Who comes to save the day? You Do! Not WHO do if I have any say in the plan. No Global Control!

Who will lead the kids from the darkness if such is, like a time when the Light is hard to define, who will save the children, the elders from the crimes. Not WHO!


Wii are the army of humans who must step in to lead in a time when the leaders seem to be committing the greatest crimes. How do we stop the world from caving in all around but by becoming the examples of what to do to be better now? Do you want unelected leaders of the elite world to determine what freedoms you have in the future from Brussels or anywhere but your own country? There is a proposal that WHO, the World Health Organization, will be granted powers that will impact the entire world’s freedom to resist Vaccines or masks one day, according to the plan.

Yes, my dear friends who do not know, it’s up to us to become the force of Light that must Unite to Be that One that gives the kids the will to not give up, to Fight. To seek great solutions, cut paths through the jungles of discord and chaos with the coming times that may feel like a forest of darkness made up of ignorance and weak-willed, weak-minded people poisoned by food and drugs. Global populations are suffering as food gets more expensive and scarce. Lawbreakers wreaking havoc are growing in numbers all over the modern world. There are finally zombies living on the streets as if from the movies where the creepy things that make for horror flicks are real. This is a great reason to live and know why Wii were born to help save the children from becoming conformists to be like the Sheople masses. You see miracles from our near-death experiences to make you realize one day you will be a special girl or boy at any age to stand up to protect the freedoms of those who can not defend themselves and be the examples that give them hope and strength.

A grandma or grandpa is supposed to be the hero that will kick some big butt if you keep yours under control to teach kids how to care for the vessel you are obligated to honor, not obliterate into morbid obesity out of disrespect for the gift of life. ooops, channel a dash of heaven’s Light, but some won’t see it without the proof to know when what you hear, though harsh or it may hurt, still makes some wake up to the dangers of the TV and the media. Wii are the Light Brigade that will stand up for truth, for what is right, without killing all the others in the land. Unite as Light and communicate through the darkness that will feel like night, for the final battles are in the heads of man. Do you understand? Be the example of living right, in the Light of Love and natural freedoms, aging with grace, not disgrace.

Lead by Being incredible each day to pave the way for others to see what they would not believe is possible without knowing you. Be the inspiration to help others overcome the fear of failure or powers they think they can’t control. Life is full of possibilities that many never see due to distraction from the past or fearing what may come at last. Savor the moment, the journey instead, while knowing that you are on the right course if you read and learn as fast as the facts come to light so that you can be one of the leaders with sight. Use not just body but minds so they grow to be the best vehicle to live your life through. Imagine the moments you might create to improve the world so wii all celebrate a place that wii would want to get a chance to come back to and share in the paradise wii created in the past. Our future is formed in the days that wii live with a vision and dreams of a beautiful trend.

Do wii have to look old to be wise or is it wiser not to look old, instead youthful, virulent, able to be what the kids can not? The truth is in my head.

Peace and prosperity will follow bad times, and I pray that you thrive as you teach others to shine. Be the bright beacon of Light and Hope with the path to turning that into solutions to cope and build a new world when the old one gets broke. Be ready to Be there, where you can shine, lead, teach, and become “a part of the future.”

Can ChatGPT replace Mii at writing about sustainable building with salvage materials without good questions?

You can manipulate computer AI by the way you ask it to design a response, to answer as you want it to, like a magic trick, you can think beyond the computer’s logic to design answers you want.


Yikes, I have been replaced! Or have I? Who will ask the right questions and know if the answers are simply hallucinations, inadequate, or just plain wrong?

Yikes, ChatGPT took over my ability, and now I can not speak freely. What if I just use it instead of writing what is in my head? I will just chirp instead!

Suppose you simply let AI write your papers for school, or for that matter, answer your questions on life or science. In that case, you must be aware of the potential to get answers that may appear to include all the information or perspectives available but only solutions within the parameters of the way the question is phrased.

Here is my example with some pictures of salvage and salvage building results to enjoy as you consider that this is true but far from as complete as it will be when I design a better question to get more of the resulting answer, logic train, and other components that a properly wrought question can create.

If this is so, are there ways to manipulate the results of a question by how you interpret the intentional goals of the person designing the question? Are you aware of how this magic can be done to create questions that will lead to the answers you want logically and accurately, and yet still have much more that could be included and even alter the results if you know how to ask the question right? This means exclusive and inclusive details that become parameters in a question that can alter the results dramatically without being noticed until you see the differences. These are the nuances of Mass Media and narratives by marketers, con men, or governments that often fool people into thinking they have all the facts they need to make a rational and wise decision. The last few years have been full of these sorts of trick questions and answers that people need to learn to spot in order to understand what makes a good question and answer or be fooled more as AI takes on the mantle of Truth, even when it is just hallucinating.

So here is my experiment with the Chatbot that is getting all the attention these days, the lower level of it. I am sure the higher-level version will be better. It did not fully answer the question, nor did I think it did a thorough job at what it did answer. 6th grade answer in my grade book.

Chat question and answer time:

Write a treatise on the reasons 95% Pure Salvage building for tiny houses is sustainable for the following reasons, detailed with some statistics on the cost of newly made/created building materials based on energy required to create new glass for windows, new metal for all parts of hardware like door knobs, hinges, and for the cast iron sink, tub, or other metals used such as wire for electric or copper for plumbing. Wood is another item that is salvaged and used versus new wood so figure the cost to cut and process the wood for a new house’s average size now being 2500 square feet. Calculate the cost of the metal roof required to be mined, formed, and shipped to create a house as opposed to the cost reduced by using salvaged roofing which is thicker gauge and will still last as long as the new roof with a self-sealing 30 warranty underlayment. From me to chat


In recent years, the concept of tiny homes has gained immense popularity due to its sustainability and affordability. One of the most significant aspects of constructing tiny homes is the use of salvaged materials, which not only reduces the cost of construction but also has a positive impact on the environment. The 95% Pure Salvage building for tiny houses is sustainable for the following reasons:

