Do you have a life worth salvaging or is your past best left behind?

For many people, the past that they have lived through may best be left behind, learned from to grow through, onward and upward like a tree from a seed, unrecognizable when grown. Now is the time when people are realizing it is time to make the move toward the passion, the driving force that many have fought to resist instead of follow due to the peer pressure, the world’s expectations of you, but a world you do not want to be a part of, the positive path being elsewhere if you are to find inner peace and fulfillment.

A house upon a pond, a heart upon a hOMe, a path through woods to find a place that Love can grow at will.

Are you a butterfly, or the caterpillar that has yet to fabricate and enter your cocoon and metamorphosis begin? The season is changing and the time to grow, to manifest, to Become what you are yet to be… if you prepare with the positive attitude, the faith in your ability to change too. Spirituality is part of the growth sequence which is hard for many to accept, to believe in because it is invisible to the eyes, the ears, the nose, or taste, indeed, only instincts and an honest heart will thrive in a time like this.

Wii, all of the “I’s” together form a Unity that is not found with “We” versus “Them” attitudes where division can be perpetuated by the narrative that Wii are not One Human Consciousness, much like a herd immunity gives an entire population a resistance to any disease once more than 50% have been infected. The experiments in the past that proved teaching a set of mice a maze, 3 mice first of a family of 12 which shows that the learning speeds of the second set of mice, even on the far side of the world is halved, and the third set of mice will nearly seem to know how to get through the maze without a large learning curve. Thus in 1/3 or less the time that the first set of mice took to learn the same path to food is somehow transmuted into the others of their family and even species at a certain threshold.

Our first Sunflowers are abloom already. The freezes up north seem a world away, paradise evolves here as I pray for solutions that Wii then can share, the proof Wii can create the places that can unify and exemplify the paths of Light ahead.

If that were true, and I have seen ample evidence with other studies that is is also true for new materials created that take longer to learn their own freeze and boil temperatures, in other words, the first few times it is created and tested, the freeze time and temperature, as well as steam or gaseous states vary above and below as they seem to decide and then later, anywhere on Earth, it will find that common point without hesitation once learned. Such oddities imply that materials and species share a consciousness of what this plane of existence requires to stay present. That means to stay in the frequency required to be solid or real as opposed to being like a Radio Frequency, Microwave, or other sort of organized wave form that is manifested in the form of a physical antennae, a body that resonates, lives.

Some say that trees, rocks, even Mother Earth is composed of frequencies of energy that give the impression of being solid, real, but it is the one who perceives it determines what it appears like… how they react to it, and thus the future of that thing once discovered. What is a seed, a baby, a creation of the imagination, a thought manifested to reach a unifying Light, a focal point from which all things can then be measured.

Fold down roofs, unbolting the bottom, it is ready to go off one day to another home far away. That was the intention with designing in such ways, but if I get to choose, it will be there for all my remaining days.

Why not let the Light of Truth, of Love, of Repentance and open mindedness grow in our world rather than exclusivity, where all others who are not in agreement should be eliminated rather than peacefully considered in the growth of our World Union of Beings that can move to the next level of superconsciousness. Prophecy and intuition are growing as the energy increases from the source that will change our way of seeing, knowing, and affecting the future.

Communication, not just through language, it can be through touch, site, music, art, and many other forms. Let us share, communicate, and thus find common ground to keep the peace and not divide us further.

Darby Lettick

Where are Wii? Where do Wii go from here?

The beauty of a fantasy fiction is that it does not exist but in the minds of men. It is a creation that has no form, no substance, and no land upon which it stands to be taken down from. A Quantum Story is one that travels across time, across borders, continents, and through languages like water… using the clouds, ocean, rivers, streams, ice as glaciers, hail, or snow, the words of man will grow and grow. Thus the dream of those who wish that humans or another species never get to where they will see things that rhyme may match.

Reality can be a burden for the people who are hurting from the stress of all they do to work, to fit, to spend their youth. What happens when one ages poorly, getting sick and breaking down the parts that make the body such a great place through which life is viewed from? Respect the vessel or thus be dumbed!

