That is simply not knowing there are ways to get all the materials nearly for free to build tiny organic villages from the remains of old neighborhoods that crashed.
Tiny Texas Houses Newsletter for those who want to create sustainable homes.
A tiny organic cottage built from salvaged vintage materials to last a century or more. Learn how?
Given the tools, skills accumulated in the elders who were carpenters, electricians, plumbers, and other such life skilled workers that are now becoming scarce… why not transfer this skillset and teach the kids that do want to learn, though few in comparison to the TV/cellphone addicted masses. Some people want to learn more, to build a tiny house, even create a career out of creating healthy organic houses for others without consuming trees, burning carbon fuels to transport, cutting down trees in forests, forming glass from sand, hardware which comes from China.
Why not help create the next generation of housing for as much of America as possible from the massive stores of inventory that are hidden in houses, barns, and buildings that look like they need to be torn down. If through no other means than to advocate for salvage mining and building, giving guidance to others who want to but do not know how, or to build with real wood, the old way instead of new. Wood on the walls instead of sheetrock which has no structural value has black mold spores dormant and waiting for water to flourish again. Latex paints give off acrylic gas as they cure and smell so fresh, yet are unhealthy for respiratory issues like COPD. Why add that to your house which is closed up most of the time?
If you would like to learn how to create such things as Art Houses from the best of our ancestors centuries past, would you? Doors for walls instead of sheetrock, trim, doors, and so much more, saving energy by not mining iron ore then casting a tub, adding porcelain, and shipping it from the Northeastern US to Texas long ago by train. Such energy saved by not forming glass, by not making hardware, that is truly the sustainable way to build without burning fossil fuels… yet few copied what I demonstrated and proved possible: 95% Pure Salvage Building should be coming into vogue finally and my prophecy is that it will become a Renaissance in thinking of sources for materials and becoming inspired to develop skills so that people who build can also have fun, be artists, and have the greatest of patrons living in your creations.
So let us salvage the treasures of wood, brick, glass, doors, windows, and more to build a new generation of housing designed for more expensive fuel to heat with, or more expensive food. Let us take the old structures down to the ground and use the parts to create the most incredible generation of rightly sized energy-efficient sustainable housing in history. Instead of everyone seeing who can build the biggest house out of trashy sheetrock and concrete, disposable homes at a half-million dollars with hollow core doors. Want to learn how to do this too?
Expensive houses that are basically created from the cheapest of woods or even glued together pieces of wood, veneers over particle board glued together and nearly all of it outgassing chemicals that are not healthy. How fast can you build? That is the question… not how well can you create a house that will be alive for a century, not dead on arrival from a carbon footprint perspective.
Given I do not wish to grow FB coffers by having a membership on their platform, please consider supporting this one library of books, articles, and the many writings of Brad Kittel and Darby Lettick on healthy living the Pure Salvage Living Renaissance way.
If you want to see this evolve into teaching those who do not buy a package of material to build with, then help by being a paid subscriber as even your $5 a month or founding member contributions go toward publishing these posts for others to see and learn how to also do this and satisfy the demand for such tiny organic cottages as this favorite of mine. Above, Carlos, my best carpenter and much like a son, studied my method and mastered this craft before returning to Mexico. Pity he is not one of those getting to come back into America as he was an incredible worker and artist with wood.
I use a view of the grave to birth a salvage cycle that can create houses that are better than any most other sustainable alternatives in the world. This is not just due to the climate change based on carbon consumption which I do not support as much as giving credit to the sun. It is for health reasons, more important is the toxic vapors outgassing for 3-5 years from vinyl, plastics, paints, rugs, and other fabricated things forced upon the public, like Electric Magnetic Frequencies that damage the body. I want to do this for all the materials that will last another century when used to create more housing for the future that allows us to change from AC electric to Off-Grid living with solar, wind, and water power.
Creating all the luxury, the lighting, and the things builders use can actually be harmful to your health in many ways. Not just the gross consumption factor, the waste of space and fuel to heat and cool it all, not to mention making glass, concrete, transporting the materials from around the world instead of staying relatively local, and by cutting new trees down, or using carpets, particleboard cabinets and other limited life parts. These things are all trash with heavy maintenance in 15 years, often greater in cost than the payments on the house. Tragically, the 25-year mark on a modern home is old age with rare neighborhoods surviving their demise due to poor maintenance by renters.
As people abandon apartments, condos, and giant subdivisions they will have to go somewhere to escape renting for life. I suggest more subdivisions catering to tinier cottages and houses will evolve at what seems like flash speed but they have been in the process of watching for a few years, getting through the code limits demanding more than 750 square feet to build in the cities or towns for example. Space-age (Icynene) insulation lets 2 inches plug the gap ( stops 94% of heat/cold) and allows window-weighted mechanisms to have their hidden cast iron accomplices in the wall behind the trim shown below.
Many of the codes are designed to force corporate profits by making the public use things instead of salvaged woods, glass, electrical wiring, and lighting. We can change the rules to fit the needs when the only loss is to the global corporations, not to the locals who need the benefit of flexible building codes that allow for tiny houses built from salvage locally or in America.
Please share and promote by letting others know this newsletter will give you all you need to become a millionaire if you wish, from the salvage industry. Truly you can find a career, a niche market growing fast, and even help develop those intentional communities everyone is now talking about. Join me in providing solutions and getting a Pure Salvage Living Outpost cranked up to near you, the Co-op of the future.
Imagine a series of houses together that help form a family gathering of master suites, a study room, kitchen, and eating house to gather and share cooking or games, an office for working with the internet, or a chapel perhaps. These are the tiny parts of an intentional community or village, a compound, or a family farm. Why not consider creating them from salvaging the best of what was used to do the same the last time people decided to live a simpler life in the country rather than in the hustle, bustle, and crime of the city?
Tiny Texas Houses @ Salvage, Texas BnB Resort Letter
From windows created long ago by people I would love to know, as well as how to create this glass.
Breaking out of the Matrix is not as hard as you have been told by those afraid of breaking out, changing the way they live, where they live, or what they do for an almost living wage. What of those who get paid so much that saying no takes much more guts because you know that if you do the house of cards, your debt is due. Yikes… with a credit score no more… when only cash will do, trade away the other things that no longer work for you. Kayaks, canoes, and 4-wheelers, tractors, tools, and other things that if you could but sell them now you could have cash or move somehow on making what you want to come true.
Why not barter to transmute what you have sitting here and hiding there, perhaps in storage where you pay for its care? Think about the things you have that fit such things as I expressed and if you find you want to trade, don’t let that thought just age and fade, write or call, let us know, then get that hubby up and go. Gather goods, like guns and things that he has too much of, don’t complain, boxes of lead formed semi-round are the sorts of things that can be found to trade for windows, doors, and floors, in fact nearly all you need to score to create your Dream Homes one by one to Loophole round the taxing fun and find a path to then grow more, a village next, Wii offer more.
Perhaps you have some things about, an old car hidden in the garage or out in the barn where the owls have shat to make it ugly where it sat. Let us know and we just might find a way to turn it into two kinds of things that you can then transform into a house or even store. Would you like a Pure Salvage Outpost or more to create tiny cottages where you live for more of the many people who wish they could find someone who wants to build with wood. Please share the thought with those you know, the elders with tools and the knowledge that shows we can join in Co-ops where the fun can grow as the houses are created with the help of those who know how to build something well, the American way, before it was cheapened and the quality destroyed.
Bring back pride in American Made and the best way to do it is to respect those days when the ancestors created with the best of the wood and with the intention of it lasting for a lifetime if they could. Respect, and even more, salvage the best and then restore the lifeskills and the craftsmanship, the pride and work they did, by rebuilding in the kids today the will to be that way.
How do Wii teach around the world to all of those who feel hurled by all the things beyond their control that suddenly have taken hold? Weather that no one can stop, volcanos flowing from the top, icy weather that’s rarely seen in places that are mostly green, or Deserts, rains that flood the towns, and Earthquakes that keep coming round, getting stronger, no mercy mean, as if we’re building to extremes.
Thus the beginning comes if that is so and this for sure I truly know… there are millions ready for the end of this show and a new beginning where the Free can go. Let the ones who love to be controlled remain in the grasp of the rich and old, the despots and the lunatics that run the world of Politics are doomed to fall, transparently, to thus be judged for the world to see.
Punished such that none repeat the dastardly deeds of the heartless greed that brought on all the plagues and fear, with a bad intention now so clear that the world will strike the vipers down, take the heads but keep the crowns of Royals and of Rich who played the world as suckers, may they soon parade. Down the streets into the holes, cast from anywhere they go, homeless, friendless, soon to know the pain and suffering they imposed. Can Wii, Will Wii, all the “I”s, see with more than just the eyes, know from facts and proof at last, and with that judge the very fast.
What a rabbit hole that was, the path to barter through the curtain that blinds the many to what they know, to buy with dollars, that is all. No big box stores to barter at… well not for you if subscribed to this for a paid subscription lets you do the barter that will get you through the hard times when no cash is near but you got things that we hold dear.
Please let us know, so goes the rhyme, and hopefully, while there is time to build your tiny cottage still before the next winter gets colder still. Blessings to your days and nights, to get your tiny house created just right, and to dream with visions that you set out to make and the parts Wii have waiting for you to come take. Savor the day, the opportunity of the moment, and the path along the way to your visions coming true. May Truth be with you. For the paid subscribers who get to read this far, to find out they have just gotten a giant discount for the parts… 30% off of any purchase large or small if you mention that you are a paid subscriber and you saw this offered here, perhaps you’d like some bead board like you see used in my home, Temple Tanrta has a ceiling like few others I have known… a variety of beaded wood more than a century old with colors of the time gone by still warm pastels of many grains and shadows to entertain the mind.
