Tongue twisters for many who can not think out of the box or remain bound by wasted ways & days. What will you do to create a place for you w/ others of like mind?

JUN 12, 2023
This house has more eyes than any on Earth, hidden all about inside… holes with glass eyes that spy all night? Yikes, what a delight to see. Teehee!

What would you put in a place that would become a home for generations instead of just a decade? Where is that place where you can erase the effects of time and technology by using proper social distancing, and separation from the sources of toxicity, whether it be the EMF, chemicals, traffic, crime, or other stresses that people live with each day? Why stay in the city if you have no need or pity for the collapse of systems you can not repair? Living with other things to occupy your old age is better when the local scene no longer suits your needs. The conundrum of the day for thinkers who might sway to a natural and scientific way to stay okay while the rest of the world faces fear and stress each day.

You have a choice to take action and to be part of the faction most respected by the others who may come to learn what it may bring to life so healthily for so long. Can you share it, be the example, and teach the younger ones the ways so that when the systems falter and the need for food and shelter calls on all to do the things it takes to thrive? Few can do what the elders can, and teaching the kids when needed inspires them to learn because it is their deep concern. It does not matter till they need to know how to do these things, but I believe that soon, many will take to crime instead of doing the hard work if they do not see viable alternatives. They will prefer to take the perks. Laziness is learned, but worse, the habits and lack of achievement, willpower, focus, and determination that lead to perseverance, the loss will hurt the social fabric of

Where do you go to start anew without the things that you won’t do, and a place where you could move on to that lets you come and go or do the traveling that you want to? Who cares for the dogs and cats, the chickens that make eggs for us? Whoever stays will have no fuss, for they may leave when you get back, and care for yours is care for theirs, a simple trade-off by those who care.

Where is the land of honest friends instead of neighbors who rent till the end of the house no one seems to maintain that drops your value too? What do you do when your neighborhood is in the downward cycle as they do? Escape with some value or wait until the crime makes a slum of the community. I made millions in my 30s by fixing up and selling crappy houses in a bad area of East Austin long ago and learned it to be gentrification. First, it must go down, down, down, then the money comes to fix it up, and the poor, the crime, and the bad are pushed out. Why not skip the two decades of a cycle most go through if you can jump out early and find a paradise to start anew? Like the sun and earth, everything turns in cycles, just like us.

Just a thought project for your daydreaming to dabble with as you plan your life for after the coming days of transformations in societies worldwide.
If Wii, all the “I”s work to share our skills and encourage others to create incredible things instead of settling for “Walmart quality imports” as cheap alternatives. This applies to food, exercise, skillsets, and a means to make our dreams come true through hard, focused work by each of us. Hopefully, many working together in numerous tiny communities focused on a Pure Salvage Living Renaissance that respects the vessel, the home, our ancestors, and the children to be born for generations to come. Please help create such villages of hope and solutions near you too.

Brad w. Kittel
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