What is micro-funding for house parts to start a business building tiny enclaves and how does one get it?

Do you have the skill sets in the family or w/ friends to build Tiny Texas Style Houses using all of the best things. To create them for longevity & sustainability… nearly for free?


FEB 4, 2024

Imagine getting all the parts but a few, the 2x4s, 2×6, nails & screws, house wrap & insulation, then the labor to make it a home. If you do well, with friends or family and show what you can do, the next batch of the parts you buy could make a future income too as you sell the next one and repay us once you succeed. Yes this is true. Subscribe to the newsletter and learn more if this is you who thinks that maybe its time to start that family business that nearly anyone can do.

It does not take many tools to set up shop and build a few. Teeny Tiny Houses to get started and soon learn how to build them more prominently and together as a community. Why not give the chance to be a well-knit tiny company that builds a house and gets rewarded for its value, not just its hours? Set up teams to take on labor, the parts that everyone might favor, and work together to put it up, paint it, move it, and when you’re done, get paid as an owner in the process that goes on. You could build them faster and get paid more when you do, besides getting the parts to build more for those you want to care for by showing love and building them a tiny home. Mothers, fathers, and children who need homes to be near you and share the lives of grandkids who need their family, need to know you.

Join together to get the houses that will let the kids with spouses grow their families with you near, a tiny master suite where you don’t have to hear four generations sharing one big house to learn that the privacy of a master suite away means you are free. Sleep till late or celebrate by not going in to see the others if you wish to spend a day in prayer or see if you could get some work done on the projects you love, dear, without the noise and hustle that the main house always sees.

This is how it was for many of the depressions in the past when four generations shared a house, but respect was there that passed from the eldest to the kids and stood the test of time. Now, not so well, as the kids will yell, lose respect for the oldest, don’t protect traditions, and fail most past tests. Somehow, Wii must mend how people integrate again and hope to recreate a time when people rebuilt trust and find a way to form a community that shares some paths towards unity, not division all the time. TV, Fake News, Online Scams, and most are losing trust in all things the governments demand as the science for their dictates seems to burn up in flames. Anger feeds the masses as they rebel against the Greens, the parties that seem focused on destroying farms and then determining that all eat bugs and thank suppliers in the end.

Instead, you could start businesses to help those who wish to move from the cities to the countryside to simplify as many end their relationship with the great high-tech city life. The proof is that life is sickening! See it destroying not just families but whole societies. Social platforms can’t be trusted, our world can be hacked, and fake people, like fake news, seem to be under a global attack. How do you get into the mode of freeing yourself from where the world might go, a World War that some predict will soon be one Wii does not pick but gets used by the ones who choose to get rich while the masses lose? Choose the path to independence and the freedom to raise your food and school kids at home instead of school districts that aren’t teaching what you want for your child to shape their life and loves.

If you join others with the same perspective and create a village, then a town, and stop it from becoming a city if you can, limiting the population or whatever that sends the problems of the cities back to where they belong. Soon, the battle will be about what happens over illegal immigration and where all of the millions who have come will work and live. The issues will surely soon ensue from millions coming swiftly through, illegal but still integrating them into a system where the language to communicate has been lost without a clue… like mii and you. So you speak 30 languages from three continents to start and have the excellent immunity to resist all that comes with the people who have come with dreams of being part of your country with the streets of gold and full of promises. Before Wii solve the problems that result, Wii will now need even more housing than before. What is in store if the newcomers can not also help to build new homes? I suspect Wii will have to work together, not fight over how to fix a problem no one wanted that is here.

Learn the ways to thrive by building houses that will last and be portable in case one chooses to move on again and find another village or to leave as your estate, a tiny house to live in for a life that would be great as a grandchild who can honor you and the tiny house you made. Let us make our heirlooms a tiny house to share with the coming generations who will need them even more, but to find them of such quality will be impossible for sure once we use up all the treasured trees that lived so long ago and lasted for a thousand years before they were chopped up. Use the pieces and treat them well. The Cypress trees, the Long Leaf Pine, were the best of all the trees to find so long ago before they all became extinct and nearly gone for good except for salvage around the world, where they all got sent. Locked in houses, barns, and stores, waiting for the chance to go and become houses by the score, to be loved again.

Join the Pure Salvage Living fantasy of creating Outposts where all can make society a more straightforward place to be by creating tiny houses for the new society that wants healthy living and to keep on living free. Help create the new pathways and teach the kids the skills that pay; instead of programming all day, create a house and get to play with the kids and your family. Change the values if Wii can to value love, friends, and see the best in what Wii do to make life better for others. If I can provide what you need to start again… to build a tiny house and then to build more for the others when they need it most: would you do what you can do to change the world that way? I pray not just to get rich but also for the service you may give to those in your community to help promote our unity. Help the elders, poor, and kids rise above, not suffer in these hard times when so many need and Wii the strong can help alleviate the pains. Share your talents, teach your trades in co-ops that are solely made to help take down and salvage all that can create more homes and stall the end of rural towns where all leave for lack of what some call opportunity. Stop and reverse, change the course, for you will see that more of us who left to be in the city when young are ready to return to the country for fun and a way to be kids again, get healthy, and run without the dictates of the people at places like the UN.

If you want to get started with a package to show your art and talent, you can prove that you deserve the loans approved that will get you the parts to build your credit this way. Yes, Wii give you parts and ways to build a tiny house in ways that no one else will if Wii know that you are honest and can show us how you will if wii let go of what it takes to build a house. Then with credit lines, you pay off to get more. Every time you build a house and make a profit, you pay us off. Then take orders, build some more, and then next thing you know, you support more who share your work ethic and passion to the core, those who form a community and let your dreams thus grow. Join together, if you can, families, friends, and some with land to form a place where you can spend a lifetime forming dreams and pass them on to those you love who will share them once they see them.

I can help you if you’re authentic and this is what you want to do. If you desire to help your family learn how to create and build the homes, it will take to leave your legacy in your wake. Be the example of what to do with the money in the bank that surely won’t serve you if the World Wars get to going and you want to move but do not have a place to go where you can know your friends are true and grow a future well protected by the plans you make and take action now to do. I can help by financing without interest and helping you plan. I can design homes to build fast and last, all healthy still, not full of things that make you sick but do the best things for a healthy life, it’s true. Do you have the group of friends or family that it takes to bend the matrix to become your game to form a fabulous plan? Please consider if you can, then let mii know your plan. If it holds the promise and you have the means to prove you can, then once you do, the plan is to supply you with the parts to do as many houses as you can do with credit for the parts, but you must act, not simply talk quite soon.

