Pushing the Proof of Youth thru Exemplification, not obfuscation, snake oils, or false advertising.

Aging does not have to be a bad thing at 60, 70, or 45 as some seem to think.

What are you doing to push the window of youth out further into the future, staying young through diet, exercise, and breathing is possible, but the kids must be shown, taught how, and be given the chance to stay fit instead of getting infirm due to physical neglect and abuse that ages us faster. People do so many things that cost us our agility, strength, energy levels, and immune system longevity without ever understanding the consequences of eating, drinking, and breathing toxic things by choice in most cases.

Tiny Organic Houses and Cottages… that is the second layer, our vessel we live in is the body first, Spirit in Body, action, and life the result. Use yours wisely, your time on this beautiful planet and help the kids see the potential, empower them instead of cripple them with the desire to question, learn, and know that must never end… you will never be able to keep up with all the new knowledge that often dispels what we learned decades ago was false.

Be autodidactic and never stop learning, sharing, and living to build the wisdom of the ages… each of us being part of that and responsible for passing as much along to the next generation as possible so they will not get lost and forget the miracle that is possible if you will believe and thus… make them happen.

This gentleman and I are 1 year apart in age. He was not tempted to show the grandkids the splits or Chinese fingertip plank pushups nor bending over and kissing his shins instead of just touching his toes.

At 67, his physique is not out of the normal population in America. Many believe this is what we should end up looking like, as I once did. The truth is different. I changed my life by discarding the belief system that mid-’60s was old when in fact it is supposed to be our middle age… through 78.

Once upon a time in tiny houses without big PHARMA, junk food, and TV, people were healthy and working into their 80’s and 90’s as they are still doing in more primitive countries. Curiously, diabetes, cancer, and other problems from stress are industrialized world phenomena comparably speaking.

By walking 5 miles a day, most of it grounding by being barefoot or on leather soles, you will absorb the healthy negative ions to balance the positive ions in the air which allow you to power up your internal battery and fire up the Scalar Wave motors that allow us to do incredible things. You will breathe more, circulate more blood, and benefit in many ways by walking more… swimming, being active.

Engineering the body you want to live in is simply a matter of intention, willpower, and action, even if only an hour a day, the life you get in return is amazingly more productive, energized, and possibly full of life that you might not even attempt to enjoy if you are in pain, sick, or in fear of getting out there and living the best life you can, being the example for the kids and others to use as proof they can do it. This happens through your actions and intentions, not randomly and without work.

My 118-year-old hero for aging well and his 115-year-old wife who is equally amazing as they did their Qi Gong routine, her sword dance as flawless and smooth as his demonstration which proves, at nearly twice my age, gave me an example of what is possible and thus the inspiration to change my path. It works.

If you are able to share your ways of staying healthy and young, of demonstrating to the kids who are being misled into thinking that if it tastes good it is good for you to eat. Clearly the children who are already obese before their teens will not find it easier to get in shape later but much harder than if they had started physical training early in life. Normally playing outside would provide much of the exercise but with covid, kids increase their obesity numbers by 23% which is endangering them, pushing them to diabetic issues before 20 years old.

The proof of what sugars, white flour, junk foods are abundant, even though the grocery stores where the bulk of their food should be eaten in very limited quantities due to sugar, fats, chemicals, preservatives, artificial sweeteners, and much more.

Please, as a parent or friend, share and encourage others, inspire by exemplifying and showing what is possible so they too will believe they can do something to stave off infirmity, arthritis, loss of mobility, and energy if we do such things as fasting and keeping our brain active, our body moving, and our love flowing. The Truth is so obvious yet many deny the evidence and prefer to believe that there will be a pill or easy path to great health, vibrance, and energy levels.

