After being Hacked to Death, how do you rise again? A modern day question many have to face.

Is there life after death on the internet? What happens when you get deplatformed, demonetized, and ghosted by the Techno-wardens who control the internet, one way or another?


DEC 13, 2024

Hey, dear friends of Tiny Texas Houses. FaceBook finally figured out how to shut down my other page without me violating their newest policies, so this is a redux page to replace the 17-year-old site that FB will not help me revive or get access too again.

For those that have never seen the El Campo Exposition, follow this link to see what could be had from a 150-year-old farmhouse and how to have fun salvaging the treasures in 7 days of pulling out nails and stacking up treasure.

This is to invite you to visit the new TinyTexasHouses2.0 version. I wonder if it will get slammed as much by the shadowbanners and censors. I will try to keep out of the traps to get the word out about our new plan to disseminate millions of dollars in materials to Pure Salvage Outposts, which will be the local PSO Co-ops for people to learn how and to build their tiny houses in their towns to cut the cost typically associated with moving them to their final homestead once they are built.
Instead of shipping across states with big empty wooden boxes that require lots of permits, costs for the people in lead cars, and the drivers, fuel, and problems on the way. This is a path to creating many more organic sustainable house builders for all sizes of homes, but with the ethos that smaller and higher quality is better than big and shit-built to fall apart in 15 years, the most common way for modern construction of homes, apartments, and condos that goes on today. Built-in obsolescence has become part of the expectations of Americans for products instead of the old, nearly forgotten “Made in America” to last for a lifetime quality that we used to be known for before the decline of our society.

Are you one of the oldsters who still thinks quality is better than quantity when it comes to your home, car, or clothes? The McMansion Era has destroyed the logic and energy efficiency that was part of our American culture. It stretched out the perception of what humans can do for their luxury, showing off as if size means success. The surprise has turned out to be the homes are killing the lives of those who buy them and then give up so much of their life hours to pay for them, with the insurance, maintenance, and other consequences of urban sprawl and the development of stupidity in housing becoming popular and seductive enough to sucker millions into buying houses that will one day be abandoned and torn down due to the high costs of keeping the functional once the massive roofs, poorly crafted structural members that are built to the minimum standards possible for the sake of the builders making more profits, never providing higher quality as they expand the sized of home… or did until the end of the line arrived, 2024 will be the last of the McMansion days as they begin to crash. People move into smaller, high-quality, healthy housing.

The lid is off the can that is full of worms, parasites in the development and home-building industry that sold out to profits at the cost of the health of the future inhabitants of the houses they build. Sadly, most builders are corporations created solely for profit, not for the customer’s benefit.

The same goes for food if you want to be healthy and live a long, prosperous life. So Tiny Texas Houses, which started under the guise of a tiny house builder, is a proponent for healthy living all around: diet, environment, home, heart, mind, and spirit. This is the essential part of being a good human: respecting nature and the environment in which you build a house and fitting in instead of wiping out the natural world that was there before your home and yard came to destroy most of it. Animals need the foot that the Earth produces, including what most call weeds, and put chemicals on the ground to kill rather than learn their value and respect all plants for what they give to the world by converting dirt into life with the help of the sun and water. Wii can make the world a better place by the way we live on it, sharing it rather than destroying it by keeping our footprint small and sharing the land better.

Why do you choose grass and not a tree to grow baby birds in, squirrels, or other critters that many consider pests but are essential for a balanced, healthy world? Why do you participate in buying into a subdivision that killed off all the natural lifeforms that existed before the developer, destroying the environment with concrete, asphalt, roofs, and houses that cover the ground and not let anything grow? There is nothing but destruction and death in most subdivisions, coated in pesticides, herbicides, and all cancer-causing chemicals that no child should be exposed to all over the land. Who thinks this leads to healthy children or adults? If you are one of those people who do think that is good, then you need therapy like the others who share living in your concrete poisoned concentration camps with toxic boxes lining the streets.
Stopping the madness of a society hell-bent on living in what they think is luxury but now finding out is the opposite, the cause for them aging poorly, getting cancers, respiratory problems, kidney issues, and the other consequences of inhaling harmful chemicals.

My son, Adam Brad Kittel, created a song from my poem, the Song of Salvage, that I cherish dearly. Please listen and share the mission and ethos of Pure Salvage Living and its forms, such as the Tiny Texas Houses, as examples of what can be.
Visit for over 1,000 articles about solutions for tomorrow to use today.
Articles on how to live healthy, have a healthy, sustainable house, and grow a community around organic living w/ nature.

The carpet fibers, outgassing chemicals from paints, vinyl, plastics, and the many chemical-laden cleaners, fungicides, herbicides, pesticides, and even the paints used in houses that smell so much that people notice but do not understand the smell is from chemicals you then absorb into your blood to possibly change your hormones, adding estrogen to your body through the lungs that can not be taken back out without going through your blood, liver, kidneys, and hopefully not being absorbed into the fat cells or other means of isolating the poisons that leave them trapped in your lymphatic system or brain.

This is a serious ongoing threat to millions of new home buyers, or the complete fresh remodel that brings in new particle board kitchen cabinets, plastic, and vinyl that outgas, as well as new carpets with pads that also leach out chemicals into the home to be inhaled., I protest and try to get the word out but realize most people have the shroud of cognitive dissonance on and will not view, read, or take in information that will upset their imaginary view of the world that leaves out these harmful aspects of how they are living to die early. Because this information is so well hidden from the public, I am moving on from organically and sustainably building tiny houses to creating healthy, energy-efficient ones throughout America. I must take this to the next level… I take it to you locally so that the millions who need this upgrade in their housing and knowledge can make millions learning new skills in the salvage industry that will provide millions of jobs. Can this be done?

I am about to test the limits of how far and fast this Pure Salvage Living Renaissance can grow as the need for great housing and intentional communities expands due to the need for a massive recalibration of the way we live in America—downsizing to quality over quantity and funding the creation of tinier housing for the masses instead of all builders trying to offer massive square footage but sacrificing health, the longevity of the structures, and the quality of life while living inside of them. The subdivisions created as part of the modern housing schemes pack in as many houses as possible on the land. Thus, this çoncentrated housing destroys all nature in its creation. This has to end, and we must change in ways that will benefit the future society that inherits all the trash and builds homes in subdivisions that seem doomed to become slums down the road as houses deteriorate.

Those who remain in them can no longer afford to maintain them due to the massive problems that show up at the 15-year mark in their lifespan when the roof, water heaters, AC/Heat system, paint, and appliances will have all reached the end of their intended lifespan and need to be replaced—a sad ending to what starts out looking like an excellent investment. Never be the last one to put up a “For Sale” sign, or you may never get to leave the dead subdivision when its time comes. What do you do when your loan is far greater than the value of the home and land? You lose.

Join me as I expand now by dissolving the original home of Tiny Texas Houses and distributing the assets to the rest of the country where others can build houses faster locally, for less cost, and then put them into communities that respect the surroundings, nature, and the people who will grow up there healthy instead of poisoned by the chemicals put in the gutters, on the lawns, and in the houses to kill all things not human inside the subdivision walls.

My goal is to assemble the people to take over the operations of the home base at Salvage, Texas, and then take this to the next level by establishing hundreds of PSO Co-ops for the locals to create housing and intentional communities worldwide. Please get in touch if you want to help form the group and establish the Embassy to learn what can be done in sustainable housing to help create the solutions so many can use soon. This can be done now if you want to help manifest the network of people and places for it all to materialize. Thank you for being so helpful.