What size houses? How many windows, doors, or decors for yours? At least 4 but easily more w/ SpaceMagic design, the right intentions for community, miracles combined: Dreams come true.
Miracles in a box that I will send around the world to bring new life to a vision for many communities that can come to be with the right windows, floors, and more practically free. Yes, doors of opportunity that will bring much joy, but also seeds of what Wii can do if wii just Unite Beings One and All. First, to share the treasures of the past that are abundant here and show how this can create a clear and easy path for all. In the processing of the past into a future wii can show what can be created from the salvage of what our ancestors did grow. This is to prove that wii waste too much; the best of treasures go unseen or touched into a dumpster, landfill, or much worse, burnt down to ashes for some new construction, road, or parking lot, for a highrise being all wii got with the best stuff thrown away.
If I can help a thousand people start the villages to keep this thought that wii can save the world’s past to put into new forms that honor it instead of killing the lifetimes of work that are instilled in statues, art forms throughout houses, buildings, barns, and thus give us a chance to create from the past a future with parts that will last. NO outgassing chemicals or killing new trees, or the pollution that goes with making new parts to create our homes; use the great parts more than once. This was the way it once was done, to take the parts of what was to form the future so the kids would know through stories that would always go with them. A corbel from a mansion, a railing from a train, a ladder from a firetruck all combined to soon create an amazing house for a master suite, created from all salvage sweet. Stained glass windows, Indian Teak cabinets, and so much more can be combined, so all adore the structure; though it is Art, is more, its a home you can life in for a lifetime in store, in fact, many more.
Why not consider becoming a daydreamer and forming the future today? Take what you envision and write down everything you need to create a good start. Shall wii create one or three examples to be what you need to get it off the ground? Can you find the good friends and the people this depends on to be the successes I choose? If you can, just send me the ideas so I can see if Wii could unite in the end to get this to you through the loopholes that rule what can ship and get past all the hoops. The cost of the shipping, the loading, and giving $1,000 to pay for the last that it takes to get this sent from my warehouses to you is the thing that must be figured out to be sure that you can do the part that you need. Just to get it to there with a plan you can share and the proof you are truthful, thus freed. Please let me know soon if this is a plan you can use for the people you have close to you who are dreaming and willing to do the work, giving money and support to help you to do what will benefit all. Help mii send out the seed for many gardens of dreams where the future can thrive with the housing for the life that you envision and soon not just dream, but build and fulfill the calling if you will, and thus help mii get these gifts to those I find.
This is what I offer to some dreamers far and wide. These metal boxes will contain the parts it takes to start again, salvaged from the dreams of men who lived a hundred years in them. Windows that have seen a few lifetimes of people who looked out through sand melted to glass by kids who dug the coal from mines and melted it to form the finds that wii will send to you, the windows to the world that keep the weather out it’s true, are still good for a few hundred years if you can, to be the homes for many to begin, to build from trees cut way-back-when, a future for the dreams they have and work on actively to form the future for the kids who will be born while this gift is crossing the seas. I pray the message reaches those from whom I hear the pleas; this is the best empowerment I can offer that they need the means to create houses, and chapels where the people meet to build a future salvaged from the past with their human energy. Please share, get involved, and find the places to create so that one day this quantum story will be shared far and wide as fate would have us do this soon or I fear it is too late to reverse the trends of technology and wasting the best to date.
Thank you for your time and help, you sharing could be quite great for a writer who will celebrate a story that won’t be erased by anyone who knows that it is the product of our thoughts that lives and always grows. Dialogue and helping others see where they are blind give them the resources that they may not easily find and empower them to create the solutions anyone may need to find happiness through the unity that communication brings. Let us share with open hearts and honor truth above all things so that wii, the “I”s that make up the world, can finally agree. Wii, as One great World of Beings who care for the best for all, will find a balance in which Wii can share the middle road. Simpler living with respect for all who share the Earth will get us more by far than any war and finally set us free to find peace on a planet that has been cursed due to hate and greed. Can that be put to bed at last, I suspect Wii soon will See.
Wii, Trinity and Mii, hope to hear from you and perhaps even see you on our world tour to help design, build, and create from seeds a quantum story that includes you too. Thanks for your help, reading these long posts, and helping us by getting a subscription for a little bit to thus create the solutions for us all. Please contact us at [email protected] to get more information or make a contribution through such paths as wii may have for friends who wish to show support but also get some benefits. Lots of plans and house parts to at discounts that help us and you to do the thing each has to do to help make all our dreams come true.
Literally, millions more words, offers, a subscription to support us monetarily, and even request articles to be written on your subjects of interest. Here are some examples and links to going there and searching, as the titles often do not tell you much of what may be there.
This is a great house that may come back and be Renewed with freshened paint and brand new porch floors, other things that most would adore, and perhaps a new owner. Could that be you? See to have some fun.
If you are wondering what you can create with no one to help, the Ship of Salvaged Dreams that sits on Miracle Mountain in the land of Salvage, Texas. The Covered Bridge Over Untroubled Waters highthat takes you high above Waldon Pond which did not exist less than ten years ago. Never stop believing you can’t salvage what you have. The Spirit that has learned its lessons to begin again, truthful and with gratitude that you have the time to win all the gifts of life that you can while alive if you focus and give in. The voice within that calls you to Light up the world and make a dent, to be a part of the next event, and the fog will clear away. Savor the moment, know you create the new day and the perspective you use will determine the way things turn out.