Please let us know, support our work, subscribe if you can, wii will give you a start. Inspirations are hard to find in a world that seems to bump and grind most to a pulp with such distractions that we seldom get to actions it will take to reach the place, to live free in a happy space. What are you dreaming of one day? A giant house with great taxes to pay or a simple little cottage in the woods so far away from the world of things that stress so many, kill them in the end with the fears of loss and anger, of the debt that never ends so that those you like to hang with will consider you still friends. If that is what it takes to be a friend to those you like to see then blessings to your life and thee… I do choose different, with thanks, I’m Free!
Winter transforms to summer, extremes like 1815 rule in the years ahead. For those prepared, our view is clear: Run from the RESET! Not in Fear, winter is clipping us at Salvage, Texas Brrr. Prepare for more North to Southeast… No end is near? No RESET!
So I did a bit more than letting the pipe drip just for the icy sculpture. This is not a regular event in Salvage, Texas… though not immune from freezes, it is not an annual affair historically. I suspect with all the volcanic ash in the stratosphere, that will change over the next few years, but still far better than the year without a summer ahead.
Please, Prepare for a very different year my friends as the sun tell the Earth what to do instead of Man. Got our plans ready. How about you? Fun times for those that came to Earth to have an exciting life filled with great challenges, successes, and the springboard to even greater times ahead, millennium after millennium.
Let’s make Mother Earth worth coming back to once again and leaving it as peaceful as we can for the children who survive the societies we once knew coming to an end.
Amazing resources from our past could not be tapped for a cost comparable to inferior cheap imports that are no longer available, toxic concoctions of vinyl, glued woods, and other outgassing things are more costly. Thus does the public finally consider the value of salvaging the worlds greatest treasure hidden in what appears to be trash.
This is a new world and the Reset is underway, regardless of what you think, feel, or if you even understand what all that entails. You are in the flow of those who know controlling how the distribution of nearly all things will go.
This is how they will know before you what is coming and thus take full advantage of you in the competitive games of the material world… the Matrix. How will you fit in, if at all, in the plan that some have for how the world will run?
The Winter is upon us, people of the world, and the jabbing, stabbing, deadly pains you may be feeling are the “Growing Pains” caused by the wrong ideology expanding into our reality, not imaginary anymore, the Reset is in motion.
Soon the realization of what has been done to set this up, to wipe out millions upon millions of pests, species, societies that interfere with a plan that is quite clear, just more exclusive than inclusive.
Which side of the benefits package being offered to conformity are you on? Giant houses, fancy cars, jewelry, and all the trappings of success? A jet setter fully jabbed and flying high up in the sky, absorbing RADs and none too shy to take the reigns and aim for the sun? Does one upon the Chariot understand the consequences of such flights of fancy without knowing that the Chariot is built of hard Wax but it will melt! Your carriage gone, the greedy fall into the Sun, and thus the new world forms with those who stay well-grounded and prepared. The world seems so surreal these days. As if in a dream where so many things are going on around the world that no one can really know what will come. Volcanos, earthquakes, droughts then flooding, storms, unlike any modern man has experienced and governments in the crosshairs of their unhappy populace that is nearing civil war in many countries or has already moved to that phase of dismantling the systems that have clearly failed.
A World Union of Beings may be possible in this modern age of technology but the forces that do not want the people to all wake-up and question the way the world is run are hard at work to keep the populace asleep. Is such Union even possible with so many different views and moral systems, so many religions that seem to think they are the only ones with a right to rule the world? How do Wii, all the “I”s of the world work our way through the challenges now facing us to clean up the governments, the topsy turvy rich versus poor battle of divisiveness that will cause many to kill each other for all the wrong reasons? This is the big question but all most of us can do is deal with the local issues, the home, food, and security for our family, loved ones, and community. Bravo for the leaders who set the example of what great people can be instead of lying, stealing, and taking advantage of their positions for personal gain and power.
Please join us in delineating between the people who are purely evil in their intent and weed them out of positions of control, influence, and power. Take the bad leaders out, the liars, the killers, the verifiably evil humans who are indeed planning the RESET that they will control, as they say, themselves, regulate the world with global leaders not elected but selected by those with the power, the money, the controls in their hands.
If one person can create this landscape solo, in two months with caves, 30′ deep waters, and naturally filled, would you believe it was possible? Would you believe if you did not see it yourself? How does one know truth except by facts… when they seem so easy to hide these days?
Corporations without people to punish for the bad acts should not exist or be given a Corporate Board Lobotomy and then put to rest with the body left over being fed back into the system so that the smaller fish can feed on the Sharkmeat that should be accumulating soon. Yes, Shark Hunting will become a sport in the public eye once the exposure, yes, the full disclosure of the facts and people who have caused the world such pain as you are seeing from distribution systems on down, in order to implement this RESET they have planned.
Blessings for your ride today into the world you create to stay long after Wii are gone. Tiny organic toxin and import-free building that sets us back on course to self sufficiency, growing life skills while young again, and teaching that health, not materials wealth is what is most important to live a phenomenal life without big Pharma, giant Jabberwocky conspiracies, and others such things from the world of fantasy. Join me as many think that is where I be, and I agree, for Salvage, Texas is indeed such fantasy but turned into reality as proof of what one broken poor kid can do instead of suicide when times are hardest, you are young, beaten down, and wondering why go on. Truly, if you study the success of those before you, know there is a way, please take it and run, run, run to as far away as you can get from the RESET.
This has been Proven around the world: healthy living is not just diet & exercise, it is attitude, ability to handle stress, to heal fast, have an amazing immune system.
No medicine or injection can be justified as being a medicine unless it meets a standard through testing new medicinal chemical compounds on humans so as to see if those who do not get it will heal better using the Placebo Effect. That is when the person thinks the sugar pill they are taking will cure them, simply by being told it could, and they are then healed, even though they were not given any medicine whatsoever. Their belief that they would heal is all it took to make it happen in 33% of the people tested with no training on how to amplify the Placebo Effect which is known to be up to 66% effective in curing colds, flu, and even cancer. What if you were to hone and improve your ability to heal yourself using that amazing phenomenon that all medicines must surpass in testing results to go on the market and be sold to you?
Our belief systems determine our physical condition, as is proven by a hypochondriac who is often sick by believing they will become so, also called the “Nocebo Effect”, again a proven factor in how people are affected by the fear of getting sick bringing the symptoms into the people, even when they do not have a cause, the effect will show on their body. Hypnosis is often used as an example of how people will show a physical reaction to what they believe to be going on, hot outside makes them sweat, cold being suggested to them and they are then shivering, and even able to not feel pain when stuck with a pin if told they will not feel it.
With all this proof that the body can be altered by no more than the expectation or belief system, physiology can be altered. The Ice Man, Wim Hoff, is a classic exemplification of someone who has mastered his body to take the ice, poison injected into him, and other tests to show the body is amazingly invulnerable if you switch on the systems that can override nearly all threats. He has even gone to the point of injecting infections that should have killed any normal man and survived, then trained others to be able to do the same. We play roles in life, be a warrior, not helpless victims!
With such evidence at hand, why do so many choose to be the victim instead of turn on their superpowers that allow us to cure ourselves 66% of the time with little more than our mind, our breathing, our urine, our grounding, clay that absorbs the heavy metals, toxins, and to be aware of the community of gut biome, how we feed them with the foods we eat as well as not destroying them with broad-spectrum antibiotics that have been so commonly given in America. Too many people run to the doctor to fix what they could take care of or prevent from ever getting bad if they just educate themselves. The trick is how, and who to trust.
Finding guides on the road to good health is riddled with the snake-oil salesman, pills that make you a stud or drop 150 pounds off from your body. How do you know you are on the right track and not just following a carrot that you will never reach like a donkey? If they are selling you the answers for big bucks and you can not learn without paying for the super-supplements, secret knowledge, or 3-week magical muscleman workouts and results. Suckers look for the super easy but the fact is it just takes doing the work, the simple workouts that teach balance, stretching, and build strength, coordination, and thus maintain the machine, the body that your spirit occupies for this entire lifetime.
Why would you not change the oil, keep the tires good, not trash the car if you knew it was what would take you to the store, carry your family to a happy life, or give you all you can imagine in a Heaven on Earth life if you care for it with the respect for your God that granted you this chance. What are you doing with this gift of body and life? Don’t tell me you are just treating it like a trash can or toilet you can flush garbage through. That is absurd!
Once this is understood, the skills to master the body are learned, many of the ordinary things like colds and flu, using simple natural methods like urine therapy, grounding, eating bentonite clay, and other methods that have been around and used for many millennia to cure people. That was prior to the version of medicine that is PHARMA dependency oriented rather than curative, primarily promoted by the American Medical Association due to the profits, the desire to grow them, and the lack of any incentive to cure people rather than feed off their addictions and dependency on the drugs manufactured to hide symptoms instead of rid the person of their ailments. I do not believe that the industry of medicine is going to change the people and get them to take care of themselves instead of nurturing dependency on the doctors, thus riches for those who serve the people who are destroying their bodies in ignorance.