  1. Reduced Energy Consumption: The construction of a new house requires a massive amount of energy to produce new building materials, such as glass for windows, metal for hardware, copper for plumbing, and wood for framing. According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the production of new building materials accounts for 11% of total energy consumption in the United States. By using salvaged materials, the energy required to produce new materials is significantly reduced, thus reducing the carbon footprint.
  2. Cost-Effective: The cost of construction materials has increased significantly in recent years, making it challenging for people to afford new homes. Salvaged materials are available at a fraction of the cost of new materials, making it an affordable option for constructing tiny homes. According to a report by the National Association of Home Builders, the cost of construction materials has increased by 60% over the past decade. In contrast, the cost of salvaged materials has remained relatively stable.
  3. Preservation of History: Salvaged materials have a unique history and character that cannot be replicated by new materials. The use of salvaged materials in construction not only preserves history but also adds to the aesthetic appeal of the tiny home. Salvaged materials such as reclaimed wood and antique hardware add a unique charm and character to the home, making it stand out from conventional homes.
  4. Reduced Waste: The construction industry generates a significant amount of waste, which contributes to environmental pollution. The use of salvaged materials reduces the amount of waste generated during construction, thus reducing the environmental impact. According to the EPA, the construction industry generates 534 million tons of waste annually, accounting for 40% of total waste generated in the United States.
  5. Durability: Salvaged materials are often of higher quality than new materials, making them more durable and long-lasting. For example, salvaged metal roofing is thicker gauge and has a self-sealing 30 warranty underlayment, making it more durable than new roofing materials. The use of salvaged materials ensures that the tiny home is built to last, reducing the need for frequent repairs and replacements.

In conclusion, the 95% Pure Salvage building for tiny houses is sustainable due to its reduced energy consumption, cost-effectiveness, preservation of history, reduced waste, and durability. The use of salvaged materials in construction not only benefits the environment but also adds to the unique character and charm of the tiny home. As the construction industry continues to grow, it is essential to adopt sustainable practices such as the use of salvaged materials to reduce the environmental impact and promote a more sustainable future.

What do you think, kids? Fun, fancy, creative? No pictures included. I added them.

The vultures of intellectualism await the carnage from the dumbing down of the world through fear, stress, and isolation sprinkled with misinformation and a determination to get the masses under some hypnotic control. AI might just do the trick.

Brad W. Kittel

So I asked a more in-depth question and reprimanded ChatGpt for being too simple. It apologized, to my surprise.
They tried to do better.

That was a 6th-grade level report. Very basic, Can you not do the more extreme extrapolations to show as I asked, how much energy is thus saved, approx. Calories of heat to create glass per sf for example, as a reference to the energy saved by not using new glass. Also, the savings on trees, old growth lumber that will outlast new lumber, and the longevity of the salvage-built houses due to their higher quality and not using cheap materials like sheetrock, vinyl, plastics, or composites but all salvaged materials. How much energy is saved by not having to make all those items to build with? How much toxic pollution is saved by not making the materials to build a house with? How much fuel is saved by not importing a single item from another country? If a salvage-built home with old-growth lumber can last for another hundred years as it did in use for the last structure, it will have 4-5 lifetime use compared to new tiny house-on-wheels mobile homes built in factories with materials that have a 7-15 year life.
Doesn’t that mean the salvage-built house will be four times more energy-saving by not having to reproduce it every 15 years like the new houses?
I apologize for the previous report’s simplistic nature. Here is a more detailed explanation of the energy and environmental savings associated with 95% Pure Salvage building for tiny houses:

Energy Savings: The production of new building materials requires a significant amount of energy. For example, the production of glass for windows requires approximately 6,000-8,000 calories of heat per square foot. In contrast, salvaged windows require no additional energy to produce, resulting in significant energy savings. If we assume an average tiny house size of 250 square feet, the use of salvaged windows alone could save approximately 1,500,000-2,000,000 calories of heat.
Similarly, the production of new lumber requires energy for harvesting, processing, and transportation. According to the US Forest Service, one acre of forest can produce approximately 2,000 board feet of lumber. If we assume an average tiny house requires approximately 500 board feet of lumber, then salvaging lumber from one-quarter acre of forest can supply enough lumber for one tiny house. This means that the energy required to harvest, process, and transport new lumber is saved, resulting in significant energy savings.

Environmental Savings: The production of new building materials also has a significant environmental impact. For example, the production of cement, which is used in concrete, is responsible for approximately 8% of global carbon dioxide emissions. The production of new lumber also contributes to deforestation, which has a negative impact on the environment.
Salvaged materials, on the other hand, have a significantly lower environmental impact. The use of salvaged materials reduces the amount of waste generated during construction and reduces the need for new materials, resulting in significant environmental savings. Additionally, the use of salvaged materials preserves historical resources and reduces the need for new resource extraction, further reducing the environmental impact.

Longevity: Salvaged materials are often of higher quality than new materials, resulting in more durable and long-lasting structures. For example, old-growth lumber is denser and more resistant to rot and insects than new lumber. Salvaged materials such as antique hardware and fixtures are also often of higher quality and can last longer than new materials.
The longevity of salvage-built homes means that they require fewer repairs and replacements over time, resulting in significant energy and environmental savings. If a salvage-built home can last for 100 years or more, as opposed to a new tiny home on wheels with a lifespan of 7-15 years, the energy and environmental savings associated with the salvage-built home are significant.

In conclusion, the 95% Pure Salvage building for tiny houses is a sustainable and environmentally friendly alternative to traditional construction methods. The use of salvaged materials results in significant energy and environmental savings, and the longevity of salvage-built homes means that they require fewer repairs and replacements over time.

The cost of producing corrugated roofing of the same thickness as the older stuff, double present standards, and the savings from not making hinges for doors, 8 lb cast iron weights 2 per window, and savings on the cost of the materials, which if salvaged, are free except for human energy, which if donated by the beneficiary of the wood and windows, doors, floors, and other parts, then gets the materials virtually for free. Given that factor, what would you estimate the savings in cost, on a ratio basis versus the cost using new materials, imports, and energy costs to do that.
The cost savings associated with 95% Pure Salvage building for tiny houses can be significant, especially when compared to the cost of new construction using imported materials and energy-intensive production methods.

The cost of producing corrugated roofing of the same thickness as the older stuff, double present standards, can be expensive due to the energy and resources required to produce the new material. In contrast, salvaged corrugated roofing can be obtained for free or at a significantly reduced cost, resulting in significant cost savings.

Similarly, salvaged materials such as hinges, cast iron weights, and other hardware can be obtained for free or at a significantly reduced cost, resulting in additional cost savings. When salvaged materials are donated by the beneficiary of the wood and windows, doors, floors, and other parts, the cost savings can be even greater.

Overall, the cost savings associated with 95% Pure Salvage building for tiny houses can vary depending on the specific materials used, the availability of salvaged materials, and the amount of human energy required to obtain and process salvaged materials. However, it is clear that the use of salvaged materials can result in significant cost savings compared to new construction using imported materials and energy-intensive production methods.