Materials as salvage, packed into containers for free from American fit into many loopholes that could work out advantageously, carbon-friendly to the end Wii plan to start a global trend. Freedom?
Is there a way or reasoning that makes sense to move many containers with materials that would slip through the system as simply nearly worthless salvaged materials on the now cheaper containers to Mexico or the coastal areas where it could be used to create some sort of tiny resort village or community for healthy living? If I could send it for them, then have that pay for me to come down, help create and assemble some cool stuff, and stay there as I plan some traveling in the next dozen years. I am liquidating the holdings for the most part to do this. I think for tax purposes, shipping worthless trash for free out of the country and then following it to make an income while abroad doing seminars, lectures, and cashing out on some of the free stockpiles, I might be able to slip through the loopholes on both ends. Legal Loopholes that are here for us to use so wii can steer the future to be good for all instead of just the rich, thus all can benefit in ways that leads our world to better days.
No tariffs on trash, and with the right people to design, cheap labor, great hand-blown glass, ancient tree lumber over 1,000 years old cut 200 years ago, and doors handmade, hardware so that no one needs to mine the ore, much more. I suspect wii, all the “I”s of the world could create Pure Salvage Outposts as co-ops that would share the cost of tools and what it takes the most, someone to coax them on. Be the elders, be the leaders, and answer to the call for coming up with some way to fill and ship some parts.
I am searching around the world for places I can go and help, by sending parts, if Wii can, send Trinity & Mii to help you do what it will take to set the standard for a future that is sustainable for you, locally. You, the rest of the population of creative people that are the “I”s of the world I want to help. Those of you who want to take a different path than the highly concentrated citified view of the future WEF and others have planned. Being the example makes you a Light for others to gain hope and faith in real solutions to feed upon. Freedom means, dialogues, not narratives, so there will still be a choice, and I call out for both to stay, as Truth can not exist without dialogue and examples along the way.
Some could create some interesting architecture while others are entire communities once the ethos of organic living, communication of Truth, and honesty as foundations for the community. When leaders leave the people behind and sell out to the foreign kind of corporate greed that wii have seen, I expect big changes in the coming scene. I am looking at Australia, New Zealand, the Caribbean, and Africa anyone? So many places wii could ship to help others and to get more information about the world that I have yet to see and learn. This is my chance to learn languages, cultures, and building methods of the ages and offer parts and pieces to integrate into the visions people have around the world for intentional communities that can use this sort of gift.
Many places where I have followings for the concepts of sustainable and toxin-free housing using SpaceMagic designs should have groups that can come together, even send people to help load, learn, and return with plans and treasures that will work where you are. Solutions can come in parts from anywhere, so why not here? My last dozen years of potential can be traveling again, learning more languages, and perhaps finally freed from the last series of anchors that were the “I”s of a past that I no longer wish to give life hours to… business with employees is a bit of an unpleasant future for another decade given today’s environment to select from for help.
My goal is to get down south to as far as Argentina, where Texas shipped part of the 1.2 billion board feet to in the early 1900 period of Germans moving from Europe, where I hear there is much Victorian period and other such classic architecture. a short leap to Antarctica while there would be a target of my run. Thus I could ship down to Uraguay, Paraguay, Brazil, and islands more where these parts are not available, especially so good. While one man’s trash is another man’s treasure, only is if used well in the end. Let us use it well, like gold, human energy, tree energy stored in a form that makes creating housing easier no matter where you are.
My youth in Bolivia calls for my return so I can fully appreciate Tiauanaco or Lake Titicaca after more than a half-century since my last visit as a child. La Paz, if I could drive to see the house I lived in at 4, or where it was as the Presidential Palace’s outside wall has likely changed much since then to eliminate the houses Americans occupied without uniform to “help” them keep power. My dad told me much later in life why he could not go back when I asked of the chance and why not. He said they have long memories, and he was in LaPaz taking those tourist pictures with us and developing them in the garage for more reasons than I understood as a child. Life is fascinating, and I hope to now go explore it with a mature and creative mind unless it all goes to hell in a handbasket, which it may well, and I am trying to figure out how to play in both worlds.
Trinity’s dad is off to Istambul at 86 and then South America, learning new languages for his travels, but on a walker. I do not want to wait for the walker as the heights I still would like to climb won’t allow for it. Thailand and so many places may be beyond reach but, depending on the outcome of 2023, many incredible and seemingly impossible things could yet be. I realize this is far to much to read but if you can share with one who can interpret letters on a page into the visions, I can only communicate through this method which for now is Webbling.
Oddly, if dyslexic, “WUB”, the energy of Spirit taking form as a “WIB” Wub In Body that Wii give a name to and form… Brad or Darby, the many “I”s that wii become in a lifetime on this planet, or others some are from. This is turning into a fascinating adventure, Wibblry, the language of communication through other means than words written on a page, in fact, there are only a few words to Wibblry, like an alphabet that open concepts and dreams instead of just words. They unfold like a virus as a Wubber appears from the dialogue and wisdom each of us procures. Now is the time to shine, to join to create solutions once the fights, lies, and bad guys are cleaned up, if such is possible, transparency and whistleblowers will win the day.