I will try this out this spring and see who listens to the bell ring, which means the starting gate is open, and the race is great. Will you join us to see if you can build a plan to be a Salvage Builder of great lore, creating places great in-store as you develop your art and style with salvage building all the while? Are you an artist of the future who creates art you can live in and nurture? If you are, I pray you’ll see this as your opportunity to fill a growing demand for builders with integrity. Tiny houses are built to be examples of sustainability and health, not imported parts, but formed by those with loving hearts who want them to last for your life and part of the generations that will share your light. Be the ones to help finance the people who want to learn this way to build a future all will share conserving the treasures of the past to cure the trashing of the planet by those who do not care.

Why not be more natural and show you care for nature somehow other than words and memes or worse, corporate PR that hides their biggest curse, the pollution that makes profits and supports the wars preferred? It requires that they burn more fuel and profit swell, that is for sure. What would they do if not in power and not living quite so well, unable to rule the world then, and remain so far apart?
Soon there will be consequences for acts and crimes that corps-humans have commited as corporate personas than can never go to jail but will pay the fines t no avail of those who died. They live for free to decapitate all the freedoms of Wii, the “I”s that pay to see the world abused. It is with the Earth’s resources wasted so all will be forced to buy the new stuff, it just gets worse.

Instead, of packages that cost $5,000- $10,000, less if you can salvage so treasure is not lost, the massive inventories hidden all around the world of salvaged treasure to build houses by the millions, even more. Look at what you could do and see what might come one day if you help to start, establish, and promote a co-op where you live. Its the time and wisdom of the elders, the work of those who care, the love of all to make life better and to show they care. Join in starting Pure Salvage Outposts in a town and I will help by sending what it takes to build a house or two and pay us back once they sell and help finance the place where you can gather, build, and share the skills I can offer up to use. If you succeed growing and need more to build your dreams, Wii can send a dozen packages that you can take to pay for as you use them to create a house that will sell for $25-30,000 maybe more and hope that you will still be fair to all who need your skills. If you do not want to make much more, but demand for them still grows, help create the teams of others who can fill the need and show that Wii can help each other create small businesses that show a trust and honor in our work and a pride that I am sure will show. This may mean that you could get rich, but take your time, be fair I ask, don’t get greedy for you know, tis better to share and keep it fair so others will have homes.

Bigger houses make more money, but the truth is that wii know, better tiny houses without a debt that seems to always grow as the taxes, and utilities seem somehow, like insurance rates, now show.

There is much to learn if you think you have the people or the friends to start a Salvage Coop where the locals can then go and create the tiny houses as a team so others know a path to what they dream of: a safe house all of their own. Be the hero. Make it happen. Help frame the house, then go, knowing that the ladies can finish up and show that they can do the rest if you just do the hard part to start the show. Every part could be shared so the elders and the kids could share in forming enclaves where the elders or youth could live and take their houses with them, share a trailer, give a lift, and move the houses with the owners if they must move or wish to give the house to others once they leave, no need once wii don’t live



Find Micro-funding without banks to start businesses that serve our community.

Are you skilled & able to create organic tiny houses for intentional communities w/ families that are recreating how to reunite as parents help adult children, grandchildren, & more?


FEB 4, 2024

Why not combine the skills and ability to manage the family into a business that creates tiny houses that are like master suites for everyone sweet in your life? If the micro-funding of the significant parts was there, many people could be building to fulfill a growing demand for master suites across the land. Not just tiny homes but the chance to build tiny houses and make a living by co-ordinating the work that a family could do to thrive as a business that builds for a better life for you. Some may have the tools, others the extra money, and some the skills, but with age and arthritis, wisdom and knowledge can lead a crew.

The elders with the younger kids whose muscles need the work, the purpose and accomplishment, what thrills the youth who strive to move the pieces and the parts to create a place to stay. They create the house for Grandma and the home for themselves, too, and when they move away, they could take their houses, too. We could take them for our life, to launch where we may stay to start a family and a life that may be far away. If so, a tiny house could stay, with skills built that way so that no matter where they go, kids will have a way to grow a house from salvage, and they will know they can build a life from what we know is true. More millionaires are made from salvage than any other way of making a great living instead of a living wage.

Teach the children to respect the gifts our forefathers made and left to last for lifetimes, then use the parts to create anew for youth. Imagination and a plan, action-free to grow demand for what is best for all to share, the skills with parts, new homes all fair. A way to keep the costs down low so that people can grow a family without the debt we know destroys the way we live if we let it get too deep, and stress from work keeps us from sleep. Mental health and living well depend on many things, but the proof shows us love and people. I still love the truth, and the lies that have evolved create fears and sad the fate of many suffering so the few can do all to get rich. Know that if someone wants you to do something that costs you to be part of what they promise, they will make dreams come true without action from you except to give them money, sex, or drugs to be with you. Stop the madness of the chase to be so popular that you sacrifice your integrity or your honor in such ways that all the world will see them if you put them on the internet today.

A time is coming when people choose to step away, to pull back from technology while the children grow and play, developing the mind that will last throughout their lives, not just days. Once past 7 they can be exposed to more that potentially will alter how they think or feel but at least they will be ready to think for themselves and not depend on the stupid people teaching them the wrong things while still a kid. Learn the dangers of the world and protect the kids who do not know the truth and believe the liars and the peds who lie and abuse. Too many who did were kidnapped, trafficked, or worse, are dead. Let us, the parents and elders, help form the safe communities Wii all need so badly now. Drugs, the internet, and predators are rampant such that there is a time coming when the village will be needed to raise our children and care for our elders rather than depend on the federal government that does not reflect our political, religious, or social views. Intentional communities will rise again as they have in past times of mass immigration. Know that history repeats itself.

How fast are the decisions to stop the evil now and not tolerate or celebrate the acts worldwide? I want to help form the places that protect the people, not just races or religions, which some may say are the problems in society. If Wii, the “I”s that choose to leave the city and create enclaves where people can live in ways they believe are best to save. Stop the dictate that forces kids to inject poisons and kill them instead of letting parents keep control of their child’s health until it’s shown that they are doing something wrong. Stop the madness of injections and the toxins in the food. Stop the brain-destroying cell phones and social platforms, too, when they take advantage of the young and old. Stop the madness in the government that allows propaganda to be fed to kids. These issues can only be determined locally, in a village at a time. Apparently, there need not be a reason or a rhyme for dictates to be given by those in power these days, nor are there regulations or means to stop growing criminal activity on the platforms that bring crime into the homes through the internet. It must be the parents and communities to limit, filter, and eliminate the threats that have rotted the moral ethos, the fabric of America.