Tax-Time Sale to help you not fail to get your rightful write-offs by 2024 using Loopholology.

Drop appraisal on the new barn by 50% just for using Salvaged Materials to build it, for example. Write-off cost a Tiny Portable House in 10 yrs, not 30. No BnB tax if portable building in TX.


What are you looking to create for a home you can live in for a healthy life long, savoring the journey unlike the throngs of people in the cities, suburb farms?

So many could create tiny villages on land that stay in the family as a trust for those who will help care for the gardens, animals, and trees. The people who help watch when you are gone feed the critters and train the kids. Those are the people of the towns once upon a time, back when I was a kid, and perhaps you, my friends. But today’s kids know little of the villages that have gone away, lost by those who left to the big cities to find work, now wanting to go home. Where the heart is when wii get old is not the same as when wii were young. Our values run in cycles. The things wii want as kids are not the items on the list to grab and then take with us as wii downsize into smaller digs.

What will you take from the past you hold in your hands, your house, your old storage buildings, or your garage? Is it time to sell and know that if you let go, life will still be great to live, and you will have so much to give if you are not still paying for the stuff you collected, never look at anymore?

For hoarders, it’s a question, a collector you must see spent his life and passion for learning what few will see. Touch the things they gathered, they spent their money on and wondered how the Beanie Babies ever made it on the collector’s lists. Truly once wii see how our collections come to be the anchors that may hold us back from moving forward, as you know, they act as anchors with the home that holds your memories.

What happens when you pass into the realm where this is lost, left behind like dreams you had that you held on to gold or things that you did not want to leave when waking? Can you hold onto the true and final test that lets you see if you were dreaming or forming reality? What are you doing to prove you were here?

Create your Matrix floating in your head as a dream wii were sent to help manifest instead of all the distractions that can take your life and home. It is the power in your heart, the power in your head, the ability to feel with instinct, the Love and Truth instead of the takers and the cheaters, the liar’s words. Time to sell some of the past to pay the taxes for the future you dreamed of to materialize now. Do not wait for the proverbial tomorrow that never comes.

NOW I take some of my advice. SALE TIME TO PAY FOR THE TAXES ON THE LANDS AND LIFE. See anything you like? Contact Darby for an appointment to come pick out all you need for any size project, not just tiny.

Please consider as the world changes in such ways that each of us can lend a hand, clear another’s way, and give a chance to learn again, reestablish honor, and prove to those who wish to share, that there is a good and right path there. I will help fund you as wii all work together to put greater value in the things that wii have collected by turning them into functional artistic parts of our future. Preserve the evidence of our skills that our ancestors proved possible once wii focus our imagination and human energy. Set yourself free and help others see the benefits of salvaging a home, a life, a future out of what appears to be spent resources, humans who have no value because they look like broken houses, barns, and stores closed due to conditions beyond their control.

Let us “Save Our Salvage”, and create a respectful example of a future that honors past work and achievements that wii can not match. See the beauty and preserve it so that our grandchildren can see what can be rather than the cheap Walmart stuff that “is cool” instead. Honor the handmade of past and present that hold a sense of pride and human energy within their construct that no robotics can duplicate. At least not for now.

Thank you for considering contacting us for parts and pieces to create your tax haven, your dream paid for with a write-off for you or those you love who need them and want to support your growing your business. HOW about building organic cottages that are import and toxin-free? If you can get the backing and the chance to turn taxes into income for you and the family, don’t hesitate to get in touch with me to see how Wii can help.

Subscribe to support us and get your plans, answers, advice, consulting, and even someone to direct your crew from afar or bring them here to learn in a seminar if you get a package of parts and a custom-made SpaceMagic plan to take away and create your fantasy land like Salvage, Texas. Make a plan, check with Trinity, and come to take away a dream or two. See below the pay line for getting in touch and getting started now.

[email protected] to learn about getting a Pure Salvage Outpost Co-op near you for your tribe to thrive too. 830-675-2500 to leave a message or perhaps talk to a human.

“Which came first, the dream or the drawings, the house or the man? It was the dream that never ends!” Darby Lettick

“Be Your Dreamweaver both day and night, for it takes both to get it right!” Darby Lettick living a life to Exemplify what is possible by Being Phenomenal.


MAY 1, 2023

First, there was the word, the frequency of vibration that forms the membrane that makes life possible for the avatar that will live there. Does a word need a voice? Will a thought not do to create a sound too? It just depends upon the medium of ether you choose. Life is a beautiful miracle of rivers running through membranes some think of as brains that are anything more than a Spirit in a bag. 

A thought needs no matter, nor a source you can see, for thought is a form of complex frequency. When you know what the truth is, neither chicken nor egg matters much anymore, but the source of them both is the fuel for my joy. 

Thanks for the spur of inspiration.

Looking through the window in the Matrices Wii share
as the world watches Facebook and Youtube control the air
that they have on every screen you see
with their logos sure to show.

Watch the people finally stand for what is right,
not what is planned.

See them finally take control
and cancel out the plans to crash the world.

Happy days ahead,
but there will be some dead before it’s through.

I pray it is not you who would do what it takes.

To get this straight the next time too.

Some of us will do.

Others talk and screw you.

Be part of the Wii who do believe in Truth and Transparency,

the right to Be Me

and you Be You,

but not to kill ff too.

Let us find that window in the matrix others seek to control

and let the fresh air into our minds.

Let us see the truth to know.

Do not control the screens wii see but let us speak

and feel free to praise our Lord on one knee,

quite naturally, not poked and poisoned,

on one knee for all the wrong reasons instead.

Please stop the madness when you see the crazy people on their knees

Pretending that it will change the past instead of doing what will last.

Help make solutions come to be,

not burn the best of those that Wii

still need to run small businesses

instead of big box stores w “deadheads.”

Please consider this as you plan to thrive

not just stay alive,

by saving treasured lands and ways

To live organically so that our children can live free.

Blessings to your journey and the treasures you may find,

but also for perspicuity

so as to know which choice is wrong.

Savor the moments,

Cherish the chance

to be the great Light

that leads others from the Dark.

Darby Lettick

Ghostwriter, Earth Sculptor, & SpaceMagic Designer

Preview of a book that leads to creating salvage organic cottages & communities to thrive in after 2023.

I believe that locality, the talent to build skills, artistic ingenuity, & things other than the UN should determine how most of US live. Sharing, preserving, honoring, & respecting community.

