Are you looking for the ingredients to create your Organic Cottage Hideaway?

A little here, a bit more there, a spindle or two, a corbel pair, all rare and salvaged, some a century and a half since they came off the buildings or houses that they adorned for a century before they were salvaged.

The trees, such as the Redwoods that formed the blue posts, or the Cypress trees that formed the spindles, corbel, or even the Long Leaf Pine trees that form the floor and much more were all trees that had lived for 800 years before the cut to form such beautiful things.

Here are some of the piles of wonderful woodcut from ancient trees long before electricity, in a day when tokens were given to workers in the lumber industry in Texas, never cash. Truly these knot-free slices of trees that were 135 feet tall, Long Leaf Pine being the hardest, most resistant to rot, strongest, and most resistant to bugs of all the 77 species of Pine in America. To bad, we cut all the mature stock down by the 1940’s and none is due to mature for cutting for another few hundred years. If you want to have it, use it, preserve it, salvage is the only way.I do have a hundred thousand square foot of warehouses full of stock and now that wood has quintupled in value, you can buy good wood at my prices for nearly the same as crappy big box store wood. Why not build a smaller quality wood house instead of a bigger shitrock and vinyl house?

Why do people not want to create with such incredible things as salvage brings into the creative fold for building houses, cottages, and homes for those who roam? It is not the size nor the neighborhood that truly makes a hOMe, it is the place where the heart can rest, dreams flourish with your family best, and love will last to pass the test to be rewarded, thus be blessed. Keep the faith, take action instead of being paralyzed by fear when the stress of change is coming near.

The Bridge Over Untroubled Waters represents what is possible when you leave the past behind and venture into the future without the baggage that holds most people back. See the Ship of Salvaged Dreams upon Miracle Mountain and take faith in the Light you can see up above. One Source of Energy is undeniably there for us to tap if Wii have faith and take action to make our dreams, our visions others think are impossible, yet Wii proceed to manifest them and thus exemplify what Faith can do.Prepare to Light up and lead others, ignite the passion for Truth, Peace, and Unity… so Wii can all be Free.

Micro-Loans at 0% interest for honest people to build homes, businesses, and more out of great materials, human energy, barter, and imagination.

It is the time to get into the business of creating houses out of Salvage. If you do, you will be able to create a life of riches from what others thought was trash. More millionaires are made from Salvage Mining, Building, and reselling than any other industry in the USA. Now it will boom since so many will finally see the value of great wood.

Thank you, thank you, thank you for sharing and caring about the Pure Salvage Living Renaissance… living and being the solutions to what the world needs by the way Wii live and form tomorrow.

Darby Lettick for more information about the BnB and playing in Salvage, Texas. To get inventory for your dream, contact [email protected].

Darby on your side.

What do Wii do when you Light-Up your Candle of “Passion in Being”

Sometimes it is better when it looks like there is nothing to see, just some gnarly hills plain you think gee, I guess I’ll keep moving though knowledge is free.

But what is that behind the curtain of clay that stands so high and certain… that is what I share with thee.Would you see a fantasy or a place that no one wants to be?

If you don’t like Texas, that is likely but otherwise, to most… Surprise! That’s if you ever get to see for only then might you believe. How fast does your imagination work? Does reality stabilize to the point that water and earth hold strong to how God shapes them but not Man or do you believe the power is shared because Wii are but a part of God? If you know you’re a miracle walking about in Heaven right here and having a ball turning this, that, or all into what you want it when you’re done with this ball.

Dance to the music and make phenomena appear as your words become actions that changed what was clearly not what it could be for better or worse, it all comes apart and goes into the hearse. From dust to dust we come and go, in nicer forms when young than old but ever still miraculous if Wii continue on and light the way for that great day when others will look on and wonder how Wii did such things as they might not have done. We’ll answer with the Light of Sources that fuel us ever on. Blessed be the day you create. Darby Lettick

So the lift it takes to make our night a lasting one indeed has come to help poor Rudolph as he lifts the ship and flies.

Thank you, thank you, thank you for the hope and dreams you bring, the visions of great gifts of Love, of Peace and such grand things.

Boxes are not needed, nor wrappers for the gifts, for Peace needs no grand packaging to be the greatest lift to all the people in the world who truly need, not If.

