Lets clear the Bloodweed, Ragweeds, and bad leaders from our gardens and governments. Time to prepare for a Global Spring?

Let us clear out the Bloodweeds and Ragweeds so that we can plant an honest generation of leaders to work for the People instead of condemning them for peaceful resistance to tyranny by mandate. Walk away from the cities that take away rights and protections except for their leader’s delights. Support the peaceful resistance where ever you may be for the forces that want violence are the bad guys on the scene.

We are ready to clear the Bloodweed, Plant for Spring, much like our countries should do side by side, US & Canada People, not politicians, clearing the Ragweed, Bloodweeds, & planting honest crops of leaders for the People, Truth, & Peace. Salvage, Tx Spring Happy days, the sun does shine, and even though it’s cold at night, high 60’s here so all is fine. Join us for a quick look at the unique garden, chicken areas, and preparations for spring in Paradise.

Find out how to come to stay in the BnB, garden, and eat fresh veggies for breakfast omelets that Trinity makes, and even gluten-free waffles with mesquite flour when it is in stock from our own trees. Fresh eggs from chickens who are happy here indeed, and rabbits to play with for the evening with kids. Kayaking, swimming, playing in the sun, ooops, you don’t have that up North… that’s no fun. Do you sit back and wonder how the scrubbing of commentary, opinions, a voice for dialogue over narratives will force indoctrination upon the public.

Like planting a garden with poison to keep out weeds, nothing else will grow once the soil’s natural nematodes and bacteria, mycelium, or more was the immune system destroyed for profit and control. Share with the people who do not yet see that the natural path to our future is where wii want to be and the hope is that we have the time to be sure that we stay free.

Come visit, even invest in a spot for the winter where you can run for a couple of months to get into great shape and go back north for the summer if it comes back again. Just a glimpse of what living healthy at 66 can look like for a guy, but Trinity is far from that of a young lady getting younger by the day. Follow her on the journey back to youth, vitality, great immune response, and getting smarter every day. Be Autodidactic or be a dead-head for it is a muscle between the ears, like all other places in the vessel you get to live in with many other lifeforms besides the You that you think you are. Your biome controls your moods, your appetites, and your pain. Please consider getting grounded, clean up your intake of poisons that are in processed foods, sugar-filled treats, and other such things we all love.

I was the biggest sugar addict I knew as a kid, in fact into adulthood, but luckily I did not blow out my pancreas before learning I was hypo-glycemic on my way quickly to a blowout that would ruin my life… diabetes. Besides a broken back from 2 1/2 years old, scoliosis, Marfan’s Syndrome, and many childhood diseases, I survived to thrive at this late age. YOU can too! Honor thy vessel and it can regenerate, get younger as you replace every cell in your body every 7 years. Create the best new you daily so that 7 years from now you too can be the best you have ever been, mind, body, and Spirit combined at last. Know there is a “Ship of Salvaged Dreams” that could appear without a nail being driven to sit upon “Miracle Mountain”, the metaphors for life from seed to human, baby to elder, follower to become a leader if you deserve such honors one day. Sad to see the path by Walden Pond in Salvage, Tx. is not visited more often, the words of Thoreau about what is important in life, the hours of life.

Wii, all of the “I”s together have begun walking through the “Bridge over Untroubled Waters” that runs across the border, safe from the storms and having to leap the “Chasm at the Fringe” to reach your dreams. The “Songs of Salvage” will be sung long after this written story has been lost. Most will never understand how a simple set of words could launch a quantum story that will rest softly in the minds of millions, one day to inspire Art Houses they can live in from the treasures wii have managed to save from a past few can imagine existed. Watching the “El Campo version of the Song of Salvage” to see the history, the life of a house as it comes apart in days, saved to create other tiny organic houses, preserving the beehives, the scorpions, and with 3 inexperienced middle-aged women, a few kids, and to a great musical tune. Savor the daze, the chance to wake from sleeping and not seeing what is right before our eyes.

So, the system of online censorship takes on the rights of all to freely share the Truth and get it out to those who do believe. Lies are now exposed and Wii, the World Union of Beings will see, cheaters should not win and once exposed, be punished publicly so all can share the benefits around the world.

Time for a Global Spring. I want to see a world I would have wanted to hand off to my son, thus I strive for those born by his generations. Adam Brad Kittel sings this very special version of hope, the “Song of Salvage in a ballad that will never end” that will last like these houses, till long after Wii are gone. Thank you to his friends who carry his memories on. Darby

Thank you for planting our future in the seeds of babies born today.

This was free just for listening and thinking of what you might do too. Thank you.