Down into the Rabbit Hole the curious will always go, in part they seek and thus to know the answers that will let them show… Peace within is possible… a path lit bright for those who show the love for Truth, for what can Be, that Being Us once Wii set free the force of Light, the candle bright, the Spirit sourced by One that’s right. For most the mental word gymnastics will be too much for their pathways, ganglion will blow a gasket, neural pathways blown away. I do have first aid for the wounded if they want to see the wording and then know it is all meant to be a salve and then prevent you from the dangers some may find by reading much yet Being blind. What could I do to spur the neurons, spar pineal glands with Love, ignite the fires of great passion, awake the Spirit in us all?

Written on the ground with pigment from the Earth that gives the pigment to define the Word of WUB in gold no less, it spells out Love.

Imagine if you can the candles, never lit by the Light of Love. Some beaten down and broken pieces, wax to shape spread all around… yet still I see the wicks awaiting just a spark to give them hope, and with that they begin reshaping, soon they stand to then grow bright. I leave amazed at all who wonder how they could come back again, and know that salvage is the answer, find the best and help it out. Peel back the limits born for ages, scarred and painted matters not for in the core there is a Heart that tree spent centuries growing out.

Like you, they sheltered other lifeforms, squirrels, and birds of every sort, to make a habitat for living until man came to take them down. I seek to save the boards of lumber cut and cast to do their job… and now the time for them to be freed, time to let them go and grow.

I pray that in the story soon told, inspired by the times you see, for if not given at the right time, medicines will have no need. A virus can do good and bad things as our science has now shown. To transport cures to cancer cells or wipe out millions like a curse.

Vax and go while few may know the things that come… don’t show… and when the Truths come out much later, some deny where others go but in the end I must confess, to be the last is thus to know. Does one decide without the research or the reading if you know that education is the secret, autodidactic the way to go?

So, after looking up the meaning and then knowing what is said, perspicuity amazing as the Bakhtinian extent will allow some few to understand the pros are not just by some man but sent to offer you the key to do the work, no funds to me. What comes of something that is not to be found in a book or box, a thought that travels undisturbed, like light through glass that’s unperturbed… what does not hurt slips quickly through. So join me in this demonstration of wordsmithing on many nations absent of the censors hold, a bit forthright, but Truth is Bold… but then again, so are the greatest lies yet told which most believe, though very old.

Thanks for sharing our next little chapter of the story of how Wibblry and WUB were able to zoom around the world without detection until nearly full inception of the World Union of Beings that might help change what Wii are seeing when the leaders from around the globe keep marching hand in hand to a tune that seems to leave out all but them and their great band. Imagine if the world could share through the Wubbers one and all the Peace within that can be found through many names for God Wii found to express the Light that fuels us all, the One of Peace for which I call.

Darby Lettick

Ghostwriter, WIB, diplomatic messenger

with the help of Rubbles

On a highway down in Texas, where the land is grand and wide, there is a place called Salvage, where Wub is known with pride.

Ambassador of the Intercosmic WUB Society

earnestly writing in Earthly service

[email protected]

Oh yes, a video on retirement out too.

Who for? You!

Share to get it around the world as fast as a ball gets hurled so that many know there is a plan to join the Beings in all the lands who may not know that Being a Wubber is the way to show our Love for a Peaceful path that Wii can go for it is not if but When Wii Wake-UP, greet the Day when Peace will finally come our way.

Where Wii go Beings United, Wii go in Peace!

Let the Trumpets blow with Truth and Honor

Let the Legions of Light Glow

For what comes on the horizon

will become the songs of lore!

Prepare, never Fear, have Faith, and Light up Friends for the Times are a changing as the bells begin to chime.

I am here to be an invisible thorn in FB and Youtube policy.

An I Am a Facebook protester Poem

I am here to be a thorn for the moment

in return for spending 12 years drawing millions to this Fib-on site

that sold out to the Bid-on a Kommi crowd who love to troll my posts

and act like ducks on a firing range when we were kids,

with unlimited bb’s to point out their trolldom ways,

expose and kill the Lakota Lore snake with the venom of the snake

as Wii take and use the same tools applied against us

to beat them to the ground.

How? Now?

No need to censor some things said in cryptic fashions peacefully pledged.

Through the Fantasy land of misspelled words that AI and those

who can not read more than ten multisyllabic words in a row,

not knowing the English language that well,

and thus being left dumbed by the massive content,

the potential for hidden meanings lost in wordiness

connotations or denotations,

or intellectual ladders few can climb,

like poetry in the days of King James

and the rewriting of the Bible using mass media,

acquiring all of the Gutenberg presses which were taken

with chopped-off heads and hands for receipts

to be sure no other but the King James version of the Bible

and Hell would then be learned, accepted, and followed

for hundreds of years… regardless of the lack of Truth,

Honor, or the original intentions like words of Jesus.

