Honor thy vessels of body & home. Both can age gracefully, salvaged to the bone, to become the incredible poem.

Wii, all the “I”s of the world that forms the symphonies of you and mii, the eyes that look, the minds that see what is going on to be the future if Wii can stay Free.


JUN 26, 2023

Your home for the Spirit to do work in the world from a tiny house to simply espouse the healthy ways and show that there is a great alternative to the common ways to grow older and still youthful, getting wiser as you go. It’s not the house. It’s the body you put in it that needs care and love to become then the best “YOU” wii can see. Exemplify to “I”identify for those that still must see that what you eat and what you do determines what you’ll “BE!” It’s True.

After nearly 70 years of being stabbed in the back, lifetimes in the past, with a spear and knife, Wii learn through life after life, forming the “I” that becomes the Mii, to be strong, prepared, and never give up. Wii live to thrive, to do the work while alive, and to give service to our cause. Honor thy vessel, thy home, the life you live to give service to our maker, our Source of Spiritual Energy, and the chance to be… Human once again. Honor your journey and, with gratitude, savor the lessons learned to become strong for these exciting times ahead.

Ten years ago, this cost me about $38,000 to build using workers on my team of 19 guys and gals. I shut the business down not too long after that, having found my peace and healthy life, what more the need for stress. The money was not meaningful. My only heir had passed, so I started living like each week would be my last. I found a sense of peace within my heart, my head was then at rest, and I found the thing I had in store would be my biggest test. My namesake and heir had already left here. Adam Brad Kittel had lived to sing clear, a song for the ages, a poem that is dear. The Song of Salvage lives on as a testament to those who have Autism or Aspbergers or are gifted with them. My works will live long after he and I have sung out songs in the hopes that others will be able to salvage more than most from the treasures that lay all about, the wisdom and the tools to cut, to form a future with less glut and sustainable for those who will live a hundred years or more once they learn what science now shows. Wii can live a hundred years in good health, have great minds, and go for a future world built on truths and love instead of wars.

How do wii youth our way back to the time when passions seemed to rule our goals and dreams before the world said no to all who heard our claims? Wii can do so many things that others don’t believe, but not if wii allows them to destroy our dreams with words. Ignore the ones who say you can not do the things you dream of, and if they do not stop, then you may find that you will have to leave. Has your calling now come up?

Spread your wings and leave the nest of doubters, one and all, to rise to heights and see the world from afar. Be the best that you can be by flying high up where you see that there is little that can’t be if you will go along with the chance that God has a special purpose for you after all. Your life was crafted to give you what you now will need to break away from those who say you must be nuts to think that you could get youthful, healthy, and stay that way till 90. Never believe the quitters but pay attention to the successes that light the path younger people can follow if they do not want to age poorly if they want to thrive, while lowly people bite and attack others who leave from the bottom where most choose to stay. Honor thy vessel, which will honor you in return with rewards of energy, mobility, and productivity, as you can see, and a body like a kid.

Take a break from being average and become the best you can, which will open up new doors for you, I hope you understand. Don’t let others hold you back in these quickly changing times so that you can get ahead and thrive with more than just my rhymes.

No excuses left, except I just do not want to do the work to make my dreams come true. It is up to you. What will you do? Buy a tiny house and stash it in Salvage, Texas, just in case you see what is in store and want a place to go where you and others of such ilk can share, teach, not cry. Be the heroes, be the stars, teach the others what you are, a leader for the kids to see, to mentor them so they can be the leaders of the future that wii truly need. That is our greatest treasure to salvage now, the children born into a world that is full of such decay that their minds and hearts could be soon broken and never fixed again. Stop the toxins, poisons, and the things they stick into their arms. Honor children, not cut them up until they are old enough to know what their path is, and who they are. It’s not their sex that makes them a star. Stop the madness. Let us be as human as wii can without atrazine and other things screwing up our blood. Please consider communities without poisons in the water and the foods we are giving all the kids.

Just a fantasy of what could be if people could free the salvage of the past for what they could see as a future for the kids to be pollution free. Imagine that, and you will see what my life is supposed to mean when it is over… a quantum story of the older generation and what they dreamt could be. What it turns out as… Wii will soon see. Stay Free.