What would you do without a smartphone? Ludicrous idea in 1965.

Dick Tracy would be jealous, Batman beltless in this day, w gadgets like mini lasers that could kill or simply maim. There is no hiding space for Spiderman & facial ID to spot Superman if no human can.


OCT 22, 2024

Who will be the heroes in a world of make-believe? That is what Wii live in now. Most of the technology people take for granted today was considered impossible to the public in 1963. Wii are living in a miraculous age where nearly anything is possible, good or bad. The time is here to make it clear: Wii, the people of the world, want truth, honor, and respect to rule the world, not lies, cheaters, and megalomaniacs, as they seem to be the status today.

Do superpowers need to be fully demonstrated and proven scientifically in humans by the score to prove how amazing we can be naturally to offset the trend for transhumanistic agendas that seem destined to grow?

Will Wii see the clones and children genetically modified that will lead us to a view of life that is astray from normal development, the supposed evolution of mankind throughout history that we are told is true but has so many flaws?

The story of mankind is varied, with many versions of our beginning based on what could manifest when a woman meets a man. Nothing in our history shows that a man and another man can make a child or civilization. Nowhere in our history have two women created a third being that could go on to live and grow, to know the truth, and populate the world. Why are some people so confused now as to think this part of mankind can be altered to fit the opinions of the dazed and confused?

Soon, the stories some consider fiction or conspiracy will show the products of the work that will change what most will see into a world of robots, humans, and a host of other things that some will think are alien or part of humanity, but the visitors who have lived here for near eternity. Just because you do not know all there is does not mean you should not consider all that could be.

Much is now being disclosed to us who share the world with those who know the truths that may come too late to help most youth. Soon, the minds of men will be controlled by those who have the means to subjugate the masses by fabricating Black Flag scenes to trap their minds and make them blind, then let others control what will “Be” the future that Wii must endure after wars that leaders bring. Black Boxes, BlackRock, Blackstone, and blackened hearts that love money, power, and controlling the rest of the species in the world, including humanity. The abuse of power is growing with the advent of tools to manipulate people in many ways, from the food in the body to the chemicals in the mind. People are facing the prospect of losing their humanity, empathy, and fertility due to the plans of the few who know how to do these things to our species and our planet. Corporations have no conscience and are obligated to profit at the public’s expense for their shareholders. They are legally bound as officers to protect the corporation over the public if it costs them profits. This is not speculation. It is the law.

You need not have a fence to hold the herds that fear the shock of touching wires they may think will give them quite a shock. The fear of pain and agony will trap most people into the masses, who will never see the far side of the fields where the forests and the mountains can be freely roamed to feed and live in peace. This allows the rest of us to live our lives with love and trust unless there is some fight that disturbs our peace of mind. Wii, the watchers wonder at the many who choose to be jabbed or fat. This is due to the lies and the distractions that allow their fate to take such hold of them that they can not imagine getting healthy again. The loss of hope, the drugs they give to lose their extra fatted weight, and the desire for some to live healthier lives without exercise.

What are they doing that it would take years to recover their great vessel after toxicity sets in? Is there a way to fix the curses being cast upon the nations of the world using the needles and toxins created by the likes of Gates to disseminate the disease and destruction the leaders in the UN feel is needed to reduce the populations of the world. No pill will get the results they want and do such ambitious deeds alone so there is war, famine, and other things to still come along. The Warburg syndrome coming, like others they will launch, will kill of millions they feel are worthless, setting up the world for more of their shenanigans to control your friends and the public as a whole.

You must do the work to stop this, get the blood flowing, and grow the muscles to stay healthy later in life. This is part of the truths demonstrated and proven by those who practice a grounded lifestyle focusing on staying youthful and healthy. This will prove to be valuable soon, when the world needs you to be strong, not another person dead due to jabs and other toxicities. You can become the hero, naturally, by taking care of your vessel and learning how to control your emotions, your body, your mind, and then, much more, the world around you that seems out of control. You will be amazed at how much you can do once you make up your mind and take action that ensues when you have the faith and passion to do the things you came to do by taking on this body and agreeing to live through this time upon our planet where Wii do God’s work as sent to do. Let us create the Tribunals that will clear the world of such abuse.