If you want to learn how to be healthy, to take the steps of willpower that stop the sugar, refined flours, artificial sweeteners, too much protein in the wrong forms, failure to care for the sleep, exercise, and other necessary measures it takes to stay fit until you are in our 70-90’s as has been historically possible, far more in fact is possible if we do not destroy our bodies with self-abuse. Please learn that if you take control, your ability to jack up the power of curing your body, mind, and with the Spirit engaged, Truth guiding you and not distractions oriented around self-destruction. Your fire in the belly is what heats the world around, warms others and creates with your love and passion. Don’t limit your potential by never lighting up your passions and letting them fuel your life. The middle path and not the extremes will lead to a wonderful life… and you do not have to believe in fire for it to exist, but knowing how to create it inside the body, the heater, is what makes life great inside when its cold out in the real world. How do you fuel your fires?
You are the driver, the filament in the gelatinous shell that orchestrates the biome you call your body. You determine the population of your intestines that create the cures from the samples taken by the sinus passages through the nose, diagnostic centers that transmit the needed cures to the intestinal tract where it produces them and inserts them into you and your urine… known as the “Water of Life”.
There are many ways to stay healthy, using supplements if you get the right ones, but more you can do so many simple things that will help you attain a highly efficient, extremely powerful human being. Please consider that only you can determine the body, the mind, the power you choose to claim and utilize to manifest an incredible world and destiny. What you do with that will determine the future, the next millennium that will follow these many challenges ahead? Your works may be what makes the world a better place for many who follow, even if it is only to savor the beautiful things you might create that are useful too, like Art Houses you can live in for a great life.
Please, do not think that your thoughts do not make a difference in the world, your local world is the most important for you to have an impact on. Your vessel is essential for the challenges ahead. Bring it up to a higher functioning powerhouse of self-healing, regenerative youthful living that is possible with a simple life instead of a stressful toxic version of living in the city. It is a choice each of us can make. If in the city, EMF and so much more are added to the challenging list of things that will impact your health, it is possible once you learn how to protect yourself.
Best wishes to your best version of yourself that you can create as you replace every cell in your body over the next 7 years, as we all do. Build the best new body you can as others beg for big PHARMA to save them when all it can possibly do is imitate the amazing powers that we have to cure ourselves, to become amazingly healthy, and to create an incredible life outside the Sheople world of distraction, TV marketing, and living in a Mass Media dreamland that has little to do with reality. V is for victory!
It is the World Union of Beings that decide to fix the problems by providing solutions everyone can benefit from, leaders who do not seek war and power, but peace and prosperity which is part of our next Millenium if Wii, all the “I”s of the world unite by communicating. Stop censorship, open the doors to all countries and people to share, and let us reach homeostasis that allows us to live together peacefully one day. In the meantime, people are going crazy, crime is rampant, suicide is epidemic, so the time has run out to take action and bring on this change.
I hope you are prepared. You are a miracle walking, talking, and ready to alter the course of the future by creating it. Ready? The Ship of Salvaged Dreams takes off at night and picks up the dreamers for a voyage to Salvage, Texas for the night. Then in the morning bright and new, it takes them back to their bed, like you, and sets them on a course to change their lives. Blessings to your voyage on this night.
Start by rethinking your priorities and see if you can downsize the drama, the stress, the doing what you hate to do times in life. Only you can take the steps to change your life.
The “If you could would you?” question looms tall in 2022. Sustainable communities of grand proportions could be created from salvaged treasure.
Things that are old, created by our ancestors, and passed down to us to touch and view with awe at the amazing resourcefulness they exhibited given the primitive tools, lack of electricity, and other tales we have been told of the past. The truth is, upon close scrutiny, there is no way modern humans in this day and age are capable of creating the great art treasures, architectural wonders of the past world. It is not just a single example in one place but many such as the amazing Star Forts and evidence of incredible builders that caved through the Earth and built on mountaintops in ways we have yet to explain.
Sculptures, and furniture, jewelry, and hardware, how did they do it all without electricity? Certainly, the key, if one can be found for such beauty to be created by mankind was that the imagination and passions must be fueled by the highest of energies to accomplish such wonders of the world.
For the most part, average people have few life skills to build their own big house, apartment building, or car they drive each day. They are not likely to learn how in a lifetime but they could learn how to build a tiny house, then if done several times, and with help, a tiny community of people who share building bigger structures for kitchens or common areas than you need to sleep in or have privacy at night… such as a detached bedroom or master suite cottage. That is after all a special place, not needing to be an entire house around each but sharing some common areas, turf, studios, libraries, or other such rooms. Please consider the possibilities of the exquisite bathhouse, the more compact showers, and kitchenettes in tiny master suites compared to other designs in housing groups of people who like each other.
That is the big trick in the end, not the building of the houses but where you put them and who else shares that community with you. People that contribute are great while others that just take away, distract, talk too much while doing too little are not always an asset nor desired if there is a population cap on a community. Otherwise, millions will flood a great place and destroy it, even if being no more than tourists, the masses are destructive just by the volume of excrement, trash, and urine they leave behind after their visits. Others have to pick up the litter, dispose of the waste, and somehow preserve nature with such numbers of people tromping around? How do you keep near do wells, addicts, thieves, and those who suck off the energies and innocence of trusting good people? There are ways and each community will take its own approach, including building walls like Texas on the border to stop drugs, criminals, and trafficking of all sorts since the feds abandoned their posts at the top. I pray for all who seek a peaceful community that they find and can keep it so in the future.
Can an exemplary community avoid the impact of the many that come to learn, share, and then live there? Some to, but the intention, ability to house the guests, and the path to a common goal, communication between all who live there, a unity of purpose to hold them together during hard times. This is what we need to think of as anyone tries to grow a community. There are a few great examples of communities that are well organized, peaceful, offering abundant education and support for others, as in central Texas, Waco Heritage Homestead for example, but overall the great proof of concept, are few and far between. As others begin, there are seminars, books, and even experts of various sorts on permaculture, construction, planning at several levels for government, and more. I applaud your efforts in advance and hope Wii of Tiny Texas Houses and Salvage, Tx. can be of help on your path ahead.
Will this be your year to start building your tiny organic and sustainable lifestyle? Are you looking to downsize, get out of the city and become a nature buff, off-grid if the time came… prepared. Once it was a way to make fun of people by calling them preppers… but now people are told to prepare by the government, weather channels, and news. Does that mean it is okay to be preparing now for the things that are already upon everyone but it was not before the time to already be ready comes? Is that not confusing but add to that, it may just be intended that way so that you will pay much more not than when only crazy people bought up stuff… downsized, got healthier in case of pandemics, and other such imaginary things? Join us in the fantasy world of what if you could live a dream life simply put. Consider the rewards and hopefully, you too will come to share the benefits of our Pure Salvage Living Renaissance too.
For more time in the dream, as if in a hologram perhaps, a paradise for sure, and see how to manifest yours in the place you want, perhaps even building it yourself. Consider joining us by supporting our efforts with your subscription on Substack and thus learn of many benefits others will not get to enjoy. Visit us in Salvage, Tx. where ingenuity and imagination meet with salvage to create dreams come true for you soon, through a visit I know comes with a special view. May your perspicuity be divinely guided in the year ahead.
A Proof of Concept to call by any name you choose, but the birthplace of Tiny Texas Houses is:
I started building Tiny Texas Houses in 2006 to show people just how big a Tiny House could feel since nearly no one thought such a small space could be comfortably habitable it seemed. In the twelve years before setting off on the quest of building 95% Pure Salvaged material tiny houses, I had successfully created and built Discovery Architectural Antiques into one of the largest businesses of its kind in the country. Thus, with a giant inventory and a realization that came with reading about the re-emergence of an appreciation for Tiny Houses and living spaces, I felt compelled to return to my creative side and show what could be built with nearly 95% Pure Salvage building materials.
When one plans an entire village of like-minded people, the ultimate utopian goal as this cycle of intentional communities becomes a popular path in our culture once more. I say once more for the sake of Thoreau and Emerson for whom Walden Pond is named and the Covered Bridge Over Untroubled Waters that leads up Miracle Mountain to the Ship of Salvaged Dreams. For as long as they exist, the quantum story can be experienced by millions online, in-person, and through the people who will speak of it and share pictures around the world.
The early prototypes in each new intentional village will set the theme to a large degree as the land is bought, first houses built, and an ethos established as to the permaculture versus HOA that prevents individuality, gardens of food instead of grass, and many other cultural aspects of retirement or community living versus subdivisions where the people rarely interact. This seemed simple enough to describe as an issue to consider, but the many perils to how the community develops will be foretold by the ethos, religion, and politics of the people who set it up and reside there. So while there are many priorities some people will want, from guns to food stored away or the opposite, perhaps no devices that kill with (not likely in Texas or to survive if that SHFT moment comes).
It is not just the weather, or wars, besides the tornados that passed by like the one that tossed the first 6 houses I built, and in a very unfriendly way. In building houses, delivering them on road instead of build on site, along with the lessons on the ways to get materials to the sites of the buyers, led to much better construction and valuable techniques learned that I want to pass along. All of the wood, doors, windows, flooring, tubs, sinks, 95% of the hardware, and even the roofs are salvaged. Only the insulation, electricity, plumbing lines, and nails, or other elements need to be new in a Tiny Texas House. We can use Icynene foam insulation, high/low voltage wiring, solar/wind power, and black/gray water separation to create a new generation of housing designed to provide minimalist eco-conscious people the opportunity to create housing alternatives they can afford or even create themselves. Ultimately, the house itself, if built with poisonous outgassing chemicals from factory-built tiny houses that do not consider health as the highest priority, the box you choose to live in could be the thing that kills you or damages your children for life.
