Creating the Safety Net for Freedom’s Warriors: Anti-vax Employers step up to the plate to swing…

Where do those the veterans, police, fire responders, nurses, or others go who have natural immunity or just do not want the jab?

Will the government punish employers who take a No-Vax To Work stance? There are employers who believe they are obligated to protect the others who could get covid from vaxed people, not to mention that the proof is coming out that they can shed spike proteins that are smaller than the virus, and can cause clotting in others who inhale them or ingest, from a kiss or hug. It is possibly going to create a medical cost on the team’s insurance plan that wipes out the benefits for all when it gets canceled.

NO ONE, not the government, vaccine makers, or the president will take responsibility for the losses to the business, family, or other problems when drivers and pilots of commercial vehicles die from blood clots that are now rampant after vaccines. Until these issues are resolved without exception or contest, how is an employer to justify taking a chance for his family and friends, his other workers to allow a person to bring that into the workplace? Who will stop the employers who fire the vaxed who do so once being told not to or be fired? How do you fight a beast that has no body or head? How do you stop the madness instead?

Who will take on the job of caring for them, of filling in the job when they are gone? Some employers would rather take their chances, under 2%, of covid killing one of the employees, of letting them take time off, get good treatment, and to have healthy people working who would not likely get the worst case, but light cases of the CV or any other flu for that reason. If the employees are all health-conscious, take care of their bodies, and are willing to give up their job to preserve their freedom and health, that is the best employee you could want. How do I care for those within my realm as an employer, friend, or businessman in an age where the government forces the employers to vax their people or be punished. Where do those who refuse being jabbed, possibly to death, to go to work?

IF they question stupid actions it is better for that will save the employer from stupid people who are also hired as employees, the ones that can not see the obvious, will not do any study or learning outside of their job, and will go off drinking, eating, partying, and wasting the chance to be healthy, prepared for hardships ahead, or committed to doing the best they can to create the best product in the USA, the world if possible.

Monsters hiding all around, even under a mask they say they are found.

It is the drive to excel, to be the best you can be that keeps many from adding a product not yet tested fully, that killed the animals tested, that has tens of thousands of negative reactions already recorded around the world. Evidence is what I would want all employees to consider before taking action that would endanger others they work with by bringing in new techno bugs injected into them that apparently, like GMO, can slip back out into the world, the critters that are exposed ingesting the spike proteins or the virus injected into many under the auspices of being good for them.

It is important to keep the freedom to work open to the millions who are saying no to vaccinations without the Freedom to deny, to isolate, develop natural immunity, or by the grace of a God we believe in. Some know there is not as much danger from the virus as the vax for most of us. It is just a giant campaign to get people to comply with demands from a possible madman, not God. Some of us object and will be offering the chance for those who say no to create a new career free of the obligation to get jabbed to eat, feed a family, or be a warrior in a world of cowards.

Thank you for your service fellow veterans. If I can help you start those businesses that will make this possible, I am here with the path, the inventory to create a business, career, compound, or village, where those who object will have a place to rebuild after a life of honorable service, has to be left behind to do what is right for the people who believe in higher authority than Pelosi, Bid-on and the Invisi-Kam VP that are attempting to take away the rights of Americans. May you build the future of America by salvaging the best of our past and paving over the idiots who think Freedom is not worth fighting for… and living with.

Darby Lettick

Salvage, Texas… home of:

Tiny Texas Houses

Loopholology, a study: paying fewer taxes legally w/ Tiny Organic Carbon Saving Cottages/toxin & import-FREE!

Yes, the economy is changing but the path is to become more skilled, independent, healthier for those who do the work to be stronger for the effort put toward positive solutions instead of negative reactions to the challenges ahead. The rebirth of our nations, more importantly, the global populations that do not wish to grow a corrupt system but want to alter the course of change in favor of a more friendly sharing, incredibly spiritual population with a faith that no matter how far Wii, all the “I”s together that form the World Union of Beings who is

not seeking war, but a world of people who want to live together and take care of the planet with money spent for war redirected for better lives for all of us.

Knowing this has been well researched, proven as a viable fuel for Americans to create Small Businesses that Thrive in the midst of our Greatest Need!