While it is possible to achieve incredible transformation over 7 years during which you replace every cell in your body and if you feed, fuel, and form it with intention, sculpt the musculature to support the body instead of just flab. You must get off the couch, away from the keyboard, not sitting in a chair at work or in a truck driving much of the day… all of them causing your core muscles to atrophy and thus get weaker. Your intestines can not do their job, food rots inside you, and the problems of a sedentary life will rob you of the joy of our 60’s and 70’s when we have the freedom to enjoy ourselves and help others instead of depending on them for survival.

It is not just tiny houses that you shelter in, it is the body that the Spirit resides in through which it gets to love, live, and share the joys of life. Great healthy homes, simple and small so you have time to be outside, garden, be with family, and not just in debt and servitude paying for things that are not worth your life. Stress kills and living for the passions and people you love allows you to live a healthier longer life. Why not consider that for the next generation now that we have proven what the last few decades of TV and Mass Media education through commercials have done? The health, thus the wealth of America is in danger due to the sedentary life the fear, and the destruction of the ???emic that has been running laps around the world.

Crank up that natural immunity by honoring the vessel by cleaning up your act… thus contribute to solving the many problems, not just one the injections might affect. Fat is still there after the needle leaves and you, only YOU can fix the bigger threat to your health… so please get started down the road to recovery soon.


Did you know the biggest Heart in America is Pining away hiding & nearly forgotten?

Yes, sometimes several feet across and 135 feet high, the Heart of a Long Leaf Pine tree is unlike any other Pine in America… or other living things for that matter. Before the Heart starts to really grow it has to be 185 years old… yes… adolescence takes a century and a half, then the Heart grows on through forest fires that burn the branches off down below or storm, but the Heart and top of the tree with its crop of branches bearing 1-foot long pine needles and 2-foot long pine cones that shades the critters of the forest, sheltered with love for centuries.

What would you do with wood if you could? Create a great house for a family of one?

Look at the windows, see all the doors, opportunity knocks, but which door to explore?

Did you know the biggest Heart in America is Pining away hiding & nearly forgotten? Few can imagine a heart 3′ wide, but even harder to consider, it is 135′ tall. How is it you never learned of a Heart so big that it truly pines me to share the sad story with you. Once, before the Europeans came to America, giants, with shadows that covered the Earth so well that creatures would thrive in its shade from high up in the sky where they would nest in its hair of foot-long needles, indeed, the Long Leaf Pine was an ancient of the grandest measure with the finest Heart of any tree East of the Rockies… if not the entire USA.

What remnants of the giant hearts of old stay mostly hidden and forgotten, rotting somewhere never to be known or admired for the millennium that they were alive and thriving before modern man showed up and chopped them down. No true respect for them ever came into the human consciousness until most of the giants were decimated, forests cut to the ground without a heart in the men that did it, sliced, diced, and shipped it away from its home for hundreds and hundreds of years.

Those who stood up to defend the trees, the giant forests where incredible birds and other creatures roamed, the native Americans who resisted the slaughter were in turn, slaughtered too.

This was not a great war, a fair war, or even one that most were aware they were part of… and soon it may come to an end, Mother Nature and her giant emissaries to our planet that created the oxygen-rich air, tilled the soil deep and gave shade in the harsh sun of the South from Atlanta to nearly Dallas long ago.

When people complain about CO2 being a problem, stop using up new trees and let the giants grow once more as they do make a difference… not to be destroyed without a planetary price… they produce oxygen… shade, break up the soil, rocks, and Earth to help fill cracks with water and thus new life.

Please respect the great Hearts of Giant Long Leaf Pines slaughtered long before the Treehuggers of modern days pounded spikes to stop the saws. Salvage Build with materials that will never be formed again while 10 generations of humans live out their lives before one tree would be close to maturity, let alone beginning to grow a Heartwood that will take another 500-800 years before it reaches full maturity, a sight few humans behold. Those that did kill the greatest of the trees… just to prove they could.

