Use biofuels to provide heat and CO2 so they can grow to feed you.

JAN 15, 2024
I seed through ideas for veggies from Salvage-Formed Greenhouses that is a fast, economical, Earth-Friendly way to go.
Suppose a house was to be torn down but had windows that could not otherwise be found for free. Would you take them out with care to form a greenhouse to share all the food that could come from what would be trash? Yes, the wood you get free and the windows will be a way to feed your family and your friends.
Would there be someone who might help you donate sashes that will amount to a way to create humans out of what you grew within, from peanuts to cabbages, strawberries, tomatoes, and potatoes? All will blend to grow the people and our animals from what was dead. Houses die when unused, or the land is needed for a bigger house.

Why not use the best Wii ever had to create a better future than a landfill that is nearby? Turn the trash into treasure and tell the tax man when he comes that it is simply art, a pile of trash that has no value once its end is determined by the way you demolish the houses. So no tax on it. Grow your chickens and your veggies with the parts you find in the millions of old homes that do not house anyone and will need to be demolished for some space to grow some more.

I prefer that they will build tiny, not just houses but villages too. Groups of common-minded people who want a community, not just one, in the village that will share the work of growing gardens and the fun of having many critters who help to balance nature where we spawn our ethos for a simpler life lived healthy, near off-grid. What drives those who do not want to live in the middle of the Electro-goo? The EMFs and smog show what abuse the body can go through and have proven most would live much better without the stress that comes with living in the city. The cost to make a living of a standard that gives everything the people want is changing faster than most thought. Food and shelter are becoming more than most can afford without going in to live with others who can share the cost of the basics to keep from being homeless like millions have had to do.

RVs, cars, and van life are near the same as homelessness. For the nomads, life leaves little for the American Dream once provided for a carrot that called to all the youth. Out of reach for lack of action by those who want, but most lack the hope or will to do the work that must be done to break free from the hurts. The lessons learned from living large, deep in debt, or deep in drugs are paying back now in a major way by taking from the people without them getting any say. The leaders sent our wealth abroad to wage great wars from way too far to justify a threat to us, causing our kids to be sent off to die. This is once more a corporate war that will ignite and not settle any scores, but the winners will be, as they always are, the banks and the weapons makers, not the workers on the farms.
Who will feed the world today as the cold sets in and food disappears? With Ukraine fields that once grew grain filled with mines and the bombs we sent for free, who thinks that did not warm the world nearly half a degree? What on Earth do the people believe that pass out that Global Warming Schtick when they also gain great wealth and power by feeding the wars with their unrestrained power?

WHEN DO THE PEOPLE RULE? Such cries go out and show that the people on the tractors, in the trucks, and the mills are not supporting war machines that grow on evermore to make the richest of the world more powerful Wii know, but the “I”s around the world are seeing all of this exposed thanks to the whistleblowers and their finally being shown. Tell the people what you see through the windows I bring from the past where some thought was lost, a sight of logic at no cost. See the best of our great history and save it before the next big blast of war machines that will insure the best of the past is lost for sure.
Please stop the madness with metaphors like a garden built from the sand on the shores that was melted into glass with the coal from the mines that our ancestors went crawling down as children to bring up. Save a thousand calories it took to make one inch of the glass that could create the food to grow again. Please don’t throw away the work and energy of human beings who were ancestors who gave their lives and worked for their families. Respect the labor, love, and homes they built to raise the kids and hope the world flourishes with all God could give. If they did good, it was understood, they would be rewarded too, when they left this life and ventured on to see their God, its true, most believed in a God to be their guide and thus be used to manifest this destiny that you are about to lose.

Freedom to believe and love, to grow your dreams but not push or shove the others in the world who share the planet, which requires care. Let us join as one big union of the people who see the proof that if the greed and evil leaders were taken out, they would be replaced by purer people who would care for all instead of just enriching themselves. I do believe it can be done. The World Union of Beings as One great proof that our humanity can stop the warring and still have us be free. This is a fantasy that I dream of when I create another garden on the Earth as evidence that you could take the past and grow a community where you live now. Join together to share ideas and the parts of the past for free. Create a path for many to share that no one person could ever dare. I will help and hope you see the logic in Pure Salvage ways to enrich the many with plenty to see and share the work so that all will be better off for the blessings that you all will see.