People can learn to be more respectful of our world, but not if driven by greed such as corporations without conscience. Indeed, profit is the only motive instead of the betterment of the populace, human and otherwise. Natural living means organic, not forced-fed humans who have no free will to share in a dialogue instead of being forced into a narrative that is based on all the wrong reasons which do not benefit the many but the few. The biggest wasters are those who are feeding the PR and Mass Media story that does not do anything but an attempt to control at any price, a world they do not deserve to lead.

How will this change if the people of the world are censored, if they are not allowed to filter, vent, or clarify with questions, facts… not censorship of the facts? If the media is proven to be the Fake News generators that cause the most damage by sacrificing their past credibility for headlines and entertainment news instead, facts are left on the editing table. What if the world had no weapons to defend with, not even words… which censorship takes away as if they were bullets or guns? Even if they are, though have no mass while affecting the masses more than the bullets fired at the crowds who refuse to comply.

Creating solutions for millions around the world who refuse rightfully to quickly comply until proven not to harm them or their children, as they believe. Thus it is right for each of us to honor that freedom to choose, to keep their inner body sanctity free, to refuse the jabs and slander, the attacks on innocents and elderly, children or crippled. Soon this will trigger a response. I pray it stays peaceful. Use the tax loopholes that come from building tiny organic cottages and houses, using them for a business that you can depreciate, write off food, fuel to visit, and more when using them.

Then when depreciated, having paid better than a savings account while they aged gently in a place like Salvage, Texas, they are ready to be given tax-free to a son or daughter, a loved one, or even me if you wanted one more write of, once the lease is past its true, you could donate it with benefits for the rest of its life, for you. This gets you into a view of how this opportunity could be paid for you. Once the business of having a BnB in Texas where you come for winter’s chill, you can make money or just sell it one day down the road. This story of loopholology is past and the Loophole kicks in gear that lets you have a house paid for by taxes not spent here. Yes, the only way to peacefully say that I do not agree is to find the loopholology the lets me live near free so that I do not support the wars with taxes Wii can keep. Maybe it will change but there always seems to be a Loophole waiting in the wings for use by you… and me.

There are only so many drones unless the Black Hearted brings out the robots to do their war instead of human armies which of course is just a part of Steampunk fantasy? I believe in humans and dread such a forecasted day of Terminator style battles. Savor your day, love your family, and prepare with a watchful eye just in case these spinning wheels of fortune fly off the handles and hit the viewing masses.

Blessings to your plans and may Wii join together to help form that World Union of Beings that truly seeks peace instead of a UN of leaders owned by corporations that seek control and riches, not necessarily for the betterment of the world populations, no matter what the species. What about not punishing all of the people and animals in the world who are not doing anything wrong to damage it but instead nurture it into a paradise again? Why punish the innocent for what the wealthiest caused, the most pollution comes from those who use the most resources, ergo the richest people on the planet with private planes, boats, multiple homes, with a dream life? Will this cause a divide in logic amongst the masses and the few beneficiaries in comparison? Only these coming times will tell?

How can global communication of the people happen Wii once wondered? Now that the internet made global dialogue possible, anything is possible? As difficult to answer as “How do you prove there is a God or a Devil at work behind the scenes… where do you get your proof the whole world would believe and respect… thus agree to Peace. What do you think comes next? Let us spread the words of Unity, of growing big numbers to Unite and the Victory will come. Alliance is possible but can Wii manifest it?

Help Rocky as he tries to figure out if Wii can get the word out that there are also other paths, a dialogue if only some of us can remain free to prove this can be true, to Speak Freely, and full of opportunity. Faith, work, passion, and imagination will lead to more solutions than a centralized council with no idea what is going on locally and help as fast as the action that comes from communication for unity… community. Together a village can raise a child much better than a global government that does not care about traditions, family morals, or views on God. Some freedoms should not be dominated and controlled by the government. Need you more proof the Wii “Gars” too, don’t you agree?


From the Embassy of WUB

@ Salvage, Texas

Health & Breathing Freely Resort.

Air BnB by Luling, Texas

Timing is everything but perspicuity required for synchronistic phenomena that alter the course of life.

Success depends upon Perspicuity!

Yet most do not even know the meaning or importance of the word. Synchronicity can be damned without it.