Let us respect trees, Mother Earth thus Mother Nature, and not forget to salvage build our future to prove we can do better than the last century of globalization has proven. While humans do not determine the big things that the sun and God have control of, polluting, trashing our society or planet is wrong, and thinking you have the right to is selfish but then talking about others who are changing their lifestyle, simplifying, reducing their carbon footprint, even if they have the money for a big house and lifestyle, it is the choice to live a Pure Salvage Living example that changes the world.

When you do it we get one person closer to the herd mentality, the peer group sizes, and the positive reinforcement it will take to downsize the housing and make it organic, non-toxic, and of a quality that will last for a lifetime. Thanks for sharing this message of hope as we begin figuring out where to go now that normalcy is definitely not in the near future as we knew it, likely never I suspect.

Have a great new Aquarius Life, it has finally begun.


That is my size 14 on a 24″ wide slice of life, dormant cells that took a thousand years to create.

Hope you liked the view.

If this is new to you… see more on other posts about the woods I love the most.


I will supply the parts to build a home for those left behind… as if they were my own family. Will you help?

Adam’s birthday passed by quietly,

though tears were shed once more.

The Song of Salvage sings to me

as I look at what’s in store.

I wonder as I watch with knowing,

having seen this long ago,

in prophecy, it came to me

Just like when he, my son would go.

In Paris of all places,

In the year once told to me,

that I did not understand meant him

in spite of warnings, meant to be.

I raged in anger at unfairness,

at the injustice of the world.

What reason does one use

to justify when your son’s killed?

I can not offer anything

to fill the hole one feels

when your child is taken instantly

your emotions all unreel.

I wish that I could come up with more,

then just love and empathy,

for the soldiers and the families

who had fought to keep us free?

Tiny Houses can be your master suite, your special bedroom with a tiny bath, a kitchenette, a bit of home you own.

What little I can offer,

for all that I believe,

my desire to help with what it takes,

to house the ones they leave.

Please let me know what we can do

as if my children, I’ll help too.

Create a home for the loved ones left,

full knowing it’s not all that’s due,

it could be the parts with

some help from you.

I’ll give the windows,

the doors, siding, roofing,

even floors,

the parts to build a life,

safe haven,

from what is left…

this can be your store.

I can not offer much but share

Please let me know

how to help them fare or

to let them know we truly care.

I can not answer for the leaders

or change the way they choose,

but After this damn war is over,

the others passed, no wins, all lose!

I Pray for peace… as well as a way

to Care for those still left behind,

help the families of the soldiers

who did not come back…

dead or alive?

How do we salvage dreams once dead?

Where do you house the kids still left?

How does the family find a home

when their parent left them all alone?

That is our job America… for the families

I commit to help if I can

and I hope and pray many out there will too…

if I give you the parts, can you assemble a dream?

A home for a family, though tiny,

from me to help them move forward

to grow up and live Free.


How do we salvage a life after such a cost of war.

Salvage Weddings create Organic Love Cottages

Most young couples dream of a starter home they could live in, take with them one day if they should move, or leave beside the bigger house if adding on will not fill their needs if the family were to grow.

Organic toxin-free houses with lots of healthy air to breath, wood, outdoors in the country if you can, for many want to but the plan requires a tiny house to start, if you have a Salvaged Wedding, well that may be pretty smart.

Imagine all the windows, the doors as you explore on a BnB Hunt weekend in warehouses great and small. Treasure you could rent to have in a Wedding built on dreams with intentions more than photos on a Honeymoon at sea.

The wisdom of the family, the tools and gifts of hands that in just a few days could assemble a dream that few could find in their travels around the world to celebrate the love inside. Once you have that, please be sure, the home is next to best ensure that if you should desire much more, you have the Heart that built the home, your friends and family, not alone, and thus your heirloom is your home, your proof of what is yet to come.

The greatest gift is the vessel you are living in, then Love, and how you shelter those vessels that miracle come through an offer to help from my heart is so true that if I can help this happen, let me do it for you.

