2025 Resolutions to Slow aging, Be healthy, happy, stay fit, rested at 69, & fine.

DEC 31, 2024

I feel more fit at 69 for this transition to a new year than most of my younger celebrations of the death of one year and the birth of another. I have lived through many late-night drinking and partying celebrations of the event. Oftentimes, I had been inebriated or on some drugs to celebrate the ceremony. This time, I know that I won’t regret what I did this time. Age has let me settle down to feel the Earth and care for nature in the best of ways. I get to take my time to breathe in ways I never dared. I see with eyes that have been fixed instead of those that were soon to be quite functionless, even with my thick glasses. Now, with eyes that see the sun and all the colors that are part of the one sent to us to fill us with the energy, Wii need to mend.
Here you go.
I recorded a special video for Substack using their system, and it loaded up to 85% of it and then stalled, eventually trashing the entire direct-facing video I thought would be great. Instead, I had backup cameras going to at least record the audio, but I was not looking at the audience, or the camera cut off the bottom of my face due to it not being intended to be used. Alas, technology or Mii, the Substack site for videos, sucks so far. Due to their sluggish system, there is very little activity or response from those I have taken long hours attempting to post. I will post the backup on YouTube and perhaps here, though it will take all day to post it there. Pity. Here is the rest of the text that goes with the video or audio if in a car; no need to see me talk, for hopefully, it is mostly what I say that matters.


Be the wonder for your friends who do more to reach such ends as you can see and feel to know there is more life that the old folks show when they’ve lived on PHARMA for too long. Get to moving on the Earth with grounding shoes and drop the girth from eating corn syrup and other crap. Fix the problems with the systems, starting with your mouth and hands, to get control of what goes into the vessel life is granted in. Honor all the gut, heart, lungs, or liver for a start, and grow your knowledge and skills to honor thy vessel before your disrespect kills you fast. I hope that did not trip your switch and keep you in the past with excuses that cause you to stop your progress from the last to the coming day when you walk away from the things that will soon kill you if you do not fast. A year later, it gets even better, and I want to share a path to get you here when you finally get your stride. This is an incredible life if you choose to live it that way.

Get moving more and eating well before you experience a living Hell as the kids are aging faster as they trash the core of the body they will have to live with for now and ever more, but with cancer, it’s a cost that will cause many to see more pass fast. Solutions are coming to the things that once could cause cancer for you, but if you think that you should wait to stop consuming toxic waste like PFast chemicals that have no taste but are moving through the populations at a mighty pace. Get organic eggs and foods to help keep the toxin loads down.

Stop the white sugar, corn syrup, and toxins in your food or drinks that make you weak and your immune system shut down, subject to the waves of colds and flu that may come your way. Don’t depend on others to strengthen your body and mind; your spirit is immeasurably connected to the energies Wii can thrive upon for much longer than most understand. Love thy vessel, a gift from God Wii are sworn to honor and thus respect the gift of life to fulfill our destiny, our mission in this lifetime on Earth.

Organic is the way to go, but few understand what Wii all need to know. The internet could help solve it if not for the Corporate elite that sells for profit that which kills, but they don’t pay for their crimes. All is gone when it’s too late to save the victims of their fraud, now pardoned as was always their fate. What would you do if you were one of those to do what the dictates issued out commanded all to do? Old folks had no choices and were isolated, so few could know, like the children in schools, that someone was tricking kids into having them, too.

Stop the madness and the problems for a time, at least while the consequences of the last rounds of mRNA can be finely evaluated so the world can see. Take care of your body, your brain, heart, and lungs as you exercise the parts to develop them until you peak at 66-78 when you do it right. Eat spices like Tumaric, garlic, quality salts, and foods like eggs that give you the most strength without killing anything if you wish to have them both, the protein and the fats Wii need to build a better self.

Here are a few ideas to plan for in your next year of living for a healthier experience so as to enjoy the zest of living well into your 80s as if still a youthful presentation of a happy human being. Be an example for others to see what is possible in 2025. Lead, not follow, to find your greatest success in life.