Become a Tiny Organic Cottage builder… with help?

It is not a business that just anyone would want to do… creating housing out of the salvaged materials from past houses, barns, stores, and structures first assembled a century or more in the past. It takes a creative spirit that enjoys taking dissimilar objects from many houses to create one that will be unique, artistic, and last for a lifetime if one takes care of it. When you create a special Art House that is unlike any other, people will take better care of it, as if a giant jewelry box with the greatest of all treasures inside, Peace and Privacy, safety from the storms.

How would you get into the business of building tiny organic cottages if you are not able to go out and buy the doors, windows, flooring, siding, interior skins for the ceiling, walls, bathroom? If you were fortunate and have the cash to go and buy all the materials and then build a house in hopes of living in it or selling it, that will take a good chunk of cash out of your bank account or add a big chunk to your credit cards. There is another way to get started though, for some it could mean partnering up with someone who has a bit of carpentry knowledge, perhaps an old-time carpenter who is wise but arthritic and thus can share experience and advice, the two things most kids do not have to get started.

If you have a place, like a barn or building to create inside of, all the better so you can take a bit of time to build the outside framework and skins, install the windows, and roll it outside to finish while you start another inside. If done right, with helpers who might also then become homeowners when they get the hang of building, get the materials they will need through bartering their help working for windows, doors, and other parts they can not find or afford in the big box stores. Micro-financing the items would make it even easier as most are a bit tight on money in 2020.

Please visit the Youtube channels for Tiny Texas Houses, Pure Salvage Living, and Brad Kittel (artistic or crazy stuff) for more information and images of House Art created in Salvage, Tx. for reservations to our BnB. Come see, dream, savor in amazement and go back to change the world and Thrive. 830-875-2500 to leave a message.

To that end, an easy means to finance the bulk of the cost of materials for honest people to build a tiny organic cottage from vintage materials, toxin and import free, all American like me. I am offering up a package of materials and custom designs so that some of the possible Organic Cottage Builders of the future can get started today, learn the loopholes and methods, then soar in a career few are even aware is booming on the horizon as our society downsizes and becomes concerned about living a healthy life.

At 65 years old and having suffered a life of scoliosis, I have never known such great health, life, or passion. See there is another path and then take it so you can show others that miracle are possible, we can enjoy or later years more than the early ones, as can be seen in Salvage, Texas. Salvage Mind, Body, Home and Spirit

Gratitude for what you have, but if you can not see the opportunity at your fingertips and you miss it, the lack of perspicuity is your problem not the lack of opportunity if you could just see it, take action, and aim for the stars. Then, with passion ignited, nothing can stop you.

We now know the environment, diet, exercise, and attitude are what determine if life is Heaven or Hell for those who suffer from failing to properly care for their vessel, the body that houses their soul. We can make a big difference on our health by removing as much stress as possible, like big payments, utility bills, taxes, and other distractions from being happy. Why not simplify and thrive instead? Be healthy and get younger instead.

Some do not believe in such things but still need housing and an appreciation for the work done by our ancestors to create these treasured stockpiles of incredible resources disguised as derelict buildings, houses, and in need of dismantling so that the parts can be reused to create hOMes. Please consider helping get a young person impassioned with what they could to do to change the world, one house at a time for the millions who will need them as the society transitions from abundance to scarcity for many. More children now live with their parents after reaching adult age than in the Great Depression and it is not getting better soon. Please consider how we can grow this trend in a positive manner and allow for the re-consolidation of family and the creation of new tiny communities for those who have no family to fall back to for help, no support network left but able to help create one that all who participate can benefit from too.

Thank you for considering using the Pure Salvage Living Renaissance ethos in creating your future to Thrive in rather than just survive what is coming. We have so many treasures to tap for the mere price of human energy, and once freed from the Matrix of a job that no longer exists, you can join in a booming industry that has created more millionaires than any other in America. Why not consider Salvage Mining, Salvage Building, or putting the network together for that to happen as you build a portfolio as a Salvage Hunter and find, contract for salvage, and help sell so all can benefit?

Appraising the wood, the houses, the possible treasures can be done by house inspectors or old guys like me who can see it all on your cell phone from afar and consult without driving into that nasty cold weather you are having up north. Consultation building, designing, and moving can also all be done with the wonders of instant video and pictures in everyone’s smart phone these days so that you can find out if the termites, wood bores, toxic contamination from asbestos, chemicals, or pesticides should stop you from taking a place down.

This can now be done and the micro-financing to help you get started building where you are instead of here is now in place to pay for the most important materials. You would still need some skin in the game by purchasing you own screws, nails, wiring, insulation, house wrap, roof underlayment, but little else if you choose to join and be part of the Pure Salvage Outpost network that will ensure you have a mentor when it looks like you hit a stopping point, a frustration that makes you want to burn the project down, or the people that may cause the same reaction. Don’t freak out, call your Salvage Shaman.

That is enough for this write as it is hard to hold attention for too long these days. If you have more questions and want to get into the Salvage Industry… contact [email protected] or [email protected]

Please visit the Youtube channels for Tiny Texas Houses, Pure Salvage Living, and Brad Kittel (artistic or crazy stuff) for more information and images of House Art created in Salvage, Tx. for reservations to our BnB. Come see, dream, savor in amazement and go back to change the world and Thrive.