Know when just the right door opens up, a door to an opportunity we often wait a lifetime to see. How do people see things, feel what is going on around them, and spot the moment, person, or event that will bring that moment to light? What makes the difference when that moment occurs? Perspicuity determines not only if you see it, but how you respond, react, and thus take advantage or blow off what could be the turning point in your life if you spot it, act accordingly, and not miss what may be your only chance to break out of your life long rut otherwise. Yes, your perspective, angry, loving, generous, or judgmental will determine how the event of a lifetime unfolds and it could be over before it begins if you are not MIND-Wide-Open, Instincts On.

The heart will guide you but if you are in search of Love, you can be misdirected if your perception is skewed. Some think having sex is the same as having love and thus they are not observant enough to see True Love when it comes because it does not open up on the 1st or 2nd date to be a sexual relationship, thus releasing much of the energy, the time to get to know each other and increase the likelihood for many other lesser quality things to happen, shallow, loveless actions based on all the wrong reasons. Life is like that with many aspects of our world, jobs, groups we join, and society. Many take the fast easy path to what they think they want without ever knowing what all the options are nor being trained to spot the good from the bad consequences of our acts. People tend to act then think instead of the other way around and thus often end up in predicaments because their perception of what was actually going on was ass-backward.

So how does one develop perspicuity, the ability to see clearly, perceive the truth in the midst of lies, deceptive intentions of others, and in a society that is getting accustomed to lies, lying, and accepting the lies of others as truth if it matches what they want to believe in spite of the facts showing otherwise? Anecdotal evidence seems to be lost to the calculations, predictions, and interpretations of those who have bad intentions, alter the facts to fit their narrative, and ignore the mounds of contrary data that while proven true, does not fit into their fear-mongering, demagoguery that gives them the ego flagellation the leaders of such groups seem to crave.

Such leaders, once they get a few thousand followers online, swiftly give up the truth for sake of a larger following of the ignorant who will pay in clicks and donations, thus shy away from truths that would diminish their followings for sake of having people look up to them.

Were it only for Truth and empowerment, but instead, people without merit or knowledge of facts, because their perspicuity is askew, to think of you (such demagogues as twitter holds in quantity it seems) as their leaders and guides when the selfishness of the leader, their insecurity and need for followers to stroke them dominates their actions instead of what is right and wrong.

We have reached a point in American society where a cancel culture from the Communist leaning tendency side of our population is attempting to shout down, insult, and attack anyone who proposes alternatives to the narrative they are putting out, regardless of the facts which do not match. Feeding the addiction to stress, anxiety, fear, and anger is leading many to unhealthy states in their body that has opened them up to infection and death more easily than those who can maintain their homeostasis through this period due to the diligent care of their body, mind, and heart.

Some of the population refuses to buy into the fear, the clear attempt to get everyone to take a relatively untested liquid into their body to protect them from a virus that has less than a 2% chance of killing them… as if their immune system is broke, a perspective that is causing some to die.

Yes, the negative or positive thought processes determine whether the Placebo Effect will kick in and do the work that drugs can not match. Yes all drugs are compared to what we can do with our own belief system, heal fast or drag it out and die is much more of a mental perspective, a controlling factor that we have the ability to effect with nothing more than our thoughts, our perspective.

Perspicuity is the determining factor in the people who recover from cancer and disease around the world. If they truly believe they will recover and do the work, the fasting, the diet, the exercise, then more have proven that works that any statistics can deny in spite of the Big PHARMA corps doing all they can to deny humans are miracles walking.

Never let someone else destroy your most important ability in life… to see things with the right perspective so as to maximize the benefit and minimize the negative hits in life when an opportunity comes your way by being able to see the consequences of your acts, of the effect on those around you, and your ability to be phenomenal in spite of all those around you not believing in their own power to heal, create, or excel, you can do it if you do not let them hold you back.

Be careful of who you pick for friends and consultants as many will want you to stay down on the bottom of the barrel rather than climb out and make a better life for yourself, break a drug or cigarette habit, work out and get healthy thus proving them lazy, and losing your peer group as you outgrow them in maturity, spirituality, and physical health simply due to a change in your perspective, your perception allowing you to see, follow, and benefit from clear thinking, actions, and thus benefiting from the incredible results you will find once you view is perfected.

