Drop appraisal on the new barn by 50% just for using Salvaged Materials to build it, for example. Write-off cost a Tiny Portable House in 10 yrs, not 30. No BnB tax if portable building in TX.

What are you looking to create for a home you can live in for a healthy life long, savoring the journey unlike the throngs of people in the cities, suburb farms?

So many could create tiny villages on land that stay in the family as a trust for those who will help care for the gardens, animals, and trees. The people who help watch when you are gone feed the critters and train the kids. Those are the people of the towns once upon a time, back when I was a kid, and perhaps you, my friends. But today’s kids know little of the villages that have gone away, lost by those who left to the big cities to find work, now wanting to go home. Where the heart is when wii get old is not the same as when wii were young. Our values run in cycles. The things wii want as kids are not the items on the list to grab and then take with us as wii downsize into smaller digs.

What will you take from the past you hold in your hands, your house, your old storage buildings, or your garage? Is it time to sell and know that if you let go, life will still be great to live, and you will have so much to give if you are not still paying for the stuff you collected, never look at anymore?
For hoarders, it’s a question, a collector you must see spent his life and passion for learning what few will see. Touch the things they gathered, they spent their money on and wondered how the Beanie Babies ever made it on the collector’s lists. Truly once wii see how our collections come to be the anchors that may hold us back from moving forward, as you know, they act as anchors with the home that holds your memories.

What happens when you pass into the realm where this is lost, left behind like dreams you had that you held on to gold or things that you did not want to leave when waking? Can you hold onto the true and final test that lets you see if you were dreaming or forming reality? What are you doing to prove you were here?
Create your Matrix floating in your head as a dream wii were sent to help manifest instead of all the distractions that can take your life and home. It is the power in your heart, the power in your head, the ability to feel with instinct, the Love and Truth instead of the takers and the cheaters, the liar’s words. Time to sell some of the past to pay the taxes for the future you dreamed of to materialize now. Do not wait for the proverbial tomorrow that never comes.
NOW I take some of my advice. SALE TIME TO PAY FOR THE TAXES ON THE LANDS AND LIFE. See anything you like? Contact Darby for an appointment to come pick out all you need for any size project, not just tiny.

Please consider as the world changes in such ways that each of us can lend a hand, clear another’s way, and give a chance to learn again, reestablish honor, and prove to those who wish to share, that there is a good and right path there. I will help fund you as wii all work together to put greater value in the things that wii have collected by turning them into functional artistic parts of our future. Preserve the evidence of our skills that our ancestors proved possible once wii focus our imagination and human energy. Set yourself free and help others see the benefits of salvaging a home, a life, a future out of what appears to be spent resources, humans who have no value because they look like broken houses, barns, and stores closed due to conditions beyond their control.

Let us “Save Our Salvage”, and create a respectful example of a future that honors past work and achievements that wii can not match. See the beauty and preserve it so that our grandchildren can see what can be rather than the cheap Walmart stuff that “is cool” instead. Honor the handmade of past and present that hold a sense of pride and human energy within their construct that no robotics can duplicate. At least not for now.
Thank you for considering contacting us for parts and pieces to create your tax haven, your dream paid for with a write-off for you or those you love who need them and want to support your growing your business. HOW about building organic cottages that are import and toxin-free? If you can get the backing and the chance to turn taxes into income for you and the family, don’t hesitate to get in touch with me to see how Wii can help.
Subscribe to support us and get your plans, answers, advice, consulting, and even someone to direct your crew from afar or bring them here to learn in a seminar if you get a package of parts and a custom-made SpaceMagic plan to take away and create your fantasy land like Salvage, Texas. Make a plan, check with Trinity, and come to take away a dream or two. See below the pay line for getting in touch and getting started now.
[email protected] to learn about getting a Pure Salvage Outpost Co-op near you for your tribe to thrive too. 830-675-2500 to leave a message or perhaps talk to a human.