Join Mii in the celebration of our freeing the great nations of the Earth from those who seek to dominate and keep us weak. Knowing that Wii would win this war, they thought they would score the winning strikes to take us down, but our united strength would soon be found. Tribunals will then follow, the evil gathered up, and once eliminated, the world can crank up and find peaceful solutions for the problems they set up to cause the great divisiveness they thought would tear us up. Instead, united Wii is stronger and more numerous than those who oppose the freedoms of the world, and thus, it brings us great joy. Be the solution and exemplify what Wii can do if Wii only try to protect the innocent and know that our lives will be given for the planet to grow.

May you be led by love wherever you go on your mission in life. As some of you know, it will make for a paradise before Wii go.

Check with world newsmakers like Snowden to understand there is very little privacy in any land. If you appreciate that Telegram conceded what it needed to set its leader free again, then you know there is a plan that few can withstand. Soon, you may realize that the Rumble platform gets compromised when it buys out Locals and others under the guise of not being Wall Street-owned, and thus, the end is known. What will come from us is spiritual, and just like Jesus went through Hell, it is said that He was able to do more than most. If Wii do not let the Light shine on those who dread its might, how are Wii to Light the Night, the darkness found in the hearts and minds of Man?

Just a thought: all platforms are wrought by men with intentions in mind, like Elon Musk, making for Top Secret flights of weapons no one can see flying high in the night. Savor the Dayz. Do you think your words are not reviewed or sent through a maze that lets certain entities decide if your words will be seen or heard? How is that possible in a world with so many emails, messages, and texts all day? Imagine the computer that keeps track of everything and reports to someone what it sees or even what it “KNOWS.”

What will come of guys who can control the weather, wars, or famine? Lasers from the sky that kill or EMF from phones that will cause cancer or do worse through ills the cause in children’s hearts and eyes that stick with them throughout their lives. What becomes of the next generation being tested now with all the new technology before Wii even discover how:

Phones affect the eyes that see,

Phones cause cancer, yet they still get to be,

the replacement for the development of short-term memory,

Let alone the long-term, logical, or complete dependency

on a tiny little leash that keeps us bound and anything but Free.

The new 15-minute city does not sound so bad to me, but not with all the technology,

5G, 6G, or even more that can reach into your cells, your mind, your heart,

all tracked for more Big Brother than you ever knew was possible before.

With AI recognition, so many things to come will be based on all the people agreeing to go along or be terminated, re-educated, or worse, not even born. Trust the system as they feed you graphene-oxide shakes and jabs that will help you cooperate and dedicate your time to whatever necessary tasks desired by the elites. Savor your chance to be free of owning nearly anything and know that if you conform, you will live as well as all the “Norms” who dedicate their lives to getting by. Why? Fear is the mode that most live in, the fear of loss of home or sins that they commit without disdain as long as they can forget the pain with drugs.

Why do so many bear the lies and let their lives be controlled by the worst of men instead of those who want to do the best for those in need? The ones who feed the most are those who claim to want to help the “Chosen Ones” who need it most, but the truth is that they seldom do, instead being paid well for their cause. How do Wii save the children, miracles sent from God to help create the future that Wii know will come along? Through Faith in action, not just in words. The work will be done despite the herds who have taken the poison and will no longer be heard.

Blessings to your adventures and creating a brand new world from the best that Wii can salvage and the love that Wii bring to the transformation and reformation of the nation Wii love so. Others will find it accurate that the elders can work with the youth that survive the coming catastrophes that will separate the trash from the wheat and let the bread be baked from the wars that go on as the world realizes they can never be won. Soon, the masses will prevail, and the world will restart with the veil of ignorance once lifted high, the controllers exposed, and the Tribunals Worldwide. This time is near, and the end is clear for the billion who are injured and will die for sure. Sadly, this will soon pass, and the world will be transformed if the Good Guys do not win the battles that are going on.

Let the Light Brigade be seen and heard worldwide to Be the call that stops the madness now. If it is possible, I am not sure how. Wii need a World Union of Beings who agree that the best path to the future is the one that keeps us free. To do this, Wii must unite and take the bad guys out. Tribunals will let all then see, and indeed, those left will agree that if the crimes against humanity are not prosecuted harshly, then Wii is doomed to see much worse. The time is near for Webblers to share the Whistleblower stories and clarify our purpose. The elites can not demand that Wii all conform to what they hold dear, letting them run everything and not be bound by laws or fear of being punished for their crimes that have now become so clear.