Group participation, living, and even subsistence can come from the Salvage Hunters who join with Salvage Miners to find and salvage the materials available for the Salvage Builders to create the next 4 generations of housing. There is much to be saved, in fact, gained, by building with quality materials that have already outgassed and cured decades ago, with little more than Tung Oil, Linseed Oil Paints, and other ancient formulas, it is possible to build simple, adapting to the materials, and create houses that will be affordable. The wood and materials can save costs, carbon wasted cutting down trees, transport, as well as bricks, glass, hardware, and more which could be the key to making this industry so viable at this time. People can share in the razing of houses and buildings, barns and stores to raise the houses, the new stores, and the ways to create a future without importing the parts, harvesting earth resources for new building materials, and thus save many of the best things from our past that our ancestors worked so hard to create for us.
In the Tiny Texas Outpost and Village scenario, that can have a Non-profit mentor to coordinate getting large old buildings in areas that would benefit from the jobs and training skills that come with each of the new Outposts. We can do this for many if the right people choose to get involved with the transition from elders to the new generation that must imagine the future and act in such ways that it gets better. This contrasts just repeating the behavior that is now making pollution worse, waste is worse, and the ways to clean it up are not keeping up with its creation. Can it be done in such a way as to be popular instead of looked down upon? Yes.
While most clients who have bought our Tiny Texas Houses used them for extra space, some have used them to live full time and I believe, by the response, we have gotten, people are willing to live in them at the prices I am asking now, and more would if we could produce them more affordably. That too is possible if we can do the Salvage Mining and Salvage Building locally then the prices for the materials and transportation could be lower thus reducing the costs of Tiny Texas Houses dramatically. Furthermore, as I have learned by experience, having the materials come in, get processed, and move out quickly to become houses will substantially reduce the costs of warehousing, taxes, and labor. The benefits of a massive inventory are offset by the costs of holding them and the liability from loss due to fire.
There will be ample income to allow everyone in the process to make a good living and fund a number of elements in the Tiny Texas Village and Outpost plans. The first structure that allows for building the other houses will enable the business of creation viable instead of depending entirely on volunteers. Making and selling things while building houses helps to create the income it will take to pay for the development and sustenance once the village is created on its way to becoming a community. Then the problem is who gets to live there and how many? Next, how do you feel about the cap and who says no to the many who want to come, the relatives, friends, and others who will want to crowd into small villages once they appear to be idyllic or times get really hard in the city and many are looking for a place to bail, not a community to contribute to in order to live there. Many want to be paid or enticed to come as if their mere presence is payment enough and few communities can afford many of that archetype.
That is what the Tiny Texas House Concept is intended to facilitate. Depending on the size of a house, it can easily provide $15,000-$20,000 in labor and use $5,000-10,000 or less in materials to create a single house. There is a good living to be had for everyone involved in creating durable structures with unmatched longevity. Rather than promote “built-in obsolescence” which appears to have become the mantra in modern industry, we are focusing on the value of “Pure Salvage” Building that far exceeds any standard being used today, but the quality of our houses is not all that makes them such a good value. They are also cute, cozy, and portable can provide fresh air by design and cool with the windows open, stay warm with them closed.
Even more importantly, we can create like-minded communities designed to have the least amount of impact on the environment they live in. I am not saying that the materials and salvage building concept can not be applied to larger structures, it obviously can. But it is easier to teach with small examples than to do a big project that the common person can not relate to from the standpoint of solving their immediate needs. This solution can do exactly that and create a replicable system that could spread like wildfire across the country as more people look for alternatives to conventional housing and are willing to use their human energy to get what they want rather than waiting on the government to come to their aid.
There is the potential for larger homes to become obsolete for great portions of the population as the economic crisis emerges as a factor in addition to rising food costs. It is only logical that if that occurs, people will be looking for solutions that would not have been considered feasible only two decades ago. While much of the building material resources have already been destroyed as waste, all is not lost. Enough wood, bricks, and salvage exist to house an entire generation now. Better still, the houses we build from salvage have the potential to last for a century or more and could form new energy-efficient housing communities.
Each Tiny Texas House we build is either a prototype or an improvement on the last, never reaching perfection but seeking alternatives to the various issues that prevent us from creating universal answers. Our goal will be to continuously develop solutions to the many challenges that will arise as we convert people in different regions to our philosophy of Salvage Mining and Salvage Building. The movement toward Salvage Building and its facilitation through Salvage Hunters can spread quickly given the financial incentives, but more importantly, it can provide a million skilled jobs, training, and nearly instant results: proof of concept was Tiny Texas Houses as illustrated in this booklet.
Regional villages will be able to consolidate processing, warehousing, and even packaging which will create even more training and jobs. It will cost the least to do it in rural areas near the cities where the land is cheaper and the cost to the warehouse will be less as the value of the buildings sitting empty is less. The incentives to the communities to participate are obvious given the potential for job creation and the elimination of nuisance houses as well as new housing that creates even more jobs.
I believe that the operations can be easily replicated every few hundred miles without saturation issues well into the next decade. Rarely are there solutions that can be applied so quickly and use pre-existing infrastructures left behind by industries that moved their labor costs overseas?
This American-grown resource can only be harvested by people who live in America and it will provide houses for the citizens as well as create a possible export industry. It could play a significant role in solving America’s needs for housing, jobs, and the revitalization of historically industrial communities around the country where the industries are gone and empty obsolete buildings or houses abound, presently awaiting demolition, not salvage. What we do not use in this country could be exported or warehoused for generations ahead. We stock oil reserves, why not this valuable resource, my invisible commodity.
Each Tiny Texas House we build is an opportunity to create the building plans and options for the Tiny Texas House communities to use repeatedly in the future. No two houses will ever be identical, because adaptation is an essential element in the Salvage Building concept. It creates a sense of pride as well as individuality that is critical in a modern world if we are to maintain and express strong identities in a global society. I believe many people are ready to live with less in order to have more time to enjoy life rather than work under great stress. Many people are realizing they have too many things they don’t really need and live in big places they can no longer afford or desire.
Some will choose the minimalist lifestyle because of a lack of alternatives, others with the desire to limit their carbon footprint and truly lead an eco-sensitive existence. Regardless of the motivations, it cannot hurt to have this sort of alternative housing for the poor, elderly, students, and everyone who likes the simplicity of the lifestyle. It is not what you have, but what you do with it that determines your legacy. It begins its new life with a pure environment that adds to life instead of compromising your immune system and taking away from your life.
Life seems shorter every year and knowing that stress kills us, some of us baby boomers are opting to give up many of the things we have accumulated. Without reservation, simplicity reduces stress and hopefully, we thus live longer healthier lives. Wasting life hours to pay the mortgage, taxes, insurance, maintenance, and fees to keep more house than you need wears after a few decades. Some fail and lose it all only to need the chance to do it all again on a Tiny Scale and find the simple happiness that security brings without the stress of going big.
The Tiny Texas Village
The concept of a Tiny Texas Village is simply one of bringing together small groups of like-minded people, preferably at least 10, on a space as small as an acre. Then it is possible to have enough participants to share and care for a common organic garden and take care of other community functions that come with group living. As with some other good plans that exist, I envision common houses for cooking, eating, and gathering other than the Tiny Texas Houses each person lives in. The Tiny Texas Inn could be the common cookhouse and meeting area.
We also have a Tiny Texas Chapel for spiritual meetings and even an old-fashioned one-room schoolhouse that would be great for homeschooling within the community. The idea behind many of my objectives is to create options for simpler lifestyles where people are willing to sacrifice space and things to free up their most valuable asset, time. We can create living spaces of all sizes using salvage materials so that people do not have to destroy the environment or give up so many of their life hours to pay for housing.
We can join Europe, Japan, and other societies where space is a luxury, not just to own, but also to heat and cool. In most other countries the easy-to-consume building materials and resources were used up centuries ago. They treasure their trees and water, while we are just waking from a long party where the resources were abundant and the price was hard for our society to comprehend until we nearly used them up. Now, as our society awakens to this problem, I hope that we can recognize the vast resources available in the form of salvageable building materials sitting in a place that is being thrown in the dump rather than being up-cycled and entirely re-used.
Given that 100-year-old building materials came from some of the best trees ever grown, or likely to be grown in this country, it is amazing that we will throw them away rather than cut them up to use again. We protect our tiny remaining Virgin forest with a vengeance yet let the product of the past logging of the rest of the Virgin Forests be thrown into the dump to rot. It is a rare tree that will ever grow to be hundreds of years old in our country again unless it is protected. Even now our last stands of Virgin forests are under siege by the lumber companies. Why not just re-harvest the incredible lumber made from the trees that have already been slaughtered?
Every house we build without cutting down a tree makes a difference in the big picture. If people build smaller, less wood is needed, but if they use salvage, no trees need to be cut. An entire village can be built from wood without ever cutting a single tree down, and built to last for centuries. Therefore, with a smaller footprint for each house, more houses could go on each acre without crowding the acre from having trees, gardens, and other features that allow for nature to share the land. Families can live together without living under the same roof, thus allowing them to be in their own space, an essential part of independence and for many, happiness.
