Watching a crazy world from the inside of the Tv. Wow! Know that the veil is thin and you will be watching the show regardless of which side you are on, no matter. You ought to be working on out of body travel, getting used to being without the flesh again but still connected to a point in this space. Ghosting is a way of looking at it, attaching to an object or place so as to still be able to observe. I picked up may a Spirit tied to houses over the years… those that drift and watch, not going on to the next life for a while by choice.

In the 1960’s, after seeing what brainwashing was possible by the Chinese and North Vietnamese during war with our captives, much was learned in studying how that was possible. Sadly for the guinea pig/humans used for that with LSD and other such things that destroyed the lives of the participants if they survived, when the CIA was doing the research and learned of the abilities that humans have in other states, it freaked them out because it meant there was so much they did not know and couldn’t explain that the power of One became immeasurable.
Likewise, the reason to watch out for those that could tap these amazing powers Wii have could be found and… say compromised if possible. Are you watching my new videos? Both on Youtube and on Facebook. YOU will have a belly laugh indeed. Soon the delivery of Hours of Darby Lettick become part of the global dialogue, part of the thorny branches below the roses of society where all looks good and smells pretty until it is past its prime.

Now that the petals are falling to the ground and the winter for our species and the planet arrives, as foreseen by many, Darby emerges onto the Global scene, writer, artist, provocateur of thought and Spirits to create that World Union of Beings using a tiny virus called Wibblry and WUB. It is his way of helping mankind move up to the next peaceful level of existence, with all the Beings in all our forms now. Male, female, ???, dog, alien, whale, or ape, sentient Beings that deserve respect and rights of various sorts that are usually compromised in the name of power, greed, and rulers who want control of the masses.
Imagine when the World Union of Beings decides to displace the warmongers who sent so many to die or kill in the name of all the wrong reasons… most often lies and ploys to convince the people paying for it in blood and treasure, that it is for their good.I have spent a lifetime preparing for a role, a part in a play that I was born to be part of no matter how much I do not want to see this all come true, all you see is part of that Quantum Story I came to write into reality. Crazy shit huh. Did my disguise work? Think anyone knows? Hah. Darby is an illusion, a character that now launches into the minds of others as if real, as if human. Life is fun.
Darby had to await disclosure for the human race to understand Wii are not alone on the planet and the history is much more interesting than taught in schools. Much is possible now, and a global virus of the human consciousness is actually one of the scariest things in the world to those who wish to take over the world at this time. Not all of us have the chance to Light up and shine as bright as some of the leaders in the battles ahead, but know it is the total Light, not the single bright leading Lights you might see in the forest cutting out the path less taken but better for all. Believe and have Faith that the Warrior of Light who form the Legions stepping up to help are coming from all over the Cosmos, the InterCosmic WUB Society is composed of other planets, other species who have fought this battle in their evolution to find peace over the warring factions of the universe.
Welcome to the Wubbers of the Cosmos meeting place, the Embassy for Wibblry and Wub that does not have to be found to exist, Salvage, Texas. Here in time, space, cyberspace, and sending out Hope, igniting Passion for the Planet and the others who can change the future once WUB is established so that all religions, races, Beings from all places and in all sentient forms will know freedoms and rights that are inherent to all… by the grace of God.

Sorry for your lessons having to be so hard, but you may know yet know how you come into my world and why… but then again, you are not gone yet. Who do you know that is supposed to be part of the book Wii are writing together? At some point, not just you, but someone you know. Watch the synchronization with perspicuity my friend. Keep putting off that end and watching while you can, but practice how to do it when the veil comes between, know Wii will not forget what you have done while here.
Much love,
Darby Lettick