Ooops, details again.

Darby, that fictional writer who composes

these little packages of word wizardry for the literate,

hopes you, like the censors understand,

this is fiction my friends, and all names,

similar possible identities, and realities are all just art…

with words, dirt, wood, salvage, and imagination.

Savor the days.

Did you get that? hehe

Is this reality, or simply what Wii see but is not real?

Someone said Wii should just leave this playground Wii helped create not knowing it would be used to beat those who created it down… alas I say, not as easy as that if Wii, like them learn to play with their toys.

Join me in sharing the viral story of Wibblry and WUB. Impossible to hold back a tiny little Orwellian update that will fit into holes my Loopholology has proven exist that let us salvage the best of the past and preserve with our sustainable ingenuity and imagination, some of the best treasures of a past others are trying to erase.

Lifeskills have value and happiness is not a product of things, but what you do with things, people, and the planet Wii all love. Join me as a Wubber in a World Union of Beings who want to find a way to use these tools to create a web of communication, Webbling in the language of Wibblry which is but 21 words big, the best of which are tiny, the Wub in body (wib) things that Wii create while incarnate and in love with life, until the very end.

Please join me in communicating, like this Wib I create for you today, by Webbling I do send it out and on its way around the world and maybe more, the Intercosmic WUB Society is listening I have found. Join me as Wii Wibble, all the “I”s united soon as One rather all “We”s and “Them”s divided, set up for the fall. Unite and thus together Wii can show the Truth to all who still think the leaders now in charge will bring Peace or choose next war that makes them rich and kills off all the innocents and more.

Join me in the switch from running fearful in the night and know that in the fantasy of Wibbry and WUB, there are forces far superior to any you may fear, and soon you will see evidence that will make that very clear.

Till then the poems and fantasy, the thought of places Wii could be to gather our community, commune in total unity, thus finding peace and food to share, hope to live much better than the cities where the politicians will rule with some old traditions.

Time to be the change Wii need, the Light Brigade is being freed by planets, changes, all foreseen, Legions Lighting as their freed to Shine so Bright that some will turn knowing what comes next will burn. Truth will be a Light for some, but for the Demons, they will run. Hug your Demons, let them go, for if your Light begins to glow, your candle lit within you know, there is no place where darkness shows.


Oh yes…

An “I Am” Poem

I am here to be a thorn for the moment in return for spending 12 years drawing millions to this Fib-on site that sold out to the Bid-on a Kommi crowd who love to troll my posts and act like ducks on a firing range when we were kids, with unlimited bb’s to point out their trolldom ways, expose and kill the Lakota Lore snake with the venom of the snake as Wii take and use the same tools applied against us to beat them to the ground.

How? No need to censor some things said in cryptic fashions peacefully pledged.

Through the Fantasy land of misspelled words that AI and those who can not read more than ten multisyllabic words in a row, not knowing the English language that well, and thus being left dumbed by the massive content, the potential for hidden meanings lost in wordiness or intellectual ladders few can climb, like poetry in the days of King James and the rewriting of the Bible using mass media, the Gutenberg presses which were taken with chopped-off heads and hands for receipts to be sure no other but the King James version of the Bible and Hell would then be learned, accepted, and followed for hundreds of years… regardless of the lack of Truth, Honor, or the original intentions or words of Jesus. Ooops, details again.

Darby, that fictional writer who composes these little packages of word wizardry for the literate, hopes you, like the censors understand, this is fiction my friends, and all names, similar possible identities, and realities are all just art… with words, dirt, wood, salvage, and imagination. Savor the days.

Did you get that? hehe

Darby as he tells the tale of Wibblry and Wub that kids will love as well as the elders with quick minds hewn from aged trees will easily see and take the time to ponder how Wii will win this war.

Love you all.

For a time Wii get to share what Wii came for thus dare to Be some things few others choose to Be. Free!

Day by day Wii grow, Wii know more, Wii understand, & Change…

Day by day Wii grow,

Wii know more,

Wii understand, and

Wii change into the incredible Beings Wii are meant to yet become.