I am against taking $ in during this year that will go to pay for the war through taxes it would create, but if not sold just given, that can not end that way. I do not want to support fools at the helm versus cashing out and distributing a future around the lands, a path to spend the next decades by helping teach and guide others and learn much more myself by interacting once again. Still, on a different level after nearly two decades out of the citified society, I have little use for but must help attend to in these times.
Yes, before I can not climb the mountains, traverse the ice of Antarctica, visit island afar, see Argentina, and New Zealand, and more, the time has come to write books, lecture, help others build, to travel, share, and Be all that I can be to help others to live free with Trinity by my side.
Please let me know if you have the connections to put together a network where you have influence and want to help do good things for the babies and kids coming to take on what wii can create for them as examples of their potential. No one ever gave me that when I was young in a form I knew to be great but the traveling I did as a child gave me more than I ever imagined as an adult.
Blessings to your project, and it moving along fast as I am planning on cashing out at several levels in 2023, including directing the high-end materials income to help pay for this and other plans ahead; the real estate to the right people would not necessitate a massive sell-off but if others want it and will pay the price, the building goes and both are too much to move and keep, too much. So rather than take profits on it all, I will be sending valuable packages worldwide under the guise of the trash instead.
Having fun yet? Got plans done?
Long pieces are being targeted to sell as part of the initial round I started putting out this week on my blog.. Tinytexashouses.substack.com I know you may not see it, but it often has good pictures of what is about to unfold quickly now I hope.
Please let me know your thoughts or other great places to move, sell, and perhaps follow materials. I am looking at filling them for the cost of labor and shipping to all points possible while the shipping rates have rock-bottomed out. Even losing 10=15% on the seas is affordable versus the taxes to sell it all off in a year or two and not ever see it go to the places I want it to… and I want to go. Got a following so I should find people who can help guide mii as I reach their territory so as not to just be an American Tourist… ugh. sadly reduced bad behavior from what it once was as a meme.
Windows, doors, siding, & roofs the means to start dream villages all out of wood from trees that were cut 200 years ago to add imagination, and action, to create your dreams come true. Up to you.
This is the Writer’s Cottage, a tiny house on a cliff in Hunt, Texas, where it views the hill country from a stand 200’ above a waterfall that is great to see. You, too, could have a tiny house with the building plans to do nearly just the same in your homestead, and I am offering it to you. A package of materials that lets you create, and reach your goal of having houses before it is too late to form your village where you want it to be, and create your homestead if that’s what you want to see.
Pick a door of this caliber, a window that may have stained glass, but like this one, some are too rare to expect to get the same ones as you see on others here.
Wood for cabinets, sinks, and more, a bit of decorative tin or a cute bathroom door, even the tremendous beaded wood to make the cheery walls, as well as floors to give it the warmest of our feelings.
Shelves and windows, trim and hinges, what more would you need? Why the desire to have fire in your belly with a desire to create a house such as this and the means to achieve if you really do believe that this life could be best for you. So join me on your journey with a $5,000 package and the building plans, the consultation from a distance with the smartphones that will let us send the pictures and guide you to the end when you finally get to move on in.
While this is more of the master suite where you write your book, up above you sleep. The loft and the top porch with the shower will allow you to spend so many hours writing, drawing, and playing music that you may just change your tunes and skip the city trips till noon.
This building plan for a 10’x12’ is a good plan to quickly realize the benefits of building tiny is that taxes kiss your hiney and you get to live so cheaply that you can travel, without stress, sleep, and know it will last your whole life, what a leap!
So get your plans for $100 with the chance to get all the parts and a subscription paid on here for life if you get the package too. Furthermore, you get custom designs to fit the parts you pick to create your suite, so it will be sweet to look at and sleep in well. If you don’t have it all, some could be carried on with no interest with half down, but the people must be true, honest, and promise to complete this if they pay to start. For what is most important to mii is the help to set you free, so you can build some more houses and provide for the need of the clients who will see that you can build a house that is an art and you will finish what you promise when you start.
Why not see what could be in your future in 2023? One to build and sell, one to build and live very well, with enough to build a 3rd as well, in case you have some family or start one once doing well.
Interested in knowing more or getting a package to start your score? Contact mii at [email protected]
Ring a ding, a package of things that can make a dream come true. Is it just a dream or can you get most things and the plans with the instructor too? Yes, it may even be one who can come: Like Me. Tiny Texas Houses Newsletter
How long has it been since you started looking in on the paths that you might take when the day comes that you realize downsizing is inevitable if rising to the changes in housing needs? For those who choose to keep big houses, heat them up, maintain the taxes, lawn, roof, and swimming pools too, not to mention homeowner fees or the insurance. I understand that some may think it’s only money, no big stink… but most of us just begin to feel the pinch of dollars shrinking till our privates are near being, but before wii realize it hurts.
So if this year is one to choose the path out before all you lose is the house called your savings that seems to cruise down in value by the day. What do you say as the winds blow to say that the cold is expensive too, as the gas goes up and the food does too, the people who work need more $ than you could ever have imagined in an hour would be paid, but the SS and retirement can’t keep up to the pace? So what to do if you rent or do not need the extra house? Plan a way out now by joining with those who are finding they face this too; it’s the only way you can do what you need without ending up in an old folk feed farm staring at the walls.
Create community through the unity of the others who know, too, that if you Unite, you can take your flight to a family farm where you and the others can do what it takes to make a great life for all of you. Sometimes it takes a village to survive and thrive when times are hard, and most won’t survive without the help of one sort or another so why not form a group of those that you can trust and make a home? Though tiny, so much space to roam and share the kitchen, friends, and chores with people there to care for those kittens and dogs when you have to go.