What stops this transition from one generation of housing supplying the materials for the next century of housing? Simply the perspectives of the people who can do the work, live in the houses and earn a living from making it all happen. The people become the spokes, parts in a big wheel that turns without the need for huge amounts of investment versus the huge returns to the society. This is an opportunity for the little guys to find empowerment through hard work and some vocational education, the sort that empowers people to put a house over their family’s head in hard times. This adheres to my belief in teaching men how to build a house from scraps so that their families will never need a home.
At this moment in our society, there is an abundance of building materials and a growing amount of unspent human energy in the form of the unemployed. Their greatest cost is housing and it is possible to create it out of nearly nothing more than human energy and knowledge.
Why not teach them how to transform it into the answer to their problems, as well as for others looking for a new future in the new economy?
Tiny Texas Outposts for the future
The concept of a Tiny Texas Outpost is based simply on replicating what we are doing here every 200 to 300 miles. It is a simple matter of logic. Why transport materials a thousand miles when they can be used within a hundred. Likewise, why transport a Tiny Texas House a thousand miles if we can build it within a hundred miles of its destination? The response to Tiny Texas Houses has been good from every part of the nation. I have had inquiries from Florida to Maine and from Washington State to Canada. Clearly, there is lots of serious interest. The problem is the proximity of the demand if we are to remain conscious of the time and cost of transport. We must make that our goal or the proliferation of the concept of Tiny Texas Houses outside of Texas is doomed due to costs and logistics.
If we create a template for a Tiny Texas House (TTH) Outpost that includes several components, we can enable the rapid growth of the network. We need to include the warehouse and central processing facility, space for building a few houses inside, and for creating building material packages that can be shipped for assembly in remote places where transporting houses is not viable.
Another module will be the TTH Salvage and Farmers Market on the front of each TTH Outpost. This will create a venue for selling all of the other items that are found in the old houses from clothes, household goods, and furnishing to tubs, sinks, lighting, and other cosmetic goodies. We can replicate these TTH Outposts all around the country. It will also provide a place to sell organic veggies and fruits to fit in with the buy local concept for food. Likewise, there will surely be other products created from salvage or rebuilt to live again in new households.
Each Outpost is capable of providing a hundred related jobs or more when you factor in the Salvage Miners and Salvage Builders who will be working off-site and coming in just to drop off materials. The Salvage and Farmers Market will be operated by people who share the labor of the operations and are on-site mainly to service their spaces or put in their shared work hours on the floor.
Outposts are intended to create a communal entity and help reinforce the eco-lifestyle and ethics behind the Salvage Style of Green Living as well as providing support and solutions to the challenges that arise from developing each community and being self-employed. Each TTH Outpost could have a specialty to barter so as to perhaps include a Wood Mizer saw, a good helical head planer, a five-head molding machine, an industrial table saw, and a large industrial band saw. A co-op in one village could work with a smaller community that does not have that machinery.
We can use salvaged semi-trailers to make kilns to kill the larva in bug-infested wood. That with some other smaller tools lets people reprocess salvage into more valuable forms of building materials, like trim, and beaded boards or tongue and groove boards for the ceilings and floors. Again the equipment and the skilled workers are out there due to the loss of industry to offshore manufacturing, they just need the opportunity to work and make a living wage. Truckers could haul otherwise empty beds for bartering parts or labor to build a house with some of the materials they help haul around from one Outpost to another.
What this does is create a new core industry that must feed off of local labor, materials, and teach skills if it is to survive? It creates smaller housing that is more in line with the sustainable world that we want to create. It is a change in our thought processes that must take place if we are to regain our stature in the world as a society that cares about the future of the planet. It gives us a chance to prove through our actions that we are willing to make the sacrifices it takes to leave resources for the future rather than use them all up now. The ecology-minded need not look hard to see all of the advantages of working with Salvage.
This is a paradigm shift in how we think about Salvage can give us the ability to change the way we build homes for the next generation. We offer salvation of all sorts for the unemployed, the homeless, and the large families that want to live near each other but not under the same roof and want to do so in an environmentally sound way. Salvage is an old form of eco-consciousness that came from honoring what God created by treating it with respect, using only what we need rather than wasting it all. If we as a society can make the transition from waste to salvage consciousness then we should be able to turn what is now considered to be trash into new careers, housing, and a whole new world of eco-conscious living, perspectives, and opportunity, not just jobs.
I believe there are enough people out there who believe this is possible and they are willing to live together, form new villages and communities centered around this objective. The rewards fall in all directions and the cost to the planet and society is negligible. The villages will develop barter systems and network with others around the country to move materials and talent to where it is needed most. Housing can become a new engine to unite people under a common goal that benefits all who get involved in one way or another. The beauty of this whole vision is that it can all be funded, fueled, and supplied with what most people in our country think of as trash.
Tiny Texas Houses modules for the Future
I can create small enough housing modules to ship anywhere in the world, or break the house down into walls that can fit into a container and be reassembled anywhere we can reach with the container and a crane. Once we prove that and the cost-effectiveness of the idea, we will be able to ship to markets that will appreciate the quality of the wood and craftsmanship and pay well for it. That market is our retail target since the high-end prices would help fund the growth of Tiny Texas House’s, Outposts, and Villages. The media attention to our finest creations and the pictures of what is possible will be what inspires the public interest and opens their eyes to what they could do if they take the opportunity and run with it. The great part is that people do see the possibilities and many are interested in the transition to smaller houses already.
I want to teach the principles of Sustainable Salvage Building techniques that will create multi-tiered solutions to multiple problems facing our country and society. These in turn fit into the goals of global movements that target the same end, low eco-cost housing at affordable prices. On a global scale, our country has more to salvage due to our wasteful ways over the last two centuries. We’ve developed the throwaway perspectives to their zenith over the last 50 years as we dismantled the remnants of our industrial revolution and sublimated America’s pride in craftsmanship. We have replaced them with a Wal-Mart attitude of cheap, fast, and disposable. More than most other countries, the United States should set the example for transitioning to eco-minded living by leading the charge toward converting salvage into housing and reducing waste.
How does this help change the world starting locally?
This Green Fueled Salvage Revolution will create jobs to fill those left behind as the Industrial and Manufacturing Revolutions were moved overseas. This provides immediate self-funded solutions to other significant problems within our society that smaller communities could help solve. Vocational training is in short supply but will be needed to salvage or build since much of the future unemployed will have no vocational skills as they leave the floundering service industries like retail, restaurants, and hotels. Likewise, a re-orientation of people’s perspectives on housing needs and the reduction of living space will come as a likely consequence of the consumer credit crash and the time it will take to recover, if the system ever does, from the accelerating credit collapse already an inevitable event in the next couple of years. Many people will never want to be in debt again, like those after the Last Great Depression. For them, as with many of the baby boomer’s grandparents, a small house is all they will ever want or need.
Once the solutions are proven to not only be possible, but teachable and easily repeatable, the entrepreneurial spirit of this country will take the opportunity and thrive on it. I believe this to be especially true in times when they will be eager for real-life alternatives to their everyday problems. The proof is in the past when the New Deal public works projects gave people hope in the worst of times and thus the belief that better times were coming. This can be even more effective as I believe this movement can change our focus to empowering people to take control of their lives rather than depend on the government to pay for the solutions.
The TTH Village Concept and TTH Outpost scenarios are describing ideal self-sustaining engines that should not need a great deal of capitalization before reaching profitability. More importantly, if done correctly, with the common training, philosophy, and realistic goals, there will come with it a social bonding amongst those who participate. For many, there will be great satisfaction from being part of a big family or movement. For some, the experience of living in a Tiny Texas House will be nearly spiritual as a willingly made sacrifice with a promise of salvation for the damage we have each contributed to by living large in a modern world.
The corporate donations to the Salvage Foundation, a non-profit I have created (Never utilized and shut down… just paid for it all personally instead), as well as the individual donations from around the country (never came in) will be dispatched to help educate and train the regional Salvage Hunters and Salvage Miners. This is crucial to facilitating salvaging operations as well as training people to build Tiny Houses out of salvage. This network of certified TTH Salvage Miners, TTH Salvage Builders, and TTH Salvage Hunters will create an insurable, bonded group that can tackle big projects in unison or small projects on their own. (This should be noted, was written originally in 2014)
Given uniform training and methods, these independent teams can work together like ants when called upon to dismantle huge projects with uniform methodologies. They will share common ideas about the value of salvage and be motivated to work together and adapt to whatever it will take to tackle any salvage challenge. The fact that there will be a highly visible Non-Profit to accept and dispatch projects all over the country means that a clearinghouse can be created to move valuable materials where they are needed the most. This transport only needs to happen if there is a known demand before materials are shipped since the goal is always to transport the shortest distance possible.
For this reason, there will be many benefits to linking up all of the Outposts and a need for tracking inventory that passes through all of the regional Outposts. Thus the best stuff can get to where it will have the most value and be tracked in order to ensure the Salvage Hunters can monitor the harvests from their projects and what happens to them once they are put into the warehouses.
The secret of this whole concept’s success is that the inventory moves through the warehouses quickly to minimize overhead and to create low-cost housing or retail sales. The margin of profit on the houses and materials sold through the Outposts is what will fund the financing and building houses for all of those who are participating in the process. Bartering of skills and services, as well as the food and other community functions, can be coordinated through each TTH Outpost. The Salvage and Farmers Market at each outpost will be run by the vendors as part of the bigger co-op perspective that could be instilled into each Outpost and help bond people together.