Stop the madness here and now by admitting this is going on. The stars will fall individually as they admit to doing it all. The Devil’s work is never done, but there is a way to halt his fun. Stop the trafficking of human beings! Stop the wars to kill off innocents! Stop the maniacs who make money off war and the ones who think that humans are for profit, but no more! Spread the truths and support whistleblowers who report the evils done to support the worst of humans in cohorts with the demons of this world.

Can Wii do it one and all together by a common calling? What religion could be formed that joins all humans and those who can’t speak the language of the ruling class? Join in One Great Consciousness, some call it Christ-like to be best but the truth is the best and lasting test. What will happen if Wii join as One to fight the Evil now? Wii will win and then control the way the world gets to grow. Freedom first and Love for all that lives, not just the rich who call themselves the rulers of the world, strictly self-proclaimed and not approved by the billions of people they seek to control. Savor your ability to see and be incredible and phenomenal, and do not let anyone take away your divinity. You are special if you have read this, understood the layers of meaning and the power you hold, thinking, Being Awakened to your potential, and thus enabled to turn on the incredible vessel you occupy as spirit and get in the race of life where you can win by making a positive difference in the lives of others near and dear to you.

Become a Wubber, be one who cares about the future of our world and strives to make it better for the children who will inherit what Wii can create while alive. Wii, united, will be able to impact the future with our actions now, not with words alone, but our behavior daily, speaking up for the weak, the helpless, elders, and children who are being victimized, euthanized under the cloak of destruction in the midst of desperation and no mercy from the hoards that attack their homelands.

Honestly, for the first time in history, Wii, the “I”s that can see the world as a whole “Being” that needs to be attended to as if the Earth is truly is our living Mother, our Father is the God force that gives us life to experience in this potential paradise. Call it the force of life, God, what you might, that joined us together to make our lives possible. The Sun feeds us with light that turns into human bodies, the Earth, and much more as it slows down, gets dense, and the aether becomes a reality. Help form that energy into a millennium of peace and prosperity instead of the Prison Planet some elites want Earth to become with them in charge and absolute certainty they will never be dethroned once they complete their plans for the world after 2030.

I am opposed to the plans of those who seek to eliminate our freedoms that are being compromised in order to control the masses as they realize they are being taken advantage of, killed off intentionally, and put into invisible shackles based on food, money, and shelter that only a few plan to be in total control of by 2030. Honestly, if they have their way, you will own nothing and be happy just to be alive. Let’s stop that plan with a better one for a World Union of Beings intent on keeping our freedoms, our right to worship the God of our choice, and to control the lands Wii share and live on, the planet Earth, instead of giving control to a few sociopaths and psychopaths, people drunk on power and wealth without morals or integrity. This is the goal of the World Union of Beings that are taking to heart the need for us, the Wii that can see the truths, shed the lies, and be willing to die to alter the course of mankind from the one Satan has in mind. Yes, there is good and evil at work in a battle for the freedom of the people on the planet in the future. Alex Jones’s Prison Planet is in store if the megalomaniacs in control are not dethroned soon, and the tribunals to make certain that the evil ones are put down will come soon.

Thank you for believing that good will win in the end, for faith in our success will determine who winsNo FEAR, and especially, no jabbing, to be precise. That is not a vaccine that they were putting in there, the tiny little needles that destroy who you are by altering the DNA and poisoning the heart while destroying the immune system and killing everyone. Stop the madness and the liars like Fauci who aimed to trick everyone. Luckily, their plan has failed, and the healthy humans have prevailed so far. Stand up toe the dictators, whoever they are, regardless of what they may say, i’s what they do that counts.

Make this an incredible day and share if you care in that wayI realize for some to see and think that this could really be the truth is hard to believe, but if you take the time to look and see the path to then stay free, more of us will be there when the war is finally won. Then Wii can set about rebuilding without the greedy liars and cheats to screw up the world and expect us to pay for them to win their conquest of Mankind.

Please share if you care for the idea of saving the planet from those who feel they own it, and the people on it, to do with as they please, self appointed Gods of the planet, in so far as they see, that is. Stop the madness, if only in a fantasy that might just come to be if more people choose to stay free. Wii can do it, but not alone. United Wii stand, divided We fall.

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