Last year, I proposed that more people think about what to do if they want to expand the housing on their land. Since then, Austin, TX., and other cities have approved the tiny houses mixed into the yards of families, mothers, children, and grandchildren, all uniting to live better, but not in one house together. Sanity preserved. Master suites are sweeter than sharing a giant home.

How do Wii know better from studying how technology is hurting you or mii and the kids who are growing up? I want to stop the madness in the lives of the last generation to be born without genetic modifications. Are there ways to stop the madness of the people who create sadness from complications that some knew well would turn the lives of millions to hell on Earth for the rest of their lives, or worse, to watch their parents and children die first? Stop the lies and the money-making by the ones who will make billions and pay out the dividends paid to the politicians. Can the Whistleblowers be the path to full transparency, or will the UN and WEF stop the dispersal of the facts? The bad actors are ruling the world and planning to shut down our way to hold their feet to the fire of being then responsible for Crimes Against the World. What will it take to start Tribunals now that the Truth can not be hidden and the criminals can be found? With no place left to hide or run where people will protect the ones who planned to kill off most of the man and not be kind or stop their plans, I do believe God’s will be done.

Plan for what you can do now to start a path that can be formed to thrive and build our world anew when the system cracks due to abuse. If we rebuild, it will be the action and the will of the people it takes to fulfill the dreams most have this day. Wii, the people seek to free the future with great pride that the kids and elders will play a part of the best that comes alive when ingenuity helps bring us unity, as best I can do. Let us join the path to show how Wii can use the past to grow the best world wii can now explore and develop worldwide. Solutions and the ways to make them accessible to all with the hopes that all will prosper as wii share all that wii know. Unity with possibilities to grow a better world locally, lifting all who live there to live good and develop ways to share the wealth as Wii thrive based on Truth.

Why not grow tiny enclaves instead of giant houses?

Gardens, not grass or poisons in the yards that all can share, but wii must change codes that won’t allow most to share or have the tiny houses set up w a great plan.


If my days could all be full of joy, the thoughts of creating great things that employ the families and children, generations all involved in solving the problems of housing that can fall into the local hands of those Wii Love. Wii is all the “I”s that see and do what they can to relieve most problems for a home so they can rest, not homeless roam. So much can be done with the parts of the houses and the barns. Homes for many that are fine, full of artful craftsmanship.

Why not make an intention new villages that let the mother, dad, and kids live together on some land with tiny houses for each one?

I foresee communities of many tiny master suites. Bedrooms with cozy spaces where Wii rest and share private moments. The standard kitchen, chores to share instead of big kitchens everywhere, with all the things most want in life and not the noise and great distractions from four generations living under one roof as times get harder still. Homelessness means having places for the kids and the loved ones’ graces, sharing gardens, chores, and more, and helping raise the grandkids who need them more. Stop the madness of giant houses when most want a space to rest but not the giant debt and repeating losses of caring for more than wii needed. Share the treasures of the past that were so well made they will last another century or two before the houses would be replaced again.

Poverty is what you see the world to be from where you are, not where most others are. It is not seen by most who do not venture there to know that the houses many live in need to be torn down, it shows. Wii the people can create a pattern all can celebrate where Wii join to take apart the worst of houses to restart the path to freedom of the lower classes by showing how to help the masses if you join to learn and do the things that others can do too, learn and teach as you share the benefits with all. Salvage can make many dreams materialize with nothing, it seems. Imagination without limitations will allow us to see what can be instead of the limits placed on you and mii. I, the one you see, and the parts of my past that you can not see, the experiences that make mii now have the eyes to live free finally.

Parts & Pieces, imagination, conservation of resources, Pure Salvage Living is the key.

I want to share and thus inspire those who take action now for the Light that Wii can shine upon the chance not to live blind but to see the path where all can thrive. Stop the battles over skin color or any other things that need not divide us now but give us ways to overcome. Wii can thrive together if Wii join to help each other by teaching how to create homes and villages and then to roam out into the world in need to share by building more homes where they need. If you can join us in the start, and I will fuel with all the parts, then you can help carry on the ethos of the coming dawn. Salvage the best of our past and learn how to better turn our local economies into engines on their own that can grow the veggies and create the homes.

This is just a peek into the dreams I came to share as my life climaxes, and I view the last with care. What can I do that will help you take the message of what I see as a path for most who wonder if a war may soon be seen? Prepare to recreate the society you knew, but in a way, kids will love it when they grow up with you. Do not leave and wander for a job you do not love as much as the great families that are now joining back up. Together, there is power and security for all, but the cities seem to be the places where many seem to fall. Beware of leaving those you love; if you can rebuild the tiny towns where love is found, it seems to be a different world. Take care of nature and your lands; your bodies are your life, and the animals are all beings who share the Earth while in this strife. Once through, I hope to see then you visit other towns that flourished through the downturns of the cities that seem doomed by the drugs and other things destroying millions by the dose.

Share your love and skills, but take back the treasures where you find the doors and windows to create a new home where someone can raise children safely and teach them right from wrong. Life is what Wii make it, the World Union of Beings not WHO, or the UNITED Nations run by patients from the mental ward. Take the world into your hands and treat it well, my friends, by creating places where the seeds of sanity can stay safe from all the crazy people poisoning such things. The sanctity of life should be respected, not with wars over shipping lanes that killed no one, but the response with bombs sure did. Stop the madness of the wars that feed on those who get richer. Pray for those who suffer now and know that if not stopped somehow, the plan is to spread like fire to countries worldwide.

Make a difference locally by building pride and skills to see if this can make a difference that will be a joy for one and all. Help mii start the pilot program in a place where I happen to have readied all it takes to make this plan turn into all I described above, villages full of love, and solutions for those who want them above the alternatives of war.

Here is the interaction that inspired that little article today.


Rosy Rojas

Ey Brad! Good morning. I went with Bruce to your building for 10 pieces of corrugated metal and 14 pieces of 1×6 wood; it has been a great help; how much do I owe you? I’ll leave the money with Bruce

11:07 AM

You sent

Any idea how long they were approx. 8-10′? Does $200 sound fair?

You sent

If not, whatever you have budgeted will be fine.

You sent

Would your family build tiny houses on that site for the possible project with the city, teaching others how to build and creating a tiny community on half that property to get people started in houses that can be moved to properties prepared for them instead of the slum houses scattered about that side of town now? I am thinking in terms of grouping houses so they have a common main kitchen and then master suites for kids, parents, etc, to have privacy. Common laundry instead of a set for each family or most chained to laundry mats for clean clothes. This is the path out of poverty, learned skills, and the ability to build houses from salvage. People in this country do not understand or teach this to families so they can be in business together and pay for their descendants with a legacy, not a Welfare check.