Here and very much alive…

Darby Lettick

Ghostwriter, Space Magic Designer, Steward for Salvage, Tx.

[email protected]

“Talk but no Walk” Big problem w/ Dream-Building is the Body not taking action!

Very little will happen in the world if you talk to a mirror all day, watch TV which is simply reversing the mirror the other way… you being it, and thus your actions reflect what you see. Why not be free of the programming you absorb each day from sources that distract your body from fulfilling the dreams of your life? Only you can move the reality around you forward to create the life you want to live. If you leave it up to others to control, you will inevitably serve the needs, desires, and wants of others until you die, for they will be endless and your ability to take care of all those who would use you so is more than any human can assume and still live a healthy life.

What to do to break free from the past bond you created which hold you back from fulfilling the passions and dreams of your childhood? It depends on how attached one is to the past, the present comfort levels, and the willingness to sacrifice, open the mind and body to change, then take action again as if a child beginning a new life away from home. Indeed it is only by thinking big, by dreaming of great goals you may yet achieve that you challenge the older minds and bodies to come back to full power and surge on to create a new life with a wiser brain/body machine that can be controlled with willpower, not distracted by immature needs, desires, and distractions that were once the stable of our lives.

What happens when your identity for decades crumbles and you have to recreate yourself? Do you take the best or worst of your past life to build on, or simply abandon the identities like motherhood, fatherhood, boss, General, Dr, Mr., Mrs, and other titles that we find ourselves caught up in for decades or a lifetime? The titles signify a place in society, religions, or essentially the cults that matured to rule the day and thus have become our mature version known now as Culture.

American Culture developed differently than others during the last two centuries but has many problems as a result of the cults that initiated and still control our society.

Community hinges on people communing together for peaceful solutions that empower all the members of the group, and in Truth, the others who share the resources, thus the planet Humans call Earth. Why is it that we can not actually display a Global Community Mindset without the War of Power being driven by people who do not see the world as an ecosystem, a plasma ball of consciousness that the masses could alter if they organized and thus eliminate the very leaders that try to turn us against each other for money and power positions most can not imagine even exist.

Why not step out of the game of feeding them, enjoy a simpler life that lets you get healthy again without the toxins of city life and modern food, perhaps even learn that you can get younger effectively and smarter as you age, but it will take a bit of work, not just watching TV and taking pills to get you to feeling better, or more likely, not Feeling anything at all.

If you are happy, savour your days as you age but if you want more of life still, realize that ageing of the body is not necessarily a bad thing but proof as to why a Stratavarious Violin can be so incredible regardless of its age if cared for properly. We, the vessels that become our identity while incarnate, can age thusly, getting brighter & stronger as we go, wiser & calmer, with visions we never knew, were possible with just the eyes alone. Join me fellow Indigos as we go forth to light the way for the Starseeds who are ready now to help and then to stay. The road is long ahead and much will change in a short time, but the children who are being born will live a brand day, with a path I hope will help them see how they can grow and Thrive.

Thanks for following over the years as the concept of Salvage Mining, Salvage Building, and the idea of a Pure Salvage Living Renaissance where we respect the value, the treasures of our past and Elders, knowing that knowledge without experience and testing is likely flawed, thus their lifetimes hold the fastest way too many answers youngsters can not find.

Perspicuity becomes the final factor as the synchronicities emerge.

The story can not be told, playout, or grow unless the Lightworkers who hold the torches that can light a million of candles a day with the glow of their frequencies emanating with positive intentions, actions, and thus are able to step up now and join together, to create a positive beacon of Hope for Solutions that will Awaken many more before there is no chance to change their course in the coming tides. We determine our future as individuals, societies, and perhaps as a species as we now know it, certain to evolve more than disappear in the coming calamities of all sorts. What will those left after the storms, after the tornados, floods, and more… what do they do to help those lost in ignorance, lack of preparedness, and shock?

I do not have the answers in some box, book, or pill… no One person does… but united we can keep coming up with ways to make the planet, the societies, and the path ahead better than the one we have been on for a century or more which no longer seems to be suitable for the times ahead. Let us start planning, living, and Being the incredible Lightworkers who turn the energy of the Word, which begot the Light that we can turn into Mass as it slows and becomes matter of a form we can create a peaceful future with, or blow mankind to bits. The choice is in the hands of too few but in the Knowing, the power changes hands to the next realm of influence, where God and Legions await the time for a cleansing yet to come, when Mother Earth decides to change her shape and in unison with our Sun determine where Man settles in if We are to play a part in the New World that comes ahead.

Tiny Texas Houses is now history and tales. Pure Salvage Living was obliterated from cyberspace, erased as best one can, from the Internet of Consciousness that will be known as “Man”. Indeed the path ahead upon the waves no one can see, 5G will lead to things that truly few men yet can see. It’s true we will have robots to do the work of Man, but what most do not quite get is that it’s just a different bend on the way you turn a human into what some might call a drone, and have them be so thankful for the chance to then go home.