We can set up a number of possible ways to see if you can get into the wedding embellishment business with architectural antiques and oddities, the things you might build your cottages with, and the path to making dreams become hope and a way for your family to grow and be paid in a new form of Wedding, Salvage Living my way.

Darby Lettick

conservator for Tiny Texas Houses

Dreams lead to the magic of manifestation… imagination, synchronicity, perspicuity required.

If you want to create an organic tiny house or cottage, here is a magical path to that end with hardly any cash.

For the next 6 weeks, Tiny Texas Houses will be emptying much of the warehouses full of the parts and pieces it takes to create such beautiful stuff. Brad Kittel, the creator and designer of the Tiny Texas House Space Magic Design methods that make for energy-efficient, spacious feeling, full of storage tiny houses will design with the parts you pick if you wish for help. From air flow to how to position the house on the property, much can be had from years of doing just those things you want to do. Why not barter for the parts or just buy them if you wish, many ways to make that happen and be on your way to the dream cottage in the woods. Why not?

When you look into the mirror to see what you might find, is the person you want looking back agreeing with a smile. If not spend just a moment and make friends if yet you can, tell them that you love them and perhaps the smile will bend from a frown to what you want to see… a happy person looking back at mii.

Visit Salvage, Texas to spend a night in a house or three days while you pick and choose, drop off your trade, and load a trailer with the parts you will need to build a dream in the form of House Art you can live in for the rest of your life.

Contact [email protected] for more information about your plans and how to manifest them with the help of Tiny Texas Houses plans, parts, past successes that will enable you to do the things you did not think possible.

Is it magic to turn a 1 ton pickup truck into all the materials one might need to build an organic sustainable house? No, its a barter.

What if you had an old 2005 Chevy one ton dually and wanted all the parts to build your mom or family home from the best vintage wood, great doors and windows, flooring, siding, roofing, and more… bartered rather than paid for in cash or credit, just an old running truck in decent shape that dad left behind to trade one day for all the parts you need?

What about the 4 wheeler, golf cart, tractor, or other things that you don’t need that could become the parts that seed the kids to help you build that tiny organic cottage in the woods that will not take your money for taxes like the big house, or the utilities, or the other costs that should not last until our end, but they seem too?

Why not do your living on a smaller scale, and spend that money on better food, more experience, or more time with family and friends?

The Bartherthon at our warehouses during August, perhaps even September, as we empty some of the massive inventories, you could get all the parts without cash.

Truly this is a rare chance to fill a trailer up with things you do not need, want, or care to go through selling to get the cash to convert to things you want. Why not trade and cut out all those steps?

Know anyone who needs the parts to build and has so many things they could trade if only they knew?

Please share… let others know and perhaps they may give you a chance to build that house, paying you with other bartered goods or with the money that was not needed to buy the materials that were untouchable before the chance to barter.

Think about it, who do you know, and what you might do to get that tiny house, that new path to take to a happier, healthier, and tinier existence.

contact [email protected]

When you look into the mirror to see what you might find, is the person you want looking back agreeing with a smile. If not spend just a moment and make friends if yet you can, tell them that you love them and perhaps the smile will bend from a frown to what you want to see… a happy person looking back at mii.

First with your list of what you want to trade,

Create a list of what you want in return,

and perhaps you have a path to get all you need to build that house,

start a business building tiny houses for others,

or more, a career in bartering

and/or selling salvage for commissions… a free agent or broker…

but not broke but making money from the salvage industry.

The more imagination and work you want to do, the more trading you can help happen, you will be rewarded in so many ways you can not imagine.

More millionaires are made from the salvage industry than any other in America.

and then you can have your dream come true like this one is… one day at a time.

This was a dream that took two months of extreme focus and dedication to create, solo, for one man in his mid-sixties to create so you would have a place to swim after gathering all your stuff to take home on a hot day. Play, dream sustainably, like the Ship of Salvaged Dreams, you can save the best of your past to create an incredible future. Get going now.
The Bridge Over Untroubled Waters to the Ship of Salvaged Dreams atop of Miracle Mountain. Rare sight

Why not get a piece of it through trade, bartering time, or stuff to open a door to the dreams you wish to see before you move on to another life?