They were 8′., Yes, that’s okay with me. It has helped us a lot. I will leave the money to Bruce, thank you, Brad,


That is an excellent idea; my father knows how to build and is very skilled, as do my brothers. I think they would be interested in helping, in the same way I can help you with the design of the house, it is crucial to take advantage of the space and create comfort for people even if the space is small.

You sent

I call that SpaceMagic Design. You did not get to tour the inside of the houses on the last visit, did you? Please come back out with the family to see and then know what can be done. The potential is endless. Mayor Steve will be able to help push this giant plan I had but put away a decade and a half ago when I left Gonzales. I could transform the town and finally give the people of color and pride in craftsmanship a chance to shine and, in return, prosper. The kids need skills, then the contracts to build and be paid not by the hour, but by the production of houses, chicken coops, and dog houses, and then to go off and build on site where people need help, return, and make money as a team that can be trusted around the family and children of those who buy packages of materials.

Plans, and need the framing done to dry in the roof and outer walls, then perhaps to let families who want to finish the more accessible part they can learn and complete fast after the team leaves. If not, like for elders, the team can premake walls and significant parts, then assemble on-site after flat-packing the loads instead of paying big bucks to haul hollow boxes down the highway. That is my plan, and prototypes are here.

Windows, doors, floors, & a loving pride: a home is where our hearts reside. Honor the body, give it a good home.

Honor the body, give it a good home. Honor the mind, w/ truth to hone your future by, not lies.

Retitled: doors, windows, & home you live in do not protect the body from threats outside home created & forced upon those who must conform. Break free, tiny if need be, to stay healthy.


Homelessness is a far-off and distant problem for most Americans in our country. Still, a growing percentage of people, women, children, and the elderly, are facing homelessness soon due to the collapse of the economy due to inflation growing faster than the incomes of the average American. How do people thrive in a world that seems to be diving into war and depression? Change the way you see the world, act to alter the course of your life that was set up before the COVID interventions that have caused more deaths than the flu did by itself. How much proof does there have to be to get the governments to abandon the reckless policies that are driving the government organizations to force people to take a vaccine that is deadly to many?

If you are thriving during the suffering masses, be thankful and continue to do the healthy things that keep you happy while others are not. What can you do to be healthier and ensure you will not be caught up in the traps of toxic food with mRNA in it? If people do not understand that the Spike protein is dangerous, it is actually damaging the heart, brain, and immune system and causing clotting in the deadly blood. Stop the madness of injecting vaccines into the people you love and replace shots with exercise, a good diet, washing your hands regularly, and doing all you can to stay healthy naturally. What are you doing to get into better condition? Are you setting an example for the children and others looking for answers? Why not?

The proof is in those of us who did not take the vaccines and are healthier than the millions who did. Wii, the “I”s that think before diving off a cliff with no water or soft spot to land, Wii are the examples that others must pay attention to if there is going to be a way toward healthy living again rather than living in fear, in the belief that God will not save you but the needles will, a well-proven falsehood that is promoted by Biden, CDC, and governments around the world that are run by people who are profiting off from this massive attack on humanity. What are the courses available to stop such evil people as Wii, the masses watching, get rich, and act as if there is no shame in profiting from the death of millions? How do you fix the leaders who would sacrifice their people for riches they will gain, a power they will use to defeat the good people who resist their dictates for death?

What does it take to create a Teeny Tiny Texas style house? Vintage House Parts & Your action. These are Not RVs!

This is not a doctoral thesis or journeyman-level construction requiring more than a few days to learn. Why don’t more people do this to grow future home or community to thrive together?


I would think that more people would take up such a simple hobby as building teeny tiny houses for their children and parents as they need more space instead of bigger houses. Why not separate master suites for the kids as they grow up? Perhaps to take away one day, they have a home instead of just a room to stay in for life. I want to demonstrate the possible paths for people who do not wish to conform to the shitrock housing standards that modern building has fallen to in the successful profiteering at the buyers’ expense. Cheap materials that look good for a few years break within 11 years by design, or less, have made buying a modern home a losing proposition.

The future maintenance costs are going to be higher than the house payment within 15 years due to the intended lifespan of the systems it uses to heat water, condition the air, or for siding, roofing, or lighting fixtures, nothing is intended to last for a lifetime as it was in the early 1900s in America. Quality building expectations now hinge on the buyers being ignorant of what poor construction looks like. Why so many people want a copy of the same model of a house that you can haul down the road but rarely do bewilders me as a financial investment that drops in value, unlike an actual tiny house built to last a lifetime and can be moved with a semi-truck and trailer if ever truly needed. If you find the right spot, why leave often? By renting spaces, a person is still a captive renter, but worse, if the tires are wrong, you can’t move them! If the rent is not paid, the landlord will own your RV and your home in a THOW (Tiny House On Wheels acronym), and throw you out! Yes, you will go, but not your show, held for rent owed, then storage fees until you go away and leave your RV for those who will rent it until it molds to Hell and is gone.

Yikes. Why not get out on some shared ownership or long-term lease spaces to settle in for a while instead of getting kicked out of the RV park when the new owners take over, raise rents, or your RV gets too old to get into the RV Park anymore? Most limit newcomers to less than ten-year-old RVs to qualify to get in full-time rather than short-term parking. Storage fees for unused RVs are insane these days due to their numbers as they get zoned out of the driveways and back yards, along the curbs in neighborhoods with expired inspections, tags, and thus also insurance. Where do you go to create a village of tiny houses instead of a mini-trailer park to live?

That means now, with the new laws and inspections on anything over specific capacities, which RV trailers fall into in Texas, I just learned. Even cargo trailers at 14,000 lb capacity must go through state inspections now in Texas to get a tag, which means insurance for the truck to pull it to the certified inspection stations regularly, too. Are you ready to comply?

The public is getting tired of the homelessness crisis showing up in the form of raggedy looking RVs, tents, and cars they are living in as they migrate from the places they are being chased from, but not leaving their drug habits, crime to fuel them, and memory of how to steal, siphon off the local freebies, and soak the locals for donations at every place they stop at, gas stations, corners with stop lights, and even in parking lots of grocery stores and restaurants. Some camp out at the entrances and hope for the gifts of others to support their habits of cigarettes, alcohol, drugs, and unemployment. What does anyone do for such people as they grow in numbers and cross over many generations to be examples of how our society has broken and lost so many to the streets, committing suicide, fast or slow, doomed without hope. What will America, Europe, and other supposed modernized industrialized at one time countries that are not doing well these days.