Make your Home the place you never have to leave instead. Otherwise, the Matrix is what will rule your head. See the visions of a future where you could be free but you have to take part in making it what comes to be. A hive of many workers full of great activity does not mean they even understand the parts they each will play. They can not dare imagine how just computers we employ could take over their consciousness and guide them evermore. Who would think that such could be in store, except a kid who did not know the consequences he would see from our new World Technology? Indeed that is the game my friends, the others who see what impends upon the world that we can see is ready for the rest to Be Enlightened or soon vanish in the crazy storms ahead.

Thanks for joining the party and shining out to help those behind you find a path to Thrive in the coming times. The Legions who can Light the Way are ready, the Power to unleash our Will upon the Forces in the gentlest of ways will allow the Love we have for Earth to finally Rule the Day.

The beauty is, if done right, once it’s found, this Peace could Stay. United Wii Stand, a World Union of Beings, from all around the Cosmos, joined in a Consciousness that will not be overcome in the coming battles, challenges, and victory that ensues.

There are alternatives beyond our imagination in a future we, and mere humans, can not hope to understand or control, but share perhaps in harmony with others who have a vested interest in the survival of our planet for better lives to come. Never lose faith for it powers your Light and lets you lead where others can not see to go… the places where the answers lie are seldom easily found, let alone communicated so that others might understand. Thus the bards and musicians shall step up, the artists and the others who can translate frequency to objects and words, song and celebration.

“Live long, live happy, live awake, thus live Alive.”

Darby Lettick

August 12th, 2019 Salvage Tx. view of moonlight plus????

Ghostwriter and Salvage, Tx Artist.

[email protected] for more information or search on Youtube for many great videos by Brad Kittel, Tiny Texas Houses, Pure Salvage Living, and for more information. Air BnB for reservations to stay at Salvage, Tx for a night or three.

Until then, Wii are manifesting the destination, the embassy for those who know the time has come to Awaken and alter the course of their lives.

Creating the story of how
Wub came to Be our path to a tomorrow few imagined 100 years ago.

If you had all the parts & pieces… could you build your dream? What would it look like?

If you had all the parts and Pieces to create a fantasy town, the windows the doors to opportunity in a warehouse where you could go? What if the land was there to play, to create the solutions you dream of one day? What day are you looking for that will Awaken the acts that make such a future come true? What are you thinking as time passes by, and the future you think of is not gonna fly as the landscape is changing, your life thus renewed, a chance to become what you will be if True.

Tell me the problem you think is to big and I offer solutions that you to can live. Nothing but action will thus make it so, but if you believe you can do more than grow… bloom and become the Light, then let go. Fly like a lightning bug shining at night. While looking like nothing by day you’re so bright if you just learn to shine with the Light in your sight.

Awake to the sunlight with new dreams to fill. Build your small castle to learn how and then, build them for others and create a new life from the dreams you did not know could come from your Light. Believe in your purpose to share and to grow, not the past that you learned from to be strong here Now! Be thankful for challenges that we have seen, but do not take it with you where you can now see… a future of wonder that will let you Thrive. Believe in the future that you can create and don’t blame the world until you Awake and know that your power is that you decide what each day is part of your life and your Pride.

Remove the old garbage so you can then leap cross the chasm between you last past and what’s You! Leap over all that you once held so dear and you will reach a new level that lets you see clear. Above and beyond, I so hope you will see, enlightenment simply means seeing what’s True. Viewing the world so you can then see the doors that will open with Your Opportunity.

The chance is free, the loss is passing it up because you were not ready, could not decide, and missed the synchronicity of life that offers you all you need, if you will just heed the omens, pay attention, and be willing to change. Grow to be all you can be, Free, and capable of doing miracles if you will do the work it takes to get what you can… if you do the work.

I have eaten out of dumpsters to survive at 25.

I have feasted at the 5 star restaurants and known the finest foods.

I have struggled with great pain and been so crippled, bound to bed.

I have climbed back with a body that I never dreamt I’d have.

I have seen the miracles I need to believe in more than most.

I have lived a life with lessons that few wish they had lived instead.

I have walked away from millions and careers most seek to have.

I have been a father, lost a son, and thus been forced to start again.

I have mastered all the work I sought, left it all to see it rot.

I have lived and thus I thought,

In every moment I have caught new lessons to be learned,

but best of all as time goes by,

the wisdom which I yearned

comes my way and soothes my days,

with visions truly earned.

Darby Lettick

See & Learn Fabulous Pure Salvage Space Magic Design Tricks

30 houses gave their best parts for this Stairwell to Heaven.

After decades in Pure Salvage Living Designs for houses, offices, and Tiny Texas Houses, I have taken to writing and hoping others will be inspired by what can be done without imports, toxic manufacturing of new materials to build with, as well as conserving space, energy, and yet having our personal spaces seem luxurious. I suppose the idea is to go with the Dollhouse, Jewelry Box Cottage plans that captured the world’s eyes.

Tiny Texas Houses was a research and development cycle of intent to prove out the concept of building with 95% Pure Salvage, no imports, toxins, or built-in-obsolescence that would be energy efficient too. The houses were eventually designed to allow airflow to reduce the heat using the Venturi Principle, the lofts that have lots of headroom but are considered storage for property tax purposes. Space is a perception of ours that is influenced by lines, colors, and details. At some point the view alters the reality and the feeling becomes more important than the actual sizing.

You don’t have to be trapped into the bigger is better or newer is nicer traps.

