Do you know where your life will take you for 2025? Are you ready to change course to succeed?

This will be the year that many will fail to find their passion or goals met, quite the opposite. Most will have to step back and re-examine the value of time, life, possessions, & relationships.


DEC 15, 2024

This is the big year for many who never thought they would live to see such times. No one seems to understand that time will fly by faster before the next year ends, speeding into a future where the past will be blurred as our vision is transformed to let us see what is essential here. Not the cheap distractions or the many ways to hide from the consequences of the actions most have long since made. This will be the time to pay for the things most did without being given any say, but the consequences that are coming out today were not mentioned.

Many things are changing, but the worst thing that most fear is war, the collapse of the economy, and the lack of a way to buy bread or food due to inflation. How do some feed their families when their homes are washed away? More importantly, how do you eat well to stay healthy if food gets more challenging, expensive, or contaminated by the systems producing food without disclosing the poisons inside them, such as preservatives, flavorings, or chemicals leaching out of the packaging?

What are you planning for security and backup if the world hits a gitch in the food and medicine distribution system? This is a strong possibility if there is any sort of blackout, intentional or from the sun smacking us with a giant filament or solar flare. One just lifted off while I was writing this that will not affect Earth for a couple of days, but many impacts are possible when it does. Not just electrical systems are being impacted, but so are the health and weather that feel the effects. This is especially true with so much instability in the world due to war and the global trade battles that will affect them due to their dependency on corporations that might run into issues due to the new trade conflicts.

The many attacks on health are caused by corporations that knew this was a known risk, but it was ignored for profit. The executives who made those decisions are gone and can not be punished. No one will ever be punished, but the customers in the future who pay the fines for this bad behavior that kills many every day still.

What do we who could send help, thinking Americans do that through FDA & FEMA with tax dollars in our steed? That job of those eurocrats seems to break down every time they are desperately needed, no matter where. What do Wii, the public that can see do, but wonder how the government has handled it? Is the public forced to watch, kept away, to watch FEMA and Commissioners let their lives be washed away, refusing to count bodies or give credence instead of delays? Who is in charge of allowing those people to pay with their lives for the mistakes FEMA makes by failing to send help their way? Worst still, why does FEMA keep the solutions from getting underway?

What will you do if the problems of the snow and storms cause the world to falter in its chance to help in ways that the dying people can find a way to live or stay? How do we build the houses that are needed, big or small? How do we protect the children who need a place to stay? What will the others do to help when the government does not as if they intended the people to move away? IF this is the future for the many, who may live in the areas where mining is intended when they give their title to the rich men who have plans to mine it till it doesn’t look like anything we knew as forest for our furry friends that will turn into a strip mine stretching miles that will destroy life then. What will you be doing in the coming years ahead if the mines decide they want your land and the government is their friend who comes and takes your land away without considering what it does to you?

Somehow, there must be a plan that helps humans take a stand for their land and forests, for nature and the future of their ancestors’ land. How will they raise their children with family lore and all their friends that they will never see again if they wipe out all the towns? What do the people who aren’t allowed to go back to their land, their homes, their heritage, and more? Their means to eat to stay alive are taken, so they can not thrive. Why can’t they have a tiny house to rebuild what their families lost? Who on Earth was given the right to take the land that they have with all the rights that should protect us all? Please stop the madness that takes all from those who are poor, who seem so small against the giant corps that go and take their rights away.

No matter what the corps may do to destroy the land, the critters, too, without anyone to stop what they do. It is so sad, but it still seems to be true. Someone must stand up that can not be shot down or bought up. Who will that be for those who see the writing on the wall that seems to say they must give up and leave? Where is the hero and the God that promised to protect them all? We know the president doesn’t care, and the people who work for FEMA dare to stop the people and the towns from saving themselves with the salvage that is found. Stop the madness and the taking that is clearly in the making. Can Wii do it, those “I”s that see so they can’t do what Wii see they want?

By the time most read this, it will likely be outdated. Perhaps someone will buy the land and force the emptying of the assets hidden within that I had hoped would turn into hundreds of houses again. At this stage, there do not seem to be enough people interested in such things to help so it appears this show will come to an end. Not the glorious one I hoped for where others would pick up the torch and carry it on, but time is still passing and the opportunity is still there. Will it take a miracle?