Immigrants were disappointed in the results versus the dream they were fed to draw them to America and many European countries, all wrought with frustration and no way to get home even if they wanted to return, as many do now that winter is setting in. Homelessness in the Northern USA this winter will mean frostbite and suffering, death, and indeed a horrendous rude awakening to how much they will regret the baited propaganda fed to them by Soros, the UN, and our enemies who send their troops in advance of a known war ahead. Sleeper cells are growing and fed by the frustration found once they learn how hard life is as a poor person in America, no matter what your color, age, or education. Sadly, many will resort to living in many forms of shelter from the weather and rain that will not be healthy for them or the community that has to care for their sick or watch them die in agony and without help. That seems to be a growing problem as more people give up and others choose to take advantage of others in all ways conceivable. Scamming and stealing from others no longer being a dishonorable occupation but simply a survival method adopted by a growing society of the downtrodden who have given up. How do Wii, those who chose not to indulge in all things self-destructive, from:


drugs by legal PHARMA rules,

street drugs,



statins instead of diet,

healthy instead of diabetic,

on dialysis,

or needing care daily due to:

a body morbidly obese,

broken due to self-abuse,

and totally dependent on the government

tax dollars paid by others, not you, to stay alive,



and medical care.

Who wants to take care of those who do not take care of themselves for any length of time? If you do not care for others while you can, why should others care for you when you can not? Do you have any right to expect anyone to care for you? Did you earn it before you needed it?

This is how a society collapses, and a need for healthy immigrants causes the government to give up on their citizens who are no longer fixable and advertise, bring in new bodies to work, to fill in where Americans are falling out, turning into zombies by choice instead of miraculous and prosperous due to all of the opportunity at our fingertips. How do Wii instill in the children born of this new age to honor truth and respect others’ freedoms in order to have theirs, and find a way to live well and prosper in unity rather than a battle as is happening worldwide. Societies do not integrate well without common languages and morals, an understanding of heritage and culture, and respect for others to keep their views on God or life without persecuting them for that belief. Can Wii, humans prone to war over peace and cooperation, break free from tyrants willing to wipe out all opposition with force rather than consider peaceful settlements? Historically speaking, cycles of peace and war are part of how changes come to society, usually due to abusive rulers pushing the limits of what the people will tolerate and finally being overthrown. Sadly, the new rulers seem to fall into the same traps of power and greed, of insanity that comes with absolute power, yet the addiction to what it gives them seems to be the test most leaders fail, or their evil peers then assassinate them.

I created my Chasm at the Fringe to exemplify what one old man could do alone, with nothing but a vision, faith, and 2 months of hard work solo. From no water to an Earthen spring fed pond with rains that proved what could be done… no more.

Will Wii, the many sentient “I”s of the world take away control from the megalomaniacs and tyrants in this next round of wars? Who are the Wii, the World Union of Light Beings that hope to illuminate the evil world with transparency and Light of the Heart that can finally bring the evildoers to global tribunals for all to see and thus finally trust in our ability to cleanse the swamp and make the world a better place when the dust settles from these final battles of good and evil in the world.

I hope to see you all on the far side of the Chasm at the Fringe, where I have lept from so many times, positive disintegration of the past to reach heights of relative potential so many others may still find instead of going blind in the distractions of the “Dayz.” Savor the great times of change when Wii can truly make a difference in the world that will last for the next millennium. Gratitude for sharing in the positive potential that lies ahead in the age of Aquarius that Wii came to manifest.

“Building a great future in a transformative year, with the hope of salvaging a pure future.”

Do you have a plan of action, grounded for traction, ready to move, but can’t find a groove? No surprise. First, Wii have to mobilize who will fill the villages most say they want to see.

What would you build with the same wood, different windows perhaps, even a single tub or shower to have more space? A package of materials is the beginning. The SpaceMagic Designs and human energy, imagination, and creation make us a tiny organic home to live in for a lifetime.

Why do people choose tine mobile homes, thinking they will last as a vintage wood home created sustainably, without cutting down a tree, melting sand to make glass, or creating something with no class, just cheap, toxic imports piled up but not intended to last? Why suffer breathing what new materials outgas, or for that matter, the pollution and waste created from manufacturing vinyl, plastics, and artificial things that make people sick to breathe them in all day and night?

Why not use the energy-saving glass from the past to build faster and easier, using doors for walls or ceilings made a hundred years ago? Save the 1,000 calories of heat per square inch of glass you use on the windows. Two layers 4″ apart equal any “E Glass that will fog one day” in vinyl, aluminum, or cheap wood that quickly decays instead of Cypress from a past century. What drives you to create a house that no one will celebrate in a lifetime when you need it most, to gift to your children or your most important partner when you go?

So many people talk of reducing their trash footprint, plastics, carbon fuels, electricity, and gas, yet they do not downsize their houses or their ass.
What is going on with the logic people use to pretend they care and then dare to do whatever they choose without regard for the tax upon society?

I hope that more will realize that saving the best of the past is the prize. It shows you care and do what Wii must, the “I”s of the planet that does more than just talk by being the examples of what a healthy human wants.

Share the goodness Wii create
by sharing the chance to celebrate
healthy living, sustainable ways
to grow a family
and teach them how to praise
the God that each may find to follow,
the love that families bring to each,
the goodness of what Wii can do
united with a common path to teach.

Loving, caring,
giving, sharing,
helping make the world true
instead of lies
by those who try
to rule both
Mii and You.

Wii can do Better
Without being tethered
by the few who want to rule.
Freedom rings
when World Unity brings
the best that Wii can do
to fix the world and use
these times to create anew.

Here is your chance to be a part of a force that parts from the modern ways some choose. Pick your future, building houses others will use to live without great strife, to thrive instead of lose. What comes will change the world at large, and few will alter the weather or charge the rest of the world with caring for them, or they will soon learn that there is no safety net.

Please create communities that provide support and set you free to grow your food, teach your kids, love your God, and give to this a place where you can live in peace. Suburbs will not be the way for many who want to have gardens and to say no to masks and other ways that some choose to go when the warnings fly; fear makes some cry, and the cities can be rude.

May your path be pure with truth at the core and your future bright to see as you thrive and strive to live a life that you can pass on to the kids, I believe, will lead us one day to living in a way that makes our life a paradise for youth. Blessings to your dreams and visions on this very transformative year, 2024.

See FB Marketplace for some sales and access to the warehouses. Brad W. Kittel

1,000 sq. ft. of salvaged glass to create healthy humans using trash, saved 12,000,000 calories of heat.