This unique ethos in construction that gives extra value to the many items created long ago by our ancestors at a time when they were off-grid all the time… as in no electricity. The resources like trees were virgin and of incredible quality not to be found in newer building supply stores.

SalvageFaire is the land of imagination in a box, created from the parts and pieces of a past few know existed when 12 year olds pulled coal from the mines to run the forges, sharpened the blades of giant saws, and all for tokens, never cash or real money. Once upon a time in the not so rosy past, a story that could have been lost, but now perhaps could last. 30 houses gave their parts to build this stair so fine, yet it would not pass code today so it is Art Devine, a standing installation like few others of its kind.

This is the tribute to M. C. Escher who drew the many stairwells that led to where they started from but always appearing to never end… like my imagination as it rises up and bends.

Thanks for joining me in this Sunday message to share the great wonders of Salvage, Texas manifesting day by day now that I have again, found my way.

These guys scared us by disappearing for a day or three, then with great glee, returned one after the other, great friends reunited.

Darby Lettick

Ghostwriter and Chick Magnet

OH YES… and occasional promotional guy…. Check this OUT!!!!!

HOLY Cow, 18′ long slabs of Virgin Long Leaf Pine knot-free, hole-free, 500 year-old when cut , very Rare offering of a few of these incredible 18″x18′ long slabs, only a few for sale. [email protected]

Salvage Mining for treasure to create Pure Salvage Jewelry from a Kayak? Yup!

  • Only your imagination can define what could become of these treasures on the shore, hidden in the woods and from the view of common men… or women. Come see, take away, and create if you wish. By the pound take away and you get to stay in the Tiny Texas Houses at Salvage, Texas.
  • Creating a sustainable future from an incredible past full of treasures we can never replace. So let us re-use them with respect so they will be here for generations to come.
  • I can offer my dreams manifested, not a perfect person, life, or plan, but a path that has led me to great satisfaction and hope that others will benefit from my exploration outside of the box.

Imagine if you can, exploring in the shade, extracting colorful bits of jewels from the past industrial works from decades ago. Stainless Steel #3, Cobalt 5, Cobalt 7, slags, iridescent glass, and sand casting rocks that all have to be handled carefully for sharp objects and dangers abound. A Salvage Safari, on Kayaks, if you like, or by foot too… whichever works best for you.

Treasures by the pound to be found and taken away to form into art, as well as to return to sell in the only Pure Salvage Living Market in the USA. Truly a step in the directions no one would think in order to find out where the top of the box is, the Loophology of how to get out, and WOW… what is on the other side once the imagination is Freed.

  • Once an empty grotto that led to the river, then the interstate highway crossed its path and killed the land… with the help of man and a foundry, but let’s make Lemonade out of lemons. Loophology is how to have fun with your passion and get out of the Matrix doing it. Live life fully, and Love without measure.
    Darby Lettick
  • DCIM\100MEDIA\DJI_0012.JPG

For more information contact us 830-875-2500 or by email through [email protected]

Major Changes in Salvage, Texas course through time!

The waterways of Salvage, Texas did not exist five years ago. Like a dream manifesting, this model of imagination is yours to visit and take your dreams away from, filled with the hope of success and great health ahead. Thank you for sharing.

Yes, given the history of attempting to grow a community of full-time people living in a Pure Salvage Living Ethos is not going to come about on the level I had hoped once upon a naive night. If you build “IT” they will come! What is “IT”? Then “Who” will come? Remember the movie? Great line but no more than that for the most part if one were to use the plans for Salvage, Texas as an example. I did not understand many things about the phrase, people, and the possibility of completing it before people would even begin to see the potential of such a model for others to come to learn from… but that is the dream, not reality.

Instead, though thousands say and support the concept of downsizing in a responsible sustainable building format that will not simply create more toxic boxes, but smaller so that the populace can be put into large apartments, condos, and other toxic boxes that will provide them with basics, but no style or flavor, like living in a factory so you can be close to work and putting all the things you want in a mall next door so you don’t have to use a car. Of course there will be a great deal of restrictions on the colors, noise levels, and all other things creative that you will not be able to apply to your home as it would offend others if you picked hot pink for your door or other such violations to the community standards rules which seem to be needed for such habitats.

I prefer the simple life of having a tiny master suite and sharing the shower, kitchen, and most other parts of the home village that I might need from time to time but not want to own or maintain on an individual basis. In theory, many people tilling the gardens allows for many to flourish and be fed, perhaps by just a couple who love to cook while another takes care of the cars, tool, and other maintenance. It is possible as we age to grow kinder, friendlier, and smarter as well as have more fun if we take care of our bodies while we are younger. If we do, and can flourish after 60, why not create environs where we can share our talents, wisdom, and perhaps if some kids under 50 want to learn, we could share the valuable life skills and knowledge with some of the coming generations who sincerely wish to break away from the societal and social decay that appears to be crippling the minds and future of our children as the experiment with digital mindset shows its toxic effects on our children of the present generations.

lift your mind out of the box that most people live in to understand what can be possible instead. Creative houses built from the best treasures of our past, created by ancestors who loved the Art and Craftsmanship more than the profit… the life-time quality of construction more than the built-in-obsolescence of modern manufacturing.