Yes, this is the life many want to know, where the garden to share lets the members grow all it takes to live well, chickens and eggs, and to sow the community with unity and love that only grows. Please prepare to share, be together for each other, and give so that all can thrive instead of just a few who do but ignore all others’ plight.
Offers for Paid subscribers only.
Brad W. Kittel
For more information, a package custom for your needs, and how to make that happen contact [email protected] if you please.
Join me as an Earth Warrior on the way to battling building unsustainably amidst so much that is for Free. Code be Damned, I Call for Victory.
Imagine shipping this in a container around the world and assembling it in New Zealand, Costa Rica, or Argentina when it lands as the seeds to create houses where so few can match this Grand… Monte Grand Victorian, that is.
It has been a decade since they were born, and they are truly some of the best examples of 95% Pure Salvage Building in the world, offering dreams for millions to share, perhaps duplicate? By You?
Would you believe that some of these houses were rarely lived in full time for the last 10 years? Now some of the best pieces of House Art ever created by Tiny Texas Houses will possibly be sold again soon, adopted, and moved to other places, hopefully as a beautiful set? These sisters are known as the Zebu sisters; their owner raised organic Zebu cattle for their passion. The houses went out to a ranch in West Texas but not long after that, the owners moved from that family ranch to another so they have sat somewhat neglected over the years. Now, this rare set of houses is possibly going to be resold and transported to another ranch so as to give them a new life again, this time more occupied and appreciated.
Such creations are intended to be shared, loved, and honored for the trees that were a thousand years old and the glass that was handblown over a hundred years ago. Truly an example of what Wii can create from the past. This is the way to stretch the longevity of our resources or our heritage. Salvage Building is a path to respecting our past, honoring our future generation that will be able to appreciate and know what the world was once like when there was more than the populations of humans could ever imagine using up and running out of, but it is now happening.
No more virgin forests in most of the world, sadly being cut and harvested or just burned to create pastures for cattle or other means of producing food for a man that wipes out the food for wildlife. Will people learn to live with nature again instead of destroying it to create cities, industrial resource extractions, and other ways humans are cannibalizing the most beautiful places on Earth? Perhaps Wii will get to the next level soon, one where humans honor the other Beings in our world who are sentient but simply do not speak Human. Somehow Wii, all the humans of the world who are cognizant, are able to understand that the other Beings have rights too… but it is up to us to decide and do what must be done, not just bitch about all things.
Please consider creating a future that respects the past instead of dispelling it and wasting the wisdom and proof of what is possible without technology and electricity, truly with imagination and human energy. That is the secret of our successful future… respect for and learn from past experiences… not ignoring them. Memories can hold great meaning and be kept alive with pictures of the past few will ever see otherwise. Welcome to one of my memory lanes from houses I built a decade ago. I wish more kids had come to learn how and carry on so this House Art out of Salvaged Treasures catches on to be the fuel for houses to be built that will last a lifetime too. Presently, new construction and building materials ignore classic style, respect for great wood grain, shapes intermingles, and the variety that gives spice to life and homes. I hope you enjoy my memories of what could be done a million times over in the decade ahead as more people realize what is lost and later priceless, not to be found at any cost. Savor the days or if you choose, a daze that helps the world become a better place.
Raze houses with the intention of raising new houses and perhaps the Pure Salvage Living Renaissance will help save much of the past in ways that our children will cherish for life. Blessings to your dreams, day and night.
Brad w. Kittel
[email protected] for more information about materials such as was used to create such houses, all in stock, by appt. only, consultation, and SpaceMagic Design services available.
Side note:
Its amazing how cheap I sold these houses for before the fads of tiny houses on wheels for $300,000 were possible, these were selling for less than $125,000 for the big one and $70,000 for the little Zebu. No one can afford the labor to do that today, let alone the team to get the parts and design it yet the demand is still great for quality instead of mass-produced in a factory box of toxins on wheels portending to be healthy housing. So sad that the media and marketing are allowed to neglect healthy living in the obligations to disclose part of their sales pitches. When no one understands the damage being done by the toxins outgassed and the bad air due to the lack of air exchangers, few understand how it hurts them until long after the damage is not repairable, like having sleep apnea and not understanding the lack of oxygen at night will contribute to Alzheimers and other mental or physical disorders over time due to hypoxia. Please learn more before living in tiny spaces, whether cars, vans, or tiny houses, oxygen and fresh air are vital to good sleep and great health.
Would you share that chance? Would you help others? $5,000 to change our world through you; to ignite, fuel, & grow our passion to create hOMes, Communities, & solutions thru Salvage.
This beauty is coming back to Manifestation Bay, where it was created more than 10 years ago. She will be joined by her sister, Vicky Zebu to be painted and restored, then? If you want to help and learn, this is one of the projects lined up for starting months of 2023. Do you want to be Part of the Plan?
I am proposing a path for those interested in changing their lives, the path of their offspring, town, or local society. Yes, a way to do this without great expense and with the support to assure success to those willing to do the work and find the support locally to build a platform that kids and elders can share. It is the concept of a “Pure Salvage Living Outpost”, a Co-Op for Sustainable import and toxin-free housing. That means creating wood-framed houses without cutting down trees and creating new glass, hardware, or plastics for homes intentionally constructed to last a lifetime. It means using metal for roofs, siding, and other parts of the house without ever mining iron, smelting steel, or using any form of heat to shape it later.
