Yes, you can earn commissions and referral fees for telling your friends about us and getting their name to us with yours before they come to buy what they need to fulfill their dreams.
It does not matter where you live but who you know. You could make tens of thousands of dollars based on who you know if you can connect them to us to find the materials they need to build an incredible home. It is not a job; instead, it is an opportunity to make a significant income. Better still, it could develop into a career in the world of Salvage. It is not hard, nor does it cost you a penny to consider and talk to your friends about, and if they come to buy materials, you will make as much as 20% commission/referral for your connections and assistance. We plan to empty most of the warehouses by spring. Be a Salvage Hunter and find what your friends want or need as they build their homes, intentional villages, or getaways.
This is my way to try and extend the sharing of the wealth to others who engage in helping to create another paradigm in building houses from the best of the past instead of raping and pillaging the future of generations ahead. Stop wasting the best of the past and create a healthy, sustainable future instead of bigger landfills. Fifty percent of the landfills are from building materials being thrown away.

Not only can you save your friends money, but you can also connect them to resources that will help them create incredible houses, communities, barns, or other structures made out of salvaged materials. If you contact me and register your name for the referrals you generate, I can track your success with the sales that will net you up to 20% of the sale, even if it is a hundred thousand dollars. Imagine the nest egg that could come from simply knowing who needs the parts and pieces in our warehouses and connecting us so they can get them cheaper than anywhere else.

The quality of the materials is exceptional, and you only need to look on the site or the to learn more about the various things that you could be turning your future clients as a referral agent. You will register them under your name and be the connection to get credit for their purchases. Those who choose to help can live anywhere, at any age, and it does not matter about age, race, political preference, or other factors that keep many from getting great opportunities to make an excellent income.

It might be your parents, best friends, or the person you meet in line at the big box stores who buy vinyl windows instead of higher quality wood windows for the same price or less. You can help the people you know to find the materials for their tiny houses or big ones and make money doing it at your leisure, not on an hourly pay basis but on a productivity basis such that if you find the person that purchases some of the Cobalt Blue Japanese Roofing Tile that might net you $5,000 and save them as much as it costs for the tile, literally less than half the cost for their roof could save them $30,000 on a high-end home. Why not think about the people you know, especially architects and builders who might want to save a million dollars on project costs? Condos, big houses, apartments, or commercial buildings that want an incredible roof that looks not only great but also is durable, hail resistant, algae build-up resistant, and will last for hundreds of years, not just deçades.

There are so many ways to put the treasured materials back together to make houses that will last for a lifetime, not a disposable RV like so many pay over a hundred grand for without any home of them maintaining value or appreciating. Tiny Houses built from wood, quality glass windows, doors, and hardware will not only be energy efficient, healthy, and sustainable but also a treasured heirloom you can leave to your heirs with pride.

Besides the roofing, metal, windows, doors, trim, flooring, and other parts, like vintage hardware, are all on the list of things you would be able to make commissions selling without having to invest money or come into my offices to work. You can do this from your phone and contact the people you know who need some of the inventory we have in stock now. I’m Not waiting for the parts to come into the store from China or other places far away, but it’s all American-made and ready now.
This is the best chance many will ever have to take the big step off the cliff of conventional living, to leap the Chasm at the Fringe to a new level and life. Are you ready to change course to see if you can leap into a new reality that lets you make money like never before? Are you one of the people who knows many people with the money to buy some of the inventory? Wood, Long Leaf Pine, Cypress, and Mesquite, to name a few of the woods you could add to your home or that of your friends. Your parents may be your clients from whom you get the referrals, or you may offer a big discount if you want to give it to them. Disclose to those you offer to help that you will make a referral fee to help get them together with us so they do not get mad later because you benefited from helping them, or give them the referral fee as a discount if you wish.

Please get in touch with me if this appeals to you at BWK@TinyTexasHouses. com. I do not wish to have dishonest people involved and will screen the people a bit to be sure they are not out telling tales as you will not by my paid representative or employees but by independent contractors who will only get paid if you sell stuff, and possibly make a million dollars in the next few years as there is a few million dollars that need to be sold, but better still, open a Pure Salvage Outpost as a local co-op so that you and others could create a training center an supply the people who can build the houses that are facing a growing demand for quality healthy and sustainable housing. Please consider how you can help your friends and neighbors make a living.

I have over 100,000 sf of warehouses full of everything anyone might need to build great classic tiny houses and make an incredible income by selling locally so as not to have shipping costs equal to the cost of labor to build a house. The secret to cheaper tiny houses will be in creating them locally so that the money stays in the community you choose to live in. That is the best of all worlds: more skilled kids to build tinier houses that let people live well until they die in healthy houses, not one that gives off formaldehyde, EDCs, and other chemicals outgassing for years after being installed in your house. Please build healthy homes and help others do so, too.