We can alter the course of things that are becoming apparent consequences that have been said to be 1,000 times worse than asbestos or tobacco to the health of humans, bees, and many other things affected by high frequency. From the brain tumours, inflammation of the brains of kids under 7, the loss of short term memory showing up in kids who depend on computers and smartphones for their database of facts, calculating, and spellchecking all words. Thus the brain without exercise is becoming weak when it should be getting trained for a life of abstract thinking, visualization, calculations, and manifesting thus with a well-tooled imagination that can use ingenuity to figure things out instead of the phone. How do we transform this poorly planned transition into the high tech age if we dumb down the populace in the process while the AI computing is growing in capacity and ability? Soon it will not be as hard for a computer to “Outthink and out-create the human being if they continue down the hill of intellectual decline.


I believe that much of this loss of brainpower is due to the addiction to cloud storage off-human in a computer hard drive, smartphone, or other devices instead of doing the work inside their heads to store and retrieve, calculate and formulate conclusions based on deduction, induction, or simply the synthesis of solutions with the variety of options available but not sequenced or assembled so that the public can understand what their potential is, let alone figure out how to tap into that, maximize the impact in a positive way on our world, and thus move humanity toward cooperation and peaceful solutions to upcoming issues that normally foretell of world war.

The keys to our success are the children we teach today, give the keys to, and open the doors to what is possible instead of convincing the kids there is no hope for success as defined in a way that benefits consumerism, division in society, poverty/riches chasms that bring about violent rebellions and wars over the basic necessities when hoarded by the rich instead of used to better life for all species.

Once upon a time we built houses that were sent from Texas to the Badlands of North Dakota and all around Texas. Now we are focused on carrying on the work of the founder, BWK, and completing the model of a town that could have been created out of Salvage, called Salvage, Texas. The BnB to see what it is like to sleep, live, and possibly alter the course of your life, your dreams of what is possible, and even your occupation. Become one of the many who reach their success financially through the Salvage industry, producing more millionaires from scratch than any other industry in America. Join the Pure Salvage Living Renaissance!

I pray as we look for solutions that our country remembers how it takes the freedom to create, to solve the local problems with locals and not think the global governments or corporations are going to be looking out for the best interests of the masses, given the profit motive for stockholders is written into law, protecting them from the masses rather than uniting them with the people as if they are one, not opposed instead due to the rich running the corps and government and the poor being the ones to pay for and suffer bad administration of the assets of the people, the decisions to go to war, and the continuation of the Federal Reserve which is able to move the economy up or down with a single meeting and decisions made by the banks, the rich, and the masses be damned.

If we take the treasured materials used by our ancestors and use it to build a nation of downsized organic hOMes that people could move into as the economy faces the food shortages on the horizon even if we do not go to war as the leaders of so many countries seem to be threatening. The weather will determine if the farmers get to produce food and the flooding has stopped that for millions upon millions of acres, not even over for the season as we enter the hurricane season now. Where is the preparation and warning, the measures being taken to get the kids ready to thrive, survive, or at least help the elders stay alive so as to capture the wisdom, knowledge, and life skills that will slip away as the elders pass. We can do better.

Let us unite behind the idea of empowering the masses to take the treasure and convert it to houses as we salvage the flooded homes, businesses, barns, and use it to build with rather than toss it away as if there is an unlimited supply of new materials to build with and the bigger is better policy of homebuilding in America must be put to death. Please start considering the cost of a new house of massive square footage to be a sore on the Earth rather than a toxic Dream House that will be worth your debt enslavement for 30 years of your life… or more. Now that the real estate bubble is bursting and the elders can not liquidate their prized savings account, their house, due to the issues or the damage from the weather.

The bell tolls for thee… sooner or later we all have to face the loss of income to savings from inflation, the taking by the banks, or simply the many scams and theft now possible in the cyber world where your identity can be stolen and your credit lost, your life ruined by an anonymous person on the far side of the world. How do you protect yourself and are you constantly afraid of losing all things tangible and digital, like your phone, bank accounts, credit cards, home, car, and other financed luxuries you are enjoying without concern for now?

Imagine that EMP the government warns of or the internet going down for a month. Could you survive emotionally and for some, physically due to prescription needs thus unfilled, and the social platform shock of loss when millions lose their friends, lovers, and family who were only linked by a phone with all the contact information stored digitally, thus no way to retrieve it unless there is a hard copy. I remember when there was no digital and all hard copies for all things, some I still have in boxes from 4 decades back unlike the many crashed hard drives, virus infected or simply age, once gone, all the pictures, data, and thus life stored on a disk is gone too. Ouch.

So the theme of this essay is simply one of waking up to the need to downsize before the rest of the Baby Boomers jump off the Dream Home Boat too. With the average person at 55 years old only having $25,000 of savings in the bank, needing Social Security for any hope of surviving at today’s food and energy costs, the future for the Baby Boomers who lived high on the luxury and debt train for this generation, the future looks bleak. If they do not own a house, rents keep going up. If they do not have a garden, food costs are skyrocketing. If they are sickly and do not have insurance or a doctor in the family, they are in trouble for care after 60 unless the public coffers are opened to take care of the many who are out of shape and in need of constant care, drugs, or other addictive measures just to stay alive, not depressed, or out of pain. Sad times for the populace that is supposed to be the leading society in the world, in their own minds at least. Why are 50% of the people on anti-depressants, alcoholic thriving, drug addiction unhampered in its growth as new forms of chemicals that destroy the human minds are handed out as if to tempt them to destroy their own bodies, lives, and perhaps even souls during this lifetime.