I wish that Santa could just be the solution for our poverty but truly that will only come when people take the reins and come to aid the others who need help, to grow solutions and build hope.

No one can do what Wii can, all the I’s in Union then the world could be Heaven for all Beings, but Unity is all that Frees. Join us in the Renaissance, Pure Salvage Living and the visions that will help the kids and elders join informing our new World Union of Beings. WUB Lives & Loves All

It can not be built on the lies, the greed, and wars that Wii despise. Please join in ridding our world of liars, thieves, and those who have no honor. Wii need not anything but time to clean up what I call a crime when men have stolen all they could, and now it’s time to save some wood so we can rebuild from within, a path to where the US wins.

Prepare for the coming holidays and New Year ahead… for the changes are brewing and the future is a brew. Let’s make it the best year ever before it is over.

Savor the days, or the daze, in the ways that you can.

Darby with a note of hope from Salvage, Texas BnB. Fantasy from salvaging the best of the past to create a future few can imagine. Join us for a night of incredible dreams and life changes. Our testimonials on that site alone will stand out, and your memories of such an escape as this will too. Are you ready to Awaken to the possibilities? or Tiny Texas Houses to find us on Air BnB near Luling, Texas cause Salvage, Tx. is not on the Matrix Maps.

While some wonder what to do except to wait until it’s through, that is the thing they want but true, it may not go back to what they knew.

Instead, Wii must create some paths that open and empower past the times when Walmart and big box stores supply cheap things but nothing more. Food and homes, family, schools, and jobs once known are all now changing fast and thus the thought of downsizing grows.

What are you doing to prepare for the time when others will be in despair? Share and teach while there is time so many more can thrive alive. Darby

Does Beauty require perfection or excellence… and is it a curse?

Here is a point that I wandered off on but should be considered in the world we look at now, with child trafficking and thus the value of a pretty face.
The response to the post on hair, and the comment on cutting it off so I could be pretty again. That brought this perspective some may not consider to mind. I have lived and seen what I speak of here…

In our youth we can be candy for the eyes, for the fantasy of the mind if beautiful, is life easier?

It’s your head and your face. If you want to grow it all to your knees ( and are ,lucky enough to be able), then go for it. Sad but true, people do tend to respond more positively to those considered very attractive, be they male or female. It’s weird, through little of our own doing, at least initially, we either get blessed with good looks or not. We can enhance or detract from what “fate” dealt us but cant take credit for the “gift”. Good points, of course. Would that we took less interest in physical appearance and more on quality of character. ☮

Darby for
Tiny Texas Houses: Is it important to focus on being pretty?

So many lose the quality of character being most important and looks simply a distraction that can delude the possessor more than those possessed by the desire for what they see, like eye candy, arm candy as it is called when old guys have young beautiful girlfriends as an example. Pity is, many think they are special and use their looks for money, greed, control, and gaining trust by taking advantage in so many ways. Good looks are not always a blessing but the curse that one has to deal with as ego will seek to take control as others flatter and say nice things in order to taste or own the candy they want and see, in the shallowest of ways. No one sees the intellect in beautiful people before they see and judge many things based on the cover of the book. Muriel Hemmingway is a great example of having survived where her sister did not.
Deeper but not better…

The best looking little girls face the highest chance of sexual abuse, as with little boys that is talked of so much less, the problem is the adults who can not deal with pretty without getting sexually aroused and follow their perverted fantasy. It is then that one understands the curse of being pretty in the wrong place at the wrong time and with the wrong people. Once understood in that light, darkness can fall on a pretty little girl’s or boy’s face and no one knows why which is so sad as I have known many, and thus in silence, the pretty kids cry.

Life is not what it appears for many, and the great color wrapper, what appears on the outside cover of the book does not tell the story of what is inside. Like advertising does not sell the truth but the desire to possess, people who try to look beautiful as their primary goal in life, to look great and use plastic surgery, makeup, jewelry, and clothes to make up for not being able to stand proud, naked, jewelry and clothes free, no big house or car to make one look important, just naked in a line of millions. Typically, like advertising, wig off, falsies gone, temporary teeth caps off, and makeup washed off, girdle left by the bed, and OMG what a morning can bring. But beauty put together for an hour before the date does not always look the same when piled up and washed off to a cloth, eyelashes on the sink, jewelry on the bedstand.