Using windows of the past to create a garden for the future when the groceries may not be as good in stores as grown organically on my homestead. Why not live truly sustainable & healthy too?


JAN 15, 2024


This is an excellent test of our ingenuity on the fly. As you might not know, three nights under 32 degrees in Texas is not the norm in winter. Anticipating that the weathermen did not know how bad it would get, I started on this project a week ago in my head, then faster as the weather got colder ahead. Not over yet, and more to come, but I am learning and having fun. YOU?

How many people lost their gardens in this freeze? The flowers and perennials, the palm trees are nearly gone. You can not tell just yet, but there is death still frozen about that will thaw and show the rot of all that most had thought would grow. Did you consider this fine salvage miner hack that allows you to close in a garden to save the plants you love? Imagine on a porch where you could glass it up like this or have the screens to put plastic on and still create a nest. A place to heat and cut the wind, to let the plants have a chance to win in a battle with the cold that will kill man and beast if they lay still. The time is right to think about the plans you have to grow food or stop the weather that will get stranger still unless you think of things to sustain the life you want to live.

In this case, all you have to give is a chance for old windows to go on and live as greenhouse gardens for all to enjoy who help you create it, no need to employ. Please share in the riches that one might find by salvaging a house or building instead of crunching them all the time. Stop the demo, save the wood, save our salvage if you could, and build a future for the ones who may not have the bucks or some who do not know what you could do if you get together and create like I do.

Please use these examples of how easy it can be to create a garden of your own that you can then watch grow. Do it with the blood and sweat of those who lived long ago instead of wasting all the work and coal it took to melt the sand and get it down. Don’t waste past treasures that could become your solutions fast like these did for mii in a pinch to save our crops and feel richer. Treasure is what you can use to make like great, not beautiful but full of healthy things to show that God is Great for those who know and see the treasure all about that Wii can use to build out then the promised lands some talk about.

Savor the chance to help create a new world that Wii can celebrate instead of getting orders from the few elites who wish to rule the world and telling us what Wii should eat. Stop the madness by example of what some might think is ample. Use your logic and good sense to build a village, something less intense than the greedy social circles where the richest live the best and the poorest are left homeless due to the taking by the rest. How do Wii now inspire those who took all they could get and failed to share it with the world by creating what was best? Their turns to lead are spent and lost, the consequences come in the form of great tribunals seen in the reflections if you dare of the windows to the past that foretells what will grow instead once the ways for us to stop the cold and grow a best future. Join my campaign to bring back the ways to live simply yet live well by respecting all the best of things still here that could still last and use them to create a future that will sustain nearly every test to prove it is sustainable for a lifetime of deep rest. A home should be where hearts can find a dream and share it with the ones you love and want nearby instead of all the rest, the millions of city dwellers crammed into spaces without trees, and seldom nature can be found for the humans there to see.

See the greenhouse with the windows into fantasy. See the plants growing before becoming a human, Mii, all the organisms sharing this skin that speaks out free to tell the others in the world: By Example, may you see what can happen when you truly live what you believe. Be the Light, the leader, the example of what a great leader could be if the world ever decides to live free.

Create sustainable warm spaces for food to grow in wintry weather w Salvaged Storm Windows.

Use biofuels to provide heat and CO2 so they can grow to feed you.


JAN 15, 2024

I seed through ideas for veggies from Salvage-Formed Greenhouses that is a fast, economical, Earth-Friendly way to go.


Suppose a house was to be torn down but had windows that could not otherwise be found for free. Would you take them out with care to form a greenhouse to share all the food that could come from what would be trash? Yes, the wood you get free and the windows will be a way to feed your family and your friends.
Would there be someone who might help you donate sashes that will amount to a way to create humans out of what you grew within, from peanuts to cabbages, strawberries, tomatoes, and potatoes? All will blend to grow the people and our animals from what was dead. Houses die when unused, or the land is needed for a bigger house.

Why not use the best Wii ever had to create a better future than a landfill that is nearby? Turn the trash into treasure and tell the tax man when he comes that it is simply art, a pile of trash that has no value once its end is determined by the way you demolish the houses. So no tax on it. Grow your chickens and your veggies with the parts you find in the millions of old homes that do not house anyone and will need to be demolished for some space to grow some more.

I prefer that they will build tiny, not just houses but villages too. Groups of common-minded people who want a community, not just one, in the village that will share the work of growing gardens and the fun of having many critters who help to balance nature where we spawn our ethos for a simpler life lived healthy, near off-grid. What drives those who do not want to live in the middle of the Electro-goo? The EMFs and smog show what abuse the body can go through and have proven most would live much better without the stress that comes with living in the city. The cost to make a living of a standard that gives everything the people want is changing faster than most thought. Food and shelter are becoming more than most can afford without going in to live with others who can share the cost of the basics to keep from being homeless like millions have had to do.

RVs, cars, and van life are near the same as homelessness. For the nomads, life leaves little for the American Dream once provided for a carrot that called to all the youth. Out of reach for lack of action by those who want, but most lack the hope or will to do the work that must be done to break free from the hurts. The lessons learned from living large, deep in debt, or deep in drugs are paying back now in a major way by taking from the people without them getting any say. The leaders sent our wealth abroad to wage great wars from way too far to justify a threat to us, causing our kids to be sent off to die. This is once more a corporate war that will ignite and not settle any scores, but the winners will be, as they always are, the banks and the weapons makers, not the workers on the farms.

Who will feed the world today as the cold sets in and food disappears? With Ukraine fields that once grew grain filled with mines and the bombs we sent for free, who thinks that did not warm the world nearly half a degree? What on Earth do the people believe that pass out that Global Warming Schtick when they also gain great wealth and power by feeding the wars with their unrestrained power?

WHEN DO THE PEOPLE RULE? Such cries go out and show that the people on the tractors, in the trucks, and the mills are not supporting war machines that grow on evermore to make the richest of the world more powerful Wii know, but the “I”s around the world are seeing all of this exposed thanks to the whistleblowers and their finally being shown. Tell the people what you see through the windows I bring from the past where some thought was lost, a sight of logic at no cost. See the best of our great history and save it before the next big blast of war machines that will insure the best of the past is lost for sure.

Please stop the madness with metaphors like a garden built from the sand on the shores that was melted into glass with the coal from the mines that our ancestors went crawling down as children to bring up. Save a thousand calories it took to make one inch of the glass that could create the food to grow again. Please don’t throw away the work and energy of human beings who were ancestors who gave their lives and worked for their families. Respect the labor, love, and homes they built to raise the kids and hope the world flourishes with all God could give. If they did good, it was understood, they would be rewarded too, when they left this life and ventured on to see their God, its true, most believed in a God to be their guide and thus be used to manifest this destiny that you are about to lose.