How can builders be developed to grow a million tiny houses with a proven method of constructing using healthy, portable cottages and cabins instead of tiny or giant houses that turn out to be toxic? I propose a collaboration to create viable solutions on a local basis that add jobs, small homes to transition elders to as they downsize, and a way to grow the community without increasing utility demands, taxes on the locals, and, better still, creating an industry that is healthy for the community.
The Elevator pitch is simple: $5,000 to come for two weeks, work, study, and build a tiny house that will then be your blueprint for building the one you are sent home with the part to create. Yes, the course, a tiny house to live in for a while here, learning the tools methods, and seeing the components you will use, helping put them together, then going home to recreate it with friends, family, or others who want to see a Pure Salvage Outpost in our town.
Suppose you or the protege you send for your community to bring back opportunity can complete the work to create a tiny house locally. In that case, we will help to sell it to an investor so that you make a profit and can pay for a package to build another, even have a credit line for parts to create more once you prove what you can do. With the help of friends and family, the local elders, and youth who want to see the town or community grow, this is the best chance you could ever find. Why is that great? What will you do with this chance?
Most will not have even read this far to get an idea of the opportunity, but also understand the great reasons why, the demand for this, and the possible future that a Pure Salvage Outpost (PSO) Co-op could do for your life, family, town, and future. Please consider joining with others, selecting a great person to sponsor, send, and bring home a package of materials, knowledge, skills, and perhaps a grandchild or two that can do what the elders need locally to help the town succeed instead of receding into oblivion as it shrinks and dies. Ghost towns happen because there is no opportunity locally, the kids go to the city, and the elders are left alone or go to old folks’ homes instead of tiny homes created just for them.
I am creating a program for 10 people for 2 weeks, living in Tiny Texas Houses, hands-on work 20 hours, 10 hrs classroom time, and 10 hours of extra opportunity to work on, create, and prepare to take home a building material package to manifest the same style of Gypsy Wagon Cottage style structure locally. You can then sell it, take a profit to fund your Outpost, and go into business with a credit line from us for the parts to create more tiny organic cottages for locals where you live. A community-based Pure Salvage Outpost only takes one person to Inspire, lead, and soon prove what is possible to create from salvage here and there, as I have done for an example at Salvage, Texas.
I have watched the Tiny Houses on Wheels industry boom without constraints or, logically, concern for the health of those who buy into that scheme. It is not an excellent financial move given the cost to park an RV and the limitations based on their age, indicative of their 15-year projected lifespans; it is stupid. People have accepted creating hypoxic boxes for living environments that cause mental and physical problems most people do not even know can occur. Ignorance is not bliss, but rather a state of buyer beware with a keen understanding that the manufacturers don’t care. Thus, the time has come for thoughtful study and decisions about the health of a generation raised in such spaces and for people concerned about aging well, staying youthful, and growing a better brain and body as we age gracefully.
The alternative for not paying attention in advance is instead a potential life of pain and suffering from self-abuse over decades. I propose that many of you are looking for something better than a job, a career in an industry that does not challenge you or push you to be your best, rewarding you accordingly. Once the damage is done to many of the children who are growing up without enough good air at night, inhaling too many chemicals from the materials used to create housing, few understand cause cancer, but unbridled, the horse has run far without anyone asking the right questions on the TV shows that drove them.
I have developed a method to create houses for others that you can be proud of for life, the healthy life you can give others instead of toxic boxes sold as houses that are no more expensive than Recreational Vehicles with 15-year lifespans. Why not create jewelry box houses for elders and younger people who are catching on to the healthy living renaissance instead of the extremes that Big PHARMA, the AMA, and our government have taken with dictates in cities which are proving to be unhealthy instead? Building codes and other such dictates are built and forced upon the public at their expense but simultaneously at great profit to the corporations and politicians who force them upon the public. It is not for the benefit of the people but for the corporations who now write International Code and lobby the politicians they own to pass it upon the people.
It is easily proven that life is about quality rather than quantity of distraction or material wealth. Thus there is proof to show the cost of toxins, and electromagnetic radiation from various field generators, whether cell phones, wiring in the walls, Radio, or sound frequency generators that are outside of our sensory range such that we understand it could be hurting us. Microwaves, TV, cell phone towers, high tension electric wires, or even low energy such as in the walls of the house next to your brain at night. Building codes have built-in flaws that cause many physical ailments that are not obvious to those living full-time in small enclosed spaces, which are unhealthy. You do not need to be in a subdivision conforming to such rules as the NHO acts like governments to take away your rights.
If you create portable buildings outside the codes, they could last for 100 years, be healthy to live in, and be sustainable because they do not cut down trees yet use the best woods in the world. They have handblown glass, but it was created 100+ years ago by our ancestors with coal before “global warming” was even a meaningful word sequence. Hardware made from the best of brass, copper filled back when it was cheap, crystal knobs, decorative door plates, and even doors made long before 1900. Why not build with such incredible things and have houses that can be moved if ever there would come the need? No outgassing plywood, plastics, vinyl, or formaldehyde but more importantly, full of oxygen with healthy air to breathe at night with wood, not sheetrock or particle board walls. No electric fields in the walls to inflame your pineal gland while you sleep and cause it to produce serotonin instead of melatonin in the night when you should heal, deflame, rest well, not fight. Yet many do it no matter if they know; they think that headboard makes it all right!