Meditate, pray, think, savor the moment, leave the past behind, and see the incredible possibilities in each new day unbound by the past, your negative thinking peers, and the potential to make your dreams still come true, no matter how old, no matter how broke, you can change your life more than anyone if you decide to do it.

Why not make it the best life possible by viewing it will be that way, keeping the positive perspective at the forefront of your choices, not anger, fear, or frustrations about the world, no, use your heart and mind, your Spirit to keep making the world a better place and it will become that for you? See it the other way, depressed, hopeless, and leading to sadness and despair in the morning and that is likely what will continue, thus the perspicuity to escape is lost.

Make it a great day by believing before you go to sleep that it will be. Wake up with a new positive perspective and create a world you want to live in rather than accept the naysayers, attackers, and fools.

Often, people are so stressed out and negative they will blow off the very people they meet who might have turned their lives fortunes around. If you start off reacting as if attacked, if you feel inferior before you begin a challenge, if you have not studied, practiced, or prepared enough to be assured you will win, pass, and fly higher than all others? Why not?

It seems that many have had that focus, that ambition, the desire to achieve the highest level of performance that is possible. Many do this with the passions that help them maintain the best body they can through diet, exercise, and breathing with a will and intention that allow them to avoid the common disease and ills of the masses. We know that if we prepare by taking care not to abuse our body, to move quickly to heal if damaged or ill that long-term incredible youthful living and health is possible well into the 90s, even over 110 years old. It is possible but there is also a lifetime of work required to produce the results which by virtue of doing them will isolate you from most others in society who will think you are strange.

People will be upset with those who do not need to be treated as if sickly, scared of dying from the newest colds, flu, or cancer without any control of their own destiny. This is clearly not true, but the belief is what counts in your future, the hypochondriac will become sick by believing it will happen, anxiety control being one of the worst factors in CV deaths.

Become the best you can be by doing and seeing with a positive intention daily. Success is just a change in perspective away.


How do people see things, feel what is going on around them, know when just the right circumstances open up a door to an opportunity we often wait a lifetime to see.

Be the best you can be based on your highest principles, your faith, your confidence in success. That is what makes all the difference… you believing in yourself first… but based on a balanced logical and loving perspective.

Often, people are so stressed out and negative they will blow off the very people they meet who might have turned their lives fortunes around. If you start off reacting as if attacked, if you feel inferior before you begin a challenge, if you have not studied, practiced, or prepared enough to be assured you will win, pass, and fly higher than all others? Why not?

It seems that many have had that focus, that ambition, the desire to achieve the highest level of performance that is possible. Many do this with the passions that help them maintain the best body they can through diet, exercise, and breathing with a will and intention that allow them to avoid the common disease and ills of the masses. We know that if we prepare by taking care not to abuse our body, to move quickly to heal if damaged or ill that long-term incredible youthful living and health is possible well into the 90s, even over 110 years old. It is possible but there is also a lifetime of work required to produce the results which by virtue of doing them will isolate you from most others in society who will think you are strange.

People will be upset with those who do not need to be treated as if sickly, scared of dying from the newest colds, flu, or cancer without any control of their own destiny. This is clearly not true, but the belief is what counts in your future, the hypochondriac will become sick by believing it will happen, anxiety control being one of the worst factors in CV deaths.

Pushing the Proof of Youth thru Exemplification, not obfuscation, snake oils, or false advertising.

Aging does not have to be a bad thing at 60, 70, or 45 as some seem to think.

What are you doing to push the window of youth out further into the future, staying young through diet, exercise, and breathing is possible, but the kids must be shown, taught how, and be given the chance to stay fit instead of getting infirm due to physical neglect and abuse that ages us faster. People do so many things that cost us our agility, strength, energy levels, and immune system longevity without ever understanding the consequences of eating, drinking, and breathing toxic things by choice in most cases.

Tiny Organic Houses and Cottages… that is the second layer, our vessel we live in is the body first, Spirit in Body, action, and life the result. Use yours wisely, your time on this beautiful planet and help the kids see the potential, empower them instead of cripple them with the desire to question, learn, and know that must never end… you will never be able to keep up with all the new knowledge that often dispels what we learned decades ago was false.