Get simply and live real. Tiny can be beautiful, simple can be the solution.


Oh boy… what a short meaningful one-night relationship requires is not so much trust in the obvious, but the powers of observation in dim light, with alcohol, and desire instead of a brain to recieve the signal with that fires up the candles of “LOVE” at the bars. Covid will at least curb that part of social decline I would hope… so that hook-ups… as I hear it called, to touch and hold the beauty seen online for a few minutes, then off to other shallow distractions. Sad society.
Can you stand proud and know all you need is within, not a phone, thing, or story with a title? Tiny Houses cause one to look within rather than out for contentment and happiness. To find the healthiest place in life one must have a healthy mind, heart, and body… or the turmoil of one will effect the others.

Get right on the inside, clean house, throw out the historical trash and blaming others to take responsibility, get past the illusions of beauty being the most important thing and focus on character, action, performance and intention. Thus will you find success and happiness, looking outward, not at a mirror and admiring self, but helping others instead. Looks don’t really matter then.

Darby Lettick

Ghostwriter for

Salvage, Texas

for reservation to stay… Tiny Texas Houses on Air BnB for Luling, Texas or call 210-324-0052 for Trinity to book groups, weddings, or private weekends.

I am half-way through a neverending dream… it seems…

Once upon a time an open field with nary a tree, 3′ of red clay on top of the ground, and a dream of ponds, caves, and giant rocks came into view.
So with such a view and needing something incredible to do for my 64th year on this planet so blue, I decided to dig till my vision came true. Isn’t that what you would do?
Along the way a few rocks I display as the product of hours of work, and the water is pure to be so much a cure for the world of great pains and deep aches.

I am Halfway into a dream that never ends, how far is that?
I have seen so many things that I have once thought of as fact.
I have wondered at the miracles that others spoke of in my life.
I have lived some and believe in them thus seldom feel strife.

Some wonder how this land could turn from desolate to fine.
How Rocks as big as this can lie so hidden, just to find?
How waters come to fill the holes, to make this One you see,
The sands now full of life, so green, the nutrients now free.

Fish and frogs, birds and dogs, kids all ages run and swim,
walking barefoot, grounding all ways, mud, clean air to breathe.
Treat your Vessel as God wanted, grow to be your best,
Come and visit Salvage, Texas where the proof is in the test.

Imagination with intention, your focus, and your will
combined with action to move forward ever higher still.
What can you do? I say to you, see what I’ve done this year.
If an old guy does this all alone, can’t others thus see clear?

Believe in You, the miracle that came from your mother’s womb.
Don’t let down all the generations once you’re in your tomb.
Give your life to making great phenomena appear!
Be the One exemplified by what you do while here.

Wii owe it to our Source of Light, our God of many names,
to use this time of transformation to set our Spirits free.
Unite in our Prosperity simplicity can bring.
Ground with our Earth in a rebirth that United Wii can sing.

Grow a garden, grow your food, imagination based on Truth.
Grow your children strong and smart, lifeskills leaning to the arts.
Grow your mind, self-education to become a global nation
of peaceful people freedom bound, with Truth and Honor…
Finally found!

Darby Lettick

Ghostwriter for

Salvage, Texas

“Talk but no Walk” Big problem w/ Dream-Building is the Body not taking action!

Very little will happen in the world if you talk to a mirror all day, watch TV which is simply reversing the mirror the other way… you being it, and thus your actions reflect what you see. Why not be free of the programming you absorb each day from sources that distract your body from fulfilling the dreams of your life? Only you can move the reality around you forward to create the life you want to live. If you leave it up to others to control, you will inevitably serve the needs, desires, and wants of others until you die, for they will be endless and your ability to take care of all those who would use you so is more than any human can assume and still live a healthy life.

What to do to break free from the past bond you created which hold you back from fulfilling the passions and dreams of your childhood? It depends on how attached one is to the past, the present comfort levels, and the willingness to sacrifice, open the mind and body to change, then take action again as if a child beginning a new life away from home. Indeed it is only by thinking big, by dreaming of great goals you may yet achieve that you challenge the older minds and bodies to come back to full power and surge on to create a new life with a wiser brain/body machine that can be controlled with willpower, not distracted by immature needs, desires, and distractions that were once the stable of our lives.