Be all that you can so that those who look to you for guidance see results,

the example of your works, not just baited words,

clickbait for the soul is distraction in the Matrix.

If I had been given some of the tools to see, to know,

I might have done more in this life and because of that,

I give the tools for others to see, to excel earlier and

shoot higher than I have to accomplish things that

will make my works look like nothing but the launching platform.

May you all find success and reach heights I never dreamt were possible.

My purpose is to help train you so as to avoid the traps,

get up your speed, confidence, and ability through the works you do,

not the words you say, so as to be ready for that day.

You can Trust me… such a time will come your way when life skills, not fashion or trappings will determine your fate.

Blessings to you all and to your night that leads to the new day.

You plan once enlightened,

free from the load of the past,

Light ignited by your passion for your purpose and future,

thus no longer impaled by the belief

that you are here to simply work, consume, pay taxes, and die.

You are here to live, to Be, in a world where Being means more

than one who watches others suffer, lie, and die

rather than participate in the game of life…

of creating and preparing a world to leave behind

that you would want to be born back into.

You know, the Heaven

rather than the Hell on Earth

which Wii create for us and others

who get to live here for a lifetime or more.

You have the choice to Honor that Truth, Love and Light as One… Some call God who prefers no great evil is allowed to Thrive here on Earth!

I give the tools for free so that others will see so to excel earlier, shoot higher, and accomplish more that will make this look like nothing but a launching platform to an alternative future in sustainable housing for those choosing to Live Free.

Darby Lettick

You can make The debate for President is not a meet me in the middle argument, But he stood up to the enemy of the innocent whom Wii must protect.

not even a little pedophilia,


cheating, and

killing innocents and

Americans without trial till Sunday,

then getting forgiven by the Pope or local vocal self-declared voice of God,

and going at war again after a few drinks or drugs

to forget the atrocities already committed in the name of money,


religion, or

control for all the wrong reasons.

(My dad was excommunicated in 1959, confessing his vasectomy after 3 kids in 4 years to a woman he did not love when the first was created)

yet abortion support is fine for Catholic presidents? wow?!

Clearly, there are two sides to start with and the lawyers create a gray area in the middle

much like muck or mud that obscures and even creates the slippery slope

Using secrets, sex, bribes, and favors that compromise truth,

turning into commissions, omissions, missions of war, and death.

Evil does not create a world of beauty, instead

Never more love,

more happiness,

more babies that could be incredible geniuses that solve the problems of the world raised by people like me who would give them a chance

instead of be casually cut out, cut up, and turned into a vaccine… in the world now.

War is wrong! It can be stopped, but not by evil leaders.

The worst war on humanity begins against the unborn babies,

the remaining children dumbed down by bad schools using Common Core

Brain retarding/gutting techniques to break the functions early in life

through confusion, conformity, delay at a critical thinking, questioning,

at a time of unique development never matched in its potential for life.

Children at the lowest levels in school need the most help

yet get the least in many places where the incentive is to keep them down,

or corporate prisons with docile well behaved prisoners who work cheap.

Oh, that was what Kama was setting up wasn’t it,

a way to bring those slave wage jobs back

like China model with the Uygars and Bid-on resistors

bringing his son in to help set up the FEMAKama training camps

run by AOC and company.

Joy oh Joy…

Texit, Texit, Texit all the way!

Darby Lettick

Fictional excerpt from the Book of Wibblry and Wub

The Longest Week of Weakness in our Time of Faith.

I had a dream last night and took a picture before the images fades away. This is what it looked like, as much as I can dig up of the memory that is… thanks to photoshop and the matrix, this is not real to most who might spy it. This, in my fantasy land, a dream, a vision, a place to run and hide from the world outside my gates.

Imagine all I could dig up in 5 months as I turned 64, alone to fuel, grease, and play, my sandbox is one that few can say they get to play in.

Now with miles of shoreline, 18′ deep waters where not one inch remained for days after any rain, less than 10 years ago.

