Leaping the Chasm at the Edge of Chaos speeds required to reach the next plateau.

One can not wonder at the Chasm’s edge, as you make a leap that must be done alone, internally, and then manifesting it as tomorrow, the reality that Wii imagine to become our future.


MAR 06, 2025

If Wii, the “I”s within the body that look out through our eyes to see a world that appears in chaos every day, how do Wii form the future that Wii, as One, want to see? Peace and family happiness is such a seed to plant into the minds of children born into the world today. Wii must instill a dream to have a paradise to live that does not lead to evil men becoming those who lead. How do Wii sort the good from bad who take advantage of the many who will trust them when they get to come to power? Before these ponds existed, flat land with red clay limited the potential of this land. With imagination and action, the land can be abundant again.

Once, I found a rock when I dug a hole to make a draw to catch water in and wonder if I could make a pond out here. Years have passed and I believe at last my visions have come true. How about you? Though only for a snapshot in time, literally, all moments are soon memories. Do you have pictures of art as nature in motion? Earth sculpting is exactly that. Can Wii, the eyes that see what is possible change the future fabric of reality in such ways as this? I say yes.

With some great help to haul it away and my digging deeper as I sculpted earth away to create a picture that would tell what could be done before the gates of Hell open to destroy the dreams with time.

How do the leaders resist forces that affect most men? Greed and sex that often taints the world that will be created by the leaders who steer the mighty ships of societies that want to be achieving at their best. Pride in nations, people who identify like Mii and You, to be a citizen who’s true to the principles that are important to you. What happens when the “I” you see is not the person I might be but the distorted view some come to see by watching propaganda on TV.

Our nations are now fed the tripe that repeaters speak through day and night. They seek to churn the hate and fear, to nurture death through paths unclear to those who follow what they hear and see. How do Wii separate the trash? Can you spot the lies cast out that seem to last despite the truth that shows they are a weapon Dems used in the past to infect the heads of those who buy their lies to cause attacks?

Fake people in the riots now turn out to be the FBI, Pelosi conspired to take down or die destroying our nation, getting rich through her lies. What will come, Tribunals for the treasonous Wii now will see with our new transparency? I propose that God well knows that there are problems to unfold in the coming years. People will be dying off all around the lands as the consequences of the war reduce the populations on the land. Some chose to eliminate the enemies they see, and that includes most humans on the planet that you see. Regardless of how dark it grows, the Light is coming through, once the wars are done and all the Beings left then true to the reformation of the world to be what scriptures assure will be the best of what can be when Wii unite to make it be the best future that Wii can build when the world settles down again.

The biggest issues facing man are things that truly no one can deter. Volcanoes, earthquakes, floods, and storm caused by the world that tilts and where the changes that will then unfold will wipe clean many who live here now. This is not caused by mankind but more like a clock that must unwind and in the process reach a point of turning back around again.

Time is not what most believe and ripples in it cause much grief for those who do not see the relief that can come from passing on. Live your life and love each day by doing what you dreamt you’d be, not the drone that some will often see instead of standing out and leaving herds once you have heard there is still a way out.

There is a rise in value for the blood of mRNA Vax-free-purebloods who are aware and know the next round may be worse. Some it seems, may still want to bail out of getting vaccinated blood, and be a part of the ‘treed society living naturally and sharing land with birds and bees, trees in places that will be the islands in the storms.’ If Chaos comes to cities soon as the buildings sway and the fires loom with no way to run from what will be the worst times for society. How do I call out to the Ones Chosen to step up in these times? If you have not heard the calling for the time to arise then you are not going to hear or read a word I write to warn the last who still may hear. Act now on the voice you hear from within that calls out clear, your time to shine is finally here.

Are you ready to come out from the cocoon where you have worked out the catapeller that you were to be the butterfly or moth that finally leaves to soar? See the sun and spread your wings and you finally get to look and be the beauty in the skies Wii see from down below. Flex your muscles and then fly into the sky where you can rely on your enlightened view that you use to spy on the things you had never seen. Light as a feather blowing in the wind with a plan to find nectar and enjoy the world for the time you live. Many take off unaware that Dragonflies exist and venture out to find out that their flights are very short. How do you know before you grow the wings to fly away: How do you stay alive and thrive when the predators can delay or kill off all you dreamt of doing before you leapt off into space?