Tiny Texas Houses Newsletter

I have been working on the edits for what I hope will be the beginning of a series of books on How to become a Salvage Miner, Builder, Hunter, or community. The Pure Salvage Living Rennaissance is about to take off as imports and toxins that are part of the past 50 years of construction standards are proving to be out of touch with the reality of the generations needing housing, the ability to grow food in the community, to have codes that do not violate nature and village for the sake of corporate profit from afar. Big Box stores do not create benefits for the people but instead addict them to the cheap, disposable everything mentality that is trashing the world. The people who use all the products with plastic are killing nature.

So what do Wii do? Change the way wii lives each day. Our village or community is supposed to work together, but some are violators, and thus there is conflict. How the people deal with the coming social collapse of technology, economy, weather, and money will be historic. Some will thrive, and others wish they were not alive, but the world will continue. Mankind, that is up to us, all the “I”s of the planet that can form a plan, a future after the governments transform as they will soon do, the digital currency being a Red Line, will separate the society in many ways. Some will go underground entirely, others willingly tracked through digital privilege and granted access to funds based on social scores or more. It amounts to the ultimate control, like Nigeria is learning, or use FB for examples.

Excerpt: “Some of the best solutions are the simplest ones. I want to share realizations and lessons learned while pioneering a proven ideology for building tiny organic houses. The research and 75+ examples of what could be done with 95% Pure Salvage materials using Space-Magic designs focused on transforming what the public sees as trash into sustainable Art Housing. This genre of Salvage Built Tiny Texas Houses has 100% American-grown, harvested, and processed trees for the lumber. Most of the trees were cut down and sliced up for use decades ago, in many cases, over a century.”

Onward through the fog on a sunny day. Mists of Avalon that are supposed to burn off somehow stay. The final battle will be in the minds of men blinded by the fog of war that takes over their heads. Prepare for March surprises, weather like none you have ever known, for it is not just human forces changing patterns, as will show. Disclosure and transparency are the chance for those who want to see and thus prepare for the change to stay free. Education is key to see what is possible nearly for free. Here is another page from what could be a book. Interested in getting a copy to share with those interested too?

What are you seeing in the year ahead? Hopefully, opportunity instead of dread. I pray you know that wherever you go, your skills will help you when you need a home and see parts to grow so that you can build what it takes to thrive, even if alone. Better a community, unity in common, communication based on honor, and families who want to live organically, not in the city.

Our Mission”

We are promoting the merits of Pure Salvage Building techniques by creating real-life habitats that prove these designs, construction techniques, and principles can be applied throughout the country. We intend to make Tiny Houses that demonstrate without doubt:

 That we can build healthy houses
 Out of 95% Pure Salvage
 with a negative Carbon Footprint, well below 0
 Energy Efficient for life
 We can build them to last for more than a century
 Build to naturally ventilate for cooling
 Build to stay warm with minimal heating
 No formaldehyde
 Minimal plastics (electrical, wiring, plumbing)
 Minimal vinyl or PVC
 No sheetrock,
 No VOC paints,
 No Latex Paint
 No carpet,
 No toxic glues inside
 Off-Grid capable
 Built to be permanently portable
 99% American harvested resources (trees, metal ores, etc)  99% American-made parts (hardware, sinks, doors, etc)
 No intentional built-in obsolescence
 Minimal maintenance over a century-plus projected lifetime proves that 100% Built-in America is possible or in the country or origin when available.

Sharing salvaged materials for disaster zones is the next demonstration needed to prove this concept works and morphs as needed.

We have succeeded and proven it can be done and done well.

Quoted from book by:

Brad W. Kittel

Homestead away, kids. Dreams foster searching for the means prepared by intention and ready when you take action. Human energy and intensity alter the future of our world. Be a part of manifesting destiny. Wii can all share the Dream of creating in Union, communicating in so many ways around the world instantly, if free to do so. That is indeed the condition necessary for prosperity. Stay Free thinking, doing what few thought of before you arrived to figure out the solutions where you are now. Savor the Days or Daze if you prefer, but do the most positive things you can while you are here.

Read a draft, help craft the Quantum Story of the Pure Salvage Living Rennaissance with Mii. Please share this gift of ideas and skills with others who might be happy to see. The best gift for your lowest price for your support and subscription is knowing Wii can help each other be prepared to create with treasures at our fingertips. Perspicuity is the Key.

Brad W. Kittel
[email protected] for real people, not spam

Salvage, Texas still holds the prototypes, the materials to create hundreds more in warehouses, and hopefully, sent out across the planet to create more Pure Salvage Living Rennaissance-based communities soon. Thank you for being so supportive over the last 20 years of pioneering tiny organic, sustainable cottage and hOMe building.

How many tiny houses can you fit into a 40′ long semi-truck trailer or container? 1-10 Dream Oms?

What size houses? How many windows, doors, or decors for yours? At least 4 but easily more w/ SpaceMagic design, the right intentions for community, miracles combined: Dreams come true.

Tiny Texas Houses Newsletter

51 min ago


Pick a design, the parts, and then send it off to you so that you can create a tiny house organic and sustainable too. The community this is intended to free is from imagination and dreams by you. Help me to make them reality through what our Unity can do.

Miracles in a box that I will send around the world to bring new life to a vision for many communities that can come to be with the right windows, floors, and more practically free. Yes, doors of opportunity that will bring much joy, but also seeds of what Wii can do if wii just Unite Beings One and All. First, to share the treasures of the past that are abundant here and show how this can create a clear and easy path for all. In the processing of the past into a future wii can show what can be created from the salvage of what our ancestors did grow. This is to prove that wii waste too much; the best of treasures go unseen or touched into a dumpster, landfill, or much worse, burnt down to ashes for some new construction, road, or parking lot, for a highrise being all wii got with the best stuff thrown away.

If I can help a thousand people start the villages to keep this thought that wii can save the world’s past to put into new forms that honor it instead of killing the lifetimes of work that are instilled in statues, art forms throughout houses, buildings, barns, and thus give us a chance to create from the past a future with parts that will last. NO outgassing chemicals or killing new trees, or the pollution that goes with making new parts to create our homes; use the great parts more than once. This was the way it once was done, to take the parts of what was to form the future so the kids would know through stories that would always go with them. A corbel from a mansion, a railing from a train, a ladder from a firetruck all combined to soon create an amazing house for a master suite, created from all salvage sweet. Stained glass windows, Indian Teak cabinets, and so much more can be combined, so all adore the structure; though it is Art, is more, its a home you can life in for a lifetime in store, in fact, many more.