Be autodidactic and never stop learning, sharing, and living to build the wisdom of the ages… each of us being part of that and responsible for passing as much along to the next generation as possible so they will not get lost and forget the miracle that is possible if you will believe and thus… make them happen.

This gentleman and I are 1 year apart in age. He was not tempted to show the grandkids the splits or Chinese fingertip plank pushups nor bending over and kissing his shins instead of just touching his toes.

At 67, his physique is not out of the normal population in America. Many believe this is what we should end up looking like, as I once did. The truth is different. I changed my life by discarding the belief system that mid-’60s was old when in fact it is supposed to be our middle age… through 78.

Once upon a time in tiny houses without big PHARMA, junk food, and TV, people were healthy and working into their 80’s and 90’s as they are still doing in more primitive countries. Curiously, diabetes, cancer, and other problems from stress are industrialized world phenomena comparably speaking.

By walking 5 miles a day, most of it grounding by being barefoot or on leather soles, you will absorb the healthy negative ions to balance the positive ions in the air which allow you to power up your internal battery and fire up the Scalar Wave motors that allow us to do incredible things. You will breathe more, circulate more blood, and benefit in many ways by walking more… swimming, being active.

Engineering the body you want to live in is simply a matter of intention, willpower, and action, even if only an hour a day, the life you get in return is amazingly more productive, energized, and possibly full of life that you might not even attempt to enjoy if you are in pain, sick, or in fear of getting out there and living the best life you can, being the example for the kids and others to use as proof they can do it. This happens through your actions and intentions, not randomly and without work.

My 118-year-old hero for aging well and his 115-year-old wife who is equally amazing as they did their Qi Gong routine, her sword dance as flawless and smooth as his demonstration which proves, at nearly twice my age, gave me an example of what is possible and thus the inspiration to change my path. It works.

If you are able to share your ways of staying healthy and young, of demonstrating to the kids who are being misled into thinking that if it tastes good it is good for you to eat. Clearly the children who are already obese before their teens will not find it easier to get in shape later but much harder than if they had started physical training early in life. Normally playing outside would provide much of the exercise but with covid, kids increase their obesity numbers by 23% which is endangering them, pushing them to diabetic issues before 20 years old.

The proof of what sugars, white flour, junk foods are abundant, even though the grocery stores where the bulk of their food should be eaten in very limited quantities due to sugar, fats, chemicals, preservatives, artificial sweeteners, and much more.

Please, as a parent or friend, share and encourage others, inspire by exemplifying and showing what is possible so they too will believe they can do something to stave off infirmity, arthritis, loss of mobility, and energy if we do such things as fasting and keeping our brain active, our body moving, and our love flowing. The Truth is so obvious yet many deny the evidence and prefer to believe that there will be a pill or easy path to great health, vibrance, and energy levels.

While it is possible to achieve incredible transformation over 7 years during which you replace every cell in your body and if you feed, fuel, and form it with intention, sculpt the musculature to support the body instead of just flab. You must get off the couch, away from the keyboard, not sitting in a chair at work or in a truck driving much of the day… all of them causing your core muscles to atrophy and thus get weaker. Your intestines can not do their job, food rots inside you, and the problems of a sedentary life will rob you of the joy of our 60’s and 70’s when we have the freedom to enjoy ourselves and help others instead of depending on them for survival.

It is not just tiny houses that you shelter in, it is the body that the Spirit resides in through which it gets to love, live, and share the joys of life. Great healthy homes, simple and small so you have time to be outside, garden, be with family, and not just in debt and servitude paying for things that are not worth your life. Stress kills and living for the passions and people you love allows you to live a healthier longer life. Why not consider that for the next generation now that we have proven what the last few decades of TV and Mass Media education through commercials have done? The health, thus the wealth of America is in danger due to the sedentary life the fear, and the destruction of the ???emic that has been running laps around the world.

Crank up that natural immunity by honoring the vessel by cleaning up your act… thus contribute to solving the many problems, not just one the injections might affect. Fat is still there after the needle leaves and you, only YOU can fix the bigger threat to your health… so please get started down the road to recovery soon.


Did you know the biggest Heart in America is Pining away hiding & nearly forgotten?