What happens when your identity for decades crumbles and you have to recreate yourself? Do you take the best or worst of your past life to build on, or simply abandon the identities like motherhood, fatherhood, boss, General, Dr, Mr., Mrs, and other titles that we find ourselves caught up in for decades or a lifetime? The titles signify a place in society, religions, or essentially the cults that matured to rule the day and thus have become our mature version known now as Culture.

American Culture developed differently than others during the last two centuries but has many problems as a result of the cults that initiated and still control our society.

Community hinges on people communing together for peaceful solutions that empower all the members of the group, and in Truth, the others who share the resources, thus the planet Humans call Earth. Why is it that we can not actually display a Global Community Mindset without the War of Power being driven by people who do not see the world as an ecosystem, a plasma ball of consciousness that the masses could alter if they organized and thus eliminate the very leaders that try to turn us against each other for money and power positions most can not imagine even exist.

Why not step out of the game of feeding them, enjoy a simpler life that lets you get healthy again without the toxins of city life and modern food, perhaps even learn that you can get younger effectively and smarter as you age, but it will take a bit of work, not just watching TV and taking pills to get you to feeling better, or more likely, not Feeling anything at all.

If you are happy, savour your days as you age but if you want more of life still, realize that ageing of the body is not necessarily a bad thing but proof as to why a Stratavarious Violin can be so incredible regardless of its age if cared for properly. We, the vessels that become our identity while incarnate, can age thusly, getting brighter & stronger as we go, wiser & calmer, with visions we never knew, were possible with just the eyes alone. Join me fellow Indigos as we go forth to light the way for the Starseeds who are ready now to help and then to stay. The road is long ahead and much will change in a short time, but the children who are being born will live a brand day, with a path I hope will help them see how they can grow and Thrive.

Thanks for following over the years as the concept of Salvage Mining, Salvage Building, and the idea of a Pure Salvage Living Renaissance where we respect the value, the treasures of our past and Elders, knowing that knowledge without experience and testing is likely flawed, thus their lifetimes hold the fastest way too many answers youngsters can not find.

Perspicuity becomes the final factor as the synchronicities emerge.

The story can not be told, playout, or grow unless the Lightworkers who hold the torches that can light a million of candles a day with the glow of their frequencies emanating with positive intentions, actions, and thus are able to step up now and join together, to create a positive beacon of Hope for Solutions that will Awaken many more before there is no chance to change their course in the coming tides. We determine our future as individuals, societies, and perhaps as a species as we now know it, certain to evolve more than disappear in the coming calamities of all sorts. What will those left after the storms, after the tornados, floods, and more… what do they do to help those lost in ignorance, lack of preparedness, and shock?

I do not have the answers in some box, book, or pill… no One person does… but united we can keep coming up with ways to make the planet, the societies, and the path ahead better than the one we have been on for a century or more which no longer seems to be suitable for the times ahead. Let us start planning, living, and Being the incredible Lightworkers who turn the energy of the Word, which begot the Light that we can turn into Mass as it slows and becomes matter of a form we can create a peaceful future with, or blow mankind to bits. The choice is in the hands of too few but in the Knowing, the power changes hands to the next realm of influence, where God and Legions await the time for a cleansing yet to come, when Mother Earth decides to change her shape and in unison with our Sun determine where Man settles in if We are to play a part in the New World that comes ahead.

Tiny Texas Houses is now history and tales. Pure Salvage Living was obliterated from cyberspace, erased as best one can, from the Internet of Consciousness that will be known as “Man”. Indeed the path ahead upon the waves no one can see, 5G will lead to things that truly few men yet can see. It’s true we will have robots to do the work of Man, but what most do not quite get is that it’s just a different bend on the way you turn a human into what some might call a drone, and have them be so thankful for the chance to then go home.

Make your Home the place you never have to leave instead. Otherwise, the Matrix is what will rule your head. See the visions of a future where you could be free but you have to take part in making it what comes to be. A hive of many workers full of great activity does not mean they even understand the parts they each will play. They can not dare imagine how just computers we employ could take over their consciousness and guide them evermore. Who would think that such could be in store, except a kid who did not know the consequences he would see from our new World Technology? Indeed that is the game my friends, the others who see what impends upon the world that we can see is ready for the rest to Be Enlightened or soon vanish in the crazy storms ahead.