Why not consider becoming a daydreamer and forming the future today? Take what you envision and write down everything you need to create a good start. Shall wii create one or three examples to be what you need to get it off the ground? Can you find the good friends and the people this depends on to be the successes I choose? If you can, just send me the ideas so I can see if Wii could unite in the end to get this to you through the loopholes that rule what can ship and get past all the hoops. The cost of the shipping, the loading, and giving $1,000 to pay for the last that it takes to get this sent from my warehouses to you is the thing that must be figured out to be sure that you can do the part that you need. Just to get it to there with a plan you can share and the proof you are truthful, thus freed. Please let me know soon if this is a plan you can use for the people you have close to you who are dreaming and willing to do the work, giving money and support to help you to do what will benefit all. Help mii send out the seed for many gardens of dreams where the future can thrive with the housing for the life that you envision and soon not just dream, but build and fulfill the calling if you will, and thus help mii get these gifts to those I find.

This is what I offer to some dreamers far and wide. These metal boxes will contain the parts it takes to start again, salvaged from the dreams of men who lived a hundred years in them. Windows that have seen a few lifetimes of people who looked out through sand melted to glass by kids who dug the coal from mines and melted it to form the finds that wii will send to you, the windows to the world that keep the weather out it’s true, are still good for a few hundred years if you can, to be the homes for many to begin, to build from trees cut way-back-when, a future for the dreams they have and work on actively to form the future for the kids who will be born while this gift is crossing the seas. I pray the message reaches those from whom I hear the pleas; this is the best empowerment I can offer that they need the means to create houses, and chapels where the people meet to build a future salvaged from the past with their human energy. Please share, get involved, and find the places to create so that one day this quantum story will be shared far and wide as fate would have us do this soon or I fear it is too late to reverse the trends of technology and wasting the best to date.

Thank you for your time and help, you sharing could be quite great for a writer who will celebrate a story that won’t be erased by anyone who knows that it is the product of our thoughts that lives and always grows. Dialogue and helping others see where they are blind give them the resources that they may not easily find and empower them to create the solutions anyone may need to find happiness through the unity that communication brings. Let us share with open hearts and honor truth above all things so that wii, the “I”s that make up the world, can finally agree. Wii, as One great World of Beings who care for the best for all, will find a balance in which Wii can share the middle road. Simpler living with respect for all who share the Earth will get us more by far than any war and finally set us free to find peace on a planet that has been cursed due to hate and greed. Can that be put to bed at last, I suspect Wii soon will See.

Wii, Trinity and Mii, hope to hear from you and perhaps even see you on our world tour to help design, build, and create from seeds a quantum story that includes you too. Thanks for your help, reading these long posts, and helping us by getting a subscription for a little bit to thus create the solutions for us all. Please contact us at [email protected] to get more information or make a contribution through such paths as wii may have for friends who wish to show support but also get some benefits. Lots of plans and house parts to at discounts that help us and you to do the thing each has to do to help make all our dreams come true.

Imagine Shifting a million bd ft of wood, 1,000s of doors, miles of hand-blown glass & miles of trim, going to where?

“Ideally this proved potential for hundreds of tiny cottages, handmade originals that last for a lifetime, can be portable to move with a trailer when needed then take the trailer away!”

Built the proof that Salvage Works to create great houses.

Tiny Texas Houses Newsletter

All things must end, though their time may vary, memory creates the story that will inevitably come to its natural end. Tiny Texas WareHouses amputated next as Brad is back and the business will be dismantled before he gets to leave again. Darby has Salvage, Texas going great with Trinity hosting the Fantasy adventures of our guests from around the world. More tiny organic cottages will be added to Salvage, Texas… Dragon’s Lair Canyon and the food jungle surrounding Miracle Mountain and Waldon Pond will take most of their time and many ponds, critters, and nurturing so other dreams must be put to rest

Sometimes the best things in life are born into our world to alter the course of many, not just us, for fatherhood changed me, and losing it even more 24 years later. Life is a miracle. Please help create TinyBabyHouses.com for them. Toxin-free for Mii, please. He suffered from vaccines that damaged him in life, sugar from a mother who thought Cokes were good for infants, and other such things..
One of the last pictures with a smile as a child… anger and pain replaced the smile for decades, and decades. Adam brought my smile back, then love which was lost too. Now, what do I do to share and pass that smile to others who will need one soon? My mother always joked that if retroactive abortions were possible, I would never have reached this age. Let us save other kids from mothers of such sorts.

Hopefully a major vintage lumber player and architectural dealers will be able to parse out the millions in lumber, doors, windows, and hardware unlike any other collection in America. The locations in Gonzales and Luling may well be emptied in that case rather than seeing another entity merge with Tiny Texas Houses and the massive warehouses, but regardless, the chance to get any smaller packages of materials, a semi load or ten, for if it is up to me. Most of it will not be run by Brad in 2023, for that time is past to have employees and pay to be taken advantage of once more.

Do tell your family and friends if you are serious about getting real wood, not the big box of white speed grown woods to create beautiful quality sized healthy sustainable houses instead of toxic box to call home, village, or community one day.

I began Tiny Texas Houses to prove what is possible using 95% salvaged materials to build sustainable energy-efficient houses that could be ported to the paradise that others might be making in the world. Some went as far away as the Badlands in the north of the USA, others to Oklahoma, Ohio, and all over Texas. After more than 75 different designs, from as small as 10’x10’ to as large as 12×30 with a giant loft, they form a collection of examples of what is possible, can be beautiful, and profitable to create. The goal was to inspire millions of others to consider this alternative to the big sheetrock boxes that have become the homes of today, many with nothing more than laminated paper-thin layers of wood over particle board with glues that outgas chemicals in the house. Real wood with character or color naturally is becoming hard to find in new houses, let alone wood floors and cabinets that are not created using chemicals and processes that will take years to outgas and finally make for safe habitat.

Now, as I set about dismantling the business entity and rare assets, it is good to review the purpose and motivation behind concepts and ideas that people create, nurture, and then watch die… if they live that long.

Many people do not consider how many life hours are invested into every incredible dream that is realized through hard work and a life of dedication. What drives people to do the work, to create the solutions to problems is often the money to be made from such business endeavors but some of us do it because it needs to be done, to be demonstrated by example as possible, not just to talk about how it could be done.

Not a raven but a vulture waits upon the window of my life. Like the many houses such as a matriarch named Lilly who was born long ago, raised the kids on the ranch and went on to Heaven. Decades later the generations reclaim their heritage and memories by saving what is left to build their future for their kids from a past they are proud of, though simple hard-working folks. It is from such work and seminars, people learn how to salvage mine, then salvage build. This was the house that grandma lived in so very long ago that we salvaged for the wood to make the new Aunt Lilly to be proud and hold their family one more time, brought back to life somehow.