Yes, sometimes several feet across and 135 feet high, the Heart of a Long Leaf Pine tree is unlike any other Pine in America… or other living things for that matter. Before the Heart starts to really grow it has to be 185 years old… yes… adolescence takes a century and a half, then the Heart grows on through forest fires that burn the branches off down below or storm, but the Heart and top of the tree with its crop of branches bearing 1-foot long pine needles and 2-foot long pine cones that shades the critters of the forest, sheltered with love for centuries.

What would you do with wood if you could? Create a great house for a family of one?

Look at the windows, see all the doors, opportunity knocks, but which door to explore?

Did you know the biggest Heart in America is Pining away hiding & nearly forgotten? Few can imagine a heart 3′ wide, but even harder to consider, it is 135′ tall. How is it you never learned of a Heart so big that it truly pines me to share the sad story with you. Once, before the Europeans came to America, giants, with shadows that covered the Earth so well that creatures would thrive in its shade from high up in the sky where they would nest in its hair of foot-long needles, indeed, the Long Leaf Pine was an ancient of the grandest measure with the finest Heart of any tree East of the Rockies… if not the entire USA.

What remnants of the giant hearts of old stay mostly hidden and forgotten, rotting somewhere never to be known or admired for the millennium that they were alive and thriving before modern man showed up and chopped them down. No true respect for them ever came into the human consciousness until most of the giants were decimated, forests cut to the ground without a heart in the men that did it, sliced, diced, and shipped it away from its home for hundreds and hundreds of years.

Those who stood up to defend the trees, the giant forests where incredible birds and other creatures roamed, the native Americans who resisted the slaughter were in turn, slaughtered too.

This was not a great war, a fair war, or even one that most were aware they were part of… and soon it may come to an end, Mother Nature and her giant emissaries to our planet that created the oxygen-rich air, tilled the soil deep and gave shade in the harsh sun of the South from Atlanta to nearly Dallas long ago.

When people complain about CO2 being a problem, stop using up new trees and let the giants grow once more as they do make a difference… not to be destroyed without a planetary price… they produce oxygen… shade, break up the soil, rocks, and Earth to help fill cracks with water and thus new life.

Please respect the great Hearts of Giant Long Leaf Pines slaughtered long before the Treehuggers of modern days pounded spikes to stop the saws. Salvage Build with materials that will never be formed again while 10 generations of humans live out their lives before one tree would be close to maturity, let alone beginning to grow a Heartwood that will take another 500-800 years before it reaches full maturity, a sight few humans behold. Those that did kill the greatest of the trees… just to prove they could.

Let us respect trees, Mother Earth thus Mother Nature, and not forget to salvage build our future to prove we can do better than the last century of globalization has proven. While humans do not determine the big things that the sun and God have control of, polluting, trashing our society or planet is wrong, and thinking you have the right to is selfish but then talking about others who are changing their lifestyle, simplifying, reducing their carbon footprint, even if they have the money for a big house and lifestyle, it is the choice to live a Pure Salvage Living example that changes the world.

When you do it we get one person closer to the herd mentality, the peer group sizes, and the positive reinforcement it will take to downsize the housing and make it organic, non-toxic, and of a quality that will last for a lifetime. Thanks for sharing this message of hope as we begin figuring out where to go now that normalcy is definitely not in the near future as we knew it, likely never I suspect.

Have a great new Aquarius Life, it has finally begun.


That is my size 14 on a 24″ wide slice of life, dormant cells that took a thousand years to create.

Hope you liked the view.

If this is new to you… see more on other posts about the woods I love the most.


I will supply the parts to build a home for those left behind… as if they were my own family. Will you help?

Adam’s birthday passed by quietly,

though tears were shed once more.

The Song of Salvage sings to me

as I look at what’s in store.

I wonder as I watch with knowing,

having seen this long ago,

in prophecy, it came to me

Just like when he, my son would go.

In Paris of all places,

In the year once told to me,

that I did not understand meant him

in spite of warnings, meant to be.

I raged in anger at unfairness,

at the injustice of the world.

What reason does one use

to justify when your son’s killed?

I can not offer anything

to fill the hole one feels

when your child is taken instantly

your emotions all unreel.

I wish that I could come up with more,

then just love and empathy,

for the soldiers and the families

who had fought to keep us free?

Tiny Houses can be your master suite, your special bedroom with a tiny bath, a kitchenette, a bit of home you own.