Thanks for joining the party and shining out to help those behind you find a path to Thrive in the coming times. The Legions who can Light the Way are ready, the Power to unleash our Will upon the Forces in the gentlest of ways will allow the Love we have for Earth to finally Rule the Day.

The beauty is, if done right, once it’s found, this Peace could Stay. United Wii Stand, a World Union of Beings, from all around the Cosmos, joined in a Consciousness that will not be overcome in the coming battles, challenges, and victory that ensues.

There are alternatives beyond our imagination in a future we, and mere humans, can not hope to understand or control, but share perhaps in harmony with others who have a vested interest in the survival of our planet for better lives to come. Never lose faith for it powers your Light and lets you lead where others can not see to go… the places where the answers lie are seldom easily found, let alone communicated so that others might understand. Thus the bards and musicians shall step up, the artists and the others who can translate frequency to objects and words, song and celebration.

“Live long, live happy, live awake, thus live Alive.”

Darby Lettick

August 12th, 2019 Salvage Tx. view of moonlight plus????

Ghostwriter and Salvage, Tx Artist.

[email protected] for more information or search on Youtube for many great videos by Brad Kittel, Tiny Texas Houses, Pure Salvage Living, and for more information. Air BnB for reservations to stay at Salvage, Tx for a night or three.

Until then, Wii are manifesting the destination, the embassy for those who know the time has come to Awaken and alter the course of their lives.

Creating the story of how
Wub came to Be our path to a tomorrow few imagined 100 years ago.

If you had all the parts & pieces… could you build your dream? What would it look like?

If you had all the parts and Pieces to create a fantasy town, the windows the doors to opportunity in a warehouse where you could go? What if the land was there to play, to create the solutions you dream of one day? What day are you looking for that will Awaken the acts that make such a future come true? What are you thinking as time passes by, and the future you think of is not gonna fly as the landscape is changing, your life thus renewed, a chance to become what you will be if True.

Tell me the problem you think is to big and I offer solutions that you to can live. Nothing but action will thus make it so, but if you believe you can do more than grow… bloom and become the Light, then let go. Fly like a lightning bug shining at night. While looking like nothing by day you’re so bright if you just learn to shine with the Light in your sight.

Awake to the sunlight with new dreams to fill. Build your small castle to learn how and then, build them for others and create a new life from the dreams you did not know could come from your Light. Believe in your purpose to share and to grow, not the past that you learned from to be strong here Now! Be thankful for challenges that we have seen, but do not take it with you where you can now see… a future of wonder that will let you Thrive. Believe in the future that you can create and don’t blame the world until you Awake and know that your power is that you decide what each day is part of your life and your Pride.

Remove the old garbage so you can then leap cross the chasm between you last past and what’s You! Leap over all that you once held so dear and you will reach a new level that lets you see clear. Above and beyond, I so hope you will see, enlightenment simply means seeing what’s True. Viewing the world so you can then see the doors that will open with Your Opportunity.

The chance is free, the loss is passing it up because you were not ready, could not decide, and missed the synchronicity of life that offers you all you need, if you will just heed the omens, pay attention, and be willing to change. Grow to be all you can be, Free, and capable of doing miracles if you will do the work it takes to get what you can… if you do the work.

I have eaten out of dumpsters to survive at 25.

I have feasted at the 5 star restaurants and known the finest foods.

I have struggled with great pain and been so crippled, bound to bed.

I have climbed back with a body that I never dreamt I’d have.

I have seen the miracles I need to believe in more than most.

I have lived a life with lessons that few wish they had lived instead.

I have walked away from millions and careers most seek to have.

I have been a father, lost a son, and thus been forced to start again.

I have mastered all the work I sought, left it all to see it rot.

I have lived and thus I thought,

In every moment I have caught new lessons to be learned,

but best of all as time goes by,

the wisdom which I yearned

comes my way and soothes my days,

with visions truly earned.

Darby Lettick

Imagine that you can create a hOMe in a hole in my space.

