How many people need to come up with a new plan for the snow, freezing rain, and storms that are coming upon an unsuspecting population that believed Al Gore?

JAN 17, 2024

Yes, the global warming that is too thick to shovel has fallen upon America at a time when there would be no more snow. How has the global warming story that took me in so long ago until I had to learn more to know it was bull cookies made to look delicious to believe? Computer projections of what will come to be by people who have no idea of what to put in to see how the weather and the sun will cause the world to change or be hot because of humans as if anyone could thus perceive. How do such elementary school thinking lead to conclusions worth putting taxes upon unless you are a politician looking at how you would gain? Stop the madness of man causing everything you see going on from the sun to the Earth. The planets are affected, not Earth alone, yet the people follow fake news like it was proven to be true.

No wonder when the proof is put before the eyes of those who could use such things as salvaged wood to create a better house. Gardens that could last through cold because someone would be so bold as to use the trash you throw away when you tear down the houses of the past in cities always to be found. Why not join together to create the ways to grow the solutions that wii need to save those homeless without hope? Salvage all Wii have on hand to create the fuel, the food, and the jobs it takes to create the places people want to stay. Create the villages and towns that feed upon the treasures found in buildings and the past resources waiting to be converted. Gather bricks and wood to use, glass to gather light, and lose the thought that if it is not new, it is not good to use to build a future that Wii can choose finally.

Don’t be a victim when such wealth stands before the eyes of many a man. Use your ingenuity and action that, as you can see, quickly solves the problems you see as they pop up, with perspicuity, a word you should learn to grow from opportunity. What is stopping you as you see the world change? you know that if you leap and act now, you will thrive while others watch and study you. Once you prove that this can be done, and people see you are also having fun, they will help, even copy you. So why not get started so that you can reap the many benefits of salvage mining too. Build your future with a family business to create those greenhouses for others who may have less. Show what Wii can do by helping take down a house or two and create a community garden that a group of you can do that no one person could alone, thus a community grow too.

Be the example where you live to take the windows that others might give and form a community garden, though it may start so small as to prove what’s possible so that others too can solve the problem with the cost of finding healthy food for all. Create the chicken coops and gardens in co-ops that focus on the salvage that you can do as salvage hunters, salvage miners, and salvage builders. Be the source for solutions from the experience and the wisdom of elders and the sources you can find online, much like you do here. See the site or if you read without your political glasses keeping you from laughing as you see the craziness and how Wii can change what comes after the end of the madness that wii see each day in a world where it seems Wii have little to say.

Be the example as you recreate the world locally where Wii can play some factor and help all. Join in salvage building the solutions that Wii need to be the country. Yes the nation that Wii really ought to be. Savor all our freedoms and preserve them all, or else they will be lost for a century, and the return of them will be hard fought. It is better to refuse to give up what Wii thought Wii had as a world of believers in the chance to live life fairly. Share the truths and the solutions with an open mind to the forces of both good and evil working all the time. Will you fall into a trap and never get out of the gap between the ones who stand up for the truth or those who destroy it all?