What happens when you get to the top of the stairs, the corporate ladder per se, and then find out the house, the rooms, the whole illusion of a big house that will last forever crumbles like the fireplace that fuel fed, gave heat to those within. NOW that is gone! Where are you? Still see the house and dreams in your mind?
What happens when the stairwell collapses at last?

We can give kids the gifts of a great mind, body, and perspectives that they are able to do so much, fix what is broken in our society, and perhaps create a new millennium of peace and prosperity if we can get the greedy leaders out of the way and find some that will focus on the preservation of the world, quality of life for the masses as opposed to opulence for few who seem to deem themselves equal to kings and gods without regard for the suffering of the animals, people, or planet.

Indeed the imbalance will inevitably be altered but not necessarily balanced as the two sides come to clash when the resources decline, people starve, get desperate, and drop all formalities of morals, respect, truth, or honor to survive, feed their children, family, and take from any who have what they need to make that possible. If it were not a repeated cycle in history as such weather changes happen and droughts, suffering, and migrations of people fleeing chaos alter the societies in all countries… for none are spared in such global events. Please consider downsizing and altering our course by changing how you live now, preparing for a time when abundance is not the norm, thus you will thrive when others do not want to be alive.

Salvage your life, your house, your town, your world instead of destroying what is left of the planet to repeat by committing the same mistakes we just spent a century learning the consequences of, and unable to fix most of the problems we as humans have caused that all living being suffer from, pollution, poisons, and people included. I hope you will join me in sharing the Pure Salvage Living Renaissance with others who want to abandon our modern consumerism society and return to a more life-skilled organic and simpler life that is free from the high-frequency chaos from too much electromagnetic stimulation. If people learn that the alternative is possible, how well we can thrive by taking this path, then change will happen naturally as more humans choose a path that will help salvage our world and create a paradise for the kids who will steward our planet next.

Savor your day, your treasures, and your knowledge so that you may be the gift we need to make the planet a better place to live.

Darby Lettick

Kayak Bayou to Open to Public in Salvage, Texas Soon

Kayaks and Canoes, for Salvage, Texas and the San Marcos River 1/4 mile away. Fun Away!

For now though, if you are staying at the Salvage, Texas BnB then you can try out the new Kayaks and pond areas and hopefully, with some rain soon, we will be having the Kayak Tag, Races, and Hide and Seek as we have so many islands created to paddle around, and best of all for the competitively minded, Kayak blowgun Paintball contests… (Only ones in the world). Race up through the vine-filled grotto, out amongst the isles, with the underground market next to the water Yup really underground vendors using the ground and shade to stay cool under the shade.

Yup, imagination gone wild out-of-the-box ways to create the solutions of the future out of the treasures of our past, the ingenuity of our brains, and the human energy we have in our control. Join me for a quick look at the progress as my mind and body form this new attraction to the many who want to do things that make them stronger, younger and growing the future for those who follow us for generations to come.

A place to put a Kayak in and launch, with the soon to be check in office, the judge’s viewing area up above for filming events, races, and such, as well as the place to store kayaks. Yup, yup, out of the box thinking for salvage materials.

We must do the things that will change the options available if those that are being born are to have full access to their potential capacity to create solutions, to alter the course of our society toward helplessness, dependency, and the destruction of the community and family units.

A space Wii create to savor the days, to create the opportunity for life to flourish, and tomorrow to be even better than today for those Wii prepare for once the time to move on to the next step through our many lives and loves.
Where no water stood, now ponds prevail, and life abundant grows about. Imagination made it happen, with a shovel, and some work but when its finished, oh the feeling of the gift to Mother Earth. Thank you for the lessons that such creations bring to my life.

Digging for a few days to create a venue that will pay for us to do more with less, to create a way to get in better condition, but also to show others how to have fun doing it. Planting seeds… expanding the vision of all those who come and giving them the passion and hope it takes to show up and act… to do the things that we must to create more than a daydream with the hours we are alive and healthy. I am having fun.

Hope you can get here soon and have fun too. The world won’t cooperate, so I am going to do what I can in my tiny paradise and stay always ready to keep morphing and getting better and better. God I love this life, finally, it became nearly all I ever hoped it would, though the reality is not what I still dream it can be, the past is already so great that I can leave with a smile on my face at any moment. I can’t imagine how it could have turned out better in spite of how hard the difficult times were.

If not for this perspective, I would have killed myself decades ago as a child, at 15, born to be a lone wolf, but honoring the value of that versus being a sheep in the herd that can not even see the path, let alone the goal, but only the assholes ahead of, beside, and behind you walking through the shit left by all those who are filing down the same path. My paradise found after struggling along through many failures, losses, and challenges that made me stronger, and thus have I become me through my way, life has been full of adventure. It is one of many scars, bruises, and broken bones within, but always with the attitude that I would survive… seeking the impossible goals, the imagination that was unlimited in youth, flows without constraint as an elder. I finally have the freedom that I never had in youth while learning the lessons, chasing the illusions of what would bring me what I have found.