Could not resist a late nite, or given the start was after midnight, thanks to cooling waters below, grounding and breathing, time passed without notice… until I went above to sleep. I love the chance to dig about, to shovel the fine clays, sands, and layers of history that I cut away, amazed at how much is not there as I go. Where are the rocks? How did the mud grow so thick, in layers of red clay, bentonite, grey clay and sands… over how long a time? So much of what we do not know, think we can not affect or change, and what we can learn from what appears like nothing but solid, heavy, yet shapable. Indeed, I find myself watching it take shape, feeling the reality form under my hands as I move them without pause.

Thankful for the incredible opportunity to be a part, to create a part in the transformation of the world into what is possible, using more than just words to carve a memory into a reality. Once the idea is manifested, the implementation of the form requires human action, energy manifested once more from the unknown spaces in the brain. Fueled by the passion and love for Mother Earth and the opportunity to share this incarnation with some really great Beings, people who are real… honest… and guided by the positive impact we can have on the world.

Our vessel is our gift, our life here the adventure, the results to be the evidence of our existence once we are gone. Nothing lasts forever they say, but I must contradict that absolutely, for the memory my Spirit takes away, the time I get to come to learn, to feel, to understand and play… will live with me forever which can not be counted by the days. I occupy the body, and the life I live is not ending with this visit, so the things that I get to create are for me, my memory, my pleasure and sometimes, for the pleasure of others.

Why does one human write or share such things as this… simple carvings in the land, holes being the absence of matter in space, the absence of Earth. Can the words and works of one man inspire millions? Can each of us potentially be the candle that lights the many without even touching them physically… phenomena explained through understanding Bahktinian Dialogism.

15′ below the surface perhaps more as we go, where people used to live by the millions very long ago. Why?

How do the utterances of one Being alter or ignite the passion and hope of others, be the inspirational cue that launches Awakening Beings to fulfil their deepest dreams that drive them forward thereafter? Indeed, when found, purpose, connection with the community that is positive which creates change that will expand organically, through the actions, the results, the benefits that come with understanding what our potential is, then tapping it.

You simply have to make a decision to open your mind, eyes, and life to so much new proof that we are incredible walking, talking communities of gut flora, bacteria, microbes, and so much that we can now use to alter our existence, the quality of it once we understand how easy it is to be happy with our vessel by appreciating what a miracle the biocomputer you have given a name and identity to while you occupy, or use this incredible bio-machine, full of bioelectrical environment that can be miraculous, thus able to do what most consider impossible, including living healthy until we decide to move on and leave this body behind.

Live healthy, creatively, and become what you can by doing what you love daily. Stretch your Cortex and live like you are a kid until you chose to leave the community inside the gelatinous shell you know as “YOU”. Have a great day kids… I think I am digging mine away again. hehe

See & Learn Fabulous Pure Salvage Space Magic Design Tricks

30 houses gave their best parts for this Stairwell to Heaven.

After decades in Pure Salvage Living Designs for houses, offices, and Tiny Texas Houses, I have taken to writing and hoping others will be inspired by what can be done without imports, toxic manufacturing of new materials to build with, as well as conserving space, energy, and yet having our personal spaces seem luxurious. I suppose the idea is to go with the Dollhouse, Jewelry Box Cottage plans that captured the world’s eyes.

Tiny Texas Houses was a research and development cycle of intent to prove out the concept of building with 95% Pure Salvage, no imports, toxins, or built-in-obsolescence that would be energy efficient too. The houses were eventually designed to allow airflow to reduce the heat using the Venturi Principle, the lofts that have lots of headroom but are considered storage for property tax purposes. Space is a perception of ours that is influenced by lines, colors, and details. At some point the view alters the reality and the feeling becomes more important than the actual sizing.

You don’t have to be trapped into the bigger is better or newer is nicer traps.

This unique ethos in construction that gives extra value to the many items created long ago by our ancestors at a time when they were off-grid all the time… as in no electricity. The resources like trees were virgin and of incredible quality not to be found in newer building supply stores.

SalvageFaire is the land of imagination in a box, created from the parts and pieces of a past few know existed when 12 year olds pulled coal from the mines to run the forges, sharpened the blades of giant saws, and all for tokens, never cash or real money. Once upon a time in the not so rosy past, a story that could have been lost, but now perhaps could last. 30 houses gave their parts to build this stair so fine, yet it would not pass code today so it is Art Devine, a standing installation like few others of its kind.

This is the tribute to M. C. Escher who drew the many stairwells that led to where they started from but always appearing to never end… like my imagination as it rises up and bends.