What little I can offer,

for all that I believe,

my desire to help with what it takes,

to house the ones they leave.

Please let me know what we can do

as if my children, I’ll help too.

Create a home for the loved ones left,

full knowing it’s not all that’s due,

it could be the parts with

some help from you.

I’ll give the windows,

the doors, siding, roofing,

even floors,

the parts to build a life,

safe haven,

from what is left…

this can be your store.

I can not offer much but share

Please let me know

how to help them fare or

to let them know we truly care.

I can not answer for the leaders

or change the way they choose,

but After this damn war is over,

the others passed, no wins, all lose!

I Pray for peace… as well as a way

to Care for those still left behind,

help the families of the soldiers

who did not come back…

dead or alive?

How do we salvage dreams once dead?

Where do you house the kids still left?

How does the family find a home

when their parent left them all alone?

That is our job America… for the families

I commit to help if I can

and I hope and pray many out there will too…

if I give you the parts, can you assemble a dream?

A home for a family, though tiny,

from me to help them move forward

to grow up and live Free.


How do we salvage a life after such a cost of war.

Salvage Weddings create Organic Love Cottages

Most young couples dream of a starter home they could live in, take with them one day if they should move, or leave beside the bigger house if adding on will not fill their needs if the family were to grow.

Organic toxin-free houses with lots of healthy air to breath, wood, outdoors in the country if you can, for many want to but the plan requires a tiny house to start, if you have a Salvaged Wedding, well that may be pretty smart.

Imagine all the windows, the doors as you explore on a BnB Hunt weekend in warehouses great and small. Treasure you could rent to have in a Wedding built on dreams with intentions more than photos on a Honeymoon at sea.

The wisdom of the family, the tools and gifts of hands that in just a few days could assemble a dream that few could find in their travels around the world to celebrate the love inside. Once you have that, please be sure, the home is next to best ensure that if you should desire much more, you have the Heart that built the home, your friends and family, not alone, and thus your heirloom is your home, your proof of what is yet to come.

The greatest gift is the vessel you are living in, then Love, and how you shelter those vessels that miracle come through an offer to help from my heart is so true that if I can help this happen, let me do it for you.

We can set up a number of possible ways to see if you can get into the wedding embellishment business with architectural antiques and oddities, the things you might build your cottages with, and the path to making dreams become hope and a way for your family to grow and be paid in a new form of Wedding, Salvage Living my way.

Darby Lettick

conservator for Tiny Texas Houses

Dreams lead to the magic of manifestation… imagination, synchronicity, perspicuity required.

If you want to create an organic tiny house or cottage, here is a magical path to that end with hardly any cash.

For the next 6 weeks, Tiny Texas Houses will be emptying much of the warehouses full of the parts and pieces it takes to create such beautiful stuff. Brad Kittel, the creator and designer of the Tiny Texas House Space Magic Design methods that make for energy-efficient, spacious feeling, full of storage tiny houses will design with the parts you pick if you wish for help. From air flow to how to position the house on the property, much can be had from years of doing just those things you want to do. Why not barter for the parts or just buy them if you wish, many ways to make that happen and be on your way to the dream cottage in the woods. Why not?

When you look into the mirror to see what you might find, is the person you want looking back agreeing with a smile. If not spend just a moment and make friends if yet you can, tell them that you love them and perhaps the smile will bend from a frown to what you want to see… a happy person looking back at mii.

Visit Salvage, Texas to spend a night in a house or three days while you pick and choose, drop off your trade, and load a trailer with the parts you will need to build a dream in the form of House Art you can live in for the rest of your life.

Contact [email protected] for more information about your plans and how to manifest them with the help of Tiny Texas Houses plans, parts, past successes that will enable you to do the things you did not think possible.

Is it magic to turn a 1 ton pickup truck into all the materials one might need to build an organic sustainable house? No, its a barter.

What if you had an old 2005 Chevy one ton dually and wanted all the parts to build your mom or family home from the best vintage wood, great doors and windows, flooring, siding, roofing, and more… bartered rather than paid for in cash or credit, just an old running truck in decent shape that dad left behind to trade one day for all the parts you need?

