Yes, the Electromagnetic radiation from the walls to your pineal gland & brain, thus affects your attention span, health, and deep sleep, let alone melatonin production at night.
OCT 23, 2024
None of the houses shown would be allowed to be built in most cities due to the use of salvaged lumber to frame them… and other materials instead of the corporate-prescribed and dictated choices forced on people across America. Would you live in one of these Tiny Texas Houses created to prove what could be done?

So many things are being learned as we have the instrumentation and people willing to examine what makes many sick inside their houses. Studies have shown that the cleaning chemicals, pesticides for bugs, carpet fibers, vinyl that leak out hormone-changing compounds, formaldehyde and acrylic acid from paints, and mold from sheetrock with spores that come for free (add water to see). There are so many problems with new housing that few are ever told of before they buy a home. Somehow, there is a delusion that the government has regulations to protect the public from harmful products, but that is just a meme. The problem is that we mask the problems by confusing the issues and distracting from the corporations that are committing what would be crimes if they were human, for which we would go to jail, but they will only pay fines with future profits. Often, companies pay for non-disclosure and hide what is going wrong rather than losing profits by fixing the defects in their product lines, if possible.
The problem is that nothing stops the vinyl, plastics, glues, and other chemical-laden things you bring into your home from being inhaled and absorbed into the blood directly. It’s better than using needles and syringes to inject carcinogens into you instead. Why is that not considered when building Tiny Houses On Wheels? RVs, big and small, mobile and premanufactured housing dominate many areas of our country, with modern cheap housing having nurtured that development and made significant profits from it for a couple of good decades.

What comes next is the aging of the RV parks full of disposable toxic materials that no longer have good tires to take them away, often full of mold due to the leaks that come in 5 years, when the plastic and vinyl pull away from the thin layer of metal that is a pretty exterior when it is first made. True, it has so little insulation behind it that they are harder to heat and cool, but once leaking, it grows good mold in the lightweight wood that hides within. What will become of the neighborhood when many leave their homes, abandon the payments, and are behind on rent when they move on due to their ill health, costing them their jobs? They are forced to roam. Credit is ruined, life is destroyed, and the stories are growing for the unemployed who did not know the stress upon their body would take a toll in time.

I pray for many, but I know from having said this long ago that mold and hypoxia were all known to be a problem when the federal government provided rules for using RV so that the public could stay healthy, but… nobody read the pamphlet. NO One is supposed to live in RVs or Garden homes full-time due to the rapid health decline that comes with all the reasons that no one seems to disclose. Do you have an air exchanger that varies through the times when you have others visiting, or do you need the air? Most have nothing but a fart fan, and that does not work for you can not suck air from balloons unless you get new in. Where does the fresh air come from? In most homes, there is no place. But in tiny houses, it matters more because you have so little space.

All the materials you use must be considered digestible if you are to breathe the chemicals as they outgas for the first 3-5 years. If you buy an older model, nearly ready to leak and break, like a used house in most subdivisions, they are scheduled to be heavily maintained or break so that you will buy another and sell to suckers as you make your escape. Blessings to the real estate brokers who profit when they take the buyers to the crappy houses they sell for a million bucks. They will need it when they face their maker or clients who figure out what happened, how their health was taken out, not to mention their financial credit scores that hit the ground. In the new society of having credit cards to be online, with smartphones and a chance to be employed and part of life in a generation hooked on smartphones to run their life. What is happening is planned, and sadly, most don’t understand the consequences yet, but I suspect enough of us have already made our bets and planned for Shit to Hit the Fan soon, and indeed before it gets better so that all can start to build a better life again.

Blessing to your dayz, my friends. Beware of the codes that never end, but do not create a healthy end if you want to build a home. Please be aware of the materials you share with the others who share your home. When you build it to be healthy, then there is nothing you’ve done wrong. But if you build with modern goods, all full of chemicals, and forget that the EMFs are causing bad things for the brains of those exposed to too much whose immune systems, once gone, do not get better for a lifetime, the innocent get harmed. Stop the madness by learning more and building healthy from the start.

The truth is, there are seldom people who examine or determine if anyone is doing what they are supposed to do based on laws or regulations at the corporate level. Instead, the focus is on the city, county, state, and federal inspectors that will come into your home and demand that you do as told by codes written by the very entities that are poisoning our homes. Where does the logic come from that puts the fox in charge of the security and health of the flock of chickens in their cages at night? They are the entities that show up who can stop you from creating a healthy house that does not comply with the industry that forces us to abide by them. The public uses the products they create, regardless of the price or how they rate their ability to perform, rarely knowing how toxic they become in the house when you breathe them, ingest them, and see if the chemicals come out.

How does the world accept a corporation obligated to make profits for the shareholders first, regardless of the shenanigans it takes? Who determines if they are liars who market but don’t perform when they own the politicians who write their loopholes into law, and they can then escape the consequences of their flaws? When you realize, thanks to the whistleblowers, that the corporations so despise that they will kill them, take them down before they can report all they found. When corporations can control great nations, that is called by many names, but fascism seems the best to use; it becomes invisible, though accurate, to our amazement, but appears to be a “NO USE WORD” in the press.

During these times, the meaning of words and their universal application in news media, verbatim, give evidence to the propaganda that goes on. Mockingbird is a way to learn how to mimic and say the same things over all of the airways. This was not a coincidence. Indeed, the odds prevent anyone from thinking it could be unless they are dense. They are dumbing down the public and making them sick as Hell so that they can sell them drugs and profit from your declining health. Please stop the madness of consenting, eating junk food, staying stressed so that you can be of service, nearly a slave (no less), or, if the rulers don’t need you, put on the street in the end. What becomes of the millions who are losing jobs they knew but have no other skills to use, and their bodies are too ill to do the labor that is needed, to be victims, or be killed?

If the protectors of the people do not work for the government, who is doing that job? What are the federal departments doing but complying with the corporate written international codes that are based on a lithium-based world? Is it possible to have a genuinely all-electric world without batteries? Yes, but not according to the path this administration running the world is taking us, but with 0-point energy, which has patents proving it possible but kept secret and out of the reach of the public for the benefit of all. Through the internet, it then comes upon the people to point out where the money goes and who pays the price with their lives on the line. Corporations must be held responsible by imprisoning the many who run them instead of letting them leap out of reach with golden parachutes and land in places they will never be extradited from to be prosecuted for their crimes against humanity.

Soon, the world will see, thanks to the Whistleblowers finally coming out and being protected instead of being shot down. Know the tribunals and a future with a change could come soon and a chance to empty the deranged from the seats of power around the planet, perhaps to put them in a giant cage. Savor the moments and times Wii are in for those who can see, read, and win. Wii are the many, the United and Free, speaking up to join and end the evil killing spree. Fear not by fully knowing that destiny is the truth, thanks to what Wii give. Love and our actions will change the world soon as the Light Brigade rises from out of the womb and into our mastery of those that threaten us with doom. Brighten the days with the light you can show is coming from within us and letting us glow; call it what you might, Chi, Prana, God-thought, or Wub; it is the same universal energy that gives us all life. It is how and what Wii communicate and create that matters now.

God’s energy flows like the sun on our skin, giving us the power that Wii now need to live. Thrive in the luxury of knowing at last that there is a great future ahead, as evidenced by scriptures and based on cycles of our past.
Life is an incredible fantasy of what could be as well as what Wii see before us every day. The secret is our ability to find our perspicuity and see how things all fit as Wii defend our planet from a planned and evil end. Savor the chance to shine.