Learn through living and through loving for the only way to see is to fall or get hurt on the way to becoming truly free of the vast manipulations that hide reality. Beware of those who sell snake oil and promise benefits that are only your Placebo powers being challenged to success. Wii have many powers that Wii nurture as Wii age to become the person when grown up that comes to save the day. Wii have wisdom if Wii survive the trials that it takes through living in society or taking shelter for long breaks. The Chosen Ones have come to be in place when the time is right and to be the Indigo leaders that prepared and knew the sights that would come to fulfill prophecies that have been within our sight.

Thank you for your sharing with the few that you know too who are holding out for better things than being saved by Magic Shots. Be the Being that shows others what Wii all can do if Wii unite to fight the Lies and stand up for the Truth!

Fear not, want not, thrive and know that nothing takes our Faith that grows as Wii see proof grow all around that God is real, and One I found will soon determine what becomes of the ones who did not believe in what will come. You and I should form the Wii, a family with humanity and all the other sentient Beings that share our world with us. How do the many now unite in a peaceful form of the Light and force of Right that will help manifest the rebirth after the fights? Do Wii the many, not we that fight, with the others who refuse to stop their fights? How do the many call for the few to stop supporting the destruction of the lives of those now caught up in war? Stop the madness and the leaders who beg for more war? Stop dictators, not eleçted leaders who are hard core… Nazi’s in disguise that should be wiped clean off the Earth.

Stop the hatred and division. Join as One Great World that can finally join the others in the Cosmos and go on to colonize the other places that the rest of life live on but humans did not know about, disclosure now brings out. Please be wise and understand that most do not know what has been. I offer you the chance to see all the things that yet can be. Poetry and fancy works that paint a picture, like cartoons. The purpose of the play with words and music is to plant the seeds.

Can Wii, Will Wii join as One around the planet to commune? Communicate with full disclosure, transparency that brings the world to have Tribunals, no escape for those who chose to pillage and rape the masses of their lives and wealth, steal the planets and our health. These are evil beings indeed and finally can be found and seen. Transparency and Doge will grow to let the world finally see and know.

Then what comes for those who choose, to admit to their crimes and many then to lose their right to life on planet Earth. Perhaps they will do better if God gives them a new birth on the planet that will be much better with them living here on Earth. So for the many who will suffer, and for those already dead, the price Wii pay as a global people truly must somehow be repaid.

How will this happen? Society must strip the evil doers of their wealth, rewards for wrongful acts against mankind and our planet’s health too. Furthermore, no more positions of power to those who broke the trust for wealth or power in the past. There is no other punishment short of death but to take the booty of the pirates that stole from all their rights and lives to capture us and take through might the freedoms that God gives through Light.

What is fantasy as opposed to reality manifested from our imagination many times, as miraculous as that can seem. Life is but a dream that comes true day by day, then it goes away if you do not put that dream to use and make a vision into a reality that will last long enough for others to see. Can you see what became of the thoughts and images that came to Mii, the “I” inside my body helping the “I” you see with two eyes that allow Mii to communicate with you. Thank You for viewing and sharing what can be if reality can be created from the fantasies I see each day that become a sea of opportunity tomorrow, to become: Today.

Everything, from the Miracle Mountain that the Ship of Salvaged Dreams sits upon above Walden Pond. You simply cross the Bridge Over Un-troubled Waters to get there to that ion filled metaphysical space once cherished as existentialism. Thoreau, Emmerson, and many others found peace in the woods. Mii too. Created by one man, Darby, for you.

Escape from the madness of city life and into a dream, even if for just a night at Salvage, Texas. My imagination manifested as part of the Tiny Texas Houses dreams that you can read about, see, and even spend a night in to create dreams of your own. Then go off with all the parts to make them manifest with the love from your heart and the action of your hands. Never believe you can’t because I have proven and will help prove… You Can! Create your intentional community, starting with one house, tiny if need be, and grow it into a wonderful escape to the country that never ends someday.

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