The metamorphosis is best done without interruption, in nature at peace if possible, undisturbed by the outer voices, listening to the Voice from Within.

DEC 22, 2024

Are you prepared for the connections in your life in 2025? The peace and purpose from within will lead you through the coming darkness through which Wii came to thrive, grow, and lead others out of the darkness into a world lit up with much better Light than ever before. Are you ready to face the world’s darkness and help shift the perspective toward what is finally possible as Wii ascend to a higher state of existence on this beautiful planet?

Our time to understand, communicate, and use transparency to clean out the scum that messes up the perspectives of the people who will help create a paradise on our planet in a unity never before known by modern man. Wii are here to help create a positive future for the entire community of Beings on our planet, not just the most elite of the human race. Join as One, as a World Union of Beings that is ready to join the Cosmic Society of WUB, other worlds in union with us for the future benefit of all who share the Light fueled by One source with many names.

Thank you for considering how big of a part you can play in the coming society of the future that lets us be the best human beings Wii can be together in a Union worth living for, sharing, and passing along for the generations to come and thrive in, too. Stop the greed, anger, hate, and madness that destroy the potential for a fabulous world to come into existence based on all of us working together to make that happen. Wii, all of the “I”s of the world can join to make this happen if Wii agree to do so without being forced to under threats of war, fear, or suffering, but for sake of all of us benefitting universally and retaining rights that are due to all sentient beings.

Join us, one and all, to create a World Union of Beings that does not depend on one religion, leader, or dictator but a billion beings of many forms that can communicate and celebrate how Wii can work together to create a paradise that will last for a millennium. Indeed, communication is the key, and Wii, the world’s humans, are ready to communicate with all the other Beings on the planet, and in the cosmos that humans have not seen or understood are sharing our planet too. Wii are not alone, just unaware of all the other beings that live under the ocean, inside the Earth’s mountains, and sharing our planet without having wars with us for longer than man can remember. When such wars occur, mankind is the loser every time.

I do not think humans are at the top of the evolutionary ladder, but simply one of the many on the plane of existence that Wii all share. Just because you can not see energy in other forms, that is still life, in bodies that are not human, yet have a sentience and wisdom humans can barely comprehend. Communication networks that reach around the world and humans are destroying underwater and in the atmosphere. Noise/frequency and toxin contamination that is killing them off faster than humans. This madness is coming to an end as the cycles of Earth cleansing and changes coming humans can not stop will also empower us to join and begin a new phase of interaction and sharing the planet’s resources more fairly.

Are the solutions Wii seek beyond imagination or implementation? Time will tell us soon as the final battles for Light and the Darkness are played out in the next year. I believe you will hear that the Light Brigade rose at the last minute and stunned the enemies of our freedom on a planet of Light, not darkness that has been intended by the few who want to own the planet. Sadly many will suffer to teach the remainder the truth, Love, and how to honor the gifts of a God that is in control, not men who have plans that will be thwarted soon. Savor our Dayz, for these are the times Wii were reincarnated for, the Warriors of the Light Brigade in many forms and shapes will shift the future locally, United come the Awakening the makes this seem as if its meant to be… for it is… as Wii who finally see, Victory is coming for those who work to free the shackles on the minds and hearts of the truly Free. Join Mii so the Wii, together, can change the future of our world and bring peace at last once the time for the maniacs is past.