But just a dream my friends… all those who know that no one could do that alone thus it is not there.No, I will not be taking pictures on the shores of Lake Michigan (brrrrrr), nor the mountains of the west, to far to go. I dreamt this up in central Texas, outside the cities of Austin, San Antonio, and high above Houston, a paradise in the form of a micro ecosystem of permaculture, imagination, fauna, flora, and a simpler life off the grid for the most part is possible, proven, and a place you can visit, dream, learn, buy the parts to take away, and build your Salvage, Texas somewhere far away. Few get to live here full time, some for a bit of time to learn and spawn new Pure Salvage Outposts financed inventory and mentoring, so as to grow the Pure Salvage Living Renaissance around the globe from the birthplace of Tiny Texas Houses, Salvage, Texas of course.

But instead of thinking this fantasy can not be done, why not come see. Perhaps someone actually took a dream or two combined, added some phenomena and miracles to create a vision much like this… which does not exist of course… but if it did, I do believe it is now the largest Earth Sculpture in the land… at least created by one old man…

or so we were taught to think Wii would be “old” these many decades away from high school now.

But do not believe it, please, and do not tell anyone it is real, they might object to manifesting without protesting but I love my life, a fantasy manifesting as I work through day by day.

Savor your days, make waves, and build sandcastles that will last a lifetime after you are gone.

Bit of cold for a day, but like life and pain, it will go away.

It is never to late to create instead of just wait… for what?

Have faith there are better times ahead once the darkness clears away. Be ready to thrive by doing new things to stay alive. Love you all.

Darby Lettick

Ghostwriter for

Brad Kittel and Salvage, Texas

Tiny Texas Houses

Please visit our Youtube channels by same names, and website for or for updates.

Contact [email protected] for info

Air BnB for Luling, Texas search Tiny Texas Houses to make reservations to stay then call for tours if desired on Wednesdays or Saturdays.

Buyers by appointment only for the 160,000 sf of warehouse with vintage lumber, hardware, and materials for Pure Salvage Living.

512-636-6756 for human contact. Darby


How do Wii Unite Beings who share a planet?

Wake up to a world full of hope, fun, and a great breakfast in bed. Savor the moments that form the memories of tomorrow in case the days are not as bright then as now, for today is what makes your life incredible as it paves the path to your future. Salvage, Texas is a place where people can come to dream, see the unlimited potential in themselves to heal, and grow a vision into a great life.

Ah, for the bright morning in our youth, the days bright and a future ahead full of excitement, promises, and hopefully fulfillment and happiness. To be young, to be positive, to hold onto your dreams, that is what Salvage, Texas exemplifies, the chance to dream and live to fulfill them to create memories you can cherish, as will others, long after this life is spent.

From the worst looking houses, barns, buildings, and lives, the most incredible things and futures can be constructed. By using the toughest parts that survived the hardships, weathered it out, and this can survive what comes if you construct your home, your life, with the best of parts, the Truths, not lies. Actions stem from thought nurtured in what world… as you perceive it to be… thus the need for perspicuity seldom found in our society.

Wisdom requires experience, yet so many young, barely out of home, think they know all things already. Stay open to learning and be autodidactic. Be positive in the way you see the morning and day evolve and you will find better memories when they are done.

In 11 evenings with no nails, a dream manifested upon a hill, a place to think, to see afar, to look and know just who you are… alone, high upon a hill made by your own hands, a pile of memories you will one day call your life. What does your Ship of Salvaged Dreams look like when you are done living the life here down below?

Thank you for sharing our world of dreams manifested, salvaged from the dreams of others, many fulfilled and lived out, then the creators, the actors in the play of life, moved on. Wii are here to salvage that past many of us want for in this transition from a past no one can return to as Wii move into a World Union of Beings or a prison planet with few choices made freely and everyone wearing masks, social distancing, and throwing millions of masks into the ocean day by day until suffocation follows.

Can you get under the gate when it is locked to the normal person unprepared, to fat to fit in tight places when the time comes to move? Why not prepare for tomorrow today?

It’s time to climb under the gate, get out of the traps of our society, and create a new future, a new America based on the original plan, not the modified plan that communism brings with it. I vote for another stab at democracy without the elite writing all the rules in their favor, sort of like the original constitution allowed for, and was modified accordingly to prevent the abuse of power. Let’s enforce that now and get rid of the corrupted version put upon America in the 19th century. It is not our Truth!

My sister had the hairdoo, my brother cowlicks, and me… geeksville glasses. The drugs were working for mom and life was special…


Don’t just be a shadow on the shoreline of life. Make ripples dive into the liquid crystal pool of experience, action, and memories to carry with you long after life is spent.