May your perspicuity lead you to understand the synchronicity and not miss the door to opportunity on which you have a chance to enter. What will you do?

What would you do if you had the material to create tiny organic cottages from vintage wood?

No imported fresh-cut forests, plastics, vinyl, and glues, not even paint need be used… it’s TRUE!

Salvage, Texas is the manifestation of examples of what can be done with the past pieces and today’s ingenuity… imagination you can feel, sleep, swim, even explore with endless questions as you turn every corner. What will light your passion and ignite your desire to save the beauty of the past ancestors who created with their sweat a beautiful thing that still pleases me to see and share to this day, 160 years later. Please never forget the past for many great things came from it that deserve being appreciated for the great skill, knowledge, and work it took to create them.

A little wood here and a few doors there, add a couple of windows and you got a tiny lair. Dress it up and give it life by living in it too, and you might just find happiness that no one else can do. Yes, the simple life in an organic tiny house that is designed to give you air, not toxins to breath, to stay cool or warm as the need may be, to keep the storms from atop your head, and the floods away with thunder and lightning being kept at bay. Thus is all we need at night, in the daytime we have chores, the common spaces for our friends, our family, and our toys.

What are the odds that the sheeple will awaken to become the Rams, the Leaders that let the others know the cliffs are just ahead if there is no change in flow so if you can not get out in time… its over the edge you go.

Create something beautiful with your life force that will give joy and happiness to others for a million different great reasons, none better than it just feels so great to imbue yourself into a dream and have it continue on long after you might go to sleep one day… and not wake up. Leave a beautiful mark if you can!
Imagination manifested from a vision of a few big rocks, prayers, and answers I can only be thankful for seeing is believing.

Visions and imagination, God manifests through us the things that might look best upon the Earth if we were to fulfill our dreams.

If you have a grand dream to create your village, your family retreat, and create a family to go with it, now may finally be the time to manifest that vision. Opportunity lies in this series of pictures, the possibilities when seen through the right eyes, leading to the spiritually driven action it takes to manifest miracles in your life. YOU Can Do It! But you have to believe in yourself… maybe even do most of the work yourself. In the end you will learn much more about yourself, and perhaps find a family and friends to share the new you with. Become the amazing you that dreams and visions call you to become by taking action… Be!

Not a Tiny House on Wheels but one that went on wheels to here and there. Leave the trailer where it does not need to be seen… where it can still have value not trapped under a house.

Make your dream your legacy. Let your imagination go wild and not be limited by your past.

Blessings to your day. Savor it and create your dreams while you have time.

Darby Lettick

The toxic story of Tiny Houses on Wheels still continues without push-back… a decade after knowing the truth. Why?

Toxic boxes now called Tiny Houses on Wheels are able to kill the sick and old, contaminate the body and the minds of those once sold. They live in boxes without thinking of the health they spend to have a tiny house on wheels that brings about their end.

This is what an organic sustainable cottage can look like. Why not?

What inspires the many liars who act as if there are no facts to show that living without air will make you sick?

Still even worse is the hidden hearse, disguised just like a healthy tiny house, that kills with silence, outgassing quiet, seldom heard of when it seeps into the heart and lungs, the brain without a word.

Why not build with old doors, windows, and the best of the parts of the past that are still great for creating more housing in the future, not landfills.

This is an opinion piece based on the truth few wish to hear.

How many people are going to downsize in the next two years?

Yes, move out of the big houses full of empty spaces void of people but boxes in places that seldom get seen, get cleaned or attended like memories aging, and no one to dust them off.

What are you doing as you age to your days when the things that you have to leave you lost in a daze?

How do you leave them those pieces and parts of the life that you lived and your collections called Art?

Who do you give them to when nobody cares for the past that our ancestors wanted to share?