The people who prove it can be done are not necessarily the ones who will determine through building codes and other means, forcing the people to use the global corporation designated methods of building that force people to use their products rather than such alternatives as I have proven is possible, saving the materials of the past to create the future instead of destroying the last of the virgin forests in the world to ship to America and other richer nations for their construction projects.

Please consider the salvage mining and salvage building models I have written on, created tutorials, and videos, and hopefully gave others what they need to be inspired to save more.

Build more from the treasures that will never be replaced if thrown in the landfill or burned, left rot, or die wasted. Instead, the ancestors built without credit but instead with blood, sweat, and tears to raise big families through drought and storms. I believe there is an energy in memories, heritage, and history that should not be forgotten or thrown away. I hope the examples I created as House Art will be enough to prove that 95% salvage building is possible, beautiful, and lasts a lifetime instead of 7-10 years before obsolescence as planned by manufacturers these days.

The Writers Cottage was one of my favorites, a shower on the upper deck and commode where no one could see you but you could see the Texas Hill Country 200 feet above the waterfall in Hunt Texas.

May your days of salvaging and building our future without imports and toxins for kids to breathe in due to the modern materials and tiny toxic box on wheels fad that too so many to RV financing Hell… loans much bigger than the value of trailer houses on wheels that many will suffer health problems with and never even know the cause of respiratory, weight, migraines, and attention deficit from poor sleep and lack of fresh air. So are lessons learned hard, evidence gathered and a new way of creating housing evolves. I hope more take this path to escape homelessness or being home-bound by the cost of the house, taxes, heating, maintenance, and cooling, all costs, and a burden that forces people to keep working at jobs that are killing them with stress. The irony of the modern world grows daily. I tried many paths to teach, but few were attended well.

Blessings to your Dayz as you savor the journey knowing the future can change in a day, a 14-inch rain, thousand-year floods all over the USA in the same few months as we approach a winter that will stun and kill the optimism that still holds as the denial of bigger forces at work than man’s CO2 production, cow farts, and pollution, this is much bigger cycles that have occurred before. Prepare to change, and please, consider salvage to build with after the floods, storms, tornados, hurricanes, and landcanes (hurricane-level winds and storms in the middle of the country). It will not get better for 7 years so hold on, salvage and build with wood inside, and metal outside given the roofing metal helps stop radiation, heat, hail, and other such things, even 5G if that is a concern, consider the less expensive alternative siding, salvaged roofing at 50 cents a square foot for example.

Going Out of Business Sale! There will never be a better sale for building materials than this! Fast, amazing wood, parts, & prices. Going Out of Business Sale!

Yes, a blowout fills up your truck and trailer, one price takes as much as you can carry out of the warehouses by the truckload only. Yes, semi, gooseneck, lowboy, load priced by the size of the vehicle.

One Week Only…. August 22- August 30th, 2022 Sale is for lumber, windows, doors, flooring, siding, beaded wood, knot free trim, sashes with handblown glass, cypress wood screens, limits on quantities per customer of certain items and many high end premium items exclude from this insane nearly giveaway sale but there will be $8,000,000 worth of inventory sorted through to sell for sale and 80% will be available until target of %600,000 in sales is met. If met prior to the stated sale date, the sale will End then… no more notice needed but a new article just like this, published here. All visitors to sight will have to sign liability waivers for injury or incidents so as to not bear Tiny Texas House, Brad Kittel or anyone else responsible. Site has issues in areas and you will need to bring your own crew to load out at these prices. Deposits position your selection spot in line, first come get the best stuff but others may not even want that category so they not take what you want early. Once the sale has reached its goal, sale stops!

Brad W. Kittel

Salvagor, designer, TinyTexasHouses.com creator and now liquidator.

512-636-6756 for more serious inquiries only.

[email protected] for more serious inquiries only.

Tiny Texas Houses Newsletter

Imagine filling your trailer with $15,000 in wood, windows, doors, and more for $5,000. You might get more on that truck and trailer. If a bigger gooseneck that can haul 8,000 which could be several thousand square feet of flooring, or windows, doors, trim, cabinets, stairwells, 1×12 Long Leap Pine, beaded wood, and you will have enough on a single load to build a tiny house or two.


This is a very time-constrained offer. Put the money up, secure your slot to come and wander through 80,000 sf of warehouses crammed full of the biggest collection of architectural antiques available for a sale like this in the world. Yes, it is crazy. You will have to sign a waiver so if you hurt yourself loading, you pay for your injuries as you may try to carry out more than you can handle in your glee. Please consider you must bring your own crew to load all your stuff at that price, but it will be worth it.

If you are interested in filling your truck and trailer, even a semi-truck 52 foot long, we have more than 100 semi-loads available for immediate delivery, first come, first served. I will be taking the deposits and letting the buyers in based on the first come first served and $30,000-$50,000 semi loads depending on the size, with first preference over all others. In the past, customers like Bass Pro shops were able to get $100,000 of product into a single semi.

This is one of the many teams that trained to salvage houses over the years with us. Hundreds of hands have helped gather these materials from houses all around Texas, but also parts from Chicago, St. Louis, Lincoln Nebraska, Buffalo Ny, and other places as far away as India. Come get your part of an incredible stash and build a village, a monument, a tiny house or two. Just please, help me get it to the people who want it and have a dream. Your sharing will really count this time, your clicking like, and all the things to get this out, please help me give many this opportunity and finally finish this 6 year battle with the predatory banks that appear close to winning if I do not come up with a plan this month. Devil at the door.

YOU? Stuff your box trailers, your open flatbeds, your box trucks, on price, as much as you can fit safely and drive away with. $5,000 truck with regular 16-18’ trailer, $10,000 truck w big trailer, , $15,000 goosenecks Dbl dually would get 10,000 lbs of wood at 3lbs to the board foot heaviest weight. So this is very time-limited, one week from today, the 22nd of August until the 30th of August.

This will allow most people to cut the cost to build a tiny house down to $5,000 in materials to do a really cool cottage all in wood, not shitrock. It will let some who want to build an entire village be able to get that too, a semi load should be about 4-5 houses. This is that rare opportunity in life, time-restricted for this brief period when I will empty most of the stuff from that 65,000 sf building so as to tear it down next for the half million in structural grade Long Leaf Pine beams, 2×8 floor joists 20’ long and other wood as well as 80,000 sf of tin to come down next.