Understanding that each of us creates our own challenges to overcome in life, the Spirit’s obligations or purpose in life requires forced change sometimes. Wii are all One and the pain as well as the bliss is not distributed evenly but is available for most to choose from, based on their own decisions, perspective, and actions. Wii can empower people, even cure them of disease they have caused themselves, but enabling bad behavior will not stop it… so they have to learn some things by themselves, and then get out of the cold.

Bath in alkali water, breath from the belly, charge the battery at the root of the spine and fire up the Chakras, scalar wave engines that make miracles possible through a vessel Wii are instructed to honor in order to benefit all Wii meet on this journey through life. Grounding with bare feet or leather soles will allow you to move the energies through you and form the flow to create a reality Wii would like to manifest rather than be a victim to the one which others create with the intention of controlling us.

When do Wii flame on to show the Light Brigade is here?

No time in history has been without liars, thieves, and those who would sell their soul for the chance to be richer, control more people, or do what they feel is God’s work. The issues facing our cultures hinges on our inability to unite, diversity has led to divisiveness in a generation of cognitive dissonance.

Wii are approaching the “Chasm at the Fringe” for which I and many others incarnated to be part of and the excitement, the unbelievable potential of these times is worth all of the preparation, lessons from trauma and life to just be happy to see what was envisioned, prophesized, now comes to pass.

Light Warriors manifest through the decades of energizing and preparation for the day when we master our vessels, move the energy of our source through us like plasma that creates solutions, empowers those who followed us to join in this great time. Rejoice, not cringe in Fear, this is the time Wii came to be part of… so savor the moments, and prepare for the fun.

Call to Light Warriors hiding as Elders to this End

Elders with your years of knowledge,

combined with morals we need so

please help guide kids who want to learn

and be the best like me or you.

Once upon a time our parents

taught us to reach for the stars

the moon is just a passing target,

you can see from where you are.

But Love will lift you to a new height.

Enlightened by the loss of loads

of bullcrap piled on with pleasure

by some old political toads.

Release us from the greed that guides kids

who were taught that sports stars win

or Wall Street watches out for people,

for them a Santa has a fin,

and a shark toothed smiling grin!

Merry Solstice, Great Alignment,

Aquarius is born

thus changes shall accelerate

our social fabric torn.

Get out your visions and your schisms,

let machinations flow,

for soon it could be desperation

that some people know.

Prepare to downsize and move swiftly

into a wondrous age

When many will be lost and wondering,

or in a childish rage.

This is the future some will see,

no food, no heat, no free money,

and then there’s self dependency

instead of sickness and disease.

Merry Christmas, Hanukah, and Happy New Years too!

The best of all your dreams I hereby wish for each of you.

But just in case you do not see the brand new Maserati too,

Know I sent you hope and faith,

Passion you can celebrate,

and fearless packaging I share,

protected so that no one dare

deny you this great chance to Be,

your very best to remain Free.

With Love,

Darby Lettick

For a time Wii get to share what Wii came for thus dare to Be some things few others choose to Be. Free!

Ghostwriter for Salvage, Texas and BWK

What a great Cyberspace interaction can look like from Salvage, Texas to the world.

Thank you for adding me, I was beyond impressed with your story. we are starting our homestead life soon and we came across your video, that is most beautiful place I’ve ever seen in my life. You had so much knowledge, just so impressed. I hope you are blessed.

You sent Today at 11:04 AM

Full of gratitude and awaiting the coming of the wave of others who will see the example and grow it, morph it into what they need to build the coming millennium I hope to see, once the cleansing is over. Visit if you can and take away some goodies to get started with when ready or take on an acre in Salvage,Tx to steward if it fits into the dreams that will evolve now that you are on this path.



Allesandre sent Today at 11:13 AM

We are in Florida for now my name’s Allesandre I’m an Artist. I am born and raised here in Tampa but I do not feel this is my home. we try and visit places that call to us before we make that step in buying land your video has made us believe in ourselves. Your vision is a profound gift because, gives others hope for their own future. I don’t need to bring up the current times but coming across you was like a light. I have shared your message with my elders she is embarking on homestead at 70 but is my age in spirit. She appreciates your mind as well. I thank you for being. I’d love to visit someday I couldn’t help but just have my jaw drop at the beauty of your work and life. I am sure your community is prosperous and kind.