What do you do with a silent killer running all about in a house one thought was going to be the answer to their thoughts of finding someplace safe to live, a place where they can share and give?

If you don’t know till cancer grows and the sickness takes you down, vertigo, migraines, and respiratory cough, then you may be to far along by the time you go to find the source of both your sickness and the children’s like decline.

Must you be told that breathing air, the precious stuff that all should care be clean and healthy for your life to be filled with blessings, not with strife?

Imagine if you are so willing to examine how much you’re breathing and the kids, the loved one too, is there enough air for all of you?

If you don’t know 500 gallons per hour per person without laughing, just the minimal you see will use up all you have in three… hours that is.

Yes, windows closed, AC or Heater on, no air exchanger, and you will be running out of good air in a few hours, breathing in all other contaminants and short on oxygen in hours but thusly thinking slower, having less energy, sleeping poorly, and other things will become normal.

Lucky you.

So why does the industry continue to promote and sell Tiny Houses on Wheels that are effectively full of outgassing chemicals, generally lack good air exchangers for living in full time, and without full disclosure to the buyers?

Because they are legally allowed to do that with the RV classification because it states that you can not live in them for more than 48 hours at a time.

While people do live in them full time, it is not healthy and the industry is aware!

For those who are aware, who are building without chemicals, sustainably, with the intended longevity the USA pride in craftsmanship once demanded, using salvaged lumber to build tiny healthy organic cottages makes sense.

Please consider that in your tiny house or cottage build if that day should come.

For those on the road already, check out the August Jones Street Warehouse moving-out sale.

Great chance to get all the lumber, doors, windows, and parts you need to build your organic cottage somewhere next year too.

[email protected] for more information

Transform your time into lumber, doors, windows, & floors to build a tiny house out of instead of getting a job.

Make your time valuable by bartering it for materials instead of dollars that you have to pay taxes on, and best of all, at about 4 times as much $ per hour that you could make at most jobs. How? It is a rare opportunity but one that is coming up in August at Tiny Texas Houses as they shut down one of the big warehouses and sell, barter, or move all of the lumber, machines, and stuff that has been in there for decades.

August is full of Saturday (7th, 14th, 21st, 28th) Sales at the 520 Jones Street Warehouse as we empty it out, either moving or selling it to clear it out in 30 days. Too much space and no need anymore. Time to let some of it go at prices that will make plywood look expensive. Imagine getting the vintage wood to cover the walls instead of shitrock for the price of cheap quality wood at the big box stores. Yes, and you could make some of the income to purchase it with by doing the work of helping load and move it to the other warehouses, what does not sell that is.

If you should wish to spend a week or two, depending on how much wood, windows, doors, and floors you want, you could in a month get all you need to build your home with, a tiny organic cottage that would last a lifetime for a short stint learning about salvage, the one industry that more millionaires are created from than any other.

Why not take a shot at being a working wonder that learns, builds, and creates a future out of your imagination, just like I did? Nearly anyone determined, honest, willing to work, and having a passion to fulfil a dream… you could be one of them that will lead the rest to see what is obvious to me… the best wood is that from the past, not the future.

For more information on being a part of the moving force, sales, or other interests, especially bulk purchasing, contact [email protected] for more information.

Keep checking back for more details if interested in acquiring some of this treasure at less than half of normal, even a third with the volume discounts… more!

See Salvage, Texas for the info on the BnB or camping at Salvage, Texas during your visit if you decide to come and help, buy, or bring others who can swim, kayak, and play while the guys go to Gonzales to work all day.

Imagination manifested from a vision of a few big rocks, a prayers, and answers I can only be thankful for seeing is believing.

To book a house on Air BnB please just look for Tiny Texas Houses in Luling Texas on the search or get hold of Trinity through there as well as on Facebook… Trinity Mires…


Why not you? More millionaires are created out of the salvage industry than any in USA.

without a college degree for most!