What about the 4 wheeler, golf cart, tractor, or other things that you don’t need that could become the parts that seed the kids to help you build that tiny organic cottage in the woods that will not take your money for taxes like the big house, or the utilities, or the other costs that should not last until our end, but they seem too?

Why not do your living on a smaller scale, and spend that money on better food, more experience, or more time with family and friends?

The Bartherthon at our warehouses during August, perhaps even September, as we empty some of the massive inventories, you could get all the parts without cash.

Truly this is a rare chance to fill a trailer up with things you do not need, want, or care to go through selling to get the cash to convert to things you want. Why not trade and cut out all those steps?

Know anyone who needs the parts to build and has so many things they could trade if only they knew?

Please share… let others know and perhaps they may give you a chance to build that house, paying you with other bartered goods or with the money that was not needed to buy the materials that were untouchable before the chance to barter.

Think about it, who do you know, and what you might do to get that tiny house, that new path to take to a happier, healthier, and tinier existence.

contact [email protected]

When you look into the mirror to see what you might find, is the person you want looking back agreeing with a smile. If not spend just a moment and make friends if yet you can, tell them that you love them and perhaps the smile will bend from a frown to what you want to see… a happy person looking back at mii.

First with your list of what you want to trade,

Create a list of what you want in return,

and perhaps you have a path to get all you need to build that house,

start a business building tiny houses for others,

or more, a career in bartering

and/or selling salvage for commissions… a free agent or broker…

but not broke but making money from the salvage industry.

The more imagination and work you want to do, the more trading you can help happen, you will be rewarded in so many ways you can not imagine.

More millionaires are made from the salvage industry than any other in America.

and then you can have your dream come true like this one is… one day at a time.

This was a dream that took two months of extreme focus and dedication to create, solo, for one man in his mid-sixties to create so you would have a place to swim after gathering all your stuff to take home on a hot day. Play, dream sustainably, like the Ship of Salvaged Dreams, you can save the best of your past to create an incredible future. Get going now.
The Bridge Over Untroubled Waters to the Ship of Salvaged Dreams atop of Miracle Mountain. Rare sight

Why not get a piece of it through trade, bartering time, or stuff to open a door to the dreams you wish to see before you move on to another life?


May your perspicuity lead you to understand the synchronicity and not miss the door to opportunity on which you have a chance to enter. What will you do?

Barterthons should be more common! You have treasure to trade for your dreams to come true.

So let’s have a bonfire of an event to get that idea off the ground… like a smoke signal… Salvage, Texas Lights UP!

The Bridge Over Untroubled Waters to the Ship of Salvaged Dreams atop of Miracle Mountain. Rare sight

Imagine getting the materials to build your dreams out of your imagination and action, siding, doors, windows, flooring, ceilings, walls of beauty, and forming the organic home you might live in for life. Barter is a another way to Trade away the things you might not need, from tools or equipment left behind in estates, lawnmowers, and tractors, 4 wheelers, golf carts, guns, ammo, or other things you have more of than the need for materials to build your home, village, or gathering place!

What does the door to opportunity and your future look like?
Why not build a house or two that is not big but sure could do all that you need for it to be the paradise you create near free? Imagine a barter or two, depending on what you have on hand to exchange, throw away to get this sort of materials to create this sort of home? hmmmm. If generations work together, trading off for things they need, using all the wisdom to do what human action will unleash. Create a home, perhaps a village, never spend on parts you need that could be traded for the things that do not serve to set you Free without turning into money first. The swindles and the chicanery on Marketplace, Craigs List, and fees from Ebay and the other platforms, why not barter and take action? Skip the cranks and scams that grow or meeting to be robbed as shown by those who wish to get ahead and get in trouble, ripped off instead.
hidden here and there are treasures waiting for the house to live in till the owner leaves them one day and they care for others then. Build a house that is unique, a place to love, a place to seek.

Instead of selling at the pawnshops or at a sale, some things are worth trading up and skipping out on the taxes of income, or other things that come with a sale instead of a trade. 1 great Old Chevy 1 ton dually, 2005 for example, could get you all the materials for a small set of houses, yes a tiny village. There are ways to get to the place you want to be, from wood to windows, doors, or more, the path could be bartering as your very best store.

Ready for your own community center called a Pure Salvage Outpost so that you too can grow a community outside the city? Yes… dreams can come true!