The Freedom is a change of perspective, of Perspicuity, that now makes the Synchronicity meaningful and thus empowering at last. Please, Consider breaking away from the pack and becoming a lone wolf for a while… it may last a lifetime. Free yourself from the Fear of Failure and embrace success before it happens based on the commitment and work you are willing to dedicate to the new you that is possible if you break away from the herd mentality that is holding you back.

Break free, but know you will feel alone for a bit, even be homesick and backslide to the comfort of nothingness. You will not be happy though if you decide to break free and feel the success that such thoughts bring, for your perspective is what will determine your future. Believe it and make your life what you want it to be, not what others expect.

Best of luck to you.Darby Lettik​

Major Changes in the Salvage, Texas growth through Time & Spaces!

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The waterways of Salvage, Texas did not exist five years ago. Like a dream manifesting, this model of imagination is yours to visit and take your dreams away from, filled with the hope of success and great health ahead. Thank you for sharing.

Yes, given the history of attempting to grow a community of full-time people living in a Pure Salvage Living Ethos is not going to come about on the level I had hoped once upon a naive night. If you build “IT” they will come! What is “IT”? Then “Who” will come? Remember the movie? Great line but no more than that for the most part if one were to use the plans for Salvage, Texas as an example. I did not understand many things about the phrase, people, and the possibility of completing it before people would even begin to see the potential of such a model for others to come to learn from… but that is the dream, not reality.

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Instead though, thousands say and support the concept of downsizing in a responsible sustainable building format. Unfortunately most tiny houses, especially now that they are fadish RV’s, that will simply create more toxic boxes, but with the public accepting a smaller version of trash built housing, thus the populace can be put into large apartments, condos, and other toxic boxes that will provide them with basics, but no style or flavor, like living in a factory so you can be close to work and putting all the things you want in a mall next door so you don’t have to use a car. Of course there will be a great deal of restrictions on the colors, noise levels, and all other things creative that you will not be able to apply to your home as it would offend others if you picked hot pink for your door or other such violations to the community standards rules which seem to be needed for such habitats.

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I prefer the simple life of having a tiny master suite and sharing the shower, kitchen, and most other parts of the home village that I might need from time to time but not want to own or maintain on an individual basis. In theory, many people tilling the gardens allows for many to flourish and be fed, perhaps by just a couple who love to cook while another takes care of the cars, tool, and other maintenance. It is possible as we age to grow kinder, friendlier, and smarter as well as have more fun if we take care of our bodies while we are younger. If we do, and can flourish after 60, why not create environs where we can share our talents, wisdom, and perhaps if some kids under 50 want to learn, we could share the valuable life skills and knowledge with some of the coming generations who sincerely wish to break away from the societal and social decay that appears to be crippling the minds and future of our children as the experiment with digital mindset shows its toxic effects on our children of the present generations.

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lift your mind out of the box that most people live in to understand what can be possible instead. Creative houses built from the best treasures of our past, created by ancestors who loved the Art and Craftsmanship more than the profit… the life-time quality of construction more than the built-in-obsolescence of modern manufacturing.

We can alter the course of things that are becoming apparent consequences that have been said to be 1,000 times worse than asbestos or tobacco to the health of humans, bees, and many other things affected by high frequency. From the brain tumours, inflammation of the brains of kids under 7, the loss of short term memory showing up in kids who depend on computers and smartphones for their database of facts, calculating, and spellchecking all words. Thus the brain without exercise is becoming weak when it should be getting trained for a life of abstract thinking, visualization, calculations, and manifesting thus with a well-tooled imagination that can use ingenuity to figure things out instead of the phone. How do we transform this poorly planned transition into the high tech age if we dumb down the populace in the process while the AI computing is growing in capacity and ability? Soon it will not be as hard for a computer to “Outthink and out-create the human being if they continue down the hill of intellectual decline.

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I believe that much of this loss of brainpower is due to the addiction to cloud storage off-human in a computer hard drive, smartphone, or other devices instead of doing the work inside their heads to store and retrieve, calculate and formulate conclusions based on deduction, induction, or simply the synthesis of solutions with the variety of options available but not sequenced or assembled so that the public can understand what their potential is, let alone figure out how to tap into that, maximize the impact in a positive way on our world, and thus move humanity toward cooperation and peaceful solutions to upcoming issues that normally foretell of world war.

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The keys to our success are the children we teach today, give the keys to, and open the doors to what is possible instead of convincing the kids there is no hope for success as defined in a way that benefits consumerism, division in society, poverty/riches chasms that bring about violent rebellions and wars over the basic necessities when hoarded by the rich instead of used to better life for all species.

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Once upon a time we built houses that were sent from Texas to the Badlands of North Dakota and all around Texas. Now we are focused on carrying on the work of the founder, BWK, and completing the model of a town that could have been created out of Salvage, called Salvage, Texas. The BnB to see what it is like to sleep, live, and possibly alter the course of your life, your dreams of what is possible, and even your occupation. Become one of the many who reach their success financially through the Salvage industry, producing more millionaires from scratch than any other industry in America. Join the Pure Salvage Living Renaissance!