More millionaires are made from the salvage industry than any other, from free metals, cloths, plastics, woods, machines, nearly free to those who do the labor of salvaging the best from the past yet few chose to work that hard.

I was born nearly dirt poor and found a path to more than I can say grace over thanks to being willing to take the trash of others and turn it into houses, a treasure that the future children can then live happily inside of, once reformed into homes for a lifetime. It is not how much money you make in life nor that it is wrong to accumulate wealth for security but what can be done to make the world a better place with it along the way to gathering the resources that being richer than poorer entails.

It requires total focus and commitment to earn a million dollars but it takes earning millions to become a millionaire which is beyond what most can imagine themselves ever doing, thus desire is not there. The sacrifice of movies, sports, parties, and spending money before becoming a millionaire is truly a price few will choose to pay… but they should not resent those that do.

Please know that some who are successful are good people who worked hard and deserve the rewards that include for moments in our passing, financial success for a time, for a lifetime if lucky with someone to share it with too.

Ultimately the life hours it takes to create your own riches requires dedication to that cause, just like being a great mother, father, or citizen, the best do the most study, work, and take action with rewards of many types that can be used to gauge wealth and success.

Ideally, it is the happiness of both you and those around you, people and pets, life on the planet in many forms, you can be the key influence by being grateful and positive. That does the most good for the world. Wealth will follow great deeds, actions, and intentions.Be the best example you can be for others to see that good health is wealth, great action leads to great deeds, and positive thinking is the only path to a phenomenal life.

Where would you put your tiny organic cottage if you had the chance to create a community like Salvage, Texas? Tell us how, where, the people you would do it with, and how… then Wii just might give you the materials to create your dream come true over time, your labor, your love and passion manifesting a future for you, your community, and those you love most.

You decide which path you want to take each day and who you will give your life hours to before you pay your Self. How much are your life hours worth? Depends on how many you have left? If you are not living like you could die next week, settling the life debts or issues that need to be resolved, then you are not living fully.

Houses created out of the salvage of the past, the Ship of Salvaged Dreams upon the top of Miracle Mountain as seen from the Kidd.
Fold down roofs, unbolting the bottom, it is ready to go off one day to another home far away. That was the intention with designing in such ways, but if I get to choose, it will be there for all my remaining days.

Once past those hurdles that keep many from finding peace, you can salvage your life, your body, your mind after 49 years old, even your passions, and Love for life. Why not? Let your Filament within the gelatinous shell you give a new name to call your new self and like a flower in Spring, grow again… thrive with the passions you knew as a young person, not yet beaten down with the responsibilities of adulthood put upon you by others.

Eventually, if you are lucky, something will knock you into a zone where you will get the chance to start over, leave and begin anew. Thus does trauma often bring joy later, forced to find that path to your happiness that comes from helping others and through that achieving your dreams too. Where are you in that cycle? Salvaging your own life makes you the richest person in the world if you can find happiness and pain-free living once in your prime, after 50 years old.

Truly the brain is creating new neural pathways much better than juvenile neurons performed, ganglia as well, and thus with a bit of wisdom, life can get better and better. Tiny Texas Houses is an ideology tied to the Pure Salvage Living Renaissance which defines a path of permaculture, land use that shares nature with humans without destroying the planet. It is an example of what could be done through not likely as the public wants the products and lifestyles marketed by mass media instead.

Thus does Salvage, Texas remain a getaway from the cities of Austin, San Antonio, Houston, as well as other cities from around the world where people come from to share. Here you can feel, and take away memories of canyons carved from raw Earth that become paradises for many creatures, winged and scaled, furry and leaved. It is a place that others can come to for ideas on how to create their paradise far from here.

Please consider the ideology, the path for getting older without getting weaker-minded, bodied, or losing the passions that make life so incredible. Get healthy, stay there, and love life as you live it to the fullest without fear, but Faith to lead you. Come visit to escape the fear of the world and learn what it means to salvage your dreams.

Darby Lettick