Human metamorphosis in the end times of modern man means Sheople & people are divided by logic, emotions, & propaganda. Some will never form a cocoon to emerge or fly. Why?

How do you move forward toward peace and understanding that Wii, all the “I”s participate in, a way to find peace, or most of the world could be at war again soon?

Tiny Texas Houses created as Art you can live in for a beautiful & healthy life. Born in Salvage, Texas where you can see what they brought to Being, an example of phenomenal things humans like you can do.

So many people are in battles with the politics, the misinformation they are given to ignite their fears, their willingness to comply with the government taking control of most things and punishing the people that question the logic, the actions, and the rights of the governing bodies to impose mandates which destroy our freedoms. Freedom of choice of God, of medical choices, of speech, travel, and more are being taken under the guise of fear, and those who give in to mandates, loath these of us who resist and wait for facts, not draconian tactics to make our decision. The world of people is divided and the people attempting to capitalize on it are at the top, the elite who run the global corporation, who run the government by virtue of buying their politician of choice, or blackmail them, intimidate them with threats to family or reputation, and with money to simply bribe them under the guise of campaign contributions.

The people in power divert money for covid to border housing for illegal immigrants, programs to help people get out of jail fast and return to committing crimes without clear punishment, thus encouraging more of the bad behavior such as being exhibited in California stores that are being raided without consequence to the thieves, regardless of the damage, the cost to the business owners, even when there are injuries, the police are no longer of assistance that the legal system is giving out free get of jail passes with Kamala and Bid-on clapping and rooting for them to get back on the streets and promote their kind of power, through lies, deception, and flat out ignoring issues like our open borders that bring in drugs, human trafficking of children, and women.

Why does the public allow for such abuse of power… neglect of responsibility to the people, and the outright disdain exhibited to those who question the leader’s cognizance in the face of clear lucidity issues the world makes fun of, the leader of our country supposedly? How can the Sheople be so blinded by their need to not be wrong? Who will be the one to require the president to prove he is more than senile and in need of constant care, leading him to the stairs, and back as if he were an invalid… which it does appear to be?

So, if you have not taken a moment to question what is going on in the world… considered that it appears to be a show, fake from the top down to the local officials in Ottawa or New York literally taking every effort to control the people who want the freedom that we are supposed to have instead of idiots at the top who are cowards, will not negotiate truthfully, like Trudeau or Bid-on in Ukraine, where the Russians are not even supposed to publish or make the American and EU answers to their questions, in writing, available for full transparency. What are the Americans saying that they do not want the people to see? Same with the UK does not want their negotiations made public. Why not?

Thus does the month of February promise to get enlightening and once the Lights get turned on, transparency continues to expose the bad actors at the top, the next step will be the takedown of the government, perhaps by a massive retirement of the long term political criminals and then the prosecution for their part in the CV scam, the mask, vax, and other dirty tactics used in the battle for taking our rights as citizens away and giving us back mandates to replace them with. That is not how our constitution works kids.

Let us get up and stand tall for freedom, call out the criminals, and this election, if it happens, will hopefully finally bring in a generation of people who want to do what is right, put term limits in place for all government workers, for some get too much power without being elected and thus need to be changed out regularly to ensure they do on impose their will, contrary to the public will, upon us through their ability to manipulate the Congress and our President as well as the Supreme Court. They use every method they can find to intimidate, threaten, blackmail, and harass people rather than let Truth and Honor reign again. I think those who do not hold Truth first, highest, and worth dying for deserving to be put out of their jobs, their office and put on the streets to learn what it is like to be a regular citizen suffering under the leaders who refuse to consider their rights, freedoms, and quality of life over their own greed and power.

I stand for Freedom, self-sufficiency being an option, not outlawed, and the right to pursue my spiritual goals, my health without injections forced upon me before they have been approved as safe, and the right to speak out against such tyranny as our government may try to impose upon us. I hope you do too, and that Wii, all the “I”s of the world will soon unite and be unstoppable as a World Union of Beings intent upon peaceful coexistence and the chance to live freely for the rest of our lives. Thank you for sharing, supporting freedom, and being the shining Light that others can find strength through and thus have hope that this nightmare will soon be over. Take the leap of faith and know you will land and prove that Wii are more powerful, more determined, and will be able to land, leap again, and defeat any obstacles in the way of a Free World. It only takes one step, and then there is no turning back but focusing on the landing instead… or end up dead.