Once upon a time, Wii gave away a tiny Essay Contest Prize known as the Essay House. Part of the program will be to give you the plans to create this and others once you complete the short class or others later to expand your potential of houses to build. From the Cowboy Cabin to the Arched Zebu, or Vicky Zebu, you could help work on it too. This is a chance for a limited group, perhaps a crew, to learn this art and make a great living if they do for the demand is so much greater than the people who can do. Please share and help grow a nation of Pure Salvage Builders with the next generation who will love the life skills instead of keyboards as they see what they can do.
If you read this far, have a plan, and want to see it go farther where you are concerned, don’t hesitate to get in touch with me at [email protected]or get on the chat line to me so we can set this up for you or someone in your family, or community, or locally. I want to sponsor honest people who want to grow the paths for kids and elders to solve problems locally instead of depending on the feds to save the day. 512-636-6756 or preferably to open the door for a good call, reach me if you are serious, as there will only be ten slots open for the first batch of kids who may get to come, at any age over 18, to learn more, be more, and create more than they may have ever dreamt possible. Stay here, learn, return, and change your part of the world in a tiny sustainable way. What do you say?
Start your own Tiny Organic Cottage building business to thrive in the coming times. No imports, toxins, or exorbitant taxes to live freely, creating solutions for people, & be proud of results.
Yes, I am seeking to inspire thousands to take up the call to create tiny organic, sustainable houses for the masses who want them instead of the giant subdivision toxic “shitrock boxes” called houses. The demand is there; the need for tinier housing that can be assembled into intentional villages is growing as more choose to bail out of the city and get back to nature and gardens. A peaceful future away from the broken, Woke cities that seem to be in accelerating decay mode. Why not go into business for yourself to create a new generation of housing designed to serve the changing demands of a home in a world where fuel, food, and living costs will force many to downsize their living quarters to afford to stay healthy and free?
As the housing bubble bursts in many parts of the country, prices decline following the increase in interest rates and drop in demand, but the need for housing is growing, not shrinking. However, the cost of owning a home is rapidly getting out of reach for the average person. What will the rental market do but keep going up in price as long as the demand grows too? People who are homeless suffer from many problems, among them the greater difficulty finding a good job once you do not have a permanent address, car, and means to get around the city where the jobs are most abundant. How will we help these good people realize their need to change their lifestyles and downsize before they end up homeless? So many are on the brink of losing their homes. Yet, the media and government do not seem to be coming up with solutions and, in fact, seem to be ignoring the extremes that are being seen in LA, our borders with Mexico, and many cities that are now overrun with people living in the streets, drugs eating away at their society, no solutions in sight.
Use your imagination, salvaged parts and pieces, windows from a century ago, and so many things to make a house unique and full of color. Be creative instead of bored with code and standard features that are sold to most as if they are special, but the truth is that they are meant to con you into paying for a house that is not meant to last for more than 15 years. Then you are in maintenance mode, spending as much as the payment for fixing everything that got old fast and broke, like, the roofs, carpets, AC, and much more. Why not create a tiny house that will not break your bank account and leave you free to work and play instead of in debt to your dying day?
Imagine your team of friends and family creating houses to sell so that you can see the world get better one house at a time; villages form with a plan as we climb from the recession that’s coming, a depression some see, that will create so much new opportunity. Yes, there is never a downturn without some who succeed by not being a victim, instead being freed to go out and do what you would never do if the job you had done your life once consumed. Why not take a chance and believe in yourself, in what you could learn, and thus prosper and grow when others panic and have nowhere to go? Why not be the leader who brings those in need to find the solutions instead of their greed? Why not help others form the future, to unite by design, made intentionally? Not by Klaus Schwabb or the Gates family, but by building your town back focused locally, not globally, thus immune from their activity?
Micro-loans of materials as a package to create a home, buyers all about to keep you growing strong as a tiny cottage builder who is fulfilling dreams that call. Yes, I turn away from building 50 houses yearly and no longer running crews. It is time for you all to step up to the plate and create if you will, the tiny houses that so many still want and need still. Please consider the path to becoming a great hero who creates the solutions that are clear from the old stuff that makes millionaires from salvage while others may starve from not being ready to change and take charge. Don’t be a victim, a suffering fool, when the chance to do better is within reach. Consider the path proven for you; Pure Salvage Living is a way to be true to the concept of sustainable living and, more, a chance to create a career you’ll enjoy. Be the one who can give those who demand a tiny cute cottage that they can be sold and thus have solutions that few can provide without imports or toxins; you can complete them with pride.
Please consider sharing with the kids you know, the adults willing to teach and show the kids who are challenged, can not build or design, for the schools are broken, they are breaking their minds. Please help to teach life skills to the local kids now so they can help salvage the future, to be found in the treasures left by ancestors so easily found. Tis the salvaged materials that you will get for free that can transform a town, and the people then freed to build tiny houses from the old buildings and homes that will make you all wealthy, healthy, and known.
For information on setting up a Pure Salvage Outpost to build tiny organic cottages, with help, materials, micro-funding of parts and assistance to learn how to create houses from salvage and help the world as it grows. [email protected] for more information or to register for some of the coming classes and opportunities to grow your Pure Salvage Outpost Coop in a town you live in. Thousands are needed. Thus I hope you can help too.
