For now though, if you are staying at the Salvage, Texas BnB then you can try out the new Kayaks and pond areas and hopefully, with some rain soon, we will be having the Kayak Tag, Races, and Hide and Seek as we have so many islands created to paddle around, and best of all for the competitively minded, Kayak blowgun Paintball contests… (Only ones in the world). Race up through the vine-filled grotto, out amongst the isles, with the underground market next to the water Yup really underground vendors using the ground and shade to stay cool under the shade.

Yup, imagination gone wild out-of-the-box ways to create the solutions of the future out of the treasures of our past, the ingenuity of our brains, and the human energy we have in our control. Join me for a quick look at the progress as my mind and body form this new attraction to the many who want to do things that make them stronger, younger and growing the future for those who follow us for generations to come.

We must do the things that will change the options available if those that are being born are to have full access to their potential capacity to create solutions, to alter the course of our society toward helplessness, dependency, and the destruction of the community and family units.

Digging for a few days to create a venue that will pay for us to do more with less, to create a way to get in better condition, but also to show others how to have fun doing it. Planting seeds… expanding the vision of all those who come and giving them the passion and hope it takes to show up and act… to do the things that we must to create more than a daydream with the hours we are alive and healthy. I am having fun.

Hope you can get here soon and have fun too. The world won’t cooperate, so I am going to do what I can in my tiny paradise and stay always ready to keep morphing and getting better and better. God I love this life, finally, it became nearly all I ever hoped it would, though the reality is not what I still dream it can be, the past is already so great that I can leave with a smile on my face at any moment. I can’t imagine how it could have turned out better in spite of how hard the difficult times were.

If not for this perspective, I would have killed myself decades ago as a child, at 15, born to be a lone wolf, but honoring the value of that versus being a sheep in the herd that can not even see the path, let alone the goal, but only the assholes ahead of, beside, and behind you walking through the shit left by all those who are filing down the same path. My paradise found after struggling along through many failures, losses, and challenges that made me stronger, and thus have I become me through my way, life has been full of adventure. It is one of many scars, bruises, and broken bones within, but always with the attitude that I would survive… seeking the impossible goals, the imagination that was unlimited in youth, flows without constraint as an elder. I finally have the freedom that I never had in youth while learning the lessons, chasing the illusions of what would bring me what I have found.

The Freedom is a change of perspective, of Perspicuity, that now makes the Synchronicity meaningful and thus empowering at last. Please, Consider breaking away from the pack and becoming a lone wolf for a while… it may last a lifetime. Free yourself from the Fear of Failure and embrace success before it happens based on the commitment and work you are willing to dedicate to the new you that is possible if you break away from the herd mentality that is holding you back.

Break free, but know you will feel alone for a bit, even be homesick and backslide to the comfort of nothingness. You will not be happy though if you decide to break free and feel the success that such thoughts bring, for your perspective is what will determine your future. Believe it and make your life what you want it to be, not what others expect.
Best of luck to you.Darby Lettik