Freedom to believe and love, to grow your dreams but not push or shove the others in the world who share the planet, which requires care. Let us join as one big union of the people who see the proof that if the greed and evil leaders were taken out, they would be replaced by purer people who would care for all instead of just enriching themselves. I do believe it can be done. The World Union of Beings as One great proof that our humanity can stop the warring and still have us be free. This is a fantasy that I dream of when I create another garden on the Earth as evidence that you could take the past and grow a community where you live now. Join together to share ideas and the parts of the past for free. Create a path for many to share that no one person could ever dare. I will help and hope you see the logic in Pure Salvage ways to enrich the many with plenty to see and share the work so that all will be better off for the blessings that you all will see.


A chance to escape & gift a dreamy stay in a man-made paradise called Salvage, Texas.

Critters like beavers, turtles, fish, birds that fly, and rabbits you can pet. Chickens make your breakfast fresh as a bonus for our guests who support this cause in December.


DEC 21, 2023

Have you been to Salvage, Texas? Want to have a great reason to share the chance to see dreams come true and others in progress that you can be a part of? Join us if you can. Thank you for sharing.

More than one picture shows without effort that the Light shines upon her as she glides through life.

Hello out there, my friends in cyberland. Today, I offer a unique opportunity to help many dreams come true as I want to help someone I love, Trinity, whom you may know as our hostess, with the mostest love and best breakfasts that will come with this offer. I am putting out some gift certificates for stays in the Tiny Texas Houses at Salvage, Texas, that everyone can use over the next year or two. Never before have I made such an offer, but 50% goes to pay medical bills for the radiation therapy we are so happy to have been able to get access to. Next is paying for all of it.

This is to help pay for the treatment at MD Anderson, radiation treatments for the inoperable brain tumor that Trinity is having as I write this. It has turned out to cost a ton of money. There are no savings equal to it, so I am starting a drive with coupons that will allow others to come and share the wonders of Salvage, Texas, and possibly get the ideas and materials, even the plans and consultation that it will take to manifest your tiny pure Salvage Living style house that is sustainable, toxin-free, and good for a lifetime of healthy living.

Please consider our packages of materials for creating houses and tiny intentional communities where you can be free to eat, sleep, and grow a healthy lifestyle without the city saying no to veggies growing in your front yard or teaching your children without public schools.

Join in the move back to the country living that is healthier and less crowded, happily awaiting you and yours for a getaway that you will remember for life. Be part of the new age of healthy living and naturally grounded lifestyles that make aging a beautiful passage to the best years of our life after 60.

Thank you for sharing this opportunity to gift others a chance to see the world more naturally and healthily for a few days instead of city living. Help me pay for the bills to cure what comes with living unhealthy lifestyles while young and see how Trinity has reversed and cured the consequences through her efforts that show others how to recover and youth again.

Her documentary on the experience and the cure will be put together as soon as she returns from a month of radiation therapy at MD Anderson. They let her film the entire story in the machines and more for others to learn about meningiomas in the brain and what some must do to eliminate them. As a nurse, most of her life, her perspective will be great for those afraid or confused, needing help to navigate this scary episode in life. Be it cancer or a tumor that they say is benign but growing and will kill you, it must go, and how that happens is fantastic.

Please help me make it possible to fund and pay for her to get through this and help others with her story in the future. It will help remove the stress and fear from the process and even give you ways to help pay for it. She is exploring as the bills mount up. You may need to know for yourself or someone you love, so please, let’s make sure she gets this documentary about her story so Wii can help others get through this ever more common problem.

Brad W. Kittel

512-636-6756 for more questions, or feel free to call and book a house and day with Trinity when she gets back the week after Christmas, when she gets her last treatments and finishes the documentary she has been filming while at MD Anderson.

Special packages will also contribute 50% of the profit toward the medical bills until paid.

For more information, you can contact me here, message me, go to the Tiny Texas Houses website, or TinyTexasHouses.substack.com page, or see us in person.

False Teachings, Deception, leaders lies seem to dominate world agenda. Is there a chance for Truth to win?

A war of words, of people led there by those w/bad intentions, leading to violent wars that kill innocents, for sake of money, power, & control. Human trafficking abounds.


JUL 8, 2023

Time for the bright lights to glow and light a path to other ways to go. The leaders will be changing soon and that is sure to show but they may not be leaving without resisting the facts show they must GO!

When you get into these later years, my 60s are nearly spent, and the world needs much to heal and grow in a way that will be good. It’s hard to figure out what all of us elders can now do to make the world a better place before our time is through. How about you? Copping out before it’s over or getting ready to provide the cover the kids will need to survive what comes due to the ignorance that rules now?

Can Wii, the sane and loving humans who seek to do the right things in life, share, help others, and live in family service, loved ones, and your God? If wii are free to do that, to help those who need it, and to create a healthy home and life for our family, then most believe that peace will follow if wii make that our primary goal. Wealth and power are not to be held with a pure heart unless the mind is healthy, the body strong, and the will to stop evil in its tracks to create the paradise on Earth that most think can not be found unless you die. The false assumption, as you can talk to many people who do consider their life on Earth a Heavenly experience, filled with love and happiness day after day.

How do Wii, the many “I”s of the world that are still able to discern, act willfully and able to help make change happen in a positive way. This means offering up solutions that could actually work without the government controlling the actions of the people based on their corporate interests. Yes, many governments support and promote the policies that grow government, and make it stronger at the cost of the freedoms and rights of the people. This creates a conundrum that leads to governments having to fall and start over once they collapse from internal decay.

What is the difference that allows some to live in that perspective that they live in Heaven while others look at every day as a living Hell? Perspective is only part of it, for if you are in pain, suffering emotionally or physically, there is pain that can not be anesthetized or ignored. Life is full of challenges and reasons to strive to succeed, to have goals and to reach them, attain success, and move on to do greater things if those around us help make the best life possible. On the other hand, those around you are constantly knocking you down when you get up to walk or run to test your abilities and limits with positive support to build confidence instead of doubt in your potential. It is the perspective you are taught, given from childhood, that will allow you to be stronger, more confident, and thus more able to succeed when challenged later as an adult.

What path do you lead others down when they ask for guidance, for a way to find happiness and bliss in this lifetime on Earth? Are you leading to a place that is positive, potentially able to open doors for many instead of accumulating only for yourself? Being a good leader means being a great example for others to emulate, to promote instead of making the rich, powerful, or beautiful the focus of children so as to believe that happiness depends on things, wealth, or beauty. That is a lie.

