do not have a plan before bad things happen; you won’t come up with a great one when the stress and darkness hinder your ability to survive. Wake up, kids. This is 2024 and you will see changes that will never be reversed, a society evolve based on being able and ready or panicking and lost when the time comes that you should have been prepared. No excuses, and honestly, should anyone help those who made fun of us who prepared, readied for the hard times? Why should others help those who were in denial, making fun of the ants preparing, the grasshoppers of the world will starve, deservedly so in some cases, for having neglected to respond to the obvious decay of societies globally and an apparent attempt by those in power to secure their position at all costs to the public. We are in a time when those in power will do all they can to hold on to it while those who suffer will attempt to right the system to be fair to the masses instead of the elite few who consume ten times as much energy, food, and luxury as the masses they control. The time will come soon when revolutions will change out the leaders, and sadly, many will die as the system is reformed, altered to become a global society that is destroyed by war, technology, and a failure to communicate peacefully. Please don’t think this is happening naturally, for it is planned by the few who hope to rule when the chaos of the Sun and Earth in the coming solar cycle and transformation of the weather and lands of Earth for the next decade.

Welcome to the beginning of tomorrow, a day few understand is forming to become our future, with very little input from the masses as to how this global transformation of power will occur. Does God have control or is it up to the people to fix this deteriorating situation between nations, sects of cults known as the Masons, Illuminati, and organizations such as WEF and the UN that feel they are in charge of the people of the world and somehow, Wii must pay homage to them, let them control our destiny, and trust that they have humanities best interests in mind. Why do I find it so hard to trust the 1% in power? I think it is due to their long history of lies, cheating, and stealing elections, the rights of the people, and using all forms of trickery, chicanery, and technology to rule the world. Time for change. Let us create a better world after the cup of progress and status quo is emptied, banged till free of the gunk grown in the swampy parts of our government, and then refill it with fresh hope, promise, and TRUTHs this time.

Send the liars, the megalomaniacs to the gallows, the guillotines, and the Phantom Zone where they can not return to reincarnate and cause more havoc. Blessings to the new days ahead when the masses are thinned in numbers, enlightened by seeing the fruition of the plans of the elite come to light only to be decimated by an awakened society. We must figure out how to do the lobotomies on the global corporations that are ruling the world like sociopaths, unhampered by any conscience or desire to do the right thing for our planet and humanity instead of try to take control of the future on our planet and make slaves of the masses for their personal benefit so they can live like Gods, the rest of us as servants, and peace through a control that prevents insurrection for eternity. Seems clear to me. You?