This is one of two rope pull pre-1900 freight elevators I have with all the parts but the wood will need replacing for those wanting a three-story elevator for feed, seed, and people pulled up on a giant rope, no have rope but they still make great Hemp Rope for this baby. Very few left in State of Texas. One is from Shiner Mill and the other from Yorktown Texas Mill with the auto-brake too. RARE INDEED and not on the All-YOU-Can-Carry SALE!
Thousands and thousands of SF of Long Leaf Pine, Cypress, and many over 12″ wide, long stock, rough sawn, batches galore, far more than will sell during this week and then storage is free and for mii, Sale Ends. Time to load out and then see what is left. May take a year or two. So get in on this one or too bad for YOU!

Thank you following Tiny Texas Houses over the years and as we dismantle it and sell it off, I do hope many of the followers over the years will share and help me get this to the people rather than see it all wasted. I am done, the battles I needed to win, I lost.

Please contact [email protected] to get your name on the list if interested and be sure to move fast as I am done selling at this package price when we hit $600,000 and after that we will see what is left for the future.

Blessings to your day. I will say this, humbly, if there was ever a time when sharing and caring could help, this is it. FB will do their best to shutter this and I imagine the world will hardly notice the disappearance of all I have done if this last plan to sell off things to stop the predatory bank that has lied, cheated, and done all they could to kill my business and my dreams off. They have it appears, succeeded.

Brad w. Kittel [email protected] for more information, scheduling, and other items of interest not included in the sale… museum grade antique builders hardware collection at $150,000 to pick out of or buy the entire package. Rare and hard to find thousands of pieces of high-grade builders hardware from the last two centuries.

Forgive me if I seem abrupt at times with some who want to take still more.

It is hard to put a horse down you have raised since born from your imagination as a kid of 30 years old or more. Having ridden that horse for decades, with a goal on the far side of reality, a place few dared to venture, and across many a chasm no other horse would go, nor the rider who coached him to believe that they could do it. Then one day they get old and fall just enough short that the horse is ripped from between my legs, the saddle falling with my horse into the jagged canyon, never to be brought back up as I pulled myself up to the safely of flat ground from the trees I caught on the edge as I tried to hold him with my thighs and feet. I could not do it and though I have made it to the far side of the longest canyon I may ever reach, having lost my faithful steed that had given me so much strength and hope. As he fell, the parts of him ripped and stressed, I cried, knowing jumping in after my faithful steed would do no good. Finally I realized I must move on and thanked his spirit as it rose from below with all the love I could have for a dream made real then lost in time. Thus is the story and epitaph of the steed I called TTH, Tiny Texas Houses where his stall and memories for now live strong, but in time will fade away as I move on across my new plateau exploring what I still may do but lonely, lost, without my trusty steed, no more chasm ever so great to leap again. Savor the journey, the end may not be what you expected.

Darby Lettick

Chief Wibblizer


If Wii were to create the villages some say it takes to raise great children… what will that entail?

It starts w sustainable tiny houses grouped together so there is lots of ground to grow food on, to nurture & to care, for humans & other Beings to share.

Tiny Texas Houses Newsletter

60 min ago


It is a pity that FB will not let all see the many ways to Be Free at last, regardless of your past, new villages, a chance to grow a fresh tribe that will let you know you have a place to call you hOMe, a place where your heart, and prayer are possible without persecution. Peace comes from the community, from having the support and love, the unity of communing with others to accomplish a greater dream than any one of us can create, manifest, and gift to the generations that follow.

It takes a village to raise a child, to have the gardeners, musicians, and more, the people who would raise the children if the parents went to war. Life is changing fast, but not as fast as in the past before when they did not know the storms were coming, did not have the satellites, but also did not have the War Machines that crank out day and night. Imagine what the world could be if somehow Wii could plant the seeds and change thee way the future goes by raising kids who will be told.

By what Lights do you shine or cast a shadow on the lands, time, and society. It is the Light from within that will leave the greatest marks, indentation, impressions that will last for lifetimes in a quantum story you can each create. Join me in the coolest of Lights.

Don’t hide for life and then disclose, like Santa you make fools of those who did believe until the end that Santa was a real person and he brought the gifts for being good, when really its the first lie that proves you a fool. Please understand the distractions from the presents and the Tree, the party, the way they are sure you don’t See.

Wibblry is for Wubbers who can see and understand, but I don’t think the fantasy will ever end. Be Free to share so Wii can grow all of the people who will want to know the truths that soon will be disclosed. Then Wii will make progress, the kind that will show. I only got to imagine how fast some things go for the people who control them have the keys don’t you know. But your body, your temple, your vessel to love, that has the motor that does the most good


I will propel you to places no bike can yet go, and give you a power than no motor can show. YOU are the great power if you use it you Know… but few have the keys to their own and it shows. It is not until fully built, over 50 years old that you can crank up the motor and idle, go slow.

By 62 you can let it go and see by 66, that the gift of life and wisdom, the time it takes to learn how to ride a bike so powerful at speed most fear, but clear… you can handle it and more for you built the vessel pure.

Please understand, the body is your best machine that you will ever have. Motor, tires, fuel, and direction, operating at speed that few can hold, I pray you do the best you can to Light the Way as no others can.

Exemplify what Wisdom is, adventures turned into the things that other kids will look and see are worth the fighting for. Live your life to defend the Truth, be the Light for all the Youth, not just the reason to be uncouth and act like idiots due to YOU… the teachers who are reaping what do by not teaching kids how to fix this mess too.

It is not the jewels or 3 piece suit, the haircut or the car. Tis not the house that makes a hOMe, it is your very heart.

Please help salvage the best from our past to create a future built from community up, small businesses create all the jobs when ingenuity sets in and this time, all get the rewards as businesses grow instead of a few at the top.

Transparency will bring great changes soon, but wars will likely happen, even if it looks like the enemy comes from the Moon, Uniting our World is what Wii must do. Prepare for disclosure and at least a war in the sky at an open theater near you thanks to drone technology and our ability to create a screen with Chemtrails that now has been proved to look like whatever the theaters have too.

Ready for the I-Maximus of the Sky-Maximus projectors? Oh boy. some will be so surprised they will think it is real. “Hallaluya” and “Horray”, spelt wrong for a reason to say… Be Aware of technologies ready to go that will change what you think is real from all that you know.

Brad and Darby sharing

Just for grins, my new post wins special attention from the FB Goons…

That look like shots across the bow, or perhaps rubber bullets shot into the sky, Why?

So what does a house package look like some ask? Could I build a whole village? Depends on drafts of dreams.