Many people are facing or have in the last few years, a juncture where their life they know is forced to change in ways they never expected, planned for, nor looking good.
Tiny Texas Houses Newsletter 6 hr ago
In our youthful fantasy, wii see ourselves as doing things that might change the world and make it a better place to be. Sadly as wii age and learn that our society will not alter course in the grand discourse of giving up who we could be to become what is expected from our great propriety. One thing that comes with aging into your late 60s is the hindsight one has for the life one lived and the failures that will never be reversed. In our youth, wii have the optimism that comes with not knowing all things are not possible but instead an unlimited imagination of the things one could do when some kids grow up. Reality is the struggles that follow, from society to the physicality that each person may be challenged with, sobers most of us up to where we learn to fit into a system that will pay us for conformity, punish us for noncompliance with those who have control of the systems we are living in. Governments that can take a person into the military and send them off to war, thus changing their life forever, possibly end it without the chance for fathers to raise families, mothers to bear them, and the system is controlled by powers that are not considering the cost to the people for them to go to war. There are things in life that the average person will have no control over, and most of us will give up hoping to alter the course of our governments early in life… once we start trying to conform to the job, house, and cars that form the measure of the success, the American Dream fulfilled.
No matter what you do create someone will come to demonstrate that they can erase it, make it go away, and erase the mark you make. What drives you through your youth into the 20s and 30s is not the same as what drives you later, in your 50s or 60s, the success in creating the traditional trappings that display it are typically big houses, ranches, fancy cars, jewelry, or other financial factors that show you are appreciated by society and rewarded, giving the illusion that you may be a better person than those who have not accumulated so much. It is a lie one tells themselves to make them feel better about themselves; truly able to enjoy the luxuries in life is a reward many want, but some are willing to sacrifice honor, truth, and justice to get it. These are the problem people of the world that seem to be winning in a war of good and evil if such exist as opposites instead of being the same. The view you have of the world determines what is good to you and bad to you and what you can do to make a difference in how each affects your life. Do you let it take you down when times get tough, or do you double down, work harder to keep what you have accumulated, and gain more rather than let off the throttle? For many, pedal to the metal is the only way to go, and the hope is that we hit the wall doing 100 mph when our time comes to go, not on a stretcher in pain for a year or two.
What are you doing with your life right now that you would expect to be doing when you are 64? What about 74? Do you dream of getting that old or pray you will not have to suffer as so many that age does with the desire to be young again, not in pain or wishing you could just die and get it over with, let the suffering be gone? Sadly, for many, the struggl
Many people are facing or have in the last few years, a juncture where their life they know is forced to change in ways they never expected, planned for, nor looking good.
In our youthful fantasy, wii see ourselves as doing things that might change the world and make it a better place to be. Sadly as wii age and learn that our society will not alter course in the grand discourse of giving up who we could be to become what is expected from our great propriety.
One thing that comes with aging into your late 60s is the hindsight one has for the life one lived and the failures that will never be reversed. In our youth, wii have the optimism that comes with not knowing all things are not possible but instead an unlimited imagination of the things one could do when some kids grow up. Reality is the struggles that follow, from society to the physicality that each person may be challenged with, sobers most of us up to where we learn to fit into a system that will pay us for conformity, punish us for noncompliance with those who have control of the systems we are living in. Governments that can take a person into the military and send them off to war, thus changing their life forever, possibly end it without the chance for fathers to raise families, mothers to bear them, and the system is controlled by powers that are not considering the cost to the people for them to go to war. There are things in life that the average person will have no control over, and most of us will give up hoping to alter the course of our governments early in life… once we start trying to conform to the job, house, and cars that form the measure of the success, the American Dream fulfilled.
No matter what you do create someone will come to demonstrate that they can erase it, make it go away, and erase the mark you make.
What drives you through your youth into the 20s and 30s is not the same as what drives you later, in your 50s or 60s, the success in creating the traditional trappings that display it are typically big houses, ranches, fancy cars, jewelry, or other financial factors that show you are appreciated by society and rewarded, giving the illusion that you may be a better person than those who have not accumulated so much. It is a lie one tells themselves to make them feel better about themselves; truly able to enjoy the luxuries in life is a reward many want, but some are willing to sacrifice honor, truth, and justice to get it. These are the problem people of the world that seem to be winning in a war of good and evil if such exist as opposites instead of being the same. The view you have of the world determines what is good to you and bad to you and what you can do to make a difference in how each affects your life. Do you let it take you down when times get tough, or do you double down, work harder to keep what you have accumulated, and gain more rather than let off the throttle? For many, pedal to the metal is the only way to go, and the hope is that we hit the wall doing 100 mph when our time comes to go, not on a stretcher in pain for a year or two.
What are you doing with your life right now that you would expect to be doing when you are 64? What about 74? Do you dream of getting that old or pray you will not have to suffer as so many that age does with the desire to be young again, not in pain or wishing you could just die and get it over with, let the suffering be gone? Sadly, for many, the struggle will be in our heads, not one that we can point at in the world and place the blame for unhappiness on. Pointing at the world, at others to blame for the life we live is pointless for only we, the I, that sees through the eyes of the body wii inhabit while alive on Earth. Is there a spiritual life after the physical one? I contend there is and thus have no fear of leaving here as a human when the time comes. I do not fear the Hell of Dante or of King James, both fantasy stories like those I have written without the facts to back them up. Instead, I expect to go on with wonder at the life I led and the desire to live another one day, maybe even on Earth again.