Surprisingly, there is a potential for huge amounts of income to be generated and folded back into the TTH Outpost Community several times. It has the unique feature, unlike most industries, to keep returning the income it generates in the form of payroll, that buys houses, which in turn rolls back into the Outpost community for several more cycles because it will include entire families that work on all of the various projects. This is better than exports or service jobs for corporations or franchises that bleed much of the profit away from the people and communities that are doing the bulk of the work.
Self-employed people tend to work harder and pay for their own way faster than employees who feel dependent on the system, their employer, or the government to bail them out of hard times. This is a way that they can personally help change the direction of the world’s consumption of resources for housing. It is also a way for people to get involved in solving the needs of their local community which gives people a sense of accomplishment and comradeship that cannot be given or bought. It creates an opportunity for the resurgence of closer families and neighbors bonding together in ways that make the whole community stronger.
The cycle of Salvage Mining to Salvage Building creates a place for everyone to work if they want to participate. Some people will be great nail pullers and others, great builders. How the proceeds and benefits get divided will be important to the sense of community that results, but it should create nearly universal success if the motives of the people involved are positively channeled under a common cause.
It will be important that the people do not feel alone as independent entrepreneurs but rather feel like part of a big community that benefits from each of its member’s success. The Pure Salvage Living Renaissance Family (PSL) will be a giant support network that interacts and shares the improvements and benefits of new ideas that develop over the course of working in various regions with different building materials, ideas, and climates.
Regional and national seminars, conventions, and other management tools will aid in trying to keep the PSL family united, motivated, and working with a common standard and vision. Such events will give us the opportunity to recognize people who excel and ideas that can be shared. Likewise, we can create financing programs for members, sponsor seminar training, and support a viable mechanism for salvage jobs to be dispatched by the Salvage Foundation to certified regional Salvage Hunters and Salvage Miners. The benefits of being part of the TTH family will also help cement together the communities that will appreciate the opportunity and provide the support it takes to be self-employed.
Just like the Tiny Texas Houses, where we don’t try to create exactly the same house twice, we aren’t going to try to create exact copies of the Outposts or Villages but instead, we expect to relish the diversity because of the ideas and solutions that will be generated for regional problems that arise. Tiny Texas Outposts and Pure Salvage Living Villages are intended to each be different from the other, but hopefully, all formed with the same common modules and the goal of making a difference on a global scale, one house at a time, one life at a time, and one community at a time.
It is not what you have, but what you do with it that determines your legacy.
If I can teach a man how to build a house from salvage then his family will never need a home.
The workers are available and unemployed, buildings empty and unused, and equipment sitting idle and for sale cheap. We just need to supply them with a new industry: Salvage is the solution.
Please share, consider how to help if you can, and let me know if I can help you get started too. The Pure Salvage Living Renaissance is about sharing, caring, teaching others how to thrive with all the treasures still full of life… like your elders and wonders you have yet to see.
“What is the most important stage of Tiny House & community construction?” Where does it go!
This is a great question that addresses the very foundations of what we believe in individually about the quality and cost of the materials we will build the future with, limiting the toxin load from the materials as they are being created, as well as outgas for the first year or two while living in them. It is also a question of living in smaller pollution and consumption footprint for life, not just talk about it, and the cost to the planet, from a resource, fuel, environment, and human energy calculation. Each person has to evaluate which of these areas of our life’s needs or desires, physical, mental, and immune systems conditions, spiritual, political, and Earth-oriented perspectives or values. This is about considerations if you want to build a house to live in for the rest of your life, to be able to take it with you when you move or leave it to your friends or heirs, this reflects on the materials and size, the SpaceMagic import-free design of your home, tiny as it might be or otherwise interconnects with porchways. What sort of community ethos are you joining and who is in charge? Will you be one of the founders?
Once you take into account that imports send wealth to other places, and generally global corporations make their profits on cheap foreign labor, resources, manufacturing, and transportation to Americans to take our money and jobs back out. If you want your people to be employed you would decide to buy local. If you want to create work, hire local people to create what you want. If you want toxin-free, aged, and proven American made materials, like lumber from Virgin forests, bricks from clays rich in iron, baked hard at high temperatures to last for centuries, or hardware made from the finest iron, brass, copper, and zinc ever mined in the United States. How this is treated and the examples of what can be saved for our grandchildren to also appreciate people with amazing skills turning iron and copper ore, zinc, and other metals into such incredible hardware? Artisans we can learn from again if our people ever want to or need to rebuild our country again. Rather than have the mines to get ore from, grow new trees, or import from other places, why not save the best of the past that is so far better than what can be found instead?
US Treasury
If you want quality like America was once known for, buy it instead of the foreign-made built-to-break and bring you back culture, with oil base plastics, inside and wrapped around, then buy it and build with it or better yet, go out and get it for free. Use your hands, your minds, your imagination, and know that you can save 99% of the materials to build a house from houses, buildings, and barns that already exist virtually for free. You can do it without shipping across oceans, but instead, use some of the 51% of the vintage building materials that comprise what is going into our landfills each year. This means your decision saves resources that are sorely needed, have already been mined, smelted, formed, porcelain-coated, and shipped all around the country, ready to use, like a giant home depot, but nearly free for the picking. How does one choose what to build with or how big without considering where it will go, and who you will then be living with? Who is in charge and decides vital things that set up the foundations, the rules, and who sings in a community chorus with the energy you bring?
What is a flower without a bee or helper to carry pollen all about? Kill them off and nothing lives, like worms, the bees, each play a part.
Every community will have an ethos about these things are important or not to the health and wealth of the community. If all of the people like organic gardens then no one has to eat the poison put on by others who disagree and share the gardens with you. Some would be very upset to see their children suffer for the poisons accidentally put down to kill bugs but hurt humans too. We need bugs, food for frogs, birds, and so many creatures. What will your community policy be?
Salvaged vintage clothes, parts, and pieces to truly live the Steampunk of our future… dreams manifesting.
If you want to help our planet, our species, and our environment socially, not only will you be thinking Tiny Houses to build Pure Salvage Living Villages with, thus a safety net for the 76,000,000 baby boomers hitting the wall. No, this goal is for the kids who need to know that all the parts and pieces for the future, that made this country great, are still hidden before our very eyes and will not only make us free, but teach our children how to once more survive without foreign imports, cheap labor, oil products, energy waste, toxic health issues, and a breakdown in family, community. We are due for some old-fashioned simplicity that modern marketing has nearly extinguished. How do villages and intentional communities teach the children without going to public schools that require jabs, even surprise parents by doing such without permission but a bribe to the child instead? Times are a-changing and some will choose to create alternative communities and this will be one of the issues each community will face… like the size of the houses, the source of power, the lawns versus gardens, and organic versus natural. These are the freedoms at risk which many choose to preserve over city life that may pay much more money but cost much more to experience.
To be fair, I am a purist at the fringe with the elements used in my artistic world of 95% Pure Salvage Tiny Texas Houses. I have pioneered to push the envelope of what is possible in sub-zero carbon footprint sustainable, portable, healthy, 100+ year lifespan, import-free housing that is built entirely in America. I am biased towards my solutions lending themselves toward creating sustainable societies that can survive without taking but instead giving back to the local community as well as the whole planet. That said, my bias exposed, the most important thing you can do is decide what you want to be happy and if that means making the individual decision, regardless of the size of your home, to do things that will benefit not only yourself, but the species, your parents, friends, children, and the generations to follow is important in the final score. Then decide if sub-zero carbon footprint, all-natural, organic, with the energy of our forefathers preserved and respected for the hundreds of years their creations can last should be handed off to others to appreciate and benefit from before throwing in the dump.
Perhaps then decide on what you want to build with, how big, and for how long you want it to last when you are done. How healthy do you want to be once you move in considering environmental causes for illness are now being recognized for numerous ailments, without even getting into cancer? In the big picture, with due respect for the human energy, resources, and ingenuity we have been gifted, what our forefathers built centuries ago, without electricity or gasoline, these things can not be ignored, undervalued, forgotten. If so, we no longer deserve to be taking more from the planet. I believe that the right answer is, reuse, recycle, make it last, reinvent, reconstruct, pass it along, and never ever throw it away until there is nothing left to save. So many things that must be considered besides religion or political party. These are the things that freedom speaks of, the choices to pursue our great dreams on a farm, with a family, a homestead, a village as One.
Yes, this house named Miss Lilly was created from Grandma Lilly’s old house from the homestead.
I have proven the extremes are easily within reach so no one else has to prove it is possible. Now the trick is to let everyone know there is such an alternative, and it only costs human energy, imagination, ingenuity, community, and the other things we have an abundance of in America. Best of all, if we join together, this is also a passion, a fuel for hope, self-sufficiency, self-respect, freedom from debt, and a way out of the rat race at the end, when we need a tiny resting spot the most. Thank you for being part of the dialogue about Tiny Houses and hopefully my vision for a Pure Salvage Living Movement that will make solutions possible even faster and for more people.
Tis the Ship of Salvaged Dreams atop Miracle Mountain, not just a dream, as you wonder what to invest in that will make a brighter future for mankind, consider investing in AirSpace Certificates structured to help fund the salvage and rebuilding of areas that need help now.
Please share, like if you would help us get the word out that solutions are just a short reach away, with faith, Wii, all of us “I”s together can get through the rough times from this winter and spring to build smarter and better when Wii do it again.
