SpaceMagic designs for your stairway to a dreamy heaven for a bedroom. Why saving vintage wood pays off.

Yes, the stairway to Heaven is formed from the flesh of thousand-year-old trees that survived the greatest hurricanes, tornadoes, and floods to ultimately be felled by the Lilliputians who came across the Texas land like Fire Ants. They destroyed the grand forests, cut down every tree that had lived, and protected all you could see. An ocean of life that lived in the shade, forests of critters that traversed the days before man came to conquer nature, cut down all the trees so that a few could get rich and bring the rest to their knees. The history of the Sawdust Empire of Texas hides many misdeeds, but the fruit of their harvest of all those great trees should not now be wasted by fools with no needs. Soon, some will wonder at the cost of a home if they don’t look to salvage to fill up the great void—the cost of the imports and the code-managed world of building the boxes that corporations want to breed. The times are changing, and the masses will learn that other solutions are better to earn than the money for trash that will one day need to burn.

Where do you go up a SpaceMagic Stairwell like this except to Bliss?

Half the space is so easy to climb that there is barely any difference except for keeping more usable space in the house. There is a secret compartment under the first stair in case you need to blow someone away from there. Lol.

This is very simple and easy to build, sturdy when finished, for it was built to handle a 300+ pound woman going up and down it to sleep.

This stairwell went up 7’ into the air, and the second floor was full of more great ideas to create airflow and light for you to show off every morning inside the stained glass windows I put into the designs.

Just in case she does not want company at night, the lady of the house will have that right. All are out of sight.

Imagine this is only 180 square foot big for the taxing but has a storage area that you see here, good for a bed and more, dear, but only storage for taxation to one day take it away most would fear. This house will last but the taxes will drop as it fits in a Loopholology slot. For more information about how, read more than not of the other many articles on this site. Hehe. Please leave a like too. Few do.

The White Swan was sent off to homestead in Johnson City and had its future hands full to help those who bought it recover from a life of excess to get healthier, hopefully, through losing the toxic lifestyles and issues so many people seem to share.

Blessings to your journey and the path you choose to take. May it be as close to the healthiest that you can get in life to honor thy vessel like I have honored the great trees in this house. The glass is fantastic. These incredible stained glass windows were created long ago, and their preservation is one thing I know I did right.

May your dreams and home give you such an incredible feeling as this house can give you every night? Perhaps when this house still stands in a century, others will wonder how long wood can last. For Mii and my passion, this was one of the last that left Salvage, Texas, so long in the past. I pray that more people will follow this trail of using the best and honoring every nail. The craftsmen who build a home such as this will be heroes for the owners, who will then live in bliss. Savor the honor, the skill Jesus shared as a carpenter who created a safe place to grow near and love those Wii honor, children, and parents with more than a ticket to homelessness outside the door.

Merry Christmas I hear, but I seldom see the results of the promises most make to be better as humans, this next year all will see. 2025 is the year to see all Free.

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