You sent Today at 11:40 AM

Prosperity does not come in numbers for the many who have come and left for lack of honor, truth, passion, or direction are legendary lessons. Trinity, Nate, and myself are the only humans on a mission here and the guests that pass through are how Wii seed the world in hopes the words will reach those who need them. I have a studio set up, the means to do great things that will demonstrate what is possible, but the few like your elder you are fond of exist anymore that have taken care of their vessel so as to be enjoying this second childhood I am thriving on now that I learned how to remain young. So much to learn, to share, to give, but deaf ears are all about, blind people who can only see with their eyes, not their minds, hearts, or Spirit. I graduated college ages ago in St Pete from the USF campus there. Then I went off to write my great American novel in a school bus to finally arrive in Texas with the goal of making a million so I could self publish. That led to creating the story instead of just writing it because people can no longer read over a few thousand words for lack of attention spans or willpower. So it goes. I am having fun writing my book into reality one art house, hole, and vision after another. Life is Great.

Allesandre sent Today at 11:50 AM

I have many author friends, I love to read. You are a great storyteller I am sure you keep your people close that have earned the right. I am always learning, always willing to learn and to give of myself. I am so very blessed to be alive this year as I almost died non covid related. I understood what you mean about people coming and going and being true to their direction their heart.. My dog is sick slowly dying, I am trying to show her all the love and beauty in the world before I see her again. Your creations either spoken or visually are magic, I think id enjoy your novel. I am not always the best at grammar forgive me.. my mom was hippie type kept me out of school til I was a late teen off and on.. but stressed importance of reading. I only have some college education, so far life has been best educator. Videos like yours teach something you can’t get anywhere else truth.

Allesandre sent Today at 11:53 AM

I appreciate your time in speaking with me 😊

You sent Today at 11:56 AM

College for the most part is a boxing away of free spirited thought. The goal there is not to expand but to teach limitations. Having gone there long ago for many other classes unrelated to any value the degree itself brought, life has taught me far more. In fact, after getting my degree I could not find work due to my pride and filling in the honors, awards, grades average and finding out I could only get a job by hiding that. I ate out of dumpsters rather than beg and found my way to being a multi-millionaire caught up in the race that I had intended to avoid, lost in the many hours of work it took to create what I now seek to share and give away before my turn is up. Your mother was likely more right than wrong for your indoctrination was thwarted that way and it can be as much a blessing as a curse during a life where you will never fit in. That is a good thing as you will find the right spot is exactly the uncrowded place you prefer over the space masses seem to cluster.

You sent Today at 12:00 PM

In the long vision, others like you will come to take up the batons and carry on as I have little interest in running the businesses I mothballed with warehouse and means to create a future if the people are there to create it for. Thus fare, I could not speak up for most of humanity to save them from the darkness that comes from their own behaviors which in spite of how bright I may shine my light to make their path easier, they will shade their eyes and look away. Such is a good thing because Salvage, Texas is not intended to grow to great population but to simply be an embassy for cosmic visitors and humans to interact as Wii enter the next phase of our evolution, perhaps even separate into a new world through means most humans do not believe possible… but it is simply illusion, a hologram of grand proportions that makes miracles a daily affair once you know how this matrix works.

You sent Today at 12:02 PM

Thank you for the inspiration to articulate some of these points that I do not elaborate on often. I try to get some writing in each day in hopes that it will be of some aid or provocative enough to inspire change to those in the struggle to find balance and direction amidst the distractions.

Time, the most valuable moments alive, to do what?

I have not worn a watch in years, in part to phones having clocks if I want to know the time, but thank God I do not really need to know often, once or twice a day when it can not be found by looking into the sky. Most of my life I wore a watch and saw myself getting older.


Then I took it off and watched myself get younger when I forgot about time and focused on my passions, my desire to create things without time constraints, and lo and behold, I found happiness does not know a watch exists… or at least does not wish to be measured, limited, or rushed by the time on a mechanical handcuff.

Time becomes fluid if you disregard the effects of stress that comes from believing in it limiting what we can do in our life, and when throughout our life. They are cool looking though, and fun distractions until you decide to use your time instead of watch it drain away.

When were you coming to visit?

Salvage, Texas for the true get away.

Air BnB for Luling Texas

Tiny Texas Houses to be exact.

Hidden for a reason but you will like it.