Energy-efficient, better still, lasting lifetimes, materials for housing generation after generation freely& sustainably. Rebuild with salvage in mind.
From the mists of Avalon, the village of Camelot, in Salvage, Texas rises a quantum story you can become part of… the Pure Salvage Living Renaissance begins here.
When it comes to the idea of targeting minimal energy consumption from beginning to end, it is critical that the resources used to build the houses be of foremost importance. With that in mind, I contend that Salvage Mining and Salvage Building are the best paths to take toward the future of an energy-conscious evolution for housing in America in particular. If you do not have to recreate the materials to build houses with then you save before you move in, not just after as seems to be the normal way of looking at the energy cost of housing. Short analysis for your consideration and sharing follows with a million words in picture form.
Fuel to create bricks, glass, hardware, transport across oceans, or to put through a typical marketing and distribution network that requires air conditioning and advertising, giant profits for executives, and retirement benefits for all who bring it to your store for you to buy and pay taxes on for the privilege. Imagine why those many industries frown on the salvage industry that negates nearly all of those mundane costs to give you the best materials for little more than human energy required to clean the nails, doors, windows, and more to use them for another generation of housing, or two.
Foremost, there is the simple consideration of transforming the way we live in this country to bring us back in line with the rest of the world when it comes to the amount of space we use for housing. The most sobering of facts is that 50,000,000 people are reaching retirement age and a very rude awakening from an economic reality that is facing them as they realize that they will no longer be able to afford, nor desire to afford, to live in large energy-hungry houses. This Baby Boomer generation is realizing that having “things” is no longer as important as they once were. Downsizing is becoming the new mantra as they face the next few decades of their life and what it will cost to survive.
Tiny Texas Houses are based on the idea that we can build energy-efficient houses from the best of materials ever produced in this country over the last couple of centuries when quality resources were readily tapped and manpower was cheap. The 500-year-old trees that were once abundant became houses and buildings across the country and after one use is being thrown into landfills that are now 51% building materials. Why waste all of that energy and those irreplaceable resources when they can be reused in their present form as lumber, windows, doors, flooring, siding, and trim for the next generation of housing?
Likewise, the best of all cast iron, brass, and bronze hardware for doors and windows is still good after a hundred years of use and will continue to work well for the next century while also being repairable instead of disposable. This means a gigantic savings in energy from the standpoint of mining, manufacturing, and the shear longevity of something already made versus hardware with built in obsolescence as a marketing strategy.
With modern insulation like Icynene, it is possible to move away from fractured logic technologies like double-paned glass that fogs up after 12 years, which is the time it takes for the payback on the more expensive product. Using old glass also means that we do not crank up furnaces to create new glass every 12 years, fuel to carry it out to the houses and replace the glass, and the oil-based vinyl used to hold the glass in place until it fails again 12 years later. Storm windows for colder climates and window films to block harmful sunlight allow people in Tiny Houses to have utility bills in the summer of less than $50 per month with the AC blaring in the South, thus dramatically reducing the need for disposable windows.
Furthermore, going back to designs where natural ventilation of the heat out of the house, natural cooling through airflow, and placement of the houses to minimize heat gain all come together to reduce the energy needs of each person over their remaining life. This makes it viable for people to be able to afford to stay in their tiny house until the end of their lives because they can pay the utilities, taxes, maintenance, and share a smaller footprint on the ground thus freeing up land to grow their garden on. The concept of Tiny Texas Villages means people can live in groups with other like-minded people on land that would normally be consumed by a single larger Mac Mansion.
Tiny Texas Villages allow for 10-15 Tiny Houses of up to 300 square feet on an acre of land with 10,000 square feet of gardens for food, green space for trees and decorative plants, a common house in the middle for a meeting, sharing a larger kitchen and meals, and entertainment. Wind generators and solar panels could power the whole village, which would have a minimal power consumption footprint because of good uses of shade, insulation, and planning. Water consumption could be minimized through gray water separation and filtration for reuse in greenery as well as operating toilets, and non-potable functions. Shared talents in each village would provide opportunities for aging people or young people to grow food, do upkeep and maintenance, drive to the stores in groups to shop, cook together to minimize food waste, and to enjoy companionship with a like mind group that shares the village grounds.
Tiny Texas houses are built from the best materials and designed to last for centuries rather than decades as has become the norm. They use quality wood unlike most new housing built from trees grown in 19 years that are mostly soft cellulose and destined to decay quickly or be great candy for termites and bugs to eat. Using salvaged wood that has already been cured and paints that do not outgas means providing a toxic-free environment without plasticizers, VOC’s, sheetrock, or glues that outgas to add to the toxin load that the Baby Boomer generation has already absorbed and can interfere with good health and our immune systems. For young families, it means a clean environment for children to grow up in and stay healthy.
By utilizing LED lighting, low energy consuming appliances like induction cooktops, and minimizing the size of the houses, it will be possible for people to live longer healthier lives. Lowering stress levels by reducing the financial burdens that come with maintaining more house than they need and having a community to share the challenges of aging together with will also be healthier and delay or eliminate the need for moving into assisted care or worse, old folks homes.
These are the principles that are going to be important to the Baby Boomers and the planet as a whole if we are to preserve the future for the next generation. If we lead by example, then perhaps the younger generations will also see the logic and likewise choose to live in tinier houses, targeting a 0 carbon footprint instead of demanding giant houses that exemplify the excesses Americans have mastered more than any other nation in the world.
This is not a figment of the imagination because the proof that it can be done is before anyone who chooses to look and see we can build this way. Proof of concept has been completed and the BnB business plan allows for investing and growing small communities using salvage as a foundation. It creates work that is profitable and productive, with jobs for anyone who wants to participate in the Salvage mining, building, or hunting down and logistics involved in the Pure Salvage Living Renaissance… an industry that makes life better for all who participate. Better still, it helps keep the new housing sustainable and our compatibility with nature at its best.
For proof of the popularity and demand check out the internet for tiny houses but limit it to organic healthy sustainable and out of Salvage. You will only find or on Youtube or Facebook. There are enough Salvageable Building materials sitting on the ground in this country right now to build the next generation of housing without ever needing to cut down another tree to build a house with, mine new ore for making hardware for doors and windows, glass, or mining copper for more wiring. Still few have taken this course to get tinier houses and cottage growing as an industry until the demand for intentional communities is there, the trick will be where to put them.
All it will take is human energy, which given the high unemployment rates we are experiencing, means that jobs can be created at all levels, from Salvage Mining to Salvage Building, that cannot be exported but rather used to teach skills to our youth and provide a future for the masses.
This Pure Salvage Living solution unleashes a trillion dollars, possibly much more once the true value is recognized. It is a treasure trove of invisible wealth in the form of a commodity viewed as trash. This vast reserve of sequestered carbon is preformed, cut, baked, smelted, mined, and transported to the local area already. These troves of building materials can be tapped to create work and housing without using carbon or energy that is being wasted for construction now. We can make the new technologies blend with the best materials and products we ever created during the industrial revolution in the last century when we were known for making great products and re-task, reutilizing, and revitalizing our country at the same time. Best of all, we can build healthy houses for our families without imports that send the future they should have abroad. Individual choices change what happens every day.
If it works as I expect, we can reignite pride in craftsmanship, simplicity, conservation, ingenuity, and preservation that once made us a country that was proud of what it created. I am afraid of what will happen if we waste what is left when there is nothing left to replace it and don’t pass on the knowledge or the tools to the generation that will inherit what we are leaving behind.
I hope this inspires people to think about the possibilities of changing their worlds in a new way they had not thought of before. Please ask questions, get involved, and stop the waste before it is too late. Let us start building our future out of it now, while we are still able, individually, physically, and joining together.
Better still, in the growth of this new paradigm, we may enable people to survive on the little savings that most Americans now have to live out the rest of their lives with as they face retirement. Bartering, local shared resources programs, education about life skills, and incentivized opportunities are natural means of maximizing productivity and yield at any Salvage Mining site. I believe this has the potential to provide hope for the younger generation that will have to pay for the excess and taxes from wars and bail outs that have brought this country to its knees economically.
This is not just about saving electricity or fuels. it is about saving resources, tapping and maximizing the potential of human energy and imagination, and reigniting an American pride that is going to be lost if we do not pass along the knowledge of the baby boomers to the young as to how to build with our hands, create housing that will last for our grandchildren, and save what we have before it is all gone to rot in the landfills, never to be seen again. This was the house in the double rainbow picture for the book by one of my heroes, Lloyd Kahn.
My vision includes the bonuses of not just American, as in giant American companies, it means on a local level across the country where all the resources lay in open sight available for all to use. It is the treasure trove of resources our ancestors left to their children, not to be squandered, but saved and used to house the generations that would follow.
Pure Salvage Living is a natural non-violent way of revolutionizing the way we live in America that promotes the individual choice as a solution, a local community knit together by passing along and saving not only the houses, barns, and trees, but the knowledge from the elders who built lived in and loved the many houses and buildings we are taking apart to reuse. We are promoting the simplest of solutions at the most local level. Tiny Houses like the rest of the world needs right now, are designed to last and to be energy efficient by using the best of the past and present to create a life that everyone can enjoy.
It means saving more energy and resources than most people presently imagine exist. When we wake up and see what we can do to teach the young kids how to build this sort of solution out of the strong bones of the industrial age of abundance. They have a future of Salvage Mining and stashing it away in community warehouses, Salvage Outposts I call them, to open the pipeline and meeting place with Salvage Builders, Salvage Hunters, and Salvage Miners.