Thanks for joining me in this Sunday message to share the great wonders of Salvage, Texas manifesting day by day now that I have again, found my way.

These guys scared us by disappearing for a day or three, then with great glee, returned one after the other, great friends reunited.

Darby Lettick

Ghostwriter and Chick Magnet

OH YES… and occasional promotional guy…. Check this OUT!!!!!

HOLY Cow, 18′ long slabs of Virgin Long Leaf Pine knot-free, hole-free, 500 year-old when cut , very Rare offering of a few of these incredible 18″x18′ long slabs, only a few for sale. [email protected]

The Most recognized Tiny Texas House in the World: For Sale… to stay in Salvage, Tx.

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Lloyd Kahn wrote this book in his 70’s & inspired me to aim for much more as I aged. I hope to share this platform to share the solutions millions can grow careers, hOMes, and a future from a past our ancestors treasured for the sake of the families they loved.
  • We have had this house in our BnB selection for several years, but out on the highway. Time to move her back into the woods, perhaps in the shadow of Miracle Mountain.

This is a decorated interior version, as each person puts a personality to a house to make it a home. So many things to see, to feel, to touch and take away. Dreams manifest easier once you see it can be done and how your success will feel when you manifest your version of a Salvaged Icon you can live in for the rest of your life too.

It is not just the investment in a Tiny Texas Art House Icon, for the value is in being able to come play, to be a part of the manifestation of many more houses for those who want to take them away, to display their talent, have a getaway, or just a place to stay. Many reasons to be a part of a permaculture manifestation created out of pure salvage… on or off the grid a great way to live. NO new construction outgassing but the goal is to show what we can do with our imagination and the past in the form of what think is trash. Fewer imports, more sustainable and energy-efficient than any other way to build from scratch using mostly human energy, not fossil fuels to ship, stock, or support global corporations… just local benefits, and the world.

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Built without a nail, using an impact driver inserting screws, a circular saw, imagination, trash, and human energy. No level, plan, from the first 6 holes with post put in and concreted, Organic sustainable Artforms from the highest point in Texas to the Gulf of Mexico 140 miles away. Who says one old guy can’t change the world, haha, at least a tiny little piece of it for a while, and would you believe it has withstood a tornado less than a mile away, other storms that did not blow it away, and every day a proof of miracles you can meditate upon with an endless view all around as far as you can see… like the birds of prey, no one will stay, for the visions you have will last for the rest of your life.

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For more information about how to invest in the Red Mascot or other aspects of Salvage, Texas… contact [email protected]
Likewise, millions in dollars of inventory hidden away in massive warehouses… to be invested in large chunks or take away… to build houses, communities, and other dreams best-assembled where they’ll stay.

Salvage Mining for treasure to create Pure Salvage Jewelry from a Kayak? Yup!

  • Only your imagination can define what could become of these treasures on the shore, hidden in the woods and from the view of common men… or women. Come see, take away, and create if you wish. By the pound take away and you get to stay in the Tiny Texas Houses at Salvage, Texas.
  • Creating a sustainable future from an incredible past full of treasures we can never replace. So let us re-use them with respect so they will be here for generations to come.
  • I can offer my dreams manifested, not a perfect person, life, or plan, but a path that has led me to great satisfaction and hope that others will benefit from my exploration outside of the box.

Imagine if you can, exploring in the shade, extracting colorful bits of jewels from the past industrial works from decades ago. Stainless Steel #3, Cobalt 5, Cobalt 7, slags, iridescent glass, and sand casting rocks that all have to be handled carefully for sharp objects and dangers abound. A Salvage Safari, on Kayaks, if you like, or by foot too… whichever works best for you.

Treasures by the pound to be found and taken away to form into art, as well as to return to sell in the only Pure Salvage Living Market in the USA. Truly a step in the directions no one would think in order to find out where the top of the box is, the Loophology of how to get out, and WOW… what is on the other side once the imagination is Freed.

  • Once an empty grotto that led to the river, then the interstate highway crossed its path and killed the land… with the help of man and a foundry, but let’s make Lemonade out of lemons. Loophology is how to have fun with your passion and get out of the Matrix doing it. Live life fully, and Love without measure.
    Darby Lettick
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For more information contact us 830-875-2500 or by email through [email protected]