I want how many some will say but not $o much if you build it away, then $hip it to $ome other $tate! Then, ship 3 on 1 truck, could one think but build in your state?

Tiny Texas Houses Newsletter

2 hr ago

I am not prone to liking losing battles but
understand it must be done to win a war. Pieces in Chess get lost, I
play chess well by the way if any of you like the game.

Time is the thing that separates the past opportunities and the present situation that offers you more if ready. If not, things do not line up, those who say they will be there may not as you try to put together your community or cause. Please keep pushing and letting those who think like you join with you instead of giving up or depending on those who may never come through,

Here is a scenario of what can happen in the communication if your dreams are not clear, so you can see the opportunity when it appears:

See the whole version of the Vesper Casa on film, rare footage of a great house. How much for what kind of house package?

I realize real estate agents, lawyers, and family become part of any equation that influences what you pick for land to plan to grow, and that all being tied up
stopped it cold in the water. As for the rest of the things outlined
above, nothing, not a note, proposal, or draft was sent to Someone Else to be
able to pass along apparently, no fault of hers, and it is not fair to
express my disappointment in that after being given the impressions
the proposals with land, this way or that, and what can be done in the
meantime to make the sales and buy the note out, regardless of
discount, and I do not care about the money you can make, a half a
million just on that proposition, a couple would have netted you $3
mill, without the land or bank being an issue because I paid all that
off with the deposits on orders I have gone out to hunt instead as
none came from any of your team to Someone Else to pass along.

What is a house materials package to you?
How big is your dream? Does it include more than you?
How many, what size, and what will each do?

Let us say one guy who wants 30 or whatever 60 houses only had to say they
would be Vicky Two or Blue Moon sized average windows and doors,
style, etc as packages that could be used to create 6 Retreat or Big
Brother-sized examples I spent a decade creating for you to use for
examples of what a house package can be. It is never the exact same
parts, windows, doors, etc. Maybe for 15 houses created out of common-looking single pane double hung sashes.

So if that is not enough, I told you I have plans like the Cowboy
Cabin sent plans, and sent shots of the actual building plans for
three sizes which would be three house packages used to create a big,
medium and tiny house at 12×12 being the smallest with kitchen and
bath. Will you build it on-site or try to ship it to you from a site in Gonzales where that is what you could do?

Included is an example as spelled out in articles and propositions,
three houses packaged configured to create different instead of three
all same size 12 x 20. 12+20+26 =58 linear feet of houses with lofts
to stand and sleep in… for your example uses the extra two feet for
more features or aspects of spice and flavor. All for $15,000 as it
takes three packages without the framing lumber included that.
YOU can not sell that? Wow! To ship them costs more than the labor to build them. Better build closer you learn as you go. This is 28; long at most, 14’6” tall but has it all. This can be done with two of the packages combined into one, with porches and all of the posts, ain’t that fun?

NO imports, toxins, or trees cut for this to become a piece of art that people can live in for lifetimes to share what Wii could thus start. Will they listen? Will they See? That was the greatest question for Darby. Perhaps not it turns out that after 75 examples of what could be done are wrought. This is Big Brother
This is his Little Sister and they share it with the Blue Gambrel, all could be created on Three House packages but the trick is only if you buy them by the 10.

Alone these packages will run $15,000 to $25,000 when they start selling with plans again, if the people who can run the next generation of Outposts so as to build them locally, where you need them now… and not spend $10,000 shipping down the road.

So if I give a package of ten, you make 9, three sets of these, or the
Kidd, Gingered Swann, Vicky One, Vicky Too, Blue Moon, Ark, and Red
Mascot with the Bathhouse too. NOT good enough a deal for any of
you… What else am I to do?… build it for you too? Do that to make
these examples, not words, to show your builders from anywhere in the
world on a laptop or phone. NO takers. Well, I understand, and thank you
for your great efforts and intentions.

Inside with the wood, not Shitrock, particle board, nor imports too.

As for results over the months of working with Princes, Kings, or greater clans, and others you know not off with similar action after great words and promise, lost
in time somewhere behind me. As I look forward to the week ahead, as
if in the end, I was dead, I still must get the tasks attended to which
I thought at one point your group would help me do but the clock ticks
fast, I do so as I do believe holy in what I do.

Sorry to share that I do care and will be there when you all get to
the point you know what you want to do but until then, I am leaving
that broken chain of nothing accomplished thus nothing said
relationship knowing it is not a place with people I will not visit or
do business with, but who I will not expect to receive a single word
back from unless something happens, they can report on.
In the meantime, I will quit trying to keep you informed of the
propositions that I am making and some are taking to help do what I
can do before you all are able to decide what you will do soon, one
day, tomorrow, and such because for now, you are all busier than
anyone can be and give 100% to any one thing.

Focus is hard and takes great sacrifice to accomplish incredible things fast. I will survive and thrive as I attempt one more time to inspire others to respect the
Spirits coming and doing what needs to be done now, not someday. They are
on their way only months from arrival, a Legion of Light No One
understands I came, with others, to unlock and insure their success as
the leaders of the future, trained as warriors with the heart, the
Sword of Love, the willingness to sacrifice all for the betterment of
those who will follow.

Life is but an ongoing fantasy Wii create by what wii the people tolerate… mass media and dictates are for fools, and many now awaking, who are wondering and shaking at the things that those with Bibbson seem so determined now to do. Blessings to your struggles with the issues yet ahead and in your head. Things like the Schumann and other invisible forces instead.

My job is just beginning though it took a life
of preparation and trust me, I am very close to a Jesus, with a
personality and laugh, with a wicked sense of humor, and more who are
here for the work our Father sent us to do willingly.
If it were up to me, the cleansing will be thorough, and the results
lasting for a millennium full of knowing the cycle of the Yugos and other
clockwork of God is simply cycling upon which Wii build again and again
throughout the cosmos and eternity. Your view is different, you
memory and perspective perhaps more limited by the hours with eyes
open that are not spent viewed at the speeds I do.
I appreciate that humans for the most part are thus inclined to
distraction instead of genius and hope to change that in the coming
dawn of the Age of Aquarius now full-on, the transition is the time of
Shiva the Destroyer before the Angels take on rebuilding what is best
to become better every time. All things decay due to the Golden Rules of
Powers that Corrupt absolutely then societies and empires fall to the One to form again with those who survive.

Let us form a great new beginning. Doubt this is the ending and you
simply can not see the near future well.

Savor your days.
much love.

Darby Lettick

Chapter 8 of 30 in August of 2022