For now, I am facing the failures of my life in comparison to what I had hoped to do; so many dreams have gone up in flames, some success indeed unfolds, but it can only be thus measured by how close I came to show it was possible to do it for in a way I tried to deliver. Now I see an epiphany of what the future holds, and the dreams I had, though it makes me sad, will never come to be; what I hoped to do while living that much younger version of mii will never come to be. Sadly as we age, we see and understand what will not be. Dreams we had as children die before we do ourselves, and the merciful God gives us time to deal with what is lost. Find the ones to take the baton in the races we begin so the relay can go on and perhaps one day our team win. Run your part as hard as you can, knowing it will end, and the handoff to the next runner is critical to send, so we do our best to pass the test to prepare for our ends. Who will come to take the wand and cast the spells once gone, creating solutions that perhaps will catch on? It requires typically that Wii who start the game pass on so the attention to the work we did will find others to carry on. It is not us who begin the charge into battles wii may choose that will likely be there for the bands celebrating victory. Our job is to prepare and form the way for those seeking a path no one wanted when there was no need or call.
Wii Indigos came here to show the path for those who care, a way to change the world for those that choose to finally care and give up the things that destroy the peace and prosperity for all, the greed and lies, the wars and cries of the people who are freed. No one wants to see the end of freedoms, but I fear their loss is coming as few fight to keep them here. Please think about a simpler life and how you might show that the path to our shared happiness can not be found with wars. Soon the choice will be put forth, what little choice they give, and it will be up to people round the world to choose to live. Death by war and other things that some have planned for Man must be stopped before it gathers speed and overtakes the world. My time here is quite limited, and I will not suffer long, but the babies that are born today are what I am thinking of, for they have no chance if not for you, society, and those who will take them in and give them the love that few it seems will provide.
So with this post, I will share what most are fully learning too, that the world is changing fast, and many will do the craziest things that prove what the future brings if we do not take control of the outlook by creating ways for the people yet to know Wii can beat this if Wii can unite, not fight and kill our foes. Are there solutions straight ahead to deal with the mounting deaths attributed to the jabs, and what will follow from them all? I suspect the world will change in ways that few can stop or try, but if they could unite, the people could change the course with time and perhaps create a paradise of Peace; at least Wii try before blowing up the world and killing of Man one more time.
Let me be clear for those who did not pick up on the words I posted here. It is time to sell of all the things I saved to share and use to create simple ways to live without the modern methods and to grow their food for cures, to make the tools to use here or in other communities one day, but the truth is there are not enough who want their life that way. So please consider what you dream of creating while you can and come to take some of what I have to make it manifest one day. I will have a sale that none can match for sure, and a hundred thousand feed of wood and windows will go away. Please, share the chance for those who will choose to use the parts I have accumulated for the time when wii might need a hand to create the villages and more, the remote places by the score where people who do still wish for more can have it one day soon. But I fear that most will not find out or will ignore that I offer this in hopes that it will inspire others or at least provide me with the means to give back something more than I took from Earth to live my life, to pay forward and give more.
For more information on how to get a giant batch of materials, a chance to create the dreams you hold, [email protected]. For more information about what is happening in Salvage, Texas, as it dissolves back into memory and thus my task is completed, I am freed.
Will you ever act to build your dream of trying at least? Will it be more successful than the ones I have chosen life to breed? A community where unity and communication thrive, truth is what you share, and thus, prove wii can do more than just survive in the hard times that may be ahead; that is the reason you’re alive. Be the one to lead the way through the fog and the media hazes that keep many from seeing any Light. If more of you decide to do what it will take to help through the darkest times ahead, you can make the difference it will take to create a future that may be beautiful for the kids who do survive the coming tests. While I had a plan, it means nothing when no one will share the cause, so there comes a time when, despite the rhymes, the serious choice to end a dream I had to help near dead, and soon it will be gone. Spending the rest of my life on a senseless cause makes no sense when the people I do it for don’t even see the loss of the brilliant kids, the solutions, and the path to change our course.
Shadow-banned and censored, clearly not a desired path for the masses, are preoccupied and will all ignore the chance to salvage all the best wii still have to begin a brand new dance. Stop the music, change out the chairs and the ones controlling us. Give us back the right to choose, the freedom to stop wars, and lose the leaders who are so determined to control the world and more, be the ones who determine where wii live and what we eat. So sad to see so many give up and let them win as they take control, starve the world and more, infest it with a plan to kill off the masses, save themselves, and live on so very well. I hope they buy materials for the mansions that they build, and I can use the money for the people I would give all the parts and pieces it will take to create community. It seems there are no people out there who would do this for their clans so that the dream will burst and propel the worst of outcomes that will come. I will liquidate the dream I held for so long, and thus Wii will erase the proof that I was here, free to be gone. I’ll have cleaned my mess up, left my mark, and with gratitude, along with the memories of what was done and could live in books or perhaps through words alone. Wii only have a bit of time, a dream, and in my case, some rhymes to leave for others to perceive, for few will ever quite believe that all of this was done and gone by someone who lived far too long thanks to Angels with great wings who have carried me from where I would be, dead and gone a long time ago. Blessings to your adventures and your dreams that come and go.