It is hard to believe that it could take so little carbon and money from the world to make it all happen. Working together to share knowledge, tools, trucks, trailers, and all the resources sitting around underused, going to waste when they could be facilitating the transformation of our country. How many giants empty abandoned global corporate buildings lie vacant that could be used for storing the treasure left to salvage and save for the next three generations to build? Taking what is wasted and using it rather than tearing it down unnecessarily or wasting what we could retrieve is nearly sinful at a time when so many can use the wood, the windows, and doors to create housing. Salvage the past to create a future worth living instead of those who wish they were dead rather than face freezing in the rain and snow with starving children. Do not wait until it is too late. Act now!
This manifestation of a solution that benefits so many will need donors and mentors who are not doing it for the 501c3 tax deduction but because they want to help make change happen, not just talk about it. Passing along the assets and knowledge it will take to the new generation that needs them is wonderful. But with the incredible hand tools and possibilities we give, more essential is the knowledge of how to use them. This is part of what the mentors will do in the big picture. They, with the donors, will help us pass along to the next generation the tools and knowledge, as well as the materials it will take to rebuild this country from the bottom up.
We have so much to pass on to the next generation before it is lost, especially about how to farm the land organically again, living together to use that on a local level and share when in abundance. Our generation has seen the old homesteads deteriorate into obsolescence. Please don’t let them be wasted when they meant so much to so many for so long. They made this country possible by housing our forefathers from the weather so they could settle here.
We have the same forests around us now, except they are already cut up and ready to use. Bricks are formed, beams, windows, doors, and so much more, passed to us with the best of dreams and hopes that we would use them and appreciate the hard work and human energy it took to make them, not to mention the fossil fuels needed to bake brick. Hardware from copper, iron, brass that is seldom found of that quality today, before electricity and with 12-year-olds doing the hard work of bringing coal out of tiny mineshaft to make glass and other things for houses in 1875.
Nearly everything is here. Please join me in trying to save as much of it as possible and transform it into one of the many solutions needed by the people on the planet, the people of this country, those immediately around us locally. It is something we can act on in the morning and start changing it in a positive way rather than dread the worst and not take action. Awake to the world of Pure Salvage Living my friends and fellow Earthlings. There is an incredible future at your front door.
Brad Kittel wrote this in 2010
Revised with intro by Darby Lettick, Artist, curator, steward
Ghostwriter and SpaceMagic Designer at Salvage, Tx.
A Co-op where elders bring the tools and wisdom, knowledge and experience, to share with those who wish to learn to build with our salvaged treasures from the past.
Just imagine all of the materials that could be gathered after the storms that could create new houses for so many who need them and will not get them any other way.
So sadly, but finally, there is an impetus to force people to consider the salvageable resources that have been scattered across the center of the country as if the culture or religion had no bearing on the level of destruction from city to town, this is a wake-up call for all people in America. There is no common theme or reason for the disaster other than the storms, likely more ahead yet unimaginable, mark the turning of a global weather tide that will return deserts to being jungles, and the global breadbaskets now will go into deep freezers. It is a cycle of grand proportions written into historical records and now coming into fruition as predicted by so many cultures in the past. Sadly, it will take events like this and those that follow to convince others that the time has come for change, regardless of your desire for it, radical changes will follow the loss of electricity, water, and meds. We can prepare and thrive if people work together through these storms and rebuild with a truer picture of what may lay ahead… not what we will surely leave behind.
Rebuilding locally is going the be the fastest path to getting up and running, yes with outside help, but those that live there are the only ones that can stay indefinitely, others will need to go back to family homes, ranches, and take care of that as more storms follow into a record-breaking winter. Preparation and recovery will be local so these outposts are intended to get a home base where generators, electricity, tools can be gathered as found in fields and piles to put them to use in group settings where others can help teach, do, and create solutions. No global corps or government can match the local passion, desire, and need to make it happen as fast as possible, 24-7 for the next year or three.
This will not end fast, nor without further damage as rains follow, flooding, and more. Some know you do not need fire for it to appear like you are in Hell on Earth. My prayers are with those who are in strife. Please let us know how we can help with plans, sending some materials to start some Outposts with, and training if you can get some out here to learn quick, take home parts, and get Grandma and Mama back into tiny houses as soon as possible. Kids and elders need help fast and building big spaces to crowd them into is not a solution. Please consider salvage building tiny cottages and houses out of salvage now! No interest loans for packages of materials to build houses without imports and toxins during these times of need. If people local can help move them there, put them together, solutions will certainly follow that all can benefit from together.
We will provide the means if you have the energy, the help with screws, nails, house wraps, and insulation, you could be creating houses in a few weeks that will last for lifetimes in clusters where the people could help take care of each other and regrow the community tinier until you are able to grow bigger, if desired, again. For now, it is most important to have warm small spaces where people can sleep, eat, share ideas and energy to create and implement solutions with the elders helping guide thanks to their upbringing and knowing how to get by in hard times. Kids will be lost to this sort of catastrophic loss of the internet and all things social to them, work will be their future for a while, and what they will learn, what will come of it will make them incredibly stronger throughout their lives if we can make the experience as positive as possible with our intentions for recovery.
Please join me in promoting more Pure Salvage Living Outposts to grow, the concept of a place to meet, build, and organize with the help of elders and kids communicating for Unity and solutions for all. Prayers to all of you. May wii salvage as many dreams as possible from the wasteland that faces many now. Micro-funding, donations of windows, doors, and more for those who wish to join in the campaign to make a place in each community where recovery becomes a matter of repeating the examples of success and empowerment that we can bring into play during these critical times.
If Americans do not save the best of the past, instead make landfills rich, where will they get building materials from? Wake up time yet? You can help!
A tiny organic cottage created out of the salvage from our past is far better than a mobile home or toxic box with imports from afar that may never get here, or cost much more than treasures at our fingertips. Please consider Salvage Mining, Building, and hunting for the answers right before our eyes.
Sadly, the storms, tornados, devastation that breaks all records… the resulting destruction means this is time to think of building smaller, better, and with a plan for the material shortages in the future due to already broken distribution and supply systems around the world. If this is not already anticipated there will be a disaster after unless the groups consider what happens next and how it gets paid for when there are shortages of all things needed to make this happen fast. Salvaging all we can make it easier if we can use that to rebuild with as these examples show is possible in a beautiful way. Why not?
From the simplest of things, such as plastic to package things, rubber tires, parts for trucks now off the road needing maintenance, not to mention airplanes and other machines, supply chains, restaurants w/o food, furniture stores without inventories normally imported cheaply, just now reaching critical supply levels, before the storms, are causing massive supply chain problems. These will not be resolved faster with the destruction of a gigantic area of tornado ravaged states, entire warehouses, postal systems, utility systems all crushed, not just broken a little, but damaged as if a bomb was dropped, a series of bombs that wiped out entire towns.
Resources will need to be spread out thin and thus tiny house first, then grow them to the sizes of the recent past if the economy will support that in the future years. As it is there has been a shortage of labor and this will not get better. We are talking about the elders needing to go back to work for the rest of their lives just to survive in any comfort whatsoever given the loss of so many homes that will not be replaced in their lifetimes.
At this time, the health will not be fixed by a jab nor will all be fed with EDS cards when there is no store even standing for miles, no cars to get to them, no fuel stations open to selling badly needed fuel. What comes next is not within the imagination of the average person, and certainly few will be able to recover from this alone. Community, now more than any other time is going to be what saves many, keeps crime down, and allows people time and help to recover life, though nothing like what they had a week ago, a path that may give them a chance to find happiness again. There is no going back to normal soon.
This is a time for faith, for unity, for communication, and thus if truth can be the binder, community redevelopment that is focused on the benefit of all of those in the areas impacted. If not, chaos will soon ensue which will not lead to good places.
Please consider building back using salvage by getting codes revised to allow for that.
5 houses worth of roofing, siding, flooring and more from one old barn barely used anymore. Why cut down trees and import more when the best has yet to be reused?
Please get your local leaders to allow for smaller houses to replace the big ones until the material shortages prevent the poor from rebuilding due to the rich using all the materials to rebuild mansions first. Share the wealth that is available, the human energy and spirit that will create new opportunities all can share in rather than watching the poor exploited in these dire times.
I will offer plans, consulting, and all things I can from a distance with technology to help make the salvage and building of the future for these towns easier if I can by offering methods and ideas I have spent 30 years developing for building out of salvage to create better housing than anything being built with imports, plastics, and outgassing modern building materials and this is a great time to apply it to the reconstruction that will follow.
Zoning, house sizes, on or off-grid electric to insure going back to the energy-efficient perspectives that could allow us to save instead of waste the lessons of our past and the changing culture that makes tiny houses gathered together rather than big apartment houses or homes. Let us integrate the wisdom into our future instead of disregarding it now that the opportunity to do better is forced upon so many.
Please help make the choices based on what is best for the people, the planet, and leave out the greed and good old boy policies of the past for there is no surplus to skim off. Keep it honest, truth comes with transparency, not through deceit and obfuscation.
Freedom to make choices is critical in these times, with a unity from communication and human energy focused on intention and positive outcomes.
Now is the time to reconsider how Americans will rebuild our country in a time of needs that can not be filled through normal channels and in the volume needed immediately.