I pray as we look for solutions that our country remembers how it takes the freedom to create, to solve the local problems with locals and not think the global governments or corporations are going to be looking out for the best interests of the masses, given the profit motive for stockholders is written into law, protecting them from the masses rather than uniting them with the people as if they are one, not opposed instead due to the rich running the corps and government and the poor being the ones to pay for and suffer bad administration of the assets of the people, the decisions to go to war, and the continuation of the Federal Reserve which is able to move the economy up or down with a single meeting and decisions made by the banks, the rich, and the masses be damned.

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If we take the treasured materials used by our ancestors and use it to build a nation of downsized organic hOMes that people could move into as the economy faces the food shortages on the horizon even if we do not go to war as the leaders of so many countries seem to be threatening. The weather will determine if the farmers get to produce food and the flooding has stopped that for millions upon millions of acres, not even over for the season as we enter the hurricane season now. Where is the preparation and warning, the measures being taken to get the kids ready to thrive, survive, or at least help the elders stay alive so as to capture the wisdom, knowledge, and life skills that will slip away as the elders pass. We can do better.

Let us unite behind the idea of empowering the masses to take the treasure and convert it to houses as we salvage the flooded homes, businesses, barns, and use it to build with rather than toss it away as if there is an unlimited supply of new materials to build with and the bigger is better policy of homebuilding in America must be put to death. Please start considering the cost of a new house of massive square footage to be a sore on the Earth rather than a toxic Dream House that will be worth your debt enslavement for 30 years of your life… or more. Now that the real estate bubble is bursting and the elders can not liquidate their prized savings account, their house, due to the issues or the damage from the weather.

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The bell tolls for thee… sooner or later we all have to face the loss of income to savings from inflation, the taking by the banks, or simply the many scams and theft now possible in the cyber world where your identity can be stolen and your credit lost, your life ruined by an anonymous person on the far side of the world. How do you protect yourself and are you constantly afraid of losing all things tangible and digital, like your phone, bank accounts, credit cards, home, car, and other financed luxuries you are enjoying without concern for now?

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Imagine that EMP the government warns of or the internet going down for a month. Could you survive emotionally and for some, physically due to prescription needs thus unfilled, and the social platform shock of loss when millions lose their friends, lovers, and family who were only linked by a phone with all the contact information stored digitally, thus no way to retrieve it unless there is a hard copy. I remember when there was no digital and all hard copies for all things, some I still have in boxes from 4 decades back unlike the many crashed hard drives, virus infected or simply age, once gone, all the pictures, data, and thus life stored on a disk is gone too. Ouch.1

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So the theme of this essay is simply one of waking up to the need to downsize before the rest of the Baby Boomers jump off the Dream Home Boat too. With the average person at 55 years old only having $25,000 of savings in the bank, needing Social Security for any hope of surviving at today’s food and energy costs, the future for the Baby Boomers who lived high on the luxury and debt train for this generation, the future looks bleak. If they do not own a house, rents keep going up. If they do not have a garden, food costs are skyrocketing. If they are sickly and do not have insurance or a doctor in the family, they are in trouble for care after 60 unless the public coffers are opened to take care of the many who are out of shape and in need of constant care, drugs, or other addictive measures just to stay alive, not depressed, or out of pain. Sad times for the populace that is supposed to be the leading society in the world, in their own minds at least. Why are 50% of the people on anti-depressants, alcoholic thriving, drug addiction unhampered in its growth as new forms of chemicals that destroy the human minds are handed out as if to tempt them to destroy their own bodies, lives, and perhaps even souls during this lifetime.1

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What happens when you get to the top of the stairs, the corporate ladder per se, and then find out the house, the rooms, the whole illusion of a big house that will last forever crumbles like the fireplace that fuel fed, gave heat to those within. NOW that is gone! Where are you? Still see the house and dreams in your mind?
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What happens when the stairwell collapses at last?

We can give kids the gifts of a great mind, body, and perspectives that they are able to do so much, fix what is broken in our society, and perhaps create a new millennium of peace and prosperity if we can get the greedy leaders out of the way and find some that will focus on the preservation of the world, quality of life for the masses as opposed to opulence for few who seem to deem themselves equal to kings and gods without regard for the suffering of the animals, people, or planet.

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Indeed the imbalance will inevitably be altered but not necessarily balanced as the two sides come to clash when the resources decline, people starve, get desperate, and drop all formalities of morals, respect, truth, or honor to survive, feed their children, family, and take from any who have what they need to make that possible. If it were not a repeated cycle in history as such weather changes happen and droughts, suffering, and migrations of people fleeing chaos alter the societies in all countries… for none are spared in such global events. Please consider downsizing and altering our course by changing how you live now, preparing for a time when abundance is not the norm, thus you will thrive when others do not want to be alive.

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Salvage your life, your house, your town, your world instead of destroying what is left of the planet to repeat by committing the same mistakes we just spent a century learning the consequences of, and unable to fix most of the problems we as humans have caused that all living being suffer from, pollution, poisons, and people included. I hope you will join me in sharing the Pure Salvage Living Renaissance with others who want to abandon our modern consumerism society and return to a more life-skilled organic and simpler life that is free from the high-frequency chaos from too much electromagnetic stimulation. If people learn that the alternative is possible, how well we can thrive by taking this path, then change will happen naturally as more humans choose a path that will help salvage our world and create a paradise for the kids who will steward our planet next.

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Savor your day, your treasures, and your knowledge so that you may be the gift we need to make the planet a better place to live.

Darby Lettick

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