Children must build up their abilities, knowledge, and confidence through success and failure. The Failure to be the best, and to find success at every turn, is what creates character through trials and tribulations that provide a comparative worldview. Suppose you never are challenged, forced to do what you did not think you could, and succeeded at the task. In that case, you will likely doubt your ability to perform at the highest levels to reach success and goals others will not even attempt, solely due to your belief in your ability to succeed. Is it true, or are you telling yourself lies daily and choosing to believe them instead of the facts? The proof that upsets those who chose to refuse to accept the truth to live by, living lies instead and wondering why they can not be happy, and only changing behavior, habits, and likely those you hang out with will make their life better.

That is the inner drive, will, passion, and desire expressing itself through action, through your ideas about manifesting dreams, visions, and a feeling of purpose in your life. Suppose you do not have meaning or purpose in your life. In that case, you will likely develop a feeling of worthlessness, of not being of value to the group or society you are part of, and others may feel the same. Most of us, the social group wii attach to, will feel that wii do not deserve to be benefiting from being part of our social group without contributing anything to the betterment of the society wii choose to belong to and depend upon to survive. People can survive but not necessarily thrive alone in the world. Most of us need help to create a home, keep food coming to the table to eat, a house over our heads to protect from storms, and find ways to stay healthy to work and live well from our daily efforts to master the world, to become a success.

The definition of what success is ultimately is an individual determination as being rich, consequential, or beautiful does not in itself assure happiness will follow and stay intricately connected in some way to success. In the day of the internet, being an influencer that will guide others to copy, grow, and develop the ideas and potential to make the world a better place to live. Sadly, many who are successful do not find happiness but depression, instead leading them to commit suicide in many ways, actually taking their life intentionally, or in more cases than not, slowly, painfully, ignorant of the fact that they are eating the poisons, killing themselves slowly without even knowing what they are doing wrong. Unlike sheer stupidity, which is defined as doing what you know is wrong, consequential, and could hurt you. They were never taught to eat well, take care of their body, and grow their future body with intention instead of simply eating and drinking what tastes good, feels good, or appears to be addictive due to the ingredients you can not see or understand will hurt you. Are you one of the ignorant by choice, refusing to learn how to act better and treat your body kindly and with the intention to be healthy?

First and foremost, you are responsible for taking care of yourself so that you can then help take care of the world and make it a better place to live. If you feel your focus is simply making your own life better for your desires to be fulfilled, regardless of whether it takes away from others’ potential to be healthy, happy, or live free too. If you take from others and do not care, love, or return the gifts that come into your life, you will lose them and pay a horrible price. Your health, wealth, and happiness are not assured by wealth, power, or fame. The truth is, oftentimes, those are the very things that cause the depression and angst that most people seem to be suffering from, taking medications to alter their moods, dietary issue, or pain due to not having appropriately cared for the body they are experiencing life through.

Create with your hands, your mind, and your thoughts being the foundation of what the future will be created from when your imagination and actions become part of what will be our tomorrow. Join me in creating the solutions to empower the masses of kids who will need life skills as well as coping skills that come from being tested and failing or succeeding to learn persistence and faith pays off.

Stop thinking you are weak, unable to survive without PHARMA to save you, doctors to drug you legally, or self-medicating your sadness or madness away. Stop the addictions to the things that make life Hell instead of Heaven while on Earth. You, not one other person on the planet, can change what is in your head to chart the course to inner peace and happiness. NO One can give that to you. Get up and do what it takes to change your life for the better now. Don’t be a zombie on the side of the road waiting to die a horrible death you cause yourself. Start thinking about creating a new life, a tiny house, a community, a way to be the best that you can be while you can still change the future to be the best one possible. Share the ideas of becoming independent and having a group of tiny houses that share a big house for kitchen and gatherings, and stop wasting money having too much space, more than you can easily afford in a future where money is in question to afford to live in the luxury you are accustomed to for the rest of your life. Life changes… you must, too… or you will be left in a hole that will fill up with unhealthy goo.

Accidents and factors beyond their control have damaged some, and they will spend a lifetime learning the lessons that go with this experience that teaches us on many levels, human and spiritual, if you choose to see the world in this way. What you do with the challenges, the tests of your will, ability, and love will be many in life. Still, do your best to achieve success every time you are challenged. You will most likely succeed often and become an example for others to follow from their beginnings to a fruitful life, one that is fulfilling while also being productive and full of love given as well as received. That is the ideal in life, to grow up with friends, family, and people that love you and that you love in return. Sharing the lives wii live, the benefits wii share and the dreams wii grow to hand off to friends, family, and members of the society you choose to live in is what makes life excellent, worth living with pride, and rewards that make our experience on Earth wonderful, that Heaven instead of the Hell that comes from a life of hate, self-destruction, and neglecting to love and give service to the world you live in… a lesson many never learn.

Is this the time for creating your Heaven on Earth, simplifying and focusing on the things you can do in service with the gifts of talent or skill you have to offer? If enough of us decide that this is the priority in life, to take our wisdom and abilities to make the world a better place before wii go on to our next life? If wii create a paradise, why not consider that reincarnation will give you a chance to reap the rewards from childhood to your next life as an elderly person who did indeed get to live in a Heaven created by God through Mankind, helping manifest miracles and a place Wii all want to come back to and live again instead of focusing on leaving, never to return. God’s greatest reward to us is the gift of life, and the quality of what it will become is up to us, daily, working to create a dream in common that will benefit all who come to this holographic world wii call our reality while incarnate. Truly Wii are all blessed with an opportunity to build the future and be rewarded in many ways that are not material. They are in our minds, hearts, and Spiritual bodies that few understand are the most important aspects of our existence. The final battles ahead are in the minds and hearts of mankind. Will yours be strong and beneficial in the coming times, or the problems manifested by other humans will destroy our chance to create a paradise for all who come in the future seeking it, yet allowing those who seek self-annihilation the space to fulfill their dreams to but without hurting the rest of us with their bad behavior. Some like it in Hell.

There will be zombies and dummies that can not be saved or given a new life. Wii can not save all beings or things, nor should wii as some things are doomed to perish. The cleansing ahead of the many who chose to be dead, taking poisons they realize could kill them but taste good, feel good, or peers convince them that it is the right thing to do. Sadly, many do not think for themselves but let others who do not have their best interests in mind rule their lives. How do you wake them up? You can’t because this is your free will at work, to your benefit or decline, it is your choice. Pick well or go to Hell on